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disc vs disk

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Revision as of 14:52, 14 March 2024 by M.Beijer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Most of what you need to remember about disk and disc is the following: disk is the preferred spelling in American English, and it's also the spelling used for computer-related objects, such as a hard disk. Disc is the preferred spelling in British English, and it's also the spelling used for devices carrying sound. * * disc (UK) * disk (US)")
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Most of what you need to remember about disk and disc is the following: disk is the preferred spelling in American English, and it's also the spelling used for computer-related objects, such as a hard disk. Disc is the preferred spelling in British English, and it's also the spelling used for devices carrying sound.

  • disc (UK)
  • disk (US)