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  • mitigate


Alleviate, moderate, reduce, lessen

  • bestrijden[1]
  • tegengaan, tegengegaan
  • verbetering[2], verbeteren
  • mitigatie[3], mitigeren (‘verzachten, matigen, verlichten’ -Van Dale)
  • matigen
  • verlichten
  • beperken, beperking[4]
  • lenigen[5]
  • tot bedaren brengen
  • verzachting, verzachten[6]

Get rid of (i.e. entirely)

Note: Although it’s in the Van Dale, I'm not sure this meaning is correct.

  • wegnemen (m.b.t. een probleem)
  • eliminering, elimineren

Van Dale Groot Woordenboek van de Nederlandse taal (14e ed., 2005)

mitigeren: verzachten, matigen, verlichten



1. Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful: ‘drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem’

synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken, lighten, attenuate, take the edge off, allay, ease, assuage, palliate, cushion, damp, deaden, dull, appease, soothe, relieve, help, soften, temper, still, quell, tone down, blunt, dilute, moderate, modify, abate, lull, pacify, placate, mollify, sweeten, tranquillize, remit, extenuate, excuse, commute;

1.1 Lessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake): ‘there had been a provocation that mitigated the offence to a degree’

synonyms: extenuating, exonerative, justificatory, justifying, vindicatory, vindicating, exculpatory, palliative, qualifying, moderating, modifying, tempering, lessening

src: https://premium.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/mitigate


Alternative forms: mitigation, mitigated, mitigating, mitigates … (to help future Googlers find this page)
  1. Programme to Mitigate the Social Consequences of Structural Adjustment (PAMSCAD)= programma ter bestrijding van de sociale gevolgen van de aanpassing
  2. system for helping mitigate the environmental impact of road haulage operations (SIMIAT) = Steun ter verbetering van de milieu-effecten van het goederenvervoer over de weg
  3. mitigation measure, mitigation action = mitigatiemaatregel
  4. damage mitigation = beperking van de schade
  5. mitigate someone's grief = iemands verdriet lenigen
  6. (juridisch) mitigating circumstances = verzachtende omstandigheden