Luchtvaart Noord Nederland (LvnNL): Afkortingen & Termen
Source: (retrieved 2021-02-21)
# | Afkorting | Betekenis |
A | A | Altitude in hundreds of feet. |
AA | Approved Agency. | |
A/A | Air-to-Air. | |
AAD | Assigned Altitude Deviation | |
AAIM | Aicraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring. | |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level. | |
ABM | Abeam. | |
ABN | Aerodrome Beacon. | |
ACARS | Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System. | |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Aviodance system. | |
ACC | Area Control Centre of Area Control. | |
ACCID | Notification of an aircraft accident. | |
ACFT | Airfract. | |
ACK | Acknowledge. | |
ACL | Altimeter Check Location. | |
ACN | Aircraft Classification number. | |
ACT | Active. | |
AD | Aerodrome. | |
ADA | Advisory Area. | |
ADC | Aerodrome chart. | |
ADNN | Additional | |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder. | |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Number. | |
ADO | Aerodrome Office. | |
ADR | Advisory route. | |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. | |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract. | |
ADSU | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit. | |
ADVS | Advisory Area. | |
AES | Aircraft Earth Station | |
AFIL | Flightplan Filed in the Air | |
AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service. | |
AFISO | AFIS Operator | |
AFIZ | Aerodrome Flight Information Zone. | |
AFM | Affirm | |
AFS | Aeronautical Fixed Service. | |
AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network. | |
A/G | Air-to-Ground | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
AGN | Again. | |
AIC | Aeronautical Information Circular. | |
AIDC | Air Traffic Services Inter facility Data Communication. | |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication. | |
Airac | Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control. | |
AIREP | Air Report. | |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Services. | |
ALA | Alighting Area. | |
ALERFA | Alert Phase. | |
ALPHA Scramble | Immediate departure with high priority (only used during QRA). | |
ALR | Alerting. | |
ALRS | Alerting Service. | |
ALS | Approach Light System. | |
ALT | Altitude. | |
ALTN | Alternate airport. | |
AMA | Area Minimum Altitude. | |
AMC | Airspace Management Cell. | |
AMD | Amend. | |
AMDT | Amendment. | |
AMHS | ATS Message Handling System. | |
AMS | Aeronautical Mobile Service. | |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level. | |
AMSS | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service. | |
ANC | Aeronautical Chart. | |
ANCS | Aeronautical Navigation Chart. | |
ANM | ATFM Notification Message. | |
AO | Aircraft Operator. | |
AOC | Aerodrome Obstacle Chart. | |
AOCS | Air Operations Control Station. | |
AOM | Airside Operations Manager. | |
AP | Autopilot. | |
AP | Airport. | |
APAPI | Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator. | |
APCH | Approach. | |
APDC | Aircraft Parking or Docking Chart. | |
APN | Apron. | |
APP | Approach Control | |
APRX | Approximate. | |
APSG | After Passing. | |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit. | |
APV | Approve. | |
ARC | Area Chart. | |
ARN | Arrange. | |
ARO | Air Traffic Service Reporting Office. | |
ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point. | |
ARQ | Automatic Error Correction. | |
ARR | Arrival. | |
ARS | Special Air Report. | |
ASC | Ascent. | |
ASDA | Accelerate Stop Distance Availeble. | |
ASE | Altimetry Stop Distance Availeble. | |
ASI | Airspeed Indicator. | |
ASM | Airspace Management. | |
ASR | Approach Surveillance Radar. | |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival. | |
ATAS | Automatic Telephone Answering System. | |
ATC | Air Traffic Control. | |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Service. | |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure. | |
ATFM | Air Traffic Flow Management. | |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service. | |
ATM | Air Traffic Management. | |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecom Network. | |
ATS | Air Traffic Services. | |
ATZ | Aerodrome Traffic Zone. | |
AUP | Airspace Use Plan. | |
AUX | Auxiliary. | |
AVG | Average. | |
AVGAS | Aviation Gasoline. | |
AWTA | Advice at What Time Able. | |
AWY | Airway. | |
AZM | Azimuth. | |
B | BA | Braking Action |
BARO-VNAV | Barometric Vertical Navigation | |
BASE | Cloud base | |
BCFG | Fog patches | |
BCN | Beacon (aeronautical ground light) | |
BCST | Broadcast | |
BDRY | Boundary | |
BECMG | Becoming | |
BFR | Before | |
BKN | Broken | |
BL | Blowing (followed DU = dust, SA = sand or SN = snow) | |
BLDG | Building | |
BLO | Below Clouds | |
BOMB | Bombing | |
BR | Mist | |
BRG | Bearing | |
BRKG | Braking | |
BS | Broadcasting station | |
BTL | Between Layers | |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data | |
C | C | Degrees Celsius. |
CA | Course to an Altitude. | |
CADF | Centralized Airspace Data Function. | |
CAS | Calibrated Air Speed. | |
CAT | Category. | |
CAT | Clear Air Turbulence. | |
CAVOK | Ceiling and Visibility are Okay. | |
CB | Cumulonimbus. | |
CBA | Cross border area. | |
CC | Cirrocumulus. | |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approach. | |
CDI | Course Deviation Indicator. | |
CDU | Control Display Unit. | |
CDM | Collaborative Decision Making. | |
CDO | Continuous Descent Operations. | |
CDR | Conditional Route. | |
CF | Course to a Fix. | |
CFM | Confirm. | |
CGL | Circling Guidance Light(s). | |
CH | Channel. | |
CHEM | Chemical. | |
CHG | Modification. | |
CI | Cirrus. | |
CI | Cost Index. | |
CIDIN | Common ICAO Data Interchange Network. | |
CIT | Near or over large towns. | |
CIV | Civil. | |
CK | Check. | |
CL | Centre line. | |
CLA | Clear type of ice formation. | |
CLBR | Calibration. | |
CLD | Cloud. | |
CLG | Calling. | |
CLIMB-OUT | Climb-out Area. | |
CLR | Clear(s), cleared toor clearance. | |
CLSD | Close or Closed or Closing. | |
cm | Centimetre. | |
CMB | Climb to or Climbing to. | |
CMPL | Completion or Completed or complete. | |
CNL | Cancel or Cancelled. | |
CNL | Flight plan Cancellation. | |
CNS | Communications, Navigation and Surveillance. | |
COM | Communications. | |
CONC | Concrete. | |
COND | Condition. | |
CONS | Continuous. | |
CONST | Construction or Constructed. | |
CONT | Continue(s) or Continued. | |
COOR | Co-ordinate or Co-ordination. | |
COORD | co-ordinates. | |
COP | Change-over point. | |
COR | Correct or Correction or Corrected. | |
COT | At the Coast. | |
COV | Cover or Covered or Covering. | |
CPDLC | Controller-pilot Data Link Communications. | |
CPL | Current Flight Plan. | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check. | |
CRM | Collision Risk Model. | |
CRZ | Cruise. | |
CS | CallSign. | |
CS | Cirrostratus. | |
CTA | Control Area. | |
CTAM | Climb To And Maintain. | |
CTC | Contact. | |
CTL | Control | |
CTN | Caution. | |
CTOT | Calculated Take-Off Time. | |
CTR | Control Zone. | |
CU | Cumulus. | |
CUF | Cumuliform. | |
CUST | Customs. | |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder. | |
CW | Continuous Wave. | |
CWY | Clearway. | |
D | D | Downward. |
DA | Decision Altitude. | |
D-ATIS | Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service. | |
DCD | Double Channel Duplex. | |
DCKG | Docking. | |
DCP | Datum Crossing Point. | |
DCPC | Direct Controller-Pilot Communications. | |
DCS | Double Channel Simplex. | |
DCT | Direct. | |
DEC | December. | |
DEG | Degrees. | |
DEP | Depart or Departure. | |
DEPO | Deposition. | |
DER | Departure End of the Runway. | |
DELTA Scramble | Fighter jets are starting and they're standing by for further instructions (only used during QRA). | |
DES | Descend to or Descending to. | |
DEST | Destination. | |
DETRESFA | Distress phase. | |
DEV | Deviation or Deviating. | |
DF | Direction Finding. | |
DFDR | Digital Flight Data Recorder. | |
DFTI | Distance From Touchdown Indicator. | |
DH | Decision Height. | |
DIF | Diffuse. | |
DIST | Distance. | |
DIV | Divert or Diverting. | |
DLA | Delay or Delayed. | |
DLIC | Data Link Initiation Capability. | |
DLY | Daily. | |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment. | |
DNG | Danger or Dangerous. | |
DOG | Date of Flight. | |
DOM | Domestic. | |
DP | Dew Point (temperature). | |
DPT | Depth. | |
DR | Dead Reckoning. | |
DR | Low Drifting. | |
DRG | During. | |
DS | Duststorm. | |
DSB | Double Sideband. | |
DTAM | Descend To And Maintain. | |
DTG | Date-Time Group. | |
DTHR | Displaced Runway Threshold. | |
DTRT | Deteriorate or Deteriorating. | |
DTW | Dual Tandem Wheels. | |
DU | Dust. | |
DUC | Dense Upper Cloud. | |
DUPE | Duplicate message. | |
DUR | Duration. | |
D-VOLMET | Datalink VOLMET. | |
DVOR | Doppler VOR. | |
DVORTAC | Doppler VOR and TACAN. | |
DW | Dual wheels. | |
DZ | Drizzle. | |
E | E | Endurance. |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency. | |
EAS | Equivalent Air Speed. | |
EAT | Expected Approach Time. | |
EAUP | European Airspace Use Plan. | |
EB | Eastbound. | |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference. | |
EDA | Elevation Differential Area. | |
EEE | Error. | |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time. | |
EFC | Expect Further Clearance. | |
EFCT | Expected Further Clearance Time. | |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument System. | |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. | |
EHF | Extremely High Frequency. | |
ELBA | Emergency Location Ceacon Aircraft. | |
ELEV | Elevation. | |
ELR | Extra Long Range. | |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter. | |
EM | Emission. | |
EMBD | Embedded in a layer. | |
EMERG | Emergency. | |
En | English. | |
END | Stop-end. | |
ENE | East-North-East. | |
ENG | Engine. | |
ENR | En-route. | |
ENRC | En-route chart. | |
EPU | Emergency Power Unit. | |
EOBT | Estimated Off-Block Time. | |
EQPT | Equipment. | |
ESE | East-South-East. | |
EST | Estimate or Estimated or Estimate. | |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival or Estimating Arrival. | |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure or Estimating Departure. | |
ETO | Estimated Time Over Significant Point. | |
EUR RODEX | European Regional OPMET data exchange. | |
EUUP | European Updated Airspace Use Plan. | |
EV | Every. | |
EVS | Enhanced Vision System. | |
EXC | Except. | |
EXER | Exercises or Exercising or to Exercise. | |
EXP | Expect or Expected or expecting. | |
EXTD | Extend or Extending. | |
F | F | degrees Fahrenheit. |
F | Fixed. | |
FA | Fourse from a fix to an altitude. | |
FAC | Facilities and Forward Air Controller | |
FAF | Final Approach Fix. | |
FAL | Facilitation of International air Transport. | |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System. | |
FAP | Final Approach Point. | |
FAS | Final Approach Segment. | |
FATO | Final Approach and Take-Off area. | |
FAX | Facsimile Transmission. | |
FC | Funnel Cloud. | |
FCST | Forecast. | |
FCT | Friction Coefficient. | |
FDPS | Flight Data Processing System | |
FEB | February. | |
FEW | Few. | |
FG | Fog. | |
FIC | Flight Information Centre. | |
FIO | Flight Information Office. | |
FIR | Flight Information Region. | |
FIS | Flight Information Service. | |
FISA | Automated Flight Information Service. | |
Fl | Flashing. | |
FL | Flight level. | |
FLD | Field. | |
FLG | Flashing. | |
FLR | Flares. | |
FLT | Flight. | |
FLTCK | Flight Check. | |
FLUC | Fluctuating, Fluctuation or Fluctuated. | |
FLW | Follow(s) or Following. | |
FLY | Fly or Flying. | |
FM | Course from a fix to a termination. | |
FM | From. | |
FMC | Flight Management Computer. | |
FMP | Flow Management Position. | |
FMS | Flight Management System. | |
FMU | Flow Management Unit. | |
FNA | Final Approach. | |
FOXTROT Scramble | Cancellation (only used during QRA). | |
FPAP | Flight Path Alignment Point. | |
FPL | Filed Flight Plan. | |
FPM | Feet Per Minute. | |
FPR | Flight Plan Route. | |
FR | Fuel Remaining. | |
Fr | French. | |
FREQ | Frequency. | |
FRI | Friday. | |
FRNG | Firing. | |
FRONT | Front. | |
FROST | Frost. | |
FRQ | Frequent. | |
FSC | Flight Service Centre. | |
FSL | Full Stop Landing. | |
FSS | Flight Service Station. | |
FST | First. | |
FSU | Flight Service Unit. | |
ft | Feet. | |
FTE | Flight Technical Error. | |
FTP | Fictitious Threshold Point. | |
FTT | Flight Technical Tolerance. | |
FU | Smoke. | |
FUA | Flexible Use Of Airspace. | |
FZ | Freezing. | |
FZDZ | Freezing Drizzle. | |
FZFG | Freezing Fog. | |
FZRA | Freezing Rain. | |
G | G | Green. |
GA | General Aviation. | |
GA | Go Ahead. | |
G/A | Ground-To-Air. | |
G/A/G | Ground-To-Air and Air-To-Ground. | |
GAGAN | GPS And Geostationary Earth Orbit Augmented Navigation. | |
GAIN | Airspeed or Headwind Gain. | |
GAMET | Area Forecast For Low Level Flights. | |
GARP | GBAS azimuth reference point. | |
GAT | General Air Traffic. | |
GBAS | Ground-Based Augmentation System. | |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach System or Ground Controlled Approach. | |
Ge | German | |
GEN | General. | |
GEO | Geographic Or True. | |
GES | Ground Earth Station. | |
GHz | Giga Hertz. | |
GLD | Glider. | |
GLLFC | Graphical Low Level Forecast. | |
GLONASS | Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System. | |
GLS | GBAS Landing System | |
GMC | Ground Movement Chart. | |
GND | Ground | |
GNDCK | Ground Check. | |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System. | |
GP | Glide Path. | |
GPA | Glide Path Angle. | |
GPIP | Glide Path Intercept Point. | |
GPS | Global Positioning System. | |
GPU | Ground Power Unit. | |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System. | |
GR | Hail. | |
GRAS | Ground-Based Regional Augmentation System . | |
GRASS | Grass Landing Area. | |
GRVL | Gravel. | |
GS | Ground Speed. | |
GS | Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets. | |
GUND | Geoid Undulation. | |
H | H24 | Continuous day and night. |
HA | Holding/ to an Altitude. | |
HAP | Heli Aiming Point. | |
HAPI | Helicopter Approach Path Indicator. | |
HBN | Hazard Beacon. | |
HDF | High Frequency Direction Finding Station. | |
HDG | Heading. | |
HEL | Helicopter. | |
HEMS | Helicopter Emergency Medical Service. | |
HF | High Frequency. | |
HF | Holding to a Fix. | |
HGT | Height. | |
HJ | Sunrise to Sunset. | |
HLDG | Holding. | |
HM | Holding to a manual Termination. | |
HMR | Helicopter Main Route. | |
HO | Service available to meet operational requirements. | |
Ho | Dutch/Holland/Netherlands. | |
HOL | Holiday. | |
HOSP | Hospital Aircraft. | |
hPa | Hectopascal. | |
HPZ | Helicopter Protection Zone. | |
HR | Hours. | |
HS | Service available during hours of scheduled operations. | |
HSI | Horizontal Situation Indicator | |
HTZ | Helicopter Traffic Zone. | |
HUD | Head-Up Display. | |
HURCN | Hurricane. | |
HVDF | High and Very High Frequency Direction Finding stations. | |
HVY | Heavy. | |
HYR | Higher. | |
HZ | Haze. | |
Hz | Hertz. | |
I | IAC | Instrument Approach Chart. |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix. | |
IAO | In And Out of clouds. | |
IAP | Instrument Approach Procedure. | |
IAR | Intersection of Air Routes. | |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed. | |
IBN | Identification Beacon. | |
IC | Ice Crystals. | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization. | |
ICE | Icing. | |
ID | Identifier / Identify. | |
IDENT | Identification. | |
IF | Intermediate Approach Fix. | |
IFF | Identification Friend/Foe. | |
IFPS | Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System. | |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules. | |
IGA | International General Aviation. | |
ILS | Instrument Landing System. | |
IM | Inner Marker. | |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions. | |
IMG | Immigration. | |
IMI | Interrogation Sign. | |
IMPR | Improve or Improving. | |
IMT | Immediate / Immediately. | |
INA | Initial Approach. | |
INBD | Inbound. | |
INC | In Cloud. | |
INCERFA | Incertainty Phase. | |
INFO | Information. | |
INOP | Inoperative. | |
INP | If Not Possible. | |
INPR | In Progress. | |
INS | Inertial Navigation System. | |
INSTL | Install. | |
INSTR | Instrument. | |
INT | Intersection. | |
INTL | International. | |
INTRG | Interrogator. | |
INTRP | Interrupt / Interruption. | |
INTSF | Intensify / Intensifying. | |
INTST | Intensity. | |
IR | Ice on Runway. | |
IRS | Inertial Reference System. | |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere. | |
ISB | Independent Sideband. | |
ISOL | Isolated. | |
J | JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities. |
JAN | January. | |
JPALS | Joint Precision Approach and Landing System | |
JRCC | Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre. | |
JTST | Jet Stream. | |
JUL | July. | |
JUN | June. | |
K | kg | Kilograms. |
kHz | Kilohertz. | |
KIAS | Knots Indicated Airspeed. | |
km | Kilometres. | |
kmH | Kilometres per Hour. | |
kPa | Kilopascal. | |
KT | Knots. | |
kW | Kilowatts. | |
L | LAAS | Local Area Augmentation System. |
LAM | Logical Acknowledgement. | |
LAN | Inland | |
LAT | Latitude | |
lb | pounds | |
LCA | Local | |
LCN | Load Classification Number | |
LDA | Localizer-type Directional Aid. | |
LDA | Landing Distance Available | |
LDAH | Landing Distance Available, Helicopter | |
LDG | Landing | |
LDI | Landing Direction Indicator | |
LEN | Length | |
LF | Low Frequency | |
LGT | Light / Lighting | |
LGTD | Lighted | |
LIH | Light Intensity High | |
LIL | light Intensity Low | |
LIM | Light Intensity Medium | |
LINE | Line | |
LLFC | Low Level Forecast | |
LM | Locator Middle | |
LMT | Local Mean Time | |
LNAV | Lateral Navigation | |
LNG | Long | |
LO | Locator Outer | |
LOC | Localizer | |
LONG | Longitude | |
LOSS | Airspeed Or Headwind Loss | |
LPV | Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance | |
LRG | Long Range | |
LTD | Limited | |
LTP | Landing Threshold Point | |
LTT | Landline Teletypewriter | |
LV | Light and Variable | |
LVE | Leave / Leaving | |
LVL | Level | |
LVP | Low visibility procedures | |
LYR | Layer or layered | |
M | MAA | Maximum authorized altitude. |
MAA | Medical Air Assistance. | |
MAA | Maastricht Aachen Airport | |
MAG | Magnetic. | |
MAHF | Missed approach holding fix. | |
MAINT | Maintenance. | |
MAP | Missed Approach Point. | |
MAP | Aeronautical maps and charts. | |
MAPT | Missed approach point. | |
MAR | at sea. | |
MAR | March. | |
MAS | Manual A1 Simplex. | |
MATF | Missed Approach Turning Fix. | |
MAX | Maximum. | |
MAY | May. | |
MBST | Microburst. | |
MCA | Minimum Crossing Altitude. | |
MCW | Modulated Continuous Wave. | |
MDA | Minimum Descent Altitude. | |
MDCN | Military Diplomatic Clearance Number. | |
MDF | Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station. | |
MDH | Minimum Descent Height. | |
MEA | Minimum En-Route Altitude. | |
MEHT | Minimum Eye Height over Threshold. | |
MET | Meteorological. | |
METAR | Meteorological Aerodrome Report. | |
MF | Medium Frequency. | |
MFA | Minimum Flight Altitude. | |
MFD | Multifunction Display. | |
MHDF | Medium and High Frequency Direction Finding Stations. | |
MHVDF | Medium, High and Very High Frequency Direction Finding Stations. | |
MHz | Megahertz. | |
MID | Mid-point. | |
MIFG | Shallow Fog. | |
MIL | Military. | |
MIN | Minutes. | |
MIS | Missing. | |
MKR | Marker Radio Beacon. | |
MLA | Microlight Aeroplane. | |
MLS | Microwave Landing System. | |
MLW | Maximum Certificated Landing Weight. | |
MM | Middle marker. | |
MNM | Minimum. | |
MNPS | Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications. | |
MNT | Monitor. | |
MNTN | Maintain. | |
MOA | Military Operating Area. | |
MOC | Minimum Obstacle Clearance. | |
MOCA | Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude. | |
MOD | Moderate. | |
MOGAS | Motor Gasoline. | |
MON | Above Mountains. | |
MON | Monday. | |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standards. | |
MOV | Move. | |
Mpa | Megapascal. | |
mps | Metres per Second. | |
MRA | Minimum Reception Altitude. | |
MRG | Medium Range. | |
MRP | ATS/MET Reporting Point. | |
MRVA | Minimum Radar Vector Altitude. | |
MS | Minus. | |
MSA | Minimum Sector Altitude. | |
MSAW | Minimum Safe Altitude Warning. | |
MSG | Message. | |
MSL | Mean Sea Level. | |
MSR | Messagel. | |
MSSR | Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar. | |
MT | Mountain. | |
MTI | Marked Temperature Inversion. | |
MTMA | Military Terminal Control Area. | |
MTOW | Maximum Take-Off Weight. | |
MTU | Metric Units. | |
MTW | Mountain Waves. | |
MVA | Minimum vectoring altitudes. | |
MVDF | Medium and Very High Frequency Direction Finding Stations. | |
MWO | Meteorological Watch Office. | |
MX | Mixed type of Ice Formation. | |
N | NA | Not Applicable. |
NADP | Noise Abatement Departure Procedure. | |
NASC | National AIS System Centre. | |
NAT | North Atlantic. | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization. | |
NAV | Navigation. | |
NAVO | Noord Atlantische Verdrags Organisatie. | |
NB | Northbound. | |
NBFR | Not Before. | |
NC | No Change. | |
NCD | No Cloud Detected. | |
ND | Navigation Display. | |
NDB | Non-Directional Radio Beacon. | |
NDV | No Directional Variations Available. | |
NE | North-East. | |
NEB | North-Eastbound. | |
NEG | No / Negative. | |
NGT | Night. | |
NIL | None. | |
NM | Nautical Miles. | |
NML | Normal. | |
NN | No Name. | |
NNE | North-North-East. | |
NNW | North-North-West. | |
NO | No / Negative. | |
NOF | International NOTAM Office. | |
NOSIG | No Significant Change . | |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen. | |
NOV | November. | |
NOZ | Normal Operating Zone. | |
NPA | Non-Precision Approach. | |
NR | Number. | |
NRH | No Reply Heard. | |
NS | Nimbostratus. | |
NSC | Nil Significant Cloud. | |
NSE | Navigation System Error. | |
NSW | Nil Significant Weather. | |
NTL | National. | |
NTZ | No Transgression Zone. | |
NU | Not Usable. | |
NW | North-West. | |
NWB | North-Westbound. | |
NXT | Next. | |
O | OAC | Oceanic Area Control Centre. |
OAS | Obstacle Assessment Surface. | |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic. | |
OBS | Observe / Observed / Observation. | |
OBSC | Obscure / Obscured / Obscuring. | |
OBST | Obstacle. | |
OCA | Obstacle clearance Altitude. | |
OCA | Oceanic Control Area. | |
OCC | Occulting. | |
OCH | Obstacle Clearance Height. | |
OCNL | Occasional / Occasionally. | |
OCS | Obstacle Clearance Surface. | |
OCT | October. | |
OFZ | Obstacle Free Zone. | |
OGN | Originate. | |
OHD | Overhead. | |
OIS | Obstacle Identification Surface. | |
OLDI | Online Data Interchange. | |
OM | Outer Marker. | |
OPA | Opaque. | |
OPC | Control Indicated is Operational Control. | |
OPMET | Operational Meteorological. | |
OPN | Open. | |
OPR | Operator. | |
OPS | Operations. | |
O/R | On Request. | |
ORD | Order. | |
ORP | Original Readiness Platform. | |
OSV | Ocean Station Vessel. | |
OTP | On Top. | |
OTS | Organized Track System. | |
OUBD | Outbound. | |
OVC | Overcast. | |
P | PA | Precision Approach. |
PALS | Precision Approach Lighting System. | |
PANS | Procedures For Air Navigation Services. | |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator. | |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar. | |
PARL | Parallel. | |
PATC | Precision Approach Terrain Chart. | |
PAX | Passenger(s). | |
PBN | Performance-Based Navigation. | |
PCD | Proceed Or Proceeding. | |
PCL | Pilot-Controlled Lighting. | |
PCN | Pavement Classification Number. | |
PDC | Pre-Departure Clearance. | |
PDG | Procedure Design Gradient. | |
PDT | Procedure Design Tool. | |
PER | Performance. | |
PERM | Permanent. | |
PIB | Pre-flight Information Bulletin. | |
PIC | Pilot in Command. | |
PJE | Parachute Jumping Exercise. | |
PL | Plain Language. | |
PL | Ice Pellets. | |
PLA | Practice Low Approach. | |
PLN | flight Plan. | |
PLVL | Present Level. | |
PN | Prior Notice Required. | |
PNR | Point of No Return. | |
PO | Dust/Sand Whirls. | |
POB | Persons On Board. | |
POSS | Possible. | |
PPI | Plan Position Indicator. | |
PPR | Prior Permission Required. | |
PPSN | Present Position. | |
PRFG | Aerodrome Partially Covered by Fog. | |
PRI | Primary. | |
PRKG | Parking. | |
PROB | Probability. | |
PROC | Procedure. | |
PROV | Provisional. | |
PRP | Point-in-space Reference Point. | |
PS | Plus. | |
PSG | Passing. | |
PSN | Position. | |
PSP | Pierced Steel Plank. | |
PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar. | |
PSYS | Pressure System(s). | |
PTN | Procedure Turn. | |
PTS | Polar Track Structure. | |
PWR | Power. | |
Q | QDM | Magnetic heading with no wind. |
QDR | Magnetic bearing. | |
QFE | Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation. | |
QFU | Magnetic orientation of runway. | |
QNH | Atmospheric pressure. | |
QRA | Quick Reaction Alert. | |
QTE | True bearing. | |
R | RA | Rain. |
RA | Resolution Advisory. | |
RAC | Rules of the air and air traffic services. | |
RAG | Ragged. | |
RAG | Runway Arresting Gear. | |
RAI | Runway Alignment Indicator. | |
RAIM | Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring. | |
RAPCON | Radar Approach Control. | |
RASC | Regional AIS System Centre. | |
RASS | Remote Altimeter Setting Source. | |
RB | Rescue Boat. | |
RCA | Reach Cruising Altitude. | |
RCC | Rescue Co-ordination Centre. | |
RCF | Radio Communication Failure. | |
RCH | Reach / Reaching. | |
RCL | Runway Centre Line. | |
RCLL | Runway Centre Line Light(s). | |
RCLR | Recleared. | |
RCP | Required Communication Performance. | |
RDH | Reference Datum Height. | |
RDL | Radial. | |
RDO | Radio. | |
RE | Recent. | |
REC | Receive / Receiver. | |
REDL | Runway edge light(s). | |
REF | Reference. | |
REG | Registration. | |
RENL | Runway End Light(s). | |
REP | Report / Reporting point. | |
REQ | Request / Requested. | |
RERTE | Re-Route. | |
RESA | Runway End Safety Area. | |
RETD | Revised Estimated Time of Departure. | |
RF | Constant Radius arc to a Fix. | |
RFP | Replacement Flight Plan. | |
RG | Range. | |
RHC | Right-Hand Circuit. | |
RIF | Reclearance In Flight. | |
RIME | Rime. | |
RITE | Right. | |
RL | Report Leaving. | |
RLA | Relay. | |
RLCE | Request Level Change En-route. | |
RLLS | Runway Lead-in Lighting System. | |
RLNA | Request Level Not Available. | |
RMK | Remark. | |
RMZ | Radio Mandatory Zone. | |
RNAV | Area Navigation. | |
RNG | Radio Range. | |
RNLAF | Royal Netherlands Air Force. | |
RNN | Royal Netherlands Navy. | |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance. | |
ROBEX | Regional OPMET Bulletin Exchange. | |
ROC | Rate Of Climb. | |
ROD | Rate Of Descent. | |
RON | Receiving Only. | |
RPAS | Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. | |
RPDS | Reference Path Data Selector. | |
RPI | Radar Position Indicator. | |
RPL | Repetitive Flight Plan. | |
RPLC | Replace / Replaced. | |
RPS | Radar Position Symbol. | |
RPT | Repeat. | |
RQ | Request. | |
RQMNTS | Requirements. | |
RQP | Request Flight Plan. | |
RQS | Request Supplementary Flight Plan. | |
RR | Report Reaching. | |
RSC | Rescue Sub-Centre. | |
RSCD | Runway Surface Condition. | |
RSP | Responder Beacon. | |
RSR | En-route Surveillance Radar. | |
RSS | Root Sum Square. | |
R/T | Radiotelephony. | |
RTD | Delayed. | |
RTE | Route. | |
RTF | Radiotelephone. | |
RTG | Radiotelegraph. | |
RTHL | Runway Threshold Light(s). | |
RTN | Return / returned. | |
RTODAH | Rejected Take-Off Distance Available Helicopter. | |
RTS | Return To Service. | |
RTT | Radioteletypewriter. | |
RTZL | Runway Touchdown Zone Light(s). | |
RV | Rescue Vessel. | |
RVR | Runway Visual Range | |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum. | |
RWY | Runway. | |
S | SA | Sand. |
SALS | Simple Approach Lighting System. | |
SAN | Sanitary. | |
SAP. | As Soon as Possible | |
SAR | Search And Rescue. | |
SARPS | Standards And Recommended Practices. | |
SAT | Saturday. | |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication. | |
SB | Southbound. | |
SBAS | Satellite-based augmentation system. | |
SC | Stratocumulus. | |
SCT | Scattered. | |
SD | Standard Deviation. | |
SDBY | Standby. | |
SDF | Step Down Fix. | |
SDF | Simplified Direction Facility. | |
SE | South-east. | |
SEA | Sea. | |
SEB | South-eastbound. | |
SEC | Seconds. | |
SECN | Section. | |
SECT | Sector. | |
SEL | SELCAL (see one below). | |
SELCAL | Selective Calling System. | |
SEP | September. | |
SER | Service / served. | |
SERA | Standardised European Rules of the Air. | |
SEV | Severe. | |
SFC | Surface. | |
SG | Snow Grains. | |
SGL | Signal. | |
SH | Showers. | |
SHF | Super High Frequency. | |
SI | International system of units. | |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure. | |
SIF | Selective Identification Feature. | |
SIG | Significant. | |
SIGMET | Information concerning en route weather. | |
SIMUL | Simultaneous / Simultaneously. | |
SIWL | Single Isolated Wheel Load. | |
SKED | Schedule / Scheduled. | |
SLP | Speed Limiting Point. | |
SLW | Slow. | |
SMC | Surface Movement Control. | |
SMR | Surface Movement Radar. | |
SN | Snow. | |
SNOCLO | Aerodrome Closed due to Snow. | |
SNOWTAM | Notifications of runway/taxiway/apron status with respect to snow, ice, and standing water | |
SOC | Start Of Climb. | |
SPECI | Aerodrome special meteorological report. | |
SPECIAL | Special local meteorological report | |
SPI | Special position indicator. | |
SPL | Supplementary Flight Plan. | |
SPOC | SAR Point of Contact. | |
SPOT | Spot Wind. | |
SQ | Squall. | |
SQL | Squall Line. | |
SR | Sunrise. | |
SR-30 | 30 minutes BEFORE sunrise. | |
SRA | Surveillance Radar Approach. | |
SCRAMBLE | Urgent flight. Combat control uses multiple statuses: Alpha scramble = Immediate departure, high priority; Delta scramble = Fighter jets are starting and theyre standing by for further instructions; Tango scramble = Exercise; Foxtrot scramble = Cancell | |
SRE | Surveillance Radar Element of PAR. | |
SRG | Short Range. | |
SRR | Search And Rescue Region. | |
SRY | Secondary. | |
SRZ | Special Rules Zone. | |
SS | Sandstorm. | |
SS | Sunset. | |
SS+30 | 30 minutes AFTER sunset. | |
SSB | Single Sideband. | |
SSE | South-south-east. | |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar. | |
SST | Supersonic Transport. | |
SSW | South-south-west. | |
ST | Stratus. | |
STA | straight-in Approach. | |
STA | Scheduled Time of Arrival | |
STAR | Standard Instrument Arrival. | |
STD | Standard. | |
STD | Scheduled Time of Departure. | |
STF | Stratiform. | |
STN | Station. | |
STNR | Stationary. | |
STOL | Short take-off and landing. | |
STS | Status. | |
STWL | Stopway light(s). | |
SUBJ | Subject. | |
SUN | Sunday. | |
SUP | Supplement. | |
SUPPS | Regional Supplementary Procedures. | |
SVC | Service Message. | |
SVCBL | Serviceable. | |
SW | South-west. | |
SWB | South-westbound. | |
SWC | Significant Weather Chart. | |
SWY | Stopway. | |
T | TA | Traffic Advisory. |
TA | Transition Altitude. | |
TAA | Terminal Arrival Altitude. | |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation Aid. | |
TAF | Aerodrome Forecast. | |
TA/H | Turn At an Altitude/Height. | |
TAIL | Tail Wind. | |
TANGO Scramble | Exercise, also known as MOCK scramble (only used during QRA). | |
TAR | Terminal Area Surveillance Radar. | |
TAS | True Airspeed. | |
TAX | Taxiing / Taxi. | |
TC | Tropical Cyclone. | |
TCAC | Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre. | |
TCAS | Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. | |
TCH | Threshold crossing height. | |
TCU | Towering Cumulus. | |
TDO | Tornado. | |
TDZ | Touchdown Zone. | |
TECR | Technical Reason. | |
TEL | Telephone. | |
TEMPO | Temporary / Temporarily. | |
TF | Track to Fix. | |
TFC | Traffic. | |
TGL | Touch-And-Go Landing. | |
TGL | Temporary Guidance Leaflet. | |
TGS | Taxiing Quidance System. | |
THR | Threshold. | |
THRU | Through. | |
THU | Thursday. | |
TIBA | Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft. | |
TIL | Until. | |
TIP | Until past. | |
TIZ | Traffic Information Zone. | |
TKOF | Take-Off. | |
TL | Till. | |
TLOF | Touchdown and Lift-Off Area. | |
TMA | Terminal Control Area. | |
TMZ | Transponder Mandatory Zone. | |
TN | Minimum Temperature. | |
TNA | Turn Altitude. | |
TNH | Turn Height. | |
TOBT | Target Off-Block Time. | |
TOC | Top Of Climb. | |
TODA | Take-Off Distance Available. | |
TODAH | Take-Off Distance Available Helicopter. | |
TOP | Cloud Top. | |
TORA | Take-Off Run Available. | |
TOX | Toxic. | |
TP | Turning Point. | |
TR | Track. | |
TRA | Temporary Reserved Airspace. | |
TRA | Transavia. | |
TRANS | Transmits / Transmitter. | |
TREND | Trend forecast. | |
TRL | Transition Level. | |
TROP | Tropopause. | |
TS | Thunderstorm. | |
TSA | Temporary Segregated Area. | |
TSAT | Target Start-up Approval Time. | |
TSUNAMI | Tsunami. | |
TT | Teletypewriter. | |
TUE | Tuesday. | |
TURB | Turbulence. | |
TVOR | Terminal VOR. | |
TWR | Aerodrome control Tower. | |
TWY | Taxiway. | |
TWYL | Taxiway Link. | |
TX | Maximum Temperature. | |
TXT | Text. | |
TYP | Type of Aircraft. | |
TYPH | Typhoon. | |
U | UHF | Ultra High Frequency. |
UM | Unaccompanied Minor | |
UIR | Upper Information Region. | |
V | VFR | Visual Flight Rules. |
VHF | Very High Frequency. | |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions. | |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation. | |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range. | |
VSI | Vertical Speed Indicator. | |
W | WCHC | Wheel Chair Carry on/off; (for pax who can't walk) |
WCHR | Wheel Chair Ramp; (for pax who cannot walk long distances). | |
WCHS | Wheel Chair Steps; (pax who cannot walk on stairs). | |
X | X | Cross. |
XBAR | Crossbar. | |
XNG | Crossing. | |
XS | Atmospherics. | |
Y | YCZ | Yellow Caution Zone. |
YES | Yes / Affirmative | |
YP | Young Passanger | |
YR | your | |
Z | ZULU | Universal time |
ZULU | Interne eenheidsnaam Politie helikopters. |