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Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans)(Part 2)

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
Revision as of 11:37, 13 September 2024 by M.Beijer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''Back to''': Post Office Dictionary 1990 (English-Afrikaans) * '''Archived at''': https://beijerterm.com/archives/Poskantoorwoordeboek.pdf POST OFFICE DICTIONARY, 1990, ENGLISH - AFRIKAANS Compiled by the Post Office Terminology Committee of the Department of Posts and Telecommunications in collaboration with the National Terminology Services of the Department of National Education Leksikografies herverwerk en uitgegee deur PJ Taljaard kontak: frit...")
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Compiled by the Post Office Terminology Committee of the Department of Posts and Telecommunications in collaboration with the National Terminology Services of the Department of National Education	

Leksikografies herverwerk en uitgegee deur PJ Taljaard	

kontak: fritzwolff@absamail.co.za	


1. The list was alphabetised electronically, with weird results at times. For example, all words	beginning with capital letters are alphabetised first, followed by words in lower case in alphabetical order.	

2. On the target-language side, ie to the right of the :, synonyms are separated by a comma,	

e.g.: fission: klowing, splyting	

The sequence of the translated terms does NOT indicate any preference.	

3. Where catchwords of similar form are used as different parts of speech and confusion may therefore	
arise, the parts of speech are indicated by means of e.g. n. for the noun and v. for the verb, thus:	
fission n.: klowing, splyting	
fission v.: kloof, splyt	

4. Synonyms of the catchword are given in brackets, thus: decay chain (decay family, decay series): vervalreeks	

5. Different meanings in respect of the translated forms are given as separate entries, thus:	
insert n.: invoegsel	
insert n.: insetsel	

6. Context indications and/or definitions are given in braces before the colon, thus:	
fumigation {meteorology} :afwerwel	
7. Catchwords are given in the singular form, except in cases where the concept is usually plural.
