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Over 800 Abbreviations of religious orders

From michaelbeijer.co.uk
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Source: http://www.catholicdoors.com/misc/abbrev.htm

Abbreviation Meaning
A.A. Augustinians of the Assumption, Assumptionists
A.A.S.C. Sisters Adorers Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity
A.A.S.C. Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A.C. Apostolic Carmel
A.C.I. Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A.F.S.C. Affiliated Christian Brothers
A.J. Apostles of Jesus
A.L.C.P. Holy Spirit Fathers (Apostolic Life Community of Priests), India
A.M. Alagad ni Maria (Disciples of Mary)
A.M.S. Augustinian Missionary Sisters, India
A.P.B Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood and daughters of Mary Immaculate
A.S.C. Adorers of the Blood of Christ
A.S.C.J. Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A.S.M. Alianca de Santa Maria (The Alliance of Holy Mary)
A.S.M.I. Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate, India
A.S.M.I. Apostolic Sisters of Mary Immaculate, India
A.S.S.P. Angelic Sisters of St. Paul
B.A. Order of Basilians of Aleppo of the Melkites
B.C. Ordre Basilien Choueirite
B.D.P. Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence
B.F.C.C. Brothers for Christian Community
B.G.S. Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd
B.H.S. Brother-Servants of the Holy Spirit
B.P.S. Sisters of Charity of Good and Perpetual Succour
B.S. Arrouhbaniat Albassiliat Almoukhalissiat
B.S. Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, India
B.S.C. Brothers and Sisters of Charity
B.S.C.D. Brothers and Sisters of Charity Domestic
B.S.M. Brothers of St. Michael (India)
B.S.P. Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St Francis
B.V.M. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
BETHL. Society of Bethlemite Sisters
C.A.M. Congregazione Mechitarista di Venezia (Mechitarists)
C.B.A. Catholic Bible Association
C.B.S. Sisters of Bon Secours de Paris
C.B.S. Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
C.C. Companions of the Cross
C.C.D. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
C.C.R. Congregation of Carmelite Religious
C.C.R.S.A. Congregation of the Clerics Regular of Saint Augustine
C.C.V. Carmelite Sisters of Charity (Vedruna), India
C.C.V.I. Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
C.D.F. Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
C.D.P. Sisters of Divine Providence
C.F.A. Alexian Brothers
C.F.C. Congregation of Christian Brothers
C.F.I.C. Congregazione dei Preti della Dottrina Cristiana (Concezionisti)
C.F.I.C. Congregation of Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception
C.F.I.C. Congregartion of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception, India
C.F.P. Confraternity of Penitents
C.F.R. Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
C.F.S. Congregation of the Priestly Fraternity
C.F.X. Congregation of Xaverian Brothers
C.G.S. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, India
C.H.F. Congregation of the Holy Family, India
C.H.M. Congregation of the Humility of Mary
C.H.S. Crusade of the Holy Spirit
C.I.C. Congregation of the Immaculate Congregation, India
C.I.C.M. Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
C.I.M. Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudists)
C.J. Congregation of Jesus, India
C.J. Josephite Fathers
C.J.C. Sisters of Jesus Crucified
C.J.D. Canons of Jesus the Lord, Vladivostok, Russia
C.J.M. Congregation of Jesus and Mary
C.L.P. Congregation of Our Lady of Pity
C.M. Carmelite Missionaries, India
C.M. Congregation of the Mission, India
C.M. Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians or Lazarists)
C.M.C. Congregation Of The Mother Of Carmel
C.M.C. Congregation of the Mother Co-Redemptrix (Vietnamese)
C.M.D.A. Congregation of Mother of Divine Love
C.M.F. Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians)
C.M.I. Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
C.M.M. Congregation of Marian Hill Missionaries (Marianhiller Missionare)
C.M.M. Brothers of our Lady Mother of Mercy (Fraters van Onse Liewe Vrouw Moeder van Barmhartigheid)
C.M.M.C. Congregation of Mary Mother of the Church
C.M.R.I. Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae)
C.M.S. Comboni Missionary Sisters
C.M.S.F. Missionary Congregation of St Francis of Assisi
C.N. Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth
C.N.D. Congregation of Notre Dame
C.N.S. Congregation of Nazareth Sisters, India
C.O. Congregation of the Oratory (Oratorians)
C.Op. Congregation of St Joseph Calasanctius for Christian Works
C.P. Congregation of the Passion (Passionists)
C.P. Congregation of the Passion of Jesus (Passionist Contemplative Nuns)
C.P. Passionate Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross, India
C.P.M. Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy
C.P.S. Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
C.P.S. Preshitharam Congregation, India
C.PP.S. Congregatio Pretiosissimi Sanguinis (Fathers of the Most Precious Blood)
C.PP.S. Society of the Precious Blood
C.R. Congregation of Clerics Regular (Theatines)
C.R. Congregation of the Resurrection
C.R. Congregation of the Rosarians, India
C.R. Ordo Clericorum Regularium Vulgo Theatinorum, Theatine Order
C.R. Sisters of the Christian Retreat, Chuscian
C.R.A. Swiss Congregation of Canons Regular of Saint Maurice of Agaune
C.R.I.C. Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception
C.R.L. Canons Regular of the Lateran
C.R.O.S.A. Canonesses of St. Augustin
C.R.P. Order of Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertine, Premontstratensian)
C.R.S. Clerics Regular of Somasca (Somascan Fathers)
C.R.S.A. Confederation Of Canons Regular of St. Augustine (Canon Regular of the Lateran)
C.R.S.B. Clerics Regular of Saint Paul (Barnabites)
C.R.S.F. Sisters of St. Francis
C.R.S.P. Clerics Regular of St. Paul
C.R.S.S. Canonesses of theHoly Sepulchure
C.S. Capitanio Sisters
C.S. Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles (Scalabrinians)
C.S.A. Catechist Sisters of St. Ann (India)
C.S.A. Congregation of the Companions of St. Angela
C.S.A. Congregation of Our Lady
C.S.A. Canonesses of St. Augustin
C.S.A. Sisters of Saint Agnes
C.S.A.C. Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallotines), India
C.S.B. Congregation of St. Bridget
C.S.B. Congregation of St. Basil (Basilian Fathers)
C.S.B.S. Clarissan Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament, India
C.S.C. Congregation of Holy Cross
C.S.C. Congregation of the Fathers of the Holy Cross, India
C.S.C. Brothers of the Holy Cross
C.S.C. Sisters of the Holy Cross
C.S.C. Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, India
C.S.F. Congregation of the Holy Family, Italy
C.S.F.N. Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
C.S.I. Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
C.S.J. Congregation of St. Joseph, Priests and Brothers
C.S.J. Sisters of St. Joseph
C.S.J. Congregation of St. Joseph of Chambery, India
C.S.J. Congrégation du Sacré-Coeur
C.S.J.B. Sisters of St John the Baptist
C.S.J.P. Sister of St. Joseph of Peace
C.S.M. Sisters of St. Martha, India
C.S.M.A. Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel
C.S.N. Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth, India
C.S.P. Sisters of the Cross and Passion
C.S.P. Congregation of St. Paul, Paulists
C.S.P.TOR Sisters of St. Paul TOR
C.S.R. Sisters of the Holy Redeemer
C.S.S. Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata (Stigmatine Fathers)
C.S.S. Congregation of Samaritan Sisters, India
C.S.S.A. Sisters of St. Anne, Guntur, India
C.S.S.E. Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth, India
C.S.S.F. Congregation of Sisters Saint Felice Cantalicio, Felicians
C.S.S.M. Congregation of the Sisters of Martha
C.S.S.P. Sisters of Charity of St. Paul (Selly Park)
C.S.S.T. Carmelite Sisters Of St. Teresa
C.S.S.T. Sisters of the Holy Trinity
C.S.Sp. Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)
C.S.T. Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese
C.S.T. Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux
C.S.T. Little Flower Congregation
C.S.V. Clerics of St. Viator (Viatorians)
C.S.V.B. Sisters of the Savior and the Blessed Virgin Mary
C.Ss.R. Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists)
C.T.C. Congregation of Teresian Carmelites
C.V.I. Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
C.Y.O. Catholic Youth Organization
CFMSS Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament, India
Cong.Orat. Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorian
D.B.S. Deen Bandhu Samaj, India
D.C. Congregazione dei Preti della Dottrina Cristiana (Dottrinari)
D.C. Daughters of Charity
D.C. Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul
D.C. (EF) Daughters of the Church, India
D.C.J. Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
D.C.J.M. Discipulos de los Corazones de Jesus y Maria
D.C.L. Doctor of Canon Law, Civil
D.C.P.B. Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood, India
D.D.L. Daughters of Divine Love
D.D.P. Daughters Of Divine Providence, India
D.D.S. Disciples of the Divine Saviour, India
D.H.M. Daughters of the Heart of Mary
D.H.S. Daughters of the Holy Spirit
D.I.H.M. Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
D.J. Daughters of Jesus
D.M. Daughters of Mary
D.M. Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception
D.M. Society of Daughters of Mary Immaculate, India
D.M.I. Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Dimesse Sisters), India
D.M.J. Daughters of Mary and Joseph (Formerly knows as Ladies of Mary)
D.M.L. Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca, India
D.M.S.E. Dominican Missionary Sisters of St. Elizabeth
D.N. Daughters of Nazareth
D.P. Daughters of Providence, St. Brieuc
D.P. Society of Devpriya Sisters, India
D.P.M. Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple, India
D.S.A. Daughters of St. Ann
D.S.A. Daughters of St. Anne, Calcutta
D.S.A. Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi
D.S.C. Daughters of St Camillus
D.S.F.A. Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi
D.S.F.S. Daughters of St. Francis de Sales
D.S.H. Daughters of the Sacred Heart
D.S.H.J. Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
D.S.H.S. Sisters of St. Dorothy (Daughters of the Sacred Heart)
D.S.J. Daughters of St. Joseph
D.S.M.P. Daughters of St. Mary of Providence (Guanellian Sisters)
D.S.S. Dina Sevana Sabha (Servants of the Poor)
D.S.T. Daughters of St. Thomas
D.W. Daughters of Wisdom
EHJ Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Er.Cam. Camaldolese Hermits of the Congregation of Monte Corona
F.B.E. Franciscan Brothers of the Eucharist
F.B.S. Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Bon Secours, India
F.C. Brothers of Charity
F.C. Daughters of the Cross of Liege
F.C.C. Franciscan Clarist Congregation, India
F.C.J. Faithful Companion of Jesus, Sisters
F.C.J.M. Franciscan Companions of Jesus and Mary
F.C.S. Company of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
F.C.S.C.J. Daughters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
F.D.C. Daughters of Divine Charity
F.d.C.C. Congregation of Sons of Charity (Canossiani)
F.D.C.C. Canossian Daughters of Charity
F.D.L.C. Daughters of the Cross
F.D.L.P. Les Filles de la Providence
F.D.L.S. Filles de la Sagesse, Daughters of Wisdom
F.D.M. Brothers of Mercy
F.D.M. Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy, India
F.D.N.S.C. Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
F.D.P. Daughters of Divine Providence
F.D.P. Sons of Divine Providence
F.D.P. Brothers of Divine Providence
F.D.S.H.J. Fervent Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
F.D.Z. Daughters of Divine Zeal
F.E.H.J. Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
F.F.S.C. Franciscan Brothers of the Holy Cross
F.H.G.S. Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd, India
F.H.I.C. Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, India
F.I. Franciscans of the Immaculate
F.I.C. Brothers of Christian Instruction
F.I.C. Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
F.I.C.P. Institute of Brothers of Christian Instruction of Ploermel
F.I.H. Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart, India
F.I.H.M. Franciscan Sisters Of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pondichery, India
F.J. Community of St. John (Apostolic/Contemplative Brothers, Contemplative Sisters, Apostolic Sisters)
F.J. Congregation of St. John
F.M.A. Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Mary Help of Christian
F.M.C. Franciscan Missionaries of St. Clare, India
F.M.C.K. Franciscan Missionary of Christ the King, India
F.M.D.M. Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood
F.M.I. Congregation of Sons of Mary Immaculate (Chavagne Fathers)
F.M.I. Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Marianist Sisters)
F.M.M. Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
F.M.S. Marist Brothers
F.M.S.A. Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa
F.M.S.H. Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, India
F.M.S.I. Sons of Mary, Health of the Sick
F.M.S.J. Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph
F.M.S.L. Franciscan Missionaries Sisters of Littlehampton
F.N.S. Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family (Nardini)
F.P.M. Presentation Brothers of Mary
F.P.O. Franciscans of Primitive Observance
F.S. Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima
F.S.A.G. Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
F.S.C. Franciscan Sisters of St. Clare, India
F.S.C. Franciscan Sisters, Servants of the Cross, India
F.S.C. Brothers of the Christian Schools, Christian Brothers
F.S.C. De la Salle Brothers
F.S.C.G. Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Italy
F.S.C.H. (Changed to C.F.C., Irish Christian Brothers.)
F.S.C.J. Missioni Africane di Verona (Verona Fathers)
F.S.E. Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
F.S.E. Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth, India
F.S.F. Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi
F.S.F. Institute of Brothers of the Holy Family of Belley (Frères Sainte Famille)
F.S.F. Brothers of the Holy Family of Belley, India
F.S.F.S. Daughters of St. Francis of Sales
F.S.G.M. Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George
F.S.I. Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, India
F.S.J. Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, India
F.S.L.G. Frnaciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Grace, India
F.S.M. Franciscan Sisters of Mary
F.S.M. Franciscan Minoresses
F.S.M.A. Franciscan Sisters of St. Mary of the Angels
F.S.M.I. Congregation of Sons of Mary Immaculate
F.S.P. Brothers of St. Patrick, Patrician Brothers
F.S.P. Daughters of St. Paul
F.S.P.A. Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
F.S.P.M. Franciscan Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, India
F.S.R. Brothers of the Holy Rosary, Reno
F.S.S.E. Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth, India
F.S.S.H. Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Hearts
F.S.S.J. Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph
F.S.S.P. Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter
F.S.T. Franciscan Sisters of Saint Thomas, India
G.N.S.H. Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
H.C. Sisters of the Holy Cross
H.C. Handmaids of Christ, India
H.C.M. Sisters of the Holy Cross (Menzingen), India
H.C.P. Handmaids of Christ the Priest
H.C.S.A. Hermanas de la Caridad de Santa Ana (Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne)
H.F. Holy Family of Bordeaux
H.F.B Association of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
H.F.S. Holy Family Sisters of Spoleto, India
H.H.C.J. Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus
H.H.N. Heralds of Good News, India
H.H.S. Helpers of the Holy Souls
H.M. Handmaids of Mary, India
H.M.R. Helpers of Mount Rosary, India
H.P.B. Handmaids of the Precious Blood
H.S.C. Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
H.S.C.P. The Sisters of the Sacred Heart and of the Poor (Hermanas de la Sagrada Corazon y los Pobres)
H.S.H.J. Handmaids
H.S.M. Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy, India
I.B.V.M. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters)
I.C. Institute of Charity (Rosminians)
I.C.E.L. International Committee on English in the Liturgy
I.C.E.T. International Consultation on English Text
I.C.M. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
I.C.M.I.C.A. International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs
I.C.P.B. Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar
I.C.R.S.S. Institute of Christ the King, High Priest
I.E.M.E. Instituto Espanol de San Francisco Javier Para Misiones Extranjeras
I.H.M. Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
I.M.C. Consolata Missionaries
I.M.C.S. International Movement of Catholic Students, Pax Romana
I.M.E.Y. Misioneros de Yarumal, Columbia
I.M.I.M.G. Institute of Our Lady
I.M.S. Indian Missionary Society
I.S.S.M. Institute of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
I.V.E. Institute of the Incarnate Word (Instituto del Verbo Encarnado)
I.W.B.S. Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Corpus Christi
Inst.Ch. Institute of Charity (Rosminian)
J.M.J. Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
J.SS.R. The Redemptorists Sisters of Saint Joseph (Josephite Sisters)
L.B.J. Little Brothers of Jesus, India
L.B.N. Little Brothers of Nazareth
L.B.S.F. Little Brothers of St. Francis
L.C. Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ
L.C.M. Sisters of the Little Company of Mary
L.D.F.X. Little Daughters of St. Francis Xavier, India
L.D.ofS.J. Little daughters of St Joseph
L.S.A. Little Sisters of the Assumption
L.S.C. Little Sisters of Christ, India
L.S.J. Little Sisters of Jesus
L.S.M. Licentiate in Medieval Studies
L.S.M.I. Little Servants of Mary Immaculate
L.S.P. Little Sisters of the Poor
L.S.S. Licentiate of Sacred Scripture
L.S.T. Little Sisters of Sr. Therese of Lisieux, India
L.W.S.H. Sisters Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts, India
M. Carm. Carmelite Monks
M.Afr. Missionaries of Africa
M.C. Missionaries of Charity
M.C. Consolata Missionaries Sisters
M.C. Missionaries of Charity Brothers, India
M.C.B.S. Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, India
M.C.C.J. Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus
M.C.D.P. Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence
M.C.J. Missionaries of Christ Jesus, India
M.C.M. Cordi Marian Sisters
M.C.S.T. Missionary Catechists of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
M.D.S. Union of St. Catherine of Siena, India
M.E. Institute of Foreign Missions, India
M.E.P. La Société des Mission Étrangères de Paris
M.F.C. Society of the Oblates of Mary at the Foot of the Cross
M.F.I.C. Missionary Franciscan of the Immaculate Conception
M.F.S.C. Missionary Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
M.F.V.A. Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
M.G. Institute of Our Lady of Guadalupe for Foreign Missions
M.H. Mill Hill Fathers
M.H.M. Mill Hill Missionaries
M.H.M. Society of St. Joseph of Mill Hill, India
M.H.S.H. Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
M.I. Order of the Ministers of the Sick (Camillians)
M.I. Militia Immaculata (Founded by St. Maximillian Kolbe)
M.I.C. Congregation of Marians Immaculate Conception (Marian Fathers)
M.I.C. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
M.I.H.M. Missionaries Immaculate Heart of Mary
M.J. Missionari di S. Giuseppe nel Messico
M.J. Missionaries of Jesus
M.J. Missionaries of St Joseph
M.L.F. Missionaries of Little Flower, India
M.M. Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll)
M.M. Maryknoll Missionaries
M.M.B. Malabar Missionary Brothers, India
M.M.I. Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, India
M.M.M. Messengers of Mother Mary
M.M.M. Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix, India
M.M.S. Medical Mission Sisters
M.N.M. Misioneros de la Natividad de Maria
M.O.P. Missionaries of the Poor
M.P.F. Religious Teachers Filippine
M.P.V. Religious Teachers Venerini
M.S. Marian Sisters
M.S. Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette
M.S.A. Mission Sisters of Ajmer, India
M.S.A. Missionary Sisters of the Assumption
M.S.A. Missionaries of the Holy Apostles
M.S.B.T. Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity
M.S.C. Marianites of Holy Cross
M.S.C. Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
M.S.C. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Cabrini)
M.S.C.J. Missionary Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, India
M.S.C.S. Scalabrian Missionary Sisters
M.S.F. Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family
M.S.F.S. Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (Fransalians)
M.S.H.R. Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary
M.S.I. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (Nirmala Sisters), India
M.S.J. Missionare Vom Hl. Johannes Des Täufer
M.S.J. Medical Sisters of St. Joseph, India
M.S.L. Licentiate in Medieval Studies
M.S.M.H.C. Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians, India
M.S.M.I. Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate, India
M.S.O.L.A. Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa
M.S.S. Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
M.S.S. Missionary Sisters of Service
M.S.S.H. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart
M.S.S.P. Missionary Society of St. Paul
M.S.S.T. Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of Infant Jesus, India
M.S.T. Missionary Society of St. Thomas the Apostle
M.S.U. Congregation of Monks Studitas of Ukraine
M.Sp.S. Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
M.SS.C. Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
M.SS.CC. Congregation of Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
M.SS.S.T. Congregation of Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
M.T. Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
M.X.Y. Misioneros Javerianos de Yarumal (Xaverian Missionaries of Yarumal)
Maestre Pie Venerini (Religious Teachers of Bl. Rosa Venerini), India
N.D.C. Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
N.D.C. Sisters of Our Lady of the Cross
O.A.D. Agostiniani Scalzi
O.A.R. Order of Augustinian Recollects
O.A.T.H. Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts
O.C. Order of the Carmelites
O.C.D. Order of Discalced Carmelites
O.C.D.S. Order of Discalced Carmelites Secular
O.C.R. Order of Cistercians, Reformed, (Trappist)
O.C.S.O. Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists)
O.CARM Carmelites of Ancient Observance
O.CARM. Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Carmelites)
O.Cart. Order of the Carthusians
O.Cist. Order of Cistercians
O.D.C. Carmelites (Discalced)
O.D.C. Carmelites (Indian)
O.D.C. Carmelites (Teresian)
O.D.C. Carmelites (Thapelong Carmel)
O.de.M. Order of Our Lady of Mercy
O.E.S.A. Hermits of St Augustine
O.F.M. Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
O.F.M. Conv.Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Convential Franciscans)
O.F.M.Cap. Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (Capuchins)
O.F.M.I. Order of Friars of Mary Immaculate (Franciscans)
O.F.M.Reg. Order of Friars Minor Regular
O.F.S. Secular Franciscan Order
O.F.S. Servants of the Holy Child Jesus (Franciscans)
O.H. Hospitallers Brothers of St. John of God
O.H.F. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
O.H.F.S. Oblate Hospital Frnaciscan Sisters, India
O.L.G. Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden
O.L.M. Order of Lebanese Maronite (Baladites)
O.L.M.E. Our Lady's Missionaries of the Eucharist
O.L.N. Our Lady's Nurses of the Poor
O.L.P. Sisters of Our lady of Providence, India
O.L.S.H. Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
O.L.V.M. Victory Noll Sisters
O.M. Minim Fathers
O.M. Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, India
O.M.C. Order of Merciful Christ
O.M.I. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
O.M.M. Work of Mary Mediatrix (Opus Mariae Mediatricis)
O.M.M. Ar-Rouhbanyat Al-Marounyat Liltoubawyat Mariam Al-Azra
O.M.V. Oblates of the Virgin Mary
O.Mar. Maronite
O.P. Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans)
O.P. Dominican Sisters of Santa Maria of the Rosary, India
O.P. Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, India
O.P. Dominican Sisters of Divine Providence
O.P. Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
O.P. Dominican Sisters of the Rosary, India
O.P. Dominican Sisters of the Holy Trinity, India
O.P.B. Oblates of the Precious Blood
O.P.L. Lay Order of Preachers, 3rd order
O.Praem. Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre; Norbertines (Premonstratensians)
O.R.C. Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross
O.R.S.A. Augustinian Recollects
O.S. Oblates of Wisdom
O.S.A. Order of St. Augustine (Augustinians)
O.S.A. Augustinian Sisters, India
O.S.A. Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus
O.S.A. Augustinian Sisters of the Most Holy Annunciation, India
O.S.A. Opus Sanctorum Angelorum
O.S.B. Order of Saint Benedict
O.S.B. Benedictine Sisters
O.S.B. Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion, India
O.S.B. Benedictine Sisters of St. Lioba, India
O.S.B. Order of St. Benedict, Subiaco Congregation
O.S.B. Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, India
O.S.B.cam. Camaldolese Congregation of the Order of St. Benedict
O.S.B.M. Order of St. Basil the Great (Basilian Order of St. Josaphat)
O.S.C. Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross (Crosier Fathers)
O.S.C. Oblates of St. Charles
O.S.C. Order of St. Camillus, India
O.S.C. Cap Poor Clare Capuchin Nuns of Perpetual Adoration
O.S.Cam. Order of St. Camillus, Camillian Fathers and Brothers
O.S.Cr. Order of the Holy Cross
O.S.E. Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabath
O.S.F. Congregation of Servants of Holy Infancy Jesus
O.S.F. Franciscan Brothers or Sisters
O.S.F. Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa
O.S.F. Franciscan Sisters of Siessen
O.S.F. Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, N.Y.
O.S.F. Franciscan Sisters of Mill Hill
O.S.F. Franciscan Sisters of Dilligen, India
O.S.F. Medical Sisters of St. Francis of Assissi, India
O.S.F. Order of St. Francis of Assissi
O.S.F. School Sisters of St. Francis
O.S.F.N. Confederation of the Oratory of Saint Philip of Neri (Oratorians)
O.S.F.S. Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
O.S.F.S. Order of St. Francis--Secular, 3rd Order Franciscan
O.S.H. Orden de San Jeronimo (Monjes Jeronimos)
O.S.I. Oblates of St. Joseph (Josephines of Asti)
O.S.J. Oblates of St. Joseph
O.S.L. Congregation of the Sisters of St. Aloysius, India
O.S.M. Order of the Friar Servants of Mary (Servites)
O.S.M. Servants of Mary, Mother of Sorrow, India
O.S.M. Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows (Servants of Mary of Pisa), India
O.S.P.P.E. Order of St. Paul the First Hermit (Pauline Fathers)
O.S.S. Opus Spiritus Sancti, India
O.S.S.R. Order of the Most Holy Redeemer
O.S.S.S. Order of Our Most Holy Saviour (Bridgettines), India
O.S.T.R. Oblates of St. Therese Reformed
O.S.U. The Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Order
O.S.U. Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, India
O.S.U. Ursuline Sisters of Bruno
O.S.U. Ursuline Sisters of St. Angela's - Prelate
O.S.V. Ursuline Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary
O.Sion Order of Our Lady of Sion
O.Ss.S. Brigittine Monks
O.SS.T. Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Ransom of Captives (Trinitarians)
O.SS.T. Trinitarian Congregation, India
O.SS.T.,Ter. Third order secular of the Most Holy Trinity
O.Tr. Order of the Holy Trinity, Trinitarians
Obl.S.B. Oblate of St. Benedict
Opus Dei Opus Dei
P.A. Prothonotary Apostolic
P.B. Pères-Blancs, White Fathers
P.B.V.M. Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
P.C. Poor Clares
P.C.C. Poor Clare Collettines
P.C.Cap Poor Clare Capuchins
P.C.P.A. Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
P.D.D.M. Pious Disciples of the Divine Master
P.F.M. Petites Franciscaines de Marie (French)
P.H.J.C. Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
P.I.M.E. Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions
P.M. Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
P.M.E. Société des Mission-Étrangères
P.O.C.R. Pii Operai Catechisti Rurali Missionari Ardorini
P.S. Padro Sisters, India
P.S.A. Pilar Sisters Association, India
P.S.A. Prabhudasi Sisters of Ajmer (Handmaids of the Lord), India
P.S.D.P. Little Sisters of the Poor, India
P.S.D.P. Poor Servants of Divine Providence, India
P.S.D.P. Poor Sisters of Divine Providence, India
P.S.F. Pauvres de Saint-François
P.S.N. Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth
P.S.O.L. Poor Sisters of Our Lady, India
P.S.S. Society of Priests of Saint Sulpice (Sulpitians)
P.S.S.J. Poor Sisters of St. Joseph-Hermanas Pobres Josefinas Buenoarensas
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
PPFFstG Piccole Figlie di St. Giuseppe
R.A. Religious of the Assumption
R.C. The Religious of the Cenacle
R.C.I. Rogationists of the Sacred Heart (Rogationists)
R.C.J. Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus, India
R.D.C. Religious of Divine Compassion
R.F.T.S. Regular Franciscan Tertiary Sisters, India
R.G.S. Religious of the Good Shepherd (Sisters)
R.G.S. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, India
R.J.M. Religious of Jesus and Mary
R.M.I. Religious of Mary Immaculate
R.N.D.M. Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (Religieuses de Notre Dame Missions)
R.S.C. Religious Sisters of Charity
R.S.C.J. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
R.S.H.M. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
R.S.J. Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart (Australian Josephites)
R.S.M. Sisters of Mercy
R.S.V. Religieux de Saint Paul de Vincent
R.V.M. Religious of the Virgin Mary
S.A. Society of the Atonement (Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement)
S.A. Society of the Atonement (Franciscan Friars of the Atonement)
S.A.(P) Sisters of St. Ann of Providence, India
S.A.B. Sisters of St. Anne, Bangalore, India
S.A.B.S. Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, India
S.A.C. Society of Catholic Apostolate (Pallotines)
S.A.C. Sisters of the Guardian Angel
S.A.S. Society of the Sisters of St. Ann (Luzen), India
S.A.T. Sisters of St. Anne of Tiruchirapalli, India
S.B.S. Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
S.C. Brothers of the Sacred Heart
S.C. Sisters of Charity
S.C. Sisters of Calvary
S.C.A. Society of the Catholic Apostolate, Pallotine Fathers
S.C.B. Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, India
S.C.C. Sisters of Christian Charity
s.C.C. Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, India
S.C.C.G. Sisters of Charity of Sts. Bartolomea Capitanio & Vincenza Gerosa, India
S.C.H. Sisters of Charity, Halifax
S.C.I. Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dohonians)
S.C.I.C. Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
S.C.J. Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
S.C.J. Congrégation du Sacré-Coeur (Pères de Timon David)
S.C.J. Society of the Sacred Heart of the Infant Jesus
S.C.J.B. Sisters of St. John the Baptist, India
S.C.J.G. Sisters of Charity of St. John of God, India
S.C.J.M. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, India
S.C.N. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
S.C.P. Servants of Christ the Priest
S.C.S. Satya Seva Catechist Sisters, India
S.C.S.J.A. Sisters of Charity of St. Joan Antida
S.C.S.N. Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross (Ingenbohl), India
S.C.V. Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana
S.C.V. Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, India
S.CH. Society of Christ
S.ch.P Clerics Regular of the Pious Schools (Piarist Fathers)
S.ch.S.A. Sisters of Charity of St. Ann, India
S.D. Sisters of the Destitute, India
S.D.B. Salesians of Saint John Bosco
S.D.B. Society of St. Francis de Sales
S.D.P. Sisters of the Poor of St. Catherine of Sienna, India
S.D.P. Sisters Servants of the Poor, India
S.D.S. Sisters of the Divine Saviour, India
S.D.S. Sisters of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorian Sisters), India
S.D.S. Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians)
S.D.V. Society of Divine Vocations (Vocationist Fathers)
S.dP. Sisters of Providence, India
S.E.O.D. Doctor of Oriental Ecclesiastical Sciences
S.E.O.L. Licentiate of Oriental Ecclesiastical Sciences
S.F. Sons of the Holy Family
S.F.C.C. Sisters for Christian Community
S.F.I. Franciscan Immaculative Sisters, India
S.F.I.C. Sororem Franciscalium ab Immaculata Conceptione a Beata Matre Dei
S.F.M. Scarboro Foreign Mission Society
S.F.N. Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, India
S.F.O. (Changed to O.F.S. October, 2011)
S.F.X. Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier (Society of Pilar), India
S.G. Brothers of Saint Gabriel
S.G.L. Servants of the Gospel of Life
S.G.M. Sisters of Charity of Montreal
S.G.N. Sisters of Good News, India
S.G.S. Sisters of the Good Samaritan
S.H. Sacred Heart Congregation, India
S.H.C. Sisters of the Holy Cross, India
S.H.C.J. Society of the Holy Child Jesus
S.H.F. Sisters of the Holy Family
S.H.J. Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, India
S.H.M. Society of Helpers of Mary, India
S.H.S. Sacred Heart Sisters, India
S.H.Sp. Sisters of the Holy Spirit
S.I. Societatis Iesu, Latin for Society of Jesus, Jesuits
S.I. Society of the Immaculata
S.I.C. Sisters of the Imitation of Christ, India
S.I.W. Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
S.J. Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
S.J. Sisters of Jesus
S.J.A. Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, India
S.J.B. Sisters of St. John the Baptist and Mary the Queen, India
S.J.C. Society of Saint John Cantius [Formerly S.S.J.C.]
S.J.C. Sisters of St. Joseph's Congregation, India
S.J.C. Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, India
S.J.L. Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons, India
S.J.S. Saint Joseph Sevika Samtha, India
S.J.S.M. Sisters of St. Joseph of "St. Marc", India
S.J.T. Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes, India
S.J.W. Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker
S.K.D. Society of Khristudasis, India
S.L. Sisters of Loretto
S.L.D. Doctor of Sacred Liturgy
S.L.L. Licentiate of Sacred Liturgy
S.L.M.I. Society of Ladies of Mary Immaculate, India
S.L.W. Sisters of the Living Word, Metairie Louisiana
S.M. Servants of Mary, India
S.M. Society of Mary (Marianist Brothers and Fathers)
S.M. Society of Mary (Marist Fathers)
S.M. Society of Mary (Marist Sisters)
S.M. Congrégation des Soeurs de Saint-Martin
S.M.A. Society of African Missions
S.M.A. Sisters of Maria Auxilium, India
S.M.B. Foreign Missions Society of Bethlehem in Switzerland (Bethlehem Father)
S.M.C. Sisters of St. marth's Congregation, India
S.M.H.S. Sisters of Most Holy Sacrament
S.M.I. Sisters of Mary Immaculate
S.M.I. Missionary Sisters of Incarnation, India
S.M.I.C. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
S.M.M. Missionaries of the Company of Mary (Montfort Missionaries)
S.M.M. Comfort of Mary, Saint Montfort Missionaries
S.M.M. Montfort Society of Mary (Montfort Father)
S.M.M.C. Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church (Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington, USA)
S.M.M.I. Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, India
S.M.M.I. Sisters Minor of Mary Immaculate
S.M.M.P. Sisters of St. Maria Magdelena Postel, India
S.M.O.M. Sovereign Military Order of Malta
S.M.P. Portugese Society for Catholic Missions
S.M.S. Sisters of Mission Service
S.M.S. Snehagiri Missionary Sisters, India
S.M.S.M. Marist Missionary Sister
S.M.S.M. Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary
S.M.S.M. Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary, India
S.N.D. Sisters of Notre Dame
S.N.D.S. Society of Nirmaladasi Sisters, India
S.N.DdeN. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
S.N.J.M. Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
S.O.Cist. Cistercians of the Common Observance
S.O.L.A. Society of Our Lady of Africa, India
S.O.L.M. Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy
S.O.L.S. Sisters Servants of Our Lady of Sorrows, India
S.O.L.T. Society of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity
S.Ord.Cist. Cistercian Order
S.P. Order of Clerks Regular of the Religious Schools (Piarists)
S.P. Servants of the Holy Paraclete, Piarist Fathers
S.P. Sister of Providence
S.P.C. The Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres
S.P.G. Sisters of Providence of Gap, India
S.P.S. St. Patricks Missionary Society
S.R. Sisters of Redemption, India
S.R.A. Missionary Sisters of the Queen of the Apostles, India
S.S. Society of St. Sulpice (the Sulpicians)
S.S.A. Sisters of St. Ann
S.S.A. Sisters of St. Agatha, India
S.S.B. Sister of St. Brigid
S.S.C. Franciscan Servants of the Sacred Heart
S.S.C. Congregation of the Sisters of Christian Schools
S.S.C.C. Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
S.S.C.J. Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
S.S.C.M. Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary
S.S.C.M.E. Missionary Society of St. Columban
S.S.Ch. Sisters of Sainte Chretienne
S.S.D. Doctor of Sacred Scripture
S.S.E. Society of St. Edmund
S.S.E. Society of St. Edmund
S.S.E.W. Sister Servants of the Eternal Word, Birmingham, Alabama
S.S.F. Society of St. Francis
S.S.F.A. Sisters of the Holy Family Associate
S.S.H. Sisters of the Sacred Heart, India
S.S.H.J. Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, India
S.S.I. Society of St. John (Societas Sancti Ioannis)
S.S.J. St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart (Josephites)
S.S.J. Sisters of St. Joseph
S.S.J. Society of St. John
S.S.J.A. Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy, India
S.S.J.C. [Former abbreviation] Society of Saint John Cantius
S.S.J.T.O.S.F. (T.O.S.F) Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis
S.S.J.V. Society of Saint John Vianney
S.S.L. Licentiate in Sacred Scripture
S.S.M.I. Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate (Byzantine rite)
S.S.M.N. Sisters of St. Mary of Namur
S.S.M.O. Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon
S.S.N.D. School Sisters of Notre Dame
S.S.P. Society of St. Paul, Pauline Fathers and Brothers
S.S.P.C. Sisters of St. Peter Claver, India
S.S.P.V. Society of St. Pius V (sedevacantist)
S.S.P.X. Society of St. Pius X
S.S.S. Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
S.S.S. Sadhu Sevana Sisters, India
S.S.S. Sisters of Sacred Sciences, India
S.S.S.F. School Sisters of St. Francis
S.S.s.T. Society of the Most Holy Trinity, the Trinitarians
S.S.V.D.P. Society of St Vincent De Paul, (also known by S.V.d.P and S.V.D.)
S.S.V.M. Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (Servidoras del Senor y de la Virgen de Matara)
S.Sp.S. Missionaries of the Holy Spirit
S.T. Missionary Servants of Most Holy Trinity
S.U. Society of the Sisters of St. Ursula
S.U.S.C. Holy Union Sisters
S.V. Sisters of Life (Sorores Vitae)
S.V.C. Sisters of the Visitation Congregation, India
S.V.D. Society of the Divine Word / Divine Word Missionaries
S.V.d.P. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (also known by S.V.P. and S.S.V.D.P)
S.V.M. Sisters of the Visitation Congregation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, India
S.V.P. Society of St. Vincent de Paul (also known by S.S.V.D.P and S.V.d.P)
S.X. Xaverian Missionary Fathers
Sd.C. Servants of Charity
SSpSAP Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (aka "Pink Sisters")
T.F.P.O. Tertiary Franciscan of Primitive Observance
T.O.C. Third Order Carmelite
T.O.D.C. Tertiary of the Order of Discalced Carmelites
T.O.P. Third Order of Preachers
T.O.R. Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance (Franciscan Friars)
T.O.S.D. Tertiary of the Order of St. Dominic
T.O.S.F. Tertiary of Third Order of St. Francis
U.F.S. Ursuline Franciscan Sisters
U.J. Ursulines Of Jesus
U.M.I. Ursulines of Mary Immaculate, India
U.S.S. Ursuline Sisters of Somasca, India
V.C. Vincentian Congregation
V.H.M. Visitation of Holy Mary (Visitation Sisters or Sisters of the Visitation)
V.S.C. Vincentian Sisters of Charity
V.S.D.B. Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco, India
W.F. White Fathers