Haken en ogen
Literal meaning (= sewing term)
- hook & eye, hooks & eyes, hook and eye, hooks and eyes
Figurative meaning (= problemen/moeilijkheden)
- snags (Berkien, J.A.M.: Lexicon Financieel Management)
- difficulties
- stumbling blocks
- complications
- drawbacks
- issues
- implications
- barriers (maar aan de industrialisering ervan zitten nog wat haken en ogen = although there are still technological barriers to bringing it into industrial operation)
- obstacles and difficulties
- challenges
External links
- https://www.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/engineering-general/1338385-haken-en-ogen.html ("Daar zitten veel haken en ogen aan" is an idiomatic way of saying that something is not as easy as it first appears and that there are many details to take care of.)