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Latest revision as of 07:07, 30 October 2023

Info: 1,785 English entries

Paging Block Periodicity (PBP) The period of the occurrence of Paging Blocks. (For FDD, PBP1).
1.8V technology Smart Card A Smart Card operating at 1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
1.8V technology Terminal A terminal operating the Smart Card - Terminal interface at 1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
1xRTT CDMA2000 1x Radio Transmission Technology
2G 2nd Generation
3G 3rd Generation
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP) The 3GPP Generic User Profile is the collection of user related data which affects the way in which an individual user experiences services and which may be accessed in a standardised manner.
3GPP system the telecommunication system standardised by the 3GPP consisting of a core network and a radio access network that may be either GERAN or UTRAN, or both.
3GPP System core network refers in this specification to an evolved GSM core network infrastructure.
3GPP System coverage see coverage area.
3GPP System IC Card An IC card (or 'smartcard') of defined electromechanical specification which contains at least one USIM.
3GPP System mobile termination: part of the 3GPP System Mobile Station which provides functions specific to the management of the radio interface (Um).
3GPP-WLAN Interworking Used to generically refer to interworking between the 3GPP system and the WLAN family of standards.
3V technology Smart Card A Smart Card operating at 3V± 10% and 5V ± 10%.
3V technology Terminal A terminal operating the Smart Card - Terminal interface at 3V-± 10% and 5V ± 10%.
8-PSK 8-state Phase Shift Keying
A/Gb mode mode of operation of the MS when connected to the Core Network via GERAN and the A and/or Gb interfaces.
A-MPR Additional Maximum Power Reduction
A-SGW Access Signalling Gateway
A3 Authentication algorithm A3
A38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8
A5/1 Encryption algorithm A5/1
A5/2 Encryption algorithm A5/2
A5/X Encryption algorithm A5/0-7
A8 Ciphering key generating algorithm A8
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer
AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5
AB Access Burst
AC Access Class (of the USIM)Alternating CurrentAccess Class (C0 to C15)Access ConditionApplication ContextAuthentication Centre
ACC Automatic Congestion Control
Acceptable Cell A cell that the UE may camp on to make emergency calls. It must satisfy certain conditions.
Access conditions A set of security attributes associated with a file.
Access delay The value of elapsed time between an access request and a successful access (source ITU-T X.140).
Access Stratum SDU (Service Data Unit) Unit of data transferred over the access stratum SAP (Service Access Point) in the Core Network or in the User Equipment.
ACCH Associated Control Channel
ACELP Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction
ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio
ACK AcknowledgementAcknowledgement (in HARQ protocols)
ACL APN Control List
ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage RatioAdjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio
ACM Accumulated Call MeterAddress Complete Message
ACMmax ACM (Accumulated Call Meter) maximal value
ACRR Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio
ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity
ACU Antenna Combining Unit
ADC Administration CentreAnalogue to Digital Converter
ADCH Associated Dedicated CHannel
ADF Application Dedicated File
ADM Access condition to an EF which is under the control of the authority which creates this file
ADN Abbreviated Dialling Numbers
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
AE Application Entity
AEC Acoustic Echo Control
AEF Additional Elementary Functions
AESA ATM End System Address
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AGCH Access Grant CHannel
aGW Access Gateway
AI Acquisition Indicator
Ai Action indicator
AICH Acquisition Indicator Channel
AID Application IDentifier
AIUR Air Interface User Rate
AK Anonymity Key
AKA Authentication and Key Agreement
AKI Asymmetric Key Index
ALCAP Access Link Control Application Protocol
ALSI Application Level Subscriber Identity
AM Acknowledged ModeAcknowledge Mode
AMBR Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate
AMF Authentication Management Field
AMN Artificial Mains Network
AMR Adaptive Multi Rate
AMR-WB Adaptive Multi Rate Wide Band
AN Access Network
ANP Access Network Provider
ANR Automatic Neighbour Relation
AoC Advice of Charge
AoCC Advice of Charge Charging
AoCI Advice of Charge Information
AP Application ProtocolAccess preamble
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
API Application Programming Interface
APN Access Point Name
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ Automatic Repeat Request
ARR Access Rule Reference
AS Access Stratum
ASC Access Service Class
ASCI Generic name to identify the services VGCS, VBS and eMLPP.Advanced Speech Call Items
ASE Application Service Element
ASME Access Security Management Entity
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation.1Abstract Syntax Notation One
AT command ATtention Command
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATR Answer To Reset
ATT (flag) Attach
AU Access Unit
AuC Authentication Centre
AUT(H) Authentication
Authentication A property by which the correct identity of an entity or party is established with a required assurance. The party being authenticated could be a user, subscriber, home environment or serving network.
AUTN Authentication token
Available PLMN A PLMN where the UE has found a cell that satisfies certain conditions.
Average power The thermal power as measured through a root raised cosine filter with roll-off ??= 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate of the radio access mode. The period of measurement shall be one power control group (timeslot) unless otherwise stated.
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
B-ISDN Broadband ISDN
BA BCCH Allocation
BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls
BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls
Base Station A base station is a network element in radio access network responsible for radio transmission and reception in one or more cells to or from the user equipment. A base station can have an integrated antenna or be connected to an antenna by feeder cables. In UTRAN it terminates the Iub interface towards the RNC. In GERAN it terminates the Abis interface towards the BSC.
Base Station Controller This equipment in the BSS is in charge of controlling the use and the integrity of the radio resources.
Base Station Subsystem Either a full network or only the access part of a GERAN offering the allocation, release and management of specific radio resources to establish means of connection between an MS and the GERAN.A Base Station Subsystem is responsible for the resources and transmission/reception in a set of cells.
Baseline capabilities Capabilities that are required for a service-less UE to operate within a network. The baseline capabilities for a UE include the capabilities to search for, synchronise with and register (with authentication) to a network. The negotiation of the UE and the network capabilities, as well as the maintenance and termination of the registration are also part of the required baseline capabilities.
Baseline Implementation Capabilities Set of Implementation capabilities, in each technical domain, required to enable a UE to support the required Baseline capabilities.
Basic telecommunication service This term is used as a common reference to both bearer services and teleservices.
BCC Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Colour Code
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BCF Base station Control Function
BCFE Broadcast Control Functional Entity
BCH Broadcast Channel
BCIE Bearer Capability Information Element
BDN Barred Dialling Number
Bearer A information transmission path of defined capacity, delay and bit error rate, etc.
Bearer capability A transmission function which the UE requests to the network.
Bearer independent protocol (UICC) Mechanism by which the ME provides the (U)SIM applications on the UICC with access to the data bearers supported by the ME and the network.
Bearer service A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability of transmission of signals between access points.
BER Bit Error RatioBasic Encoding Rules (of ASN.1)
Best effort QoS The lowest of all QoS traffic classes. If the guaranteed QoS cannot be delivered, the bearer network delivers the QoS which can also be called best effort QoS.
Best effort service A service model which provides minimal performance guarantees, allowing an unspecified variance in the measured performance criteria.
BFI Bad Frame Indication
BG Border Gateway
BGT Block Guard Time
BI all Barring of Incoming call
BIC Baseline Implementation Capabilities
BIC-Roam Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home PLMN country
BID Binding Identity
Billing A function whereby CDRs generated by the charging function are transformed into bills requiring payment.
BLER Block Error Ratio
Bm Full-rate traffic channel
BMC Broadcast/Multicast Control
BN Bit Number
BO all Barring of Outgoing call
BOC Bell Operating Company
BOIC Barring of Outgoing International Calls
BOIC-exHC Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed to the Home PLMN Country
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
Broadcast A value of the service attribute 'communication configuration', which denotes unidirectional distribution to all users (source ITU-T I.113).
BS Base StationBase StationBasic Service (group)Bearer Service
BSC Base Station Controller
BSG Basic Service Group
BSIC Base transceiver Station Identity Code
BSIC-NCELL BSIC of an adjacent cell
BSR Buffer Status Reports
BSS Base Station Subsystem
BSSAP Base Station Subsystem Application Part
BSSGP Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol
BSSMAP Base Station Subsystem Management Application Part
BSSOMAP Base Station Subsystem Operation and Maintenance Application Part
BTFD Blind Transport Format Detection
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BVC BSS GPRS Protocol Virtual Connection
BVCI BSS GPRS Protocol Virtual Connection Identifier
BWT Block Waiting Time
Byte code (UICC) A hardware machine independent representation of a primitive computer operation that serves as an instruction to a software program called an interpreter or a virtual machine that simulates the hypothetical computer’s central processing unit. code generated by a Java compiler and executed by the Java interpreter.
C Conditional
C- Control-
C/I Carrier-to-Interference Power Ratio
C-plane Control Plane
C/R Command/Response field bit
C-RNTI Cell RNTICell Radio Network Temporary Identity
CA Capacity Allocation Cell AllocationCertification Authority
CAA Capacity Allocation Acknowledgement
Cable, Connector, and Combiner Losses (Transmitter) (dB) The combined losses of all transmission system components between the transmitter output and the antenna input (all losses in positive dB values).
Cable, Connector, and Splitter Losses (Receiver) (dB) The combined losses of all transmission system components between the receiving antenna output and the receiver input.
CAC (Connection Admission Control) A set of measures taken by the network to balance between the QoS requirements of new connections request and the current network utilisation without affecting the grade of service of existing/already established connections.
CAD Card Acceptance Device
CAI Charge Advice Information
Call a logical association between several users (this could be connection oriented or connection less).
CAMEL Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
Camped on a cell The UE is in idle mode and has completed the cell selection/reselection process and has chosen a cell. The UE monitors system information and (in most cases) paging information. Note that the services may be limited, and that the PLMN may not be aware of the existence of the UE within the chosen cell.
CAP CAMEL Application Part
Capability Class A piece of information which indicates general 3GPP System mobile station characteristics (e.g. supported radio interfaces,…) for the interest of the network.
Card session A link between the card and the external world starting with the ATR and ending with a subsequent reset or a deactivation of the card.
CAZAC Constant Amplitude Zero Auto-Correlation
CB Cell Broadcast
CBC Cell Broadcast Centre Cipher Block Chaining
CBCH Cell Broadcast CHannel
CBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CBS Cell Broadcast Service
CBS DRX cycle The time interval between successive readings of BMC messages.
CC Call ControlCountry CodeCryptographic Checksum
CC/PP Composite Capability/Preference Profiles
CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber
CCCH Common Control Channel
CCE Control Channel Element
ccess protocol A defined set of procedures that is adopted at an interface at a specified reference point between a user and a network to enable the user to employ the services and/or facilities of that network (source ITU-T I.112).
CCF Call Control Function
CCH Control Channel
CCI Capability / Configuration Identifier
CCITT Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
CCK Corporate Control Key
CCM Certificate Configuration MessageCurrent Call Meter
CCO Cell Change Order
ccounting The process of apportioning charges between the Home Environment, Serving Network and User.
CCP Capability/Configuration Parameter
CCPCH Common Control Physical Channel
Cct Circuit
CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel
ccuracy A performance criterion that describes the degree of correctness with which a function is performed. (The function may or may not be performed with the desired speed.) (source ITU-T I.350).
CD Capacity Deallocation Collision Detection
CDA Capacity Deallocation Acknowledgement
CDCH Control-plane Dedicated CHannel
CDD Cyclic Delay Diversity
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDN Coupling/Decoupling Network
CDR Charging Data Record
CDUR Chargeable DURation
CED called station identifier
CEIR Central Equipment Identity Register
Cell Radio network object that can be uniquely identified by a User Equipment from a (cell) identification that is broadcasted over a geographical area from one UTRAN Access Point. A Cell is either FDD or TDD mode.
Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI) The C-RNTI is a UE identifier allocated by a controlling RNC and it is unique within one cell controlled by the allocating CRNC. C-RNTI can be reallocated when a UE accesses a new cell with the cell update procedure.
Cellular Text telephone Modem (CTM) A modulation and coding method intended for transmission of text in voice channels for the application of real time text conversation.
CEND end of charge point
CEPT Conférence des administrations Européennes des Postes et Telecommunications
CF Conversion Facilityall Call Forwarding services
CFB Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy
CFI Control Format Indicator
CFN Connection Frame Number
CFNRc Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable
CFNRy Call Forwarding on No Reply
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional
CGI Common Gateway InterfaceCell Global Identifier
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
Chargeable Event An activity utilising telecommunications network infrastructure and related services for user to user communication (e.g. a single call, a data communication session or a short message), or for user to network communication (e.g. service profile administration), or for inter-network communication (e.g. transferring calls, signalling, or short messages), or for mobility (e.g. roaming or inter-system handover), which the network operator wants to charge for. The cost of a chargeable event may cover the cost of sending, transporting, delivery and storage. The cost of call related signalling may also be included.
Charged Party A user involved in a chargeable event who has to pay parts or the whole charges of the chargeable event, or a third party paying the charges caused by one or all users involved in the chargeable event, or a network operator.
Charging A function whereby information related to a chargeable event is formatted and transferred in order to make it possible to determine usage for which the charged party may be billed.
Charging Data Record (CDR) A formatted collection of information about a chargeable event (e.g. time of call set-up, duration of the call, amount of data transferred, etc) for use in billing and accounting. For each party to be charged for parts of or all charges of a chargeable event a separate CDR shall be generated, i.e more than one CDR may be generated for a single chargeable event, e.g. because of its long duration, or because more than one charged party is to be charged.
CHP CHarging Point
CHV Card Holder Verification information
CI Cell IdentityCUG index
CID Context Identifier
CIM Common Information Model
Cipher key A code used in conjunction with a security algorithm to encode and decode user and/or signalling data.
CIR Carrier to Interference Ratio
CK Cipher Key
CKSN Ciphering Key Sequence Number
CLI Calling Line Identity
CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction
CLK Clock
CLNP Connectionless network protocol
CLNS Connectionless network service
Closed group A group with a pre-defined set of members. Only defined members may participate in a closed group.
Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) A Closed Subscriber Group identifies subscribers of an operator who are permitted to access one or more cells of the PLMN but which have restricted access (CSG cells).
CM Connection Management
CMC Connection Mobility Control
CMD Command
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
CMISE Common Management Information Service
CMM Channel Mode Modify
CN Core NetworkCore NetworkComfort Noise
CNAP Calling Name Presentation
CNG Calling Tone
CNL Co-operative Network List
CNTR Counter
Coded Composite Transport Channel A data stream resulting from encoding and multiplexing of one or several transport channels.
COLI COnnected Line Identity
COLP COnnected Line identification Presentation
COLR COnnected Line identification Restriction
COM COMplete
Common Channel A Channel not dedicated to a specific UE.
Confidentiality The avoidance of disclosure of information without the permission of its owner.
CONNACK Connect Acknowledgement
Connected Mode Connected mode is the state of User Equipment switched on and an RRC connection established.
Connection A communication channel between two or more end-points (e.g. terminal, server etc.).
Connection mode The type of association between two points as required by the bearer service for the transfer of information. A bearer service is either connection-oriented or connectionless. In a connection oriented mode, a logical association called connection needs to be established between the source and the destination entities before information can be exchanged between them. Connection oriented bearer services lifetime is the period of time between the establishment and the release of the connection. In a connectionless mode, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified in each message. Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery. Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.
Connectionless (for a bearer service) In a connectionless bearer, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities ; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified in each message. Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery. Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.
Connectionless service A service which allows the transfer of information among service users without the need for end-to-end call establishment procedures (source ITU-T I.113).
CONS Connection-oriented network service
Control channel A logical channel that carries system control information.
Controlling RNC A role an RNC can take with respect to a specific set of UTRAN access points. There is only one Controlling RNC for any UTRAN access point. The Controlling RNC has the overall control of the logical resources of its UTRAN access point's.
Conversational service An interactive service which provides for bi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward) end-to-end information transfer from user to user (source ITU-T I.113).
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Core network An architectural term relating to the part of 3GPP System which is independent of the connection technology of the terminal (eg radio, wired).
Core Network Operator Operator that offers core network services.
Corporate code Code which when combined with the network and SP codes refers to a unique Corporate. The code is provided in the GID2 file on the (U)SIM (see Annex A.1.) and is correspondingly stored on the ME.Corporate code group combination of the Corporate code and the associated SP and network codes.
Corporate personalisation Allows a corporate customer to personalise MEs that he provides for his employees or customers use so that they can only be used with the company's own (U)SIMs.
Coverage area Area over which a 3GPP System service is provided with the service probability above a certain threshold.
Coverage area (of a mobile cellular system) An area where mobile cellular services are provided by that mobile cellular system to the level required of that system.
CP Control PlaneCyclic Prefix
CP-Admin Certificate Present (in the MExE SIM)-Administrator
CP-TP Certificate Present (in the MExE SIM)-Third Party
CPCH Common Packet Channel
CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer
CPICH Common Pilot Channel
CPS Common Part Sublayer
CPU Central Processing Unit
CQI Channel Quality Indicator
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRE Call Ree-establishment procedure
CRNC Controlling Radio Network Controller
CS Circuit SwitchedCircuit SwitchedCoding Scheme
CS-GW Circuit Switched Gateway
CSCF Call Server Control Function
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CSE Camel Service Environment
CSG Closed Subscriber Group
CSG cell A cell, part of the PLMN, broadcasting a specific CSG Identity. A CSG cell is accessible by the members of the closed subscribers group for that CSG Identity. All the CSG cells sharing the same identity are identifiable as a single group.
CSG Identity (CSGID) An identity broadcast by a CSG cell or cells and used by the UE to facilitate access for authorised members of the associated Closed Subscriber Group.
CSG Indicator An indication transmitted on the broadcast channel of the CSG cell that allows the UE to identify such as CSG cell.
CSG manager A CSG manager can, under the operator's supervision, add, remove and view the list of CSG members.
CSGID Closed Subscriber Group IDentity
CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network
CT Call Transfer supplementary serviceChannel TesterChannel Type
CTCH Common Traffic Channel
CTDMA Code Time Division Multiple Access
CTFC Calculated Transport Format Combination
ctive communication a UE is in active communication when it has a CS connection established. For PS active communication is defined by the existence of one or more Activated PDP contexts. Either one or both of the mentioned active communications may occur in the UE.
ctive Set Set of radio links simultaneously involved in a specific communication service between an UE and a UTRAN access point.
CTM Cellular Text telephone Modem
CTR Common Technical Regulation
CTS Cordless Telephony System
CUG Closed User Group
Current directory The latest MF or DF selected on the UICC.
Current EF The latest EF selected.
Current serving cell This is the cell on which the MS is camped.
CW Continuous WaveCall WaitingContinuous Wave (unmodulated signal)
CWI Character Waiting Integer
CWT Character Waiting Time
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DAD Destination ADress
DAI Downlink Assignment Index
DAM DECT Authentication Module
Data field Obsolete term for Elementary File.
Data Object Information coded as TLV objects, i.e. consisting of a Tag, a Length and a Value part.
DB Dummy Burst
DC Direct CurrentDedicated Control (SAP)
DCA Dynamic Channel Allocation
DCCH Dedicated Control Channel
DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment
DCF Data Communication Function
DCH Dedicated Channel
DCI Downlink Control Information
DCK Depersonalisation Control Key
DCN Data Communication Network
DCS Data Coding Scheme
DCS1800 Digital Cellular Network at 1800MHz
DDI Direct Dial In
De-personalisation Is the process of deactivating the personalisation so that the ME ceases to carry out the verification checks.
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
Dedicated Channel A channel dedicated to a specific UE.
Dedicated File (DF) A file containing access conditions and, optionally, Elementary Files (EFs) or other Dedicated Files (DFs).
Delivered QoS Actual QoS parameter values with which the content was delivered over the lifetime of a QoS session.
Demand service A type of telecommunication service in which the communication path is established almost immediately, in response to a user request effected by means of user-network signalling (source ITU-T I.112).
Dependability A performance criterion that describes the degree of certainty (or surety) with which a function is performed regardless of speed or accuracy, but within a given observational interval (source ITU-T I.350).
DES Data Encryption Standard
Destination user Entity to which calls to the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) are directed.
DET Detach
DF Dedicated File
DFT Discrete Fourier Transformation
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHO Diversity Handover
diff-serv Differentiated services
Directory General term for the MF or a DF on the UICC.
Directory Number A string consisting of one or more of the characters from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, a, b, c} associated with a nature of address indicator and number plan indicator. When using the public MMI for the control of supplementary services however, * and # cannot be part of any SC or SI field.
DISC Disconnect
Distribution service Service characterised by the unidirectional flow of information from a given point in the network to other (multiple) locations (source ITU-T I.113).
djacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR) The ratio of the average power centered on the assigned channel frequency to the average power centered on an adjacent channel frequency. In both cases the average power is measured with a filter that has Root Raised Cosine (RRC) filter response with roll-off ??= 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate.
DL DownlinkData LayerDownlink (Forward Link)
DL-SCH Downlink Shared ChannelDL-Shared CHannel
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
DLD Data Link Discriminator
Dm Control channel (ISDN terminology applied to mobile service)
DMR Digital Mobile Radio
DMTF Distributed Management Task Force
DN Destination Network
DNIC Data Network Identifier
DNS Directory Name Service
DO Data Object
Domain The highest-level group of physical entities. Reference points are defined between domains.
Domain Specific Access Control Access control functionality for access barring in either domain (i.e. CS domain or PS domain).
Donor network The subscription network from which a number is ported in the porting process. This may or may not be the number range owner network.
Downlink Unidirectional radio link for the transmission of signals from a UTRAN access point to a UE. Also in general the direction from Network to UE.
DP Dial/Dialled Pulse
DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel
DPCH Dedicated Physical Channel
DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel
DRAC Dynamic Resource Allocation Control
DRB (user) Data Radio BearerData Radio Bearer carrying user plane dataData Radio Bearer
Drift RNS The role an RNS can take with respect to a specific connection between a UE and UTRAN. An RNS that supports the Serving RNS with radio resources when the connection between the UTRAN and the User Equipment need to use cell(s) controlled by this RNS is referred to as Drift RNS.
DRNC Drift Radio Network Controller
DRX Discontinuous Reception
DS-CDMA Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access
DSAC Domain Specific Access Control
DSCH Downlink Shared Channel
DSE Data Switching Exchange
DSI Digital Speech Interpolation
DSS1 Digital Subscriber Signalling No1
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part
DTCH Dedicated Traffic Channel
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
DwPTS Downlink Pilot Time SlotDownlink part of the special subframe (for TDD operation)
E Extension bit
E-AV EPS authentication vector
E-GGSN Enhanced GGSN
E-HLR Enhanced HLR
E-RAB E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer
E-UTRA Evolved UTRAEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio AccessEvolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
E-UTRAN Evolved UTRANEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access NetworkEvolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
EA External Alarms
EARFCN E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
EBSG Elementary Basic Service Group
Ec/No Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noise spectral density
ECB Electronic Code-book
ECC Emergency Call CodeElliptic Curve Cryptography
ECGI E-UTRAN Cell Global Identifier
ECM EPS Connection ManagementError Correction Mode (facsimile)
ECSD Enhanced CSD
ECT Explicit Call Transfer supplementary service
ECTRA European Committee of Telecommunications Regulatory Affairs
EDC Error Detection Code byte
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EEC Ethernet Equipment Clock
EEL Electric Echo Loss
EF Elementary File (on the UICC)Elementary File
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EFS Error free seconds
EHPLMN Equivalent Home PLMN
EIR Equipment Identity CentreEquipment Identity Register
EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
EL Echo Loss
Element Management Functions Set of functions for management of network elements on an individual basis. These are basically the same functions as supported by the corresponding local terminals.
Element Manager Provides a package of end-user functions for management of a set of closely related types of network elements. These functions can be divided into two main categories.
Elementary File (EF) A file containing access conditions and data and no other files on the UICC.
EM Element Manager
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
eMLPP enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption
EMM EPS Mobility Management
EMMI Electrical Man Machine Interface
ENB Evolved Node B
eNB E-UTRAN Node BE-UTRAN NodeBEvolved Node-B
End-User An End-User is an entity (typically a user), associated with one or multiple subscriptions through identities (e.g. IMSIs, MSISDNs, IMPIs, IMPUs and application-specific identities). In the 3GPP system an End-User is characterised by an End-User Identity.
End-User Identity (EUI) An End-User Identity is an identity that uniquely characterises an End-User in the 3GPP system. An End-User Identity is mainly intended for administration purposes of the operator.
eNode-B Evolved Node B
Enterprise Systems Information Systems that are used in the telecommunication organisation but are not directly or essentially related to the telecommunications aspects (Call Centre's, Fraud Detection and Prevention Systems, Invoicing etc).
EP Elementary Procedure
EPA Extended Pedestrian A model
EPC Evolved Packet CoreEnhanced Packet CoreEnhanced Power ControlEvolved Packet Core
EPCCH Enhanced Power Control Channel
EPRE Energy Per Resource Element
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Evolved Packet SystemEnhanced Packet System
Equivalent HPLMN Any of the PLMN entries contained in the Equivalent HPLMN list.
Equivalent HPLMN list To allow provision for multiple HPLMN codes, PLMN codes that are present within this list shall replace the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI for PLMN selection purposes. This list is stored on the USIM and is known as the EHPLMN list. The EHPLMN list may also contain the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI. If the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI is not present in the EHPLMN list then it shall be treated as a Visited PLMN for PLMN selection purposes.
ERP Ear Reference PointEquivalent Radiated Power
ERR Error
ESD Electrostatic discharge
ESM EPS Session Management
Essential UE Requirement (Conditional) Requirement which has to be implemented under certain Service conditions. e.g. AMR codec in UE which supports speech service
Essential UE Requirement (Unconditional) Requirement which has to be implemented in any 3G UE in order to exist in and communicate with 3G network (e.g. Chiprate of 3.84Mcps).
ETNS European Telecommunications Numbering Space
ETR ETSI Technical Report
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETU Extended Typical Urban model
etu elementary time unit
ETWS Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
EUI End-User Identity
EUT Equipment Under Test
EUTRAN Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
EVA Extended Vehicular A model
EVM Error Vector Magnitude
Evolved Packet Core Is a framework for an evolution or migration of the 3GPP system to a higher-data-rate, lower-latency, packet-optimized system that supports, multiple RATs.
Evolved Packet System Is an evolution of the 3G UMTS characterized by higher-data-rate, lower-latency, packet-optimized system that supports multiple RATs. The Evolved Packet System comprises the Evolved Packet Core together with the evolved radio access network (E-UTRA and E-UTRAN).
Evolved UTRA Evolved UTRA is an evolution of the 3G UMTS radio-access technology towards a high-data-rate, low-latency and packet-optimized radio-access technology.
Evolved UTRAN Evolved UTRAN is an evolution of the 3G UMTS radio-access network towards a high-data-rate, low-latency and packet-optimized radio-access network.
Explicit Diversity Gain (dB) The effective gain achieved using diversity techniques.
Extra SDU delivery probability The ratio of total (unrequested) extra service data units (SDUs) to total service data units received by a destination user in a specified sample (source ITU-T X.140).
FA Full AllocationFax Adaptor
FAC Final Assembly Code
FACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel
FACCH/F Fast Associated Control Channel/Full rate
FACCH/H Fast Associated Control Channel/Half rate
FACH Forward Access Channel
FAUSCH Fast Uplink Signalling Channel
FAX Facsimile
FB Frequency correction Burst
FBI Feedback Information
FC (Flow Control) A set of mechanisms used to prevent the network from becoming overloaded by regulating the input rate transmissions.
FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel
FCI File Control Information
FCP File Control Parameter
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FDD Frequency Division DuplexFrequency Division Duplexing
FDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFrequency Division Multiplex
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDN Fixed Dialling Number
FDR False transmit format Detection Ratio
FEC Forward Error Correction
FER Frame Erasure Rate, Frame Error Rate
FFS For Further Study
FFT Fast Fourier Transformation
FH Frequency Hopping
FI Framing Info
File A named and hierarchically-classified data set on the UICC.
File identifier (FID) The 2-byte name of a file or a directory on the UICC.
Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) In a given network configuration, the capabilities that provide service and application to the end-user irrespective of the fixed or mobile access technologies and independent of user's location. In the NGN environment, it means to provide NGN services to end-users regardless of the access technology.
Fixed Network User Rate The user rate between IWF and the fixed network.
Flexible Layer One (FLO) GERAN feature that allows the channel coding of the layer one to be configured at call setup.
FLO Flexible Layer One
FLOOR Mathematical function used to ‘round down’ i.e. to the nearest integer having a lower value
FM Fault Management
FMC Fixed Mobile Convergence
FMS First missing PDCP SN
FN Frame Number
FNUR Fixed Network User Rate
FP Frame Protocol
FPLMN Forbidden PLMN
FR Full Rate
Framework A framework defines a set of Application Programming Interface (API) classes for developing applications and for providing system services to those applications.
FRC Fixed Reference Channel
FTAM File Transfer Access and Management
ftn forwarded-to number
Functional group A set of functions that may be performed by a single equipment (source ITU-T I.112).
G-RNTI GERAN Radio Network Temporary Identity
GBR Guaranteed Bit Rate
GC General Control (SAP)
GCR Group Call Register
Geographical routing The conversion of the PDU’s geographical area definition, which specifies the area in which the PDU will be broadcast, into an equivalent radio coverage map.
GERAN GSM/EDGE Radio Access NetworkGSM EDGE Radio Access Network
GERAN Radio Network Temporary Identifier (G-RNTI) G-RNTI is an MS identifier which is allocated by the Serving BSC and is unique within this SBSC. It is allocated for all MSs having an RRC connection. The G-RNTI is always reallocated when the Serving BSC for the RRC connection is changed and deallocated when the RRC connection is released. The G-RNTI is also used at RLC/MAC during contention resolution.
GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node
GID1 Group Identifier (level 1)
GID2 Group Identifier (level 2)
GMLC Gateway Mobile Location Centre
GMM GPRS Mobility Management
GMSC Gateway MSC
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GP Guard PeriodGuard Period (for TDD operation)
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPRS MS An MS capable of GPRS services is a GPRS MS.
GRA GERAN Registration Area
Group A set of members allowed to participate in the group call service. The group is defined by a set of rules that identifies a collection of members implicitly or explicitly. These rules may associate members for the purpose of participating in a group call, or may associate members who do not participate in data transfer but do participate in management, security, control, or accounting for the group.
Group call The relationship that exists between the members of a group for the purpose of transferring data. More than one group call may exist in a group. A group call establishes an active group.
Group call initiator A member (or third party) authorised to initiate a group call. More than one member may initiate group calls.
Group call participant A member of a group participating in a particular group call at a given time.
Group call server A logical entity that provides the group call service to the members.
Group call service A PTM service in which a relationship exists between participants of the group, and in which a single data unit transmitted by a source participant is received by multiple destination participants; it is a one-in, many-out service.
Group controller The member (or third party) responsible for the group creation and membership control.
GSA GSM System Area
GSIM GSM Service Identity Module
GSM Global System for Mobile CommunicationsGlobal System for Mobile communication
GSM BSS refers in this specification to the GSM/GPRS access network.
GSM core network refers in this specification to the GSM NSS and GPRS backbone infrastructure.
GSM coverage an area where mobile cellular services are provided in accordance with GSM standards
GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network GERAN is a conceptual term identifying that part of the network which consists of BSCs and BTSs between A/Gb or Iu and Um interfaces.
GSM session That part of the card session dedicated to the GSM operation.
GSN GPRS Support Nodes
GT Global Title
GTP GPRS Tunnelling ProtocolGTP Tunneling ProtocolGPRS Tunneling Protocol
GTP-U GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for User Plane
GTT Global Text Telephony
Guaranteed service A service model which provides highly reliable performance, with little or no variance in the measured performance criteria.
GUMMEI Globally Unique MME Identifier
GUP 3GPP Generic User Profile
GUTI Globally Unique Temporary Identity
HANDO Handover
Handoff Gain/Loss (dB) This is the gain/loss factor (+ or -) brought by handoff to maintain specified reliability at the cell boundary.
Handover The transfer of a user’s connection from one radio channel to another (can be the same or different cell).The process in which the radio access network changes the radio transmitters or radio access mode or radio system used to provide the bearer services, while maintaining a defined bearer service QoS.
Hard Handover Hard handover is a category of handover procedures where all the old radio links in the UE are abandoned before the new radio links are established.
HARQ Hybrid Automatic Repeat RequestHybrid ARQ
HCS Hierarchical Cell Structure
HD-FDD Half- Duplex FDD
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
HE Home Environment
HE-VASP Home Environment Value Added Service Provider. This is a VASP that has an agreement with the Home Environment to provide services. The Home Environment provides services to the user in a managed way, possibly by collaborating with HE-VASPs, but this is transparent to the user. The same service could be provided by more than one HE-VASP and each HE-VASP can provide more than one service.Home Environment Value Added Service Provider
HF Human Factors
HFN Hyper Frame NumberHyperFrame Number
HHO Hard Handover
HI HARQ indicator
HLC High Layer Compatibility
HLR Home Location Register
HN Home Network
HNB Name The HNB Name is a broadcast string in free text format that provides a human readable name for the Home NodeB/eNodeB.
HO Handover
HOLD Call hold
Home Environment responsible for overall provision and control of the Personal Service Environment of its subscribers.
Home PLMN This is a PLMN where the MCC and MNC of the PLMN identity match the MCC and MNC of the IMSI. Matching criteria are defined in TS 23.122.
HPLMN Home PLMNHome Public Land Mobile Network
HPS Handover Path Switching
HPU Hand Portable Unit
HR Half Rate
HRPD High Rate Packet DataCDMA2000 High Rate Packet Data
HRR Handover Resource Reservation
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSN Hopping Sequence Number
HSS Home Subscriber Server
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (https is http/1.1 over SSL, i.e. port 443)
HU Home Units
I Information frames (RLP)
I-Block Information Block
I-ETS Interim European Telecommunications Standard
I/O Input/Output
I-WLAN Interworking WLAN
IA Incoming Access (closed user group SS)
IAM Initial Address Message
IC Integrated CircuitInterlock Code (CUG SS)
IC Card A card holding an Integrated Circuit containing subscriber, end user, authentication and/or application data for one or more applications.
IC card SIM Obsolete term for ID1 SIM.
IC(pref) Interlock Code of the preferential CUG
ICB Incoming Calls Barred (within the CUG)
ICC Integrated Circuit Card
ICCID Integrated Circuit Card IDentification
ICGW Incoming Call Gateway
ICI Incoming Call Information
ICIC Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
ICM In-Call Modification
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS In-Channel Selectivity
ICS proforma A document, in the form of a questionnaire, which when completed for an implementation or system becomes an ICS.
ICT Incoming Call Timer
ID IdentityIdentifier
ID-000 SIM A UICC having the form on an ID-000 card (see ISO 7816-1 [24]) that contains a SIM application.
ID1 SIM A UICC having the format of an ID1 card (see ISO 78161 [24]) that contains a SIM.
IDFT Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
IDL Interface Definition Language
Idle mode The state of UE switched on but which does not have any established RRC connection.
IDN Integrated Digital Network
IDNNS Intra Domain NAS Node Selector
IE Information Element
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IED Information Element Data
IEI Information Element Identifier
IEIDL Information Element Identifier Data Length
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF Infrastructure
IFD Interface Device
IFS Information Field Sizes
IFSC Information Field Size for the UICC
IFSD Information Field Size for the Terminal
IHOSS Internet Hosted Octet Stream Service
IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
IK Integrity key
IM IntermodulationIP Multimedia
IMA Inverse Multiplexing on ATM
IMC IMS Credentials
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMGI International mobile group identity
IMPI IP Multimedia Private Identity
Implementation capability A capability that relates to a particular technical domain. Examplesa spreading factor of 128 (in the domain of the physical layer); the A5 algorithm; a 64 bit key length (in the domain of security); a power output of 21 dBm (in the domain of transmitter performance); support of AMR Codec (in the domain of the Codec); support of CHV1 (in the domain of the USIM).
Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) A statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system claimed to conform to a given specification, stating which capabilities have been implemented. The ICS can take several formsprotocol ICS, profile ICS, profile specific ICS, information object ICS, etc.
IMPU IP Multimedia PUblic identity
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMS Credentials (IMC) A set of IMS security data and functions for IMS access by a terminal that does not support any 3GPP access technology.. The IMC is not including an ISIM or a USIM. The IMC is not used if ISIM or USIM is present..
IMS Multimedia Telephony A service that allows multimedia conversational communications between two or more users. It provides real time bidirectional conversational transfer of media, e.g. speech, video, text or other types of data. The IMS multimedia telephony service includes Supplementary Services and takes account of regulatory requirements.
IMS SIM (ISIM) An application residing on the UICC that provides access to IP Multimedia Services.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentityInternational Mobile Subscriber IdentityIP Internet Protocol
IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications 2000
IMUN International Mobile User Number
IN Intelligent NetworkInterrogating Node
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part
INF INFormation field
Information Data Rate Rate of the user information, which must be transmitted over the Air Interface. For example, output rate of the voice codec.
Initial paging information This information indicates if the UE needs to continue to read more paging information and eventually receive a page message.
Initial paging occasion The paging occasion the UE uses as starting point for its paging DRX cycle.
Integrity (in the context of security) The avoidance of unauthorised modification of information.
Inter PLMN handover Handover between different PLMNs, ie having different MCC-MNC.
Inter System Change a change of radio access between different radio access technologies such as GSM and UMTS.
Inter system handover Handover between networks using different radiosystems , e.g. UMTS – GSM.
Interactive service A service which provides the means for bi-directional exchange of information between users. Interactive services are divided into three classes of servicesconversational services, messaging services and retrieval services (source ITU-T I.113).
Intercell handover A handover between different cells. An intercell handover requires network connections to be altered.
Interface The common boundary between two associated systems (source ITU-T I.112).
Interference Signal Code Power (ISCP) Given only interference power is received, the average power of the received signal after despreading and combining.
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) An 'International Mobile Station Equipment Identity' is a unique number which shall be allocated to each individual mobile station equipment in the PLMN and shall be unconditionally implemented by the MS manufacturer.
International mobile user number (IMUN) The International Mobile User Number is a diallable number allocated to a 3GPP System user.
Interpreter A software program that simulates a hypothetical computer by performing the operations defined by the instructions of this computer.(see also 'byte code' and 'virtual machine').
Interworking WLAN (I-WLAN) A WLAN that interworks with a 3GPP system.
Intra PLMN handover Handover within the same network, ie having the same MCC-MNC regardless of radio access system.
Intracell handover A handover within one sector or between different sectors of the same cell. An intracell handover does not require network connections to be altered.
IP Internet Protocol
IP-CAN IP-Connectivity Access Network
IP-Connectivity Access Network bearer (IP-CAN bearer) The data communications bearer provided by the IP-Connectivity Access Network. When using GPRS, the IP-Connectivity Access Network bearers are provided by PDP Contexts.
IP-Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) The collection of network entities and interfaces that provides the underlying IP transport connectivity between the UE and the IMS entities. An example of an 'IP-Connectivity Access Network' is GPRS.
IP-M IP Multicast
IPv4 Internet Protocol Version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IR Infrared
ir Interface User Rate The user rate between Mobile Termination and IWF. For T services it is the maximum possible AIUR not including padding. For NT services it is the maximum possible AIUR.
IRP Integration Reference Point
IRP Information Model An IRP Information Model consists of an IRP Information Service and a Network Resource Model (see below for definitions of IRP Information Service and Network Resource Model).
IRP Information Service An IRP Information Service describes the information flow and support objects for a certain functional area, e.g. the alarm information service in the fault management area. As an example of support objects, for the Alarm IRP there is the alarm record and alarm list.
IRP Solution Set An IRP Solution Set is a mapping of the IRP Information Service to one of several technologies (CORBA/IDL, SNMP/SMI, CMIP/GDMO, etc.). An IRP Information Service can be mapped to several different IRP Solution Sets. Different technology selections may be done for different IRPs.
ISC International Switching Centre
ISCP Interference Signal Code Power
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISIM IM Services Identity Module
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITC Information Transfer Capability
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITUR Radiocommunication Sector of the ITU
Iu Interconnection point between an RNC or a BSC and a 3G Core Network. It is also considered as a reference point.
Iu-flex Routing functionality for intra domain connection of RAN nodes to multiple CN nodes.
Iu mode mode of operation of the MS when connected to the Core Network via GERAN or UTRAN and the Iu interface.
Iub Interface between an RNC and a Node B.
IUI International USIM Identifier
Iur A logical interface between two RNC. Whilst logically representing a point to point link between RNC, the physical realisation may not be a point to point link.
IUT Implementation Under Test
IWF InterWorking Function
IWMSC InterWorking MSC
IWU Inter Working Unit
JAR file Java Archive File
JCRE Java Card™ Run Time Environment
JD Joint Detection
JNDI Java Naming Directory Interface
JP Joint Predistortion
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JTAPI Java Telephony Application Programming Interface
JVM Java™ Virtual Machine
K Constraint length of the convolutional codeUSIM Individual key
k Windows size
kB Kilobyte (1000 bytes)
kbps kilo-bits per second
Kc Ciphering key
Key pair Key pairs are matching private and public keys. If a block of data is encrypted using the private key, the public key from the pair can be used to decrypt it. The private key is never divulged to any other party, but the public key is available, e.g. in a certificate.
Ki Individual subscriber authentication key
KSI Key Set Identifier
ksps kilo-symbols per second
L1 Layer 1Layer 1 (physical layer)
L2 Layer 2Layer 2 (data link layer)
L2ML Layer 2 Management Link
L2R Layer 2 Relay
L2R BOP L2R Bit Orientated Protocol
L2R COP L2R Character Orientated Protocol
L3 Layer 3Layer 3 (network layer)
LA Location Area
LAC Link Access ControlLocation Area Code
LAI Location Area Identity
LAN Local Area Network
LAPB Link Access Protocol Balanced
LAPDm Link Access Protocol on the Dm channel
LATA Local Access and Transport Area
LAU Location Area Update
LB Load Balancing
LCAP Generic name for the transport signalling protocols used to set-up and tear-down transport bearers.
LCD Low Constrained Delay
LCN Local Communication Network
LCP Link Control Protocol
LCR Low Chip Rate
LCS Location Services
LE Local Exchange
LI Length IndicatorLanguage Indication Length IndicatorLine Identity
LLC Logical Link ControlLow Layer Compatibility
llowable PLMN A PLMN which is not in the list of forbidden PLMN in the UE.
llowed CSG list A list stored in the UE under both user and operator control, containing the CSG identities and associated PLMN identities of the CSGs to which the subscriber belongs.
Lm Traffic channel with capacity lower than a Bm
LMSI Local Mobile Station Identity
LMU Location Measurement Unit
LN Logical Name
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LND Last Number Dialled
LNS L2TP Network Server
Local Service Services, which are provided by current roamed to network that are not HE services. The same service can be provided by a network as a local service to inbound roamers and as a HE service to the subscribers of this network.
Localised Service Area (LSA) A LSA is an operator-defined group of cells, for which specific access conditions apply. This may correspond to an area in which the Core Network offers specific services. A LSA may be defined within a PLMN or globally. Therefore, a LSA may offer a non-contiguous radio coverage.
Location Registration (LR) The UE registers its presence in a registration area, for instance regularly or when entering a new registration area.
Logical Channel A logical channel is an information stream dedicated to the transfer of a specific type of information over the radio interface. Logical Channels are provided on top of the MAC layer.
Logical Channel (UICC) A command/response communication context multiplexed on the physical channel between the ME and the UICC.
Logical Model A Logical Model defines an abstract view of a network or network element by means of information objects representing network element, aggregations of network elements, the topological relationship between the elements, endpoints of connections (termination points), and transport entities (such as connections) that transport information between two or more termination points.The information objects defined in the Logical Model are used, among others, by connection management functions. In this way a physical implementation independent management is achieved.
Logical O&M Logical O&M is the signalling associated with the control of logical resources (channels, cells,) owned by the RNC but physically implemented in the Node B. The RNC controls these logical resources. A number of O&M procedures physically implemented in Node B impact on the logical resources and therefore require an information exchange between RNC and Node B. All messages needed to support this information exchange are classified as Logical O&M forming an integral part of NBAP.
LR Location RegisterLocation Registration
LSA Localised Service Area
LSA exclusive access cell A UE may only camp on this cell if the cell belongs to the LSAs to which the user has subscribed. Nevertheless, if no other cells are available, the UE of non-LSA users may originate emergency calls from this cell.
LSA only access When LSA only access applies to the user, the UE can only access cells that belong to the LSAs to which the user has subscribed. Outside the coverage area of the subscribed LSAs, the UE may camp on other cells and limited services apply.
LSA preferential access cell A LSA preferential access cell is a cell which is part of the LSA. UEs of users that have subscribed to a LSA of a LSA-preferential-access cell have higher priority to resources than non-LSA users in the same cell.
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSF Last Segment Flag
LSTR Listener SideTone Rating
LTE Long Term EvolutionLocal Terminal Emulator
LTZ Local Time Zone
LU Local UnitsLocation Update
LV Length and Value
M Mandatory
MA Mobile AllocationMultiple Access
MAC Medium Access ControlMedium Access Control (protocol layering context)Message authentication code (encryption context)
MAC-A MAC used for authentication and key agreement (TSG T WG3 context)
MAC-I Message Authentication Code for IntegrityMAC used for data integrity of signalling messages (TSG T WG3 context)
MACN Mobile Allocation Channel Number
Macro cells 'Macro cells' are outdoor cells with a large cell radius.
Macro diversity handover 'Macro diversity' is a operation state in which a User Equipment simultaneously has radio links with two or more UTRAN access points for the sole aim of improving quality of the radio connection or providing seamless.
MAF Mobile Additional Function
MAH Mobile Access Hunting supplementary service
MAHO Mobile Assisted Handover
MAI Mobile Allocation Index
MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset
Management Infrastructure The collection of systems (computers and telecommunications) a 3GPP System Organisation has in order to manage a 3GPP System.
Mandatory UE Requirement Regulatory requirement which is applicable to 3G UEs. It is determined by each country/region and beyond the scope of 3GPP specification (e.g. spurious emission in UK).
MAP Mobile Application Part
Master File (MF) The root directory of the file system hierarchy on the UICC.
Maximum output Power For UE, this is a measure of the maximum power supported by the UE (i.e. the actual power as would be measured assuming no measurement error) (TS 25.101). For FDD BS, the mean power level per carrier of the base station measured at the antenna connector in a specified reference condition (TS 25.104). For TDD BS this refers to the measure of power when averaged over the transmit timeslot at the maximum power setting (TS 25.105).
Maximum possible AIUR The highest possible AIUR that the multiple TCH/F can provide, e.g. 2 TCH/F using TCH/F9.6 provides a maximum possible AIUR of 19,2 kbit/s.
Maximum Transmitter Power Per Traffic Channel (dBm) The maximum power at the transmitter output for a single traffic channel.
MBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast ServiceMBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast ServiceMultimedia Broadcast-Multicast ServiceMultimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service
MBR Maximum Bit Rate
MBSFN Multimedia Broadcast multicast service Single Frequency NetworkMulticast/Broadcast over Single Frequency Network
MCC Mobile Country Code
MCCH Multicast Control Channel
MCE Multi-cell/multicast Coordination Entity
MCH Multicast Channel
MCI Malicious Call Identification supplementary service
MCML Multi-Class Multi-Link PPP
Mcps Mega-chips per second
MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme
MCU Media Control Unit
MD Mediation Device
MDL (mobile) Management (entity) - Data Link (layer)
MDS Multimedia Distribution Service
ME Maintenance EntityMobile Equipment
Mean bit rate A measure of throughput. The average (mean) bit rate available to the user for the given period of time (source ITU-T I.210).
Mean transit delay The average transit delay experienced by a (typically) large sample of PDUs within the same service category.
Medium Access Control A sub-layer of radio interface layer 2 providing unacknowledged data transfer service on logical channels and access to transport channels.
MEF Maintenance Entity Function
MEHO Mobile evaluated handover
MER Message Error Ratio
Messaging service An interactive service which offers user-to-user communication between individual users via storage units with store-and-forward, mailbox and/or message handling, (e.g., information editing, processing and conversion) functions (source ITU-T I.113).
MExE Mobile Execution Environment
MExE Classmark A MExE classmark identifies a category of MExE UE supporting MExE functionality with a minimum level of processing, memory, display, and interactive capabilities. Several MExE classmarks may be defined to differentiate between the functionalities offered by different MExE UEs. A MExE application or applet defined as being of a specific MExE Classmark indicates that it is supportable by a MExE UE of that Classmark.
MExE executable An executable is an applet, application, or executable content, which conforms to the MExE specification and may execute on the ME.
MExE server A node supporting MExE services in the MExE service environment.
MExE service a service enhanced (or made possible) by MExE technology.
MExE service environment Depending on the configuration of the PLMN, the operator may be able to offer support to MExE services in various ways. Examples of possible sources are from traditional GSM nodes, IN nodes, operator-specific nodes, operator franchised nodes and services provider nodes, together with access to nodes external (i.e. vendor-specific) to the PLMN depending on the nature of the MExE service. These nodes are considered to constitute the MExE service environment. The MExE service environment shall support direct MExE UE to MExE UE interaction of MExE services.
MExE service provider an organisation which delivers MExE services to the subscriber. This is normally the PLMN operator, but could be an organisation with MExE responsibility (which may have been delegated by the PLMN operator).
MExE SIM A (U)SIM application that is capable of storing a security certificate that is accessible using standard mechanisms.
MExE subscriber The owner of a subscription who has entered into an agreement with a MExE service provider for MExE services.
MF Master FileMultiFrame
MGCF Media Gateway Control Function
MGCP Media Gateway Control Part
MGT Mobile Global Title
MGW Media GateWay
MHEG Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Expert Group
MHS Message Handling System
MIB Master Information BlockManagement Information Base
MIC Mobile Interface Controller
Micro cells 'Micro cells' are small cells.
MIM Management Information Model
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
Minimum transmit power The minimum controlled output power of the TDD BS is when the power control setting is set to a minimum value. Thei si when the power control indicates a miminum transmit output power is required (TS 25.105).
MIP Mobile IP
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MLC Mobile Location Centre
MM Mobility ManagementMan MachineMobility ManagementMultimedia
MME Mobility Management EntityMobile Management Entity
MMI Man Machine Interface
MNC Mobile Network Code
MNP Mobile Number Portability
MO Mobile Originated
MO-LR Mobile Originating Location Request
MO-SMS Mobile Originated Short Message Service
Mobile Equipment (ME) The Mobile Equipment is functionally divided into several entities, i.e.one or more Mobile Terminations (MT) and one or more Terminal Equipments (TE).
Mobile evaluated handover Mobile evaluated handover (MEHO) is a type of handover triggered by an evaluation made in the mobile. The mobile evaluates the necessity of handover based on the measured radio environment and based on criteria defined by the network. When the evaluation meets the hand-off criteria the necessary information is sent from the mobile to the network. The network then decides on the necessity of the handover based on the reported evaluation result and other conditions, e.g. uplink radio environment and/or availability of network resources, the network may then execute the handover.
Mobile number portability The ability for a mobile subscriber to change subscription network within the same country whilst retaining their original MSISDN(s).
Mobile Station (MS) A Mobile Station (MS) corresponds to a User Equipment (UE). See 3GPP TS 24.002.
Mobile Termination (MT) The Mobile Termination is the component of the Mobile Equipment (ME) which supports functions specific to management of the PLMN access interface (3GPP or non-3GPP). The MT is realized as a single functional entity..
Mobility The ability for the user to communicate whilst moving independent of location.
Mobility Management A relation between the mobile station and the UTRAN that is used to set-up, maintain and release the various physical channels.
MOHO Mobile Originated Handover
MOP Maximum Output PowerMPR Maximum Power Reduction
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MP Multi-link PPP
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MPH (mobile) Management (entity) - PHysical (layer) [primitive]
MRF Media Resource Function
MRP Mouth Reference Point
MS Mobile Station
MSAP MCH Subframe Allocation Pattern
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSC Mobile Switching Centre
MSCM Mobile Station Class Mark
MSCU Mobile Station Control Unit
MSE MExE Service Environment
MSID Mobile Station Identifier
MSIN Mobile Station Identification Number
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number
MSP Multiple Subscriber Profile
MSR Maximum Sensitivity ReductionMTCH MBMS Traffic Channel
MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number
MT Mobile TerminatedMobile Termination
MT-LR Mobile Terminating Location Request
MT-SMS Mobile Terminated Short Message Service
MTM Mobile-To-Mobile (call)
MTP Message Transfer Part
MTP3-B Message Transfer Part level 3
MTU Maximum Transfer Unit
MU Mark Up
MUI Mobile User Identifier
Multi mode terminal UE that can obtain service from at least one UTRA radio access mode, and one or more different systems such as GSM bands or possibly other radio systems such IMT-2000 family members.