European Single Access Point (ESAP) Glossary: Difference between revisions
Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" !Dutch !English !Domain !IATE ID |- |aandelenfinanciering |equity financing, equity finance, equity funding |FINANCE |931361 |- |aandelenkapitaal, eigen vermogen, eigen kapitaal |shareholders' funds, equity capital, stockholders' equity, owner's equity, own capital, shareholders' equity, equity |share capital;FINANCE |2243438 |- |aangehouden netto economisch belang, aangehouden belang |retained interest, retained net economic interest |FI..." |
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|equity financing, equity finance, equity funding | |equity financing, equity finance, equity funding | ||
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|aandelenkapitaal, eigen vermogen, eigen kapitaal | |aandelenkapitaal, eigen vermogen, eigen kapitaal |
Latest revision as of 14:55, 27 July 2024
Dutch | English | Domain | IATE ID |
aandelenfinanciering | equity financing, equity finance, equity funding | FINANCE | 931361 |
aandelenkapitaal, eigen vermogen, eigen kapitaal | shareholders' funds, equity capital, stockholders' equity, owner's equity, own capital, shareholders' equity, equity | share capital;FINANCE | 2243438 |
aangehouden netto economisch belang, aangehouden belang | retained interest, retained net economic interest | FINANCE | 3545603 |
aanvullend eigen vermogen, aanvullend vermogen | additional own funds | financial institutions and credit;accounting | 874323 |
activa van niveau 1, overdraagbare activa met een uiterst hoge liquiditeit en kredietkwaliteit | assets of extremely high liquidity and credit quality, level 1 assets, transferable assets that are of extremely high liquidity and credit quality | financial institutions and credit | 3563951 |
additioneel eigenvermogensvereiste, pijler 2-kapitaalvereiste | additional own funds requirement, P2R, own funds add-on, pillar 2 capital requirement | financial institutions and credit | 3575835 |
afboeking, afschrijven, kwijtschelding | write-off, write off, writeoff | accounting | 3520448 |
afgeleid financieel instrument, afgeleid instrument, derivaat | derivative instrument, financial derivative instrument, derivative financial instrument, derivative product, derivative | financial market | 856223 |
agiorekening | share premium account | FINANCE;accounting | 1071938 |
andere systeemrelevante instelling, ASI | O-SII, O-SIIs, other systemically important institution | financial institutions and credit | 3572348 |
ASI-buffer | other systemically important institutions buffer, O-SII buffer, OSII buffer | financial institutions and credit | 3576019 |
ASI-bufferpercentage | O-SII buffer rate | financial institutions and credit | 3579800 |
basisvermogen, oorspronkelijk eigen vermogen | original own funds | financial institutions and credit | 877915 |
binnen twaalf maanden te verwachten kredietverliezen | 12-month expected credit losses, 12-month ECL, twelve month expected credit losses | financial market;accounting | 3572978 |
blootstelling op proef | exposure under probation | financial institutions and credit | 3579357 |
blootstellingsmaatstaf voor de berekening van de hefboomratio, blootstellingsmaatstaf, maatstaf van totale blootstelling | total exposure measure of the leverage ratio, leverage ratio total exposure measure, exposure measure, total exposure measure, leverage exposure measure, leverage ratio exposure measure, total leverage exposure measure | financial institutions and credit | 3575844 |
blootstellingswaarde | exposure value | financial institutions and credit | 2233479 |
buffer voor mondiaal systeemrelevante instellingen, MSI-buffer | buffer for global systemically important institutions, G-SII buffer | financial institution | 3574048 |
bufferrichtsnoer | buffer guide | financial institutions and credit | 3537880 |
CCyB, contracyclische buffer, contracyclische kapitaalbuffer | counter-cyclical buffer, time-variant capital buffer, countercyclical capital buffer, countercyclical buffer, counter-cyclical capital buffer, CCyB | financial institutions and credit | 3504803 |
clearing voor cliënten, cliëntclearing | client clearing | financial institutions and credit | 3572232 |
CMV, actuele marktwaarde | current market value, CMV | financing and investment | 2245296 |
contractuele looptijd | contractual maturity | financial institutions and credit | 1127357 |
contracyclisch bufferpercentage | countercyclical buffer rate | financial institutions and credit | 3537889 |
dekkingsfactor | coverage factor | financial institutions and credit | 3579770 |
dekkingspool, cover pool | cover pool | financial institutions and credit | 3524199 |
dekkingsvereiste, vereiste van activadekking | asset coverage requirement, coverage requirement | financial institutions and credit | 3563955 |
delinquent loan, achterstallige lening | delinquent loan, loan in arrears, overdue loan, past-due loan, past due loan | credit | 3551648 |
door margestortingen gedekt derivatencontract | margined derivative, margined derivative contract | financial market | 3572227 |
dubieuze lening | doubtful loan | financial institutions and credit;accounting | 898858 |
dubieuze vordering | doubtful debt, doubtful account | debt;accounting | 3519528 |
eigenvermogensvereisten voor het kredietrisico | own funds requirement for credit risk, own-funds requirement for credit risk, minimum own funds requirement for credit risk | financial institutions and credit | 2233758 |
eigenvermogensvereisten voor het operationele risico | minimum own funds requirement for operational risk, capital requirement for operational risk, own-funds requirement for operational risk, own funds requirement for operational risk | financial institutions and credit | 2233635 |
eigenvermogensvereisten voor wisselkoersrisico | own-funds requirement for foreign exchange risk, minimum own funds requirement for foreign exchange risk, own funds requirement for foreign-exchange risk, own funds requirement for foreign exchange risk | financial institutions and credit | 2234110 |
exotische optie | exotic option | financial market | 1682267 |
financieringsliquiditeitsrisico | funding risk, funding liquidity risk | financial institutions and credit | 3540015 |
gecentraliseerde gereglementeerde spaargelden | centralised regulated savings | banking;public administration | 3572177 |
gecombineerd buffervereiste | combined buffer requirement, combined capital buffer requirement | financial institutions and credit | 3537886 |
geconsolideerd eigen vermogen | consolidated own funds | financial institutions and credit;accounting | 875933 |
gedeeltelijke afboeking, gedeeltelijke afschrijving | partial write-off | accounting | 3599930 |
gedekte obligatie | covered bond | financial institutions and credit | 2215699 |
geplaatst kapitaal, uitgegeven aandelenkapitaal | share capital, issued share capital, issued capital | business organisation;financing and investment | 1104386 |
geplaatst, niet gestort kapitaal | capital subscribed and not paid up, callable capital, subscribed unpaid capital | European Investment Bank | 750795 |
gerealiseerde volatiliteit | realised volatility, realized volatility | financial market | 3575705 |
hefboomratio | LR, leverage ratio | financial institutions and credit | 3569563 |
hefboomratiobuffer | leverage ratio buffer, leverage ratio surcharge | financial institutions and credit | 3575912 |
historische volatiliteit, historische volatility | historical volatility, HV | financial market | 1464881 |
hybride kapitaalinstrumenten | quasi-equity investment instrument, quasi-equity instrument | free movement of capital | 2243442 |
impliciete volatiliteit | implied volatility | financial institutions and credit;financial market | 892731 |
in een contract besloten derivaat | embedded derivative | financial market;accounting | 920328 |
instelling waaraan op nationaal niveau vergunning is verleend | domestically authorised institution | financial institutions and credit | 3541485 |
intern kapitaal | internal capital | financial institutions and credit | 2234530 |
kapitaalbasis, eigen vermogen, toetsingsvermogen | capital base, prudential own funds, capital basis, bank's own funds, regulatory capital base, regulatory capital, own funds of a credit institution, own funds | financial institutions and credit | 906376 |
kapitaalbuffer | capital buffer, buffer capital | banking | 2226040 |
kapitaalconserveringsbuffer | capital conservation buffer | financial institutions and credit | 3523244 |
kapitaalmaatstaf | capital measure | financial institutions and credit | 3563977 |
kapitaalvereiste | capital charge, minimum own funds requirement, own funds requirement, capital requirement, own-funds requirement, minimum level of own funds, capital adequacy requirement, minimum own-funds requirement, regulatory capital requirement, minimum capital requirement | financial institutions and credit | 856347 |
kasreserveregeling, minimumreserveverplichting, reserveverplichting | minimum reserve requirement, reserve requirement | banking | 838970 |
KCCP, hypothetisch kapitaal | hypothetical capital, hypothetical capital requirement | financial institutions and credit | 3578102 |
kleine en niet-complexe instelling | small and non-complex institution | financial institutions and credit | 3579831 |
kredietcoöperatie | credit union | financial institutions and credit | 1071744 |
kredietprotectie | credit protection | financing and investment | 2215639 |
kredietrisicolimitering | CRM, credit risk mitigation, credit mitigation | financial institutions and credit | 2246031 |
LCR, liquiditeitsdekkingsratio | LCR , liquidity coverage ratio, LCR, liquidity coverage ratio | financial institutions and credit | 3533862 |
leverbare soort, leverbare kwaliteit | contract grade, deliverable grade, grade | FINANCE | 1682167 |
levering tegen betaling | DVP system, delivery-versus-payment system, delivery versus payment, delivery-versus-payment mechanism, delivery versus payment system, DVP mechanism, delivery versus payment mechanism, DVP | financial institutions and credit;free movement of capital | 892197 |
leveringsplaats | location, delivery location, place of delivery, contract location | FINANCE | 3575693 |
looptijd voor renteherziening | repricing maturity | financial institutions and credit | 3575670 |
looptijdtransformatie | transformation of maturities, term transformation, maturity transformation | financial market | 1126559 |
looptijdverschil | maturity mismatch | free movement of capital | 1128005 |
maatschappelijk kapitaal | nominal capital, authorised capital, registered capital, authorised share capital, authorised capital stock | taxation;business organisation | 842369 |
margevereiste, initiële marge | original margin, initial margin | financial market | 1464668 |
minimumkapitaalvereisten | MCR, minimum capital requirement | insurance | 924065 |
minimumreserves, vereiste reserves | minimum reserves, required reserves, minimum required reserves | financial institutions and credit | 1104226 |
minimumwaardeverplichting | minimum value commitment, MVC | financial institutions and credit | 3579833 |
MSI, mondiaal systeemrelevante instelling | global systemically important institution, G-SII, GSII | financial institution | 3561897 |
MSI-entiteit | G-SII entity | financial institutions and credit | 3571570 |
netto lange positie | net long position | financing and investment | 1125466 |
niet door margestortingen gedekt derivatencontract | unmargined derivative contract, non-margined derivative, unmargined derivative | financial market | 3572228 |
niet-EU-MSI, niet-EU mondiaal systeemrelevante instelling | non-EU G-SII, non-EU global systemically important institution | financial institutions and credit | 3572245 |
niet-inbare vordering, slechte schulden, oninbare vorderingen | uncollectible account, defaulted receivable, bad debt, irrecoverable debt | accounting;debt | 53529 |
niet-renderende blootstelling | NPE, non-performing exposure | FINANCE | 3551988 |
niet-volgestorte kredietprotectie | unfunded credit protection, UFCP | financial institutions and credit | 2229108 |
noodlijdende lening, niet-renderende lening, NPL, noodlijdend krediet, oninbare lening | nonperforming loan, NPL, distressed loan, non-performing loan | loan | 1127446 |
NSFR, nettostabielefinancieringsratio | Net Stable Funding Ratio, NSFR | financial institutions and credit | 3533865 |
oninbare lening, noodlijdend krediet, noodlijdende lening | distressed loan | financing and investment;credit | 1127552 |
optie tot vervroegde aflossing | early redemption option | financing and investment | 3575714 |
OTC-derivatenoperatie, OTC-derivatentransactie | OTC-derivative transaction, OTC-derivatives transaction, OTC derivatives transaction, over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transaction, over-the-counter derivative transaction, OTC derivative transaction, over the counter derivative transaction, over-the-counter derivatives transaction | financial market | 1176623 |
overdraagbare activa met een hoge liquiditeit en kredietkwaliteit, activa van niveau 2 | assets of high liquidity and credit quality, level 2 assets, transferable assets that are of high liquidity and credit quality | financial institutions and credit | 3563954 |
overeenkomst tot overdracht van de bedrijfsresultaten | profit-and-loss transfer agreement, PLTA, profit and loss transfer agreement | ECONOMICS;BUSINESS AND COMPETITION | 1363529 |
overreserves | excess reserves | banking | 1683457 |
pass-through-financiering | pass through financing, pass-through financing | financial institutions and credit | 919256 |
pass-through-lening | pass-through loan, pass through loan | financial institutions and credit | 3545227 |
percentage oninbare leningen, NPL-ratio, percentage niet-renderende leningen | NPL ratio, non-performing loan ratio | credit | 3549453 |
permanente faciliteit | overnight central bank facility, overnight standing facility, standing facility | ECONOMICS;FINANCE | 899817 |
pijler 2-richtsnoeren, richtsnoeren inzake aanvullend eigen vermogen | P2G, Pillar 2 guidance, Pillar 2 capital guidance, Individual Capital Guidance, capital guidance, supervisory guidance on additional own funds, guidance on additional own funds | financial institutions and credit | 3575846 |
positie in afgeleide instrumenten | derivatives position, position in derivative instruments, derivative position | financial market | 1125292 |
primary dealer | primary dealer | FINANCE | 1464937 |
prudentiële achtervang | prudential backstop | financial institutions and credit | 3579393 |
prudentiële beoordeling | prudential assessment | FINANCE | 3579534 |
prudentiële waardering | prudential valuation | FINANCE;accounting | 3504256 |
quasi-eigenvermogen | quasi-equity capital, quasi-capital, near equity resources, quasi-own funds, quasi own funds, quasi-equity capital, quasi-equity | FINANCE | 764549 |
respijtmaatregel | forbearance measure | FINANCE | 3562441 |
resterende looptijd | period left to run, residual term to final maturity, remaining maturity, residual maturity, residual term to maturity | insurance;financial market | 793071 |
Richtlijn eigen vermogen, Richtlijn 89/299/EEG van de Raad van 17 april 1989 betreffende het eigen vermogen van kredietinstellingen | OFD, Council Directive 89/299/EEC on the own funds of credit institutions, Own Funds Directive, Directive on the own funds of credit institutions, own-funds directive | financial institutions and credit | 869331 |
risico van buitensporige hefboomwerking | excessive leverage risk, risk of excessive leverage | financing and investment | 3541522 |
samenstel van afdekkingsinstrumenten | hedging set | financial institutions and credit | 2244540 |
samenstel van verrekenbare transacties | netting set of transactions, netting set | financial institutions and credit | 2244536 |
SB-TKR, standaardbenadering voor tegenpartijkredietrisico | standardised approach for counterparty credit risk, SA-CCR | financial institutions and credit | 3576097 |
schuldeffectisering | pass-through security | financial instrument | 1682281 |
slechte lening | bad loan | credit | 907613 |
softwareactief | software asset | information technology and data processing;accounting | 3579834 |
stabiele financiering | stable funding | economic policy;financing and investment | 3541527 |
synthetisch bezit | synthetic holding | financial institutions and credit | 3541943 |
synthetische securitisatie | synthetic securitisation, unfunded securitisation, synthetic securitization | financial institutions and credit | 2233466 |
systeemrelevante bank, systeembank, mondiaal systeemrelevante bank, MSB | GSIB, globally systemically important bank, G-SIB, systemic bank, systemically important bank, bank of systemic importance, global systemically important bank | financial institutions and credit | 3504198 |
systeemrelevante beleggingsonderneming | systemic investment firm | financial institutions and credit;financing and investment | 3576817 |
tegenpartijkredietrisico, CCR | counterparty credit risk, CCR | financial institutions and credit | 2229169 |
tegenpartijrisico | counter-party risk, risk of counterparty failure, counterparty risk | financial institutions and credit;free movement of capital | 850498 |
termijndeposito, termijngeld, termijnrekening | term deposit, term deposit account, time deposit, deposit with an agreed maturity, fixed-term deposit, fixed deposit | FINANCE | 1104204 |
tier 1-kapitaal, T1-kapitaal, werkelijk eigen vermogen, kernkapitaal | going concern capital, core capital, T1 capital, going-concern capital, tier 1 capital | banking | 1125341 |
tier 2-kapitaal, T2-kapitaal | tier 2 capital, tier-2 capital, gone concern capital, T2, T2 capital, tier-two capital, gone-concern capital | banking | 857661 |
tijdens de looptijd te verwachten kredietverliezen | lifetime expected credit losses, lifetime ECLs | financial market;accounting | 3573065 |
top-tier bank | top-tier bank | banking | 3577046 |
tradingafdeling | trading desk | financial institutions and credit | 907592 |
valutahedgetransactie, transacties tot dekking van koersrisico, hedging van valutarisico's | foreign currency exchange hedge, forex hedge, currency hedge, foreign currency hedge, FX hedge, foreign exchange hedge | financial institutions and credit;monetary economics | 1104081 |
van grondstof afgeleid instrument | commodity derivative, commodity derivatives, commodity-linked derivative | financial market | 1125424 |
vereenvoudigde SB-TKR, vereenvoudigde standaardbenadering voor tegenpartijkredietrisico | simplified SA-CCR, simplified standardised approach for counterparty credit risk | financial institutions and credit | 3576100 |
verwachte verliezen, te verwachten kredietverliezen | ECL, expected credit losses, expected losses, ECLs | accounting | 3572977 |
volgestorte kredietprotectie | funded credit protection, FCP | financial institutions and credit | 2216392 |
voorgeschreven eigen vermogen | regulatory own funds | pension scheme;social security;pension fund | 3549406 |
voorziening voor verliezen, leningsverliesreserve, voorzieningen voor kredietverliezen | allowance for bad debt, loss allowance, loan loss reserve, provision for loss, loan loss allowance, allowance for credit losses | accounting;banking | 3573070 |
vreemd vermogen, vreemd kapitaal, vreemde middelen | debt capital, loan capital, borrowed capital, credit capit, deposits and borrowed funds | credit;accounting | 1239605 |
waardevermindering, afschrijving, afwaardering, afboeking | writedown, write down, write-down | FINANCE;accounting | 1465055 |
wholesalefunding, wholesalefinanciering | wholesale funding | financial institutions and credit | 899660 |
wisselkoersrisico, koersrisico, valutarisico | foreign exchange rate risk, exchange rate risk, foreign currency risk, cross-currency exchange risk, FX risk, exchange risk, foreign-exchange risk, currency risk, foreign exchange risk | financial institutions and credit;monetary economics | 786112 |
zekerhedenswap | collateral transformation, collateral swap | FINANCE | 3549392 |
zichtrekening, zichtdeposito, direct opvraagbaar deposito | sight deposit, demand deposit | FINANCE;accounting | 1104203 |
zuiver vermogen | net assets, net worth | share capital;accounting | 1239766 |