acronymbook: Difference between revisions
Created page with "__TOC__ {{DISPLAYTITLE:Acronymbook}} == About this page == Several years ago, I was planning to create a huge, open-source website with hundreds of thousands of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms. It was going to be called ‘''''''’. For various reasons, it never came to much. However, its name lives on in the form of this page (where I keep track of abbreviations I come across while translating). I may yet revive it from the dead someday..." |
m Text replacement - "== References ==" to "=== References ===" |
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* ZZP (zorgzwaartepakket) = care intensity package | * ZZP (zorgzwaartepakket) = care intensity package | ||
== References == | === References === | ||
[[Category:Resources]] | [[Category:Resources]] | ||
[[Category:Abbreviations]] | [[Category:Abbreviations]] |
Revision as of 05:37, 30 November 2023
About this page
Several years ago, I was planning to create a huge, open-source website with hundreds of thousands of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms. It was going to be called ‘’. For various reasons, it never came to much. However, its name lives on in the form of this page (where I keep track of abbreviations I come across while translating). I may yet revive it from the dead someday.
- 2-MID = 2 – methylindol
- 3-AFC = 3-alternative forced choice test
- aanbest. = aanbesteden
- aanw. vnw. = aanwijzend voornaamwoord
- ACTH = Adrenocorticotroop hormoon
- ADD = Androstadienedion
- agr. = agrarisch
- alg. = algemeen
- AOEN = Androstenon
- AOL, aol, a.o.l. = Algemene Ondernemersvereniging Langedijk; achterste oogkamer lens
- art. = artikel
- AsDB = Asian Development Bank
- ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
- ATR: Autothermal Reformation
- Awb = Algemene wet bestuursrecht
- betr. vnw. = betrekkelijk voornaamwoord
- bijv. = bijvoorbeeld
- bkh. = boekhouding
- bn. = bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- boekdr. = boekdruk
- BSST = Beltsville Sperma Sexing Technology
- BTB = Bureau de Terminologie, Bruxelles
- bv = besloten vennootschap
- BW = Burgerlijk Wetboek
- bw. = bijwoord
- CCUS: Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
- comm. = commercieel
- comp. = computers
- dact. = dactyloscopie
- DNB = De Nederlandsche Bank
- EC = Europese Commissie
- ECB = Europese Centrale Bank
- econ. = economisch
- EEG = Europese Economische
- EER = Europese Economische Ruimte
- eff. = effecten
- elektr. = elektriciteit
- enz. = enzovoorts
- EOB = Europees Octrooibureau
- EU = Europese Unie
- EUR = Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
- Eur. Parl. = Europees Parlement
- evt. = eventueel
- FC: Fuel Cells
- FCEB: Fuel Cell Electric Buses
- FCET: Fuel Cell Electric Trucks
- FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
- fig. = figuurlijk
- fin. = financieel
- fisc. = fiscaal
- Fw = Faillissementswet
- GC = Gas chromatography
- Gemeenschap = OZB
- geol. = geologie
- GH = Groeihormoon
- GK = Grote Kluwer
- GnRH = Gonadotrope-releasing hormoon
- gramm. = grammatica
- Grondw. Belg. = Grondwet Belgïe
- Grondw. Nederl. = Grondwet Nederland
- Grondw. Surin. = Grondwet Suriname
- hbo/wo = hoger beroepsonderwijs/
- herald. = heraldisch
- HFC: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
- hipp. = hippisch
- hist. = historisch
- HPLC = High performance liquid chromatography
- HR = Hoge Raad
- HRS: Hydrogen Refuelling Stations
- HvJ = Hof van Justitie
- HvJ EG = Europees Hof van Justitie
- I.S.O., i.s.o., ISO = in search of; instead of; in support of; Independent System Operator; Isometric; Information Security Operations; Information Security Officer; International Organization for Standardization; International Standards Organization; International Sugar Organisation; Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg; voorvoegsel bij namen in de organische chemie; Infrared Space Observatory
- i.t.t. = in tegenstelling tot
- i.v.m. = in verband met
- IFRS = International Financial Reporting
- IGF-1 = Insuline-like growth factor 1
- ILO = Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie
- IMF = Internationaal Monetair Fonds
- IND = Indol SKA = Skatol
- IND = Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
- IND = Integratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
- indiv. = individueel
- indiv. = individueel
- inf. = informeel
- IOR = lijst van Bureau Industriële Eigendom
- KB = Koninklijk Besluit
- KKGG = Koud karkas slachtgewicht
- KMar = Koninklijke Marechaussee
- LC = Liquid chromatography
- LEI = Universiteit Leiden
- lett. = letterlijk
- levensverz. = levensverzekering
- LH = Luteïniserend hormoon
- luchtv. = luchtvaart
- m.b.t. = met betrekking tot
- m/m = Merken en Modellenwet
- med. = medisch
- meerv. = meervoud
- micro-CHP: micro-Combined Heat and Power
- mil. = militair
- Min. BZK = Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
- Min. EL&I = Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie
- Min. Fin. = Ministerie van Financiën
- Min. IenM = Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu
- Min. VenJ = Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
- Min. VWS = Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport
- MS = Massaspectrometrie
- muz. = muziek
- nat.pers. = natuurlijk persoon
- NGG: Natural Gas Grid
- NGR: Natural Gas Reformation
- NIVRA = Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants
- NMa = Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit
- NOB = Nederlandsch Octrooibureau
- NSAIDS = Niet-steroïdale anti- inflammatoire drugs
- numism. = numismatiek
- nv = naamloze vennootschap
- octr. = octrooirecht
- OM = Openbaar Ministerie
- onderw. = onderwijs
- opm = opmerking
- OU = Open Universiteit Nederland Heerlen
- oz. = onroerende zaken
- OZB = onroerendezaakbelasting
- Pa/cm², Pa/cm2 = Pascal per square centimeter
- PC, P.C., prof. corp. = praktijkvennootschap[1]; professional corporation
- pej. = pejoratief
- PEM: Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
- pens. = pensioen
- pensioenverz. = pensioenverzekering
- Power-to-X: Power to X (X = gas, fuel, power, chemicals)
- PPP: Public-Private Partnership
- prot. = protestants
- psych. = psychologie
- PUFA = Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- r.–k. = rooms-katholiek
- RAW[2] = The standard for technical specifications in Dutch civil engineering. Rationalisatie en Automatisering Grond-, Water- en Wegenbouw (Rationalisation and Automatisation Civil Engineering)</ref>
- Rb = arrondissementsrechtbank
- re.pers. = rechtspersoon
- rel. = religie
- RU = Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
- RUG = Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Rv = Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering
- RVV = Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens
- scheepv. = scheepvaart
- SMCP: Standardization, measurement, certification and protocols
- SMR: Steam Methane reformation
- SOEC: Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
- SPE = Solid Phase Extraction
- spoorw. = spoorwegen
- Sr = Wetboek van Strafrecht
- Standards = univ.
- stat. = statistiek
- Surin. = Suriname
- Sv = Wetboek van Strafvordering
- Sv = Wetboek van Strafvordering; Code of Criminal Procedure
- taalk. = taalkundig
- TAW, T.A.W. = Tweede Algemene Waterpassing
- telecomm. = telecommunicatie
- TSMR = Thickness shear mode resonators
- TU/e = Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- TUD = Technische Universiteit Delft
- UGent = Universiteit Gent
- UM = Universiteit Maastricht
- univ. = universiteit
- UT = Universiteit Twente
- UU = Universiteit Utrecht
- UvA = Universiteit van Amsterdam
- UvT = Universiteit van Tilburg
- VD = Van Dale
- verz. = verzekeringen
- vnl. = voornamelijk
- vof = vennootschap onder firma
- vrg. vnw. = vragend voornaamwoord
- vrm.[3] = vreemdeling
- VRM = Vlaamse Registratie Middelengebruik
- VRM = Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media
- VRM = Vereniging van Rijksgesubsidieerde Musea
- VRM = vasculair risicomanagement
- VRM = Veiligheidsregio Midden- en West-Brabant
- VRM = voorwaardelijke rechterlijke machtiging [= conditional court authorization, conditional judicial authorization (JurLex)]
- VU = Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- vz. = voorzetsel
- wetenschappelijk onderwijs = telecomm.
- Wildhgn = Wildhagen Duits-Engels
- wisk. = wiskunde
- Wmb = Wet milieubeheer
- WO II = Tweede Wereldoorlog
- WOZ = Wet waardering onroerende zaken
- Wpr = Wet persoonsregistraties
- WRO = Wet op de ruimtelijke ordening
- WSBA, W.S.B.A. = Washington State Bar Association[4]
- WU = Wageningen University
- ww. = werkwoord
- ZEV: Zero Emission Vehicles
- zn. = zelfstandig naamwoord
- ZZP (zorgzwaartepakket) = care intensity package
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- ↑ RAW is the standard for technical specifications in Dutch civil engineering. The abbreviation originates from Rationalisatie en Automatisering Grond-, Water- en Wegenbouw (Rationalisation and Automatisation Civil Engineering) and has been designed to have a strict distinction between design and realisation (Boersma, 2006; CROW, 2015). In this way the procuring authority is able to only contract out the realization, while keeping the ability to very thoroughly stipulate a design which leaves (very little to) no room for interpretation (Oosterwegel, 2015). Furthermore, it allows for detailed description of which activities need to be undertaken and how, as well as specifying which materials need to be used for different constituents (“RAW-bestek,” n.d.). This type of specifying therefore leaves no freedom to contractors. All contractors know exactly what the project entails and how it should be carried out, so the ‘quality’ of the project is thus fixed. As a consequence RAW is very suitable for lowest price tenders.
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