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Utrecht University’s Faculty of Humanities’ various departments

From michaelbeijer.co.uk

University Departments University of Utrecht, taken from: ‘Schrijf- en redactiewijzer Engelstalige teksten’ Universiteit Utrecht (52 Dutch-English entries).

Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen (GW) Faculty of Humanities
Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis Department of History and Art History
Departement Media- en Cultuurwetenschappen Department of Media and Culture Studies
Departement Nederlands Department of Dutch Studies
Departement Vreemde Talen Department of Foreign Languages
Departement Godgeleerdheid Department of Theology
Departement Wijsbegeerte Department of Philosophy
Faculteit Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie (REBO) Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance
Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid School of Law
Departement Economie (USE) School of Economics (USE)
Departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) School of Governance
Faculteit Geowetenschappen (GEO) Faculty of Geosciences
Departement Aardwetenschappen Department of Earth Sciences
Departement Sociale Geografie en Planologie Department of Human Geography and Urban and Regional Planning
Departement Fysische Geografie Department of Physical Geography
Departement Innovatie- en Milieuwetenschappen Department of Innovation and Environmental Sciences
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (FSW) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Departement Maatschappijwetenschappen Department of Social Sciences
Departement Pedagogische en Onderwijskundige Wetenschappen Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
Departement Psychologie Department of Psychology
Departement Methoden & Technieken Department of Methodology & Statistics
Departement Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science
Faculteit Bètawetenschappen (Bèta) Faculty of Science
Departement Wiskunde Department of Mathematics
Departement Informatica Department of Information and Computing Sciences
Departement Natuur- en Sterrenkunde Department of Physics and Astronomy
Departement Scheikunde Department of Chemistry
Departement Biologie Department of Biology
Departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculteit Diergeneeskunde (DGK) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Departement Gezondheidszorg Landbouwhuisdieren Department of Farm Animal Health
Departement Gezondheidszorg Paard Department of Equine Sciences
Departement Geneeskunde van Gezelschapsdieren Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals
Departement Dier, Wetenschap en Maatschappij Department of Animals, Science and Society
Departement Infectieziekten en Immunologie Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Departement Pathobiologie Department of Pathobiology
Departement Biochemie en Celbiologie Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) Department for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
Faculteit Geneeskunde Faculty of Medicine
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (GNK) University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
Divisie Vrouw en baby Division of Perinatology and Gynaecology
Divisie Radiologie, Radiotherapie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde Division of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine
Divisie Hersenen Division of Neurosciences
Divisie Perioperatieve Zorg en Spoedeisende Hulp Division of Perioperative and Emergency Care
Divisie Biomedische Genetica Division of Biomedical Genetics
Divisie Julius Centrum voor Gezondheidswetenschappen en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde Division of Julius Center Health Sciences and Primary Care
Divisie Kinderen Division of Pediatrics
Divisie Interne Geneeskunde en Dermatologie Division of Internal Medicine and Dermatology
Divisie Laboratoria en Apotheek Division of Laboratory and Pharmacy
Divisie Hart & Longen Division of Heart Lungs
Divisie Heelkundige Specialismen Division of Surgical Specialities
Divisie Intensive Care Centrum Division of Intensive Care Centre