
- magazijn
- (grote winkel) shop, (Amerikaans-Engels) store; business
- (kaartenbak) card hopper
- (van wapens) arms store, arms depot, armoury
- ((groot) bergplaats voor waren) warehouse, supplies depot, store depot, store room, supply room, storehouse, depot, repository, stockroom, storage shed, store shed
- cartridge, magazine
- magazine (“a hopper for holding coded magnetic or punched cards ready for input to some device”, src: I11.dict.electr., IATE)
- magazine (“container for holding workpieces correctly positioned for feeding to a processing station”, src: CIRP Dic Production Engineering 3:Sheet Metal Forming, IATE)
- magazine, magazine feeding attachment, magazine feed, magazine feed attachment, automatic magazine loader, magazine loader (“a feeding attachment for the storage and automatic feed of workpieces; it lacks a mechanism for sorting or arranging them”, src: Wüster:Machine Tool 1968, IATE)
- [MACH.] (voor gereedschappen bij CNC-machines) magazine
- (van diaprojector) (slide) tray
Usage examples
- iets uit het magazijn halen = get something from the warehouse/supply room/stockroom
- boeken in het centraal magazijn onderbrengen = store books in the central repository
- centraal magazijn/centrale voorraad = central stock[1]