Wiktionary Glossary created from Wikipedia database (9,185 Dutch-English entries)
nl-NL | en-GB | English definition |
(het) gegrom | growl | deep threatening sound |
(naar) boven komen | emerging | Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising |
bijv. | e.g. | abbreviation for “for example” |
’t | it's | it is |
1e | 1st | abbreviation of "first" |
1ste | 1st | abbreviation of "first" |
aaien | stroke | act of stroking |
aal | eel | any fish of the order Anguilliformes |
aambeeld | anvil | block used in blacksmithing |
aambeien | haemorrhoids | a pathological condition |
aan | complaisant | compliant |
aan boord | aboard | on board of |
aanbeeld | anvil | block used in blacksmithing |
aanbevelen | endorse | support |
aanbevelen | recommend | To commend to the favorable notice of another |
aanbidden | adore | love with entire heart and soul |
aanbieden | occur | present itself |
aanbieding | offer | proposal |
aanbod | offer | proposal |
aandeel | share | part of something |
aandelenbeurs | stock exchange | building and the associated organization |
aandenken | souvenir | item of sentimental value to remember an event or location |
aandoening | illness | disease |
aandrijven | operate | |
aandrijving | engine | mechanical device |
aanduiding | mark | indication for reference or measurement |
aaneenrijging | chain | a series of interconnected rings or links |
aangenaam | nice | easy to like |
aangenaam | pleasant | giving pleasure; pleasing in manner |
aangename | nice | easy to like |
aangeschoten | tipsy | slightly drunk |
aangewezen | appropriate | obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person |
aangezicht | face | part of head |
aanhalingsteken | quotation mark | Note: The following languages use “◌”-style quotation marks, unless otherwise indicated. |
aanhanger | partisan | adherent to a party |
aanhangsel | affix | that which is affixed |
aanhangsel | appendix | text added to the end of a book or an article |
aanhangsel | suffix | letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning |
aanklager | prosecutor | a lawyer who decides whether to charge a person with a crime |
aanklager | plaintiff | party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant |
aankloppen | knock | an abrupt rapping sound |
aankomen | arrive | to reach |
aankomst | arrival | act of arriving or something that has arrived |
aankondigen | announce | give public notice, or first notice of |
aankoper | buyer | person who makes purchases |
aanleg | aptitude | natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill |
aanleg | facility | ease in learning or doing something |
aanleiding | cause | Source or reason of an event or action |
aanmaakhout | kindling | pieces of wood and twigs used to start a fire |
aanmatigend | condescending | Assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude |
aanmoedigen | encourage | mentally support or motivate |
aannemelijk | plausible | likely, acceptable |
aannemen | assume | authenticate by means of belief |
aannemen | suppose | conclude; believe |
aannemen | adopt | To take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen |
aannemer | contractor | A person who executes the building or improving of buildings |
aanpalend | neighbouring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
aanpalend | neighboring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
aanpalende | neighboring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
aanpalende | neighbouring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
aanpassing | edit | a change to the text of a document |
aanpassing | change | the process of becoming different |
aanpassing | acclimatization | the act of acclimatizing |
aanpassing | adjustment | small change |
aanraken | touch | make physical contact with |
aanranding | assault | a violent onset or attack |
Aanschaffen | procure | to procure |
aanschaffen | buy | to obtain for money |
aanschouwde | beheld | to see, to look at |
aanschouwen | see | perceive with the eyes |
aansluiten | install | set something up for use |
aansluiting | junction | the act of joining |
aansluiting | interface | The point of interconnection between two entities |
aansporen | exhort | urge |
aansprakelijk | accountable | Having accountability |
aansprakelijk | responsible | answerable for an act performed or for its consequences |
aansprakelijkheid | liability | debt |
aansteken | light | to start (a fire) |
aansteker | lighter | fire making device |
aanstellen | show off | to exhibit, demonstrate sth for its own sake |
aanstelling | appointment | act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office |
aantal | number | abstract entity |
aantasting | encroachment | entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon |
aantijging | imputation | act of imputing |
aantreffen | find | encounter |
aanvaardbaar | acceptable | capable, worthy or sure of being accepted |
aanvaardbare | acceptable | capable, worthy or sure of being accepted |
aanvaarden | accept | to receive with consent |
aanvang | commencement | an act of commencing or beginning |
aanvang | inception | the creation or beginning of something |
aanvangen | begin | To start, to initiate or take the first step into something. |
aanvangen | commence | To begin, start |
aanvoegende wijs | subjunctive | subjunctive mood |
aanvoerder | leader | one having authority |
aanvrager | applicant | one who applies |
aanwezig | abound | to be plentiful |
aanwezigheid | presence | fact or condition of being present |
aanwijzend voornaamwoord | demonstrative pronoun | pronoun which replaces a noun |
aap | ape | animal |
aap | monkey | primate |
aardappel | potato | plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable |
aardappelpuree | mashed potatoes | potatoes that have been boiled and mashed |
aardbei | strawberry | fruit |
aarde | Earth | third planet from the Sun |
Aarde | Earth | third planet from the Sun |
aardgas | natural gas | mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits |
aardig | kind | nice |
aardig | earthy | resembling dirt or soil |
aardig | nice | easy to like |
aardige | nice | easy to like |
aardolie | crude oil | crude oil |
aardrijkskunde | geography | study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth |
aardvarken | aardvark | mammal |
aardworm | earthworm | worm (animal) |
aarts- | arch- | chief, highest, most extreme |
aartsabt | archabbot | the title of the general superior in Catholic congretations |
aartsengel | archangel | angel who leads other angels |
aartsvijand | archenemy | a principal enemy |
aarzelen | hesitate | To stop or pause respecting decision or action |
aas | bait | substance used in catching fish |
aas | carcass | dead animal |
Abbas | Abbas | A male given name |
abces | abscess | cavity filled with pus |
Abchazisch | Abkhazian | Abkhaz language |
Abdel | Abdullah | Muslim given name |
Abdel | Abdul | male given name |
abdicatie | abdication | the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder |
abdij | abbey | monastery headed by an abbot |
abdis | abbess | female superior of a nunnery |
Abdoel | Abdul | male given name |
Abdoel | Abdullah | Muslim given name |
Abdoella | Abdullah | Muslim given name |
Abdon | Abdon | biblical judge of Israel |
abeel | abele | the white poplar, Populus alba |
Abel | Abel | biblical character |
abels | abelian | math: of a group |
Abigaïl | Abigail | biblical wife of David |
abnormaal | abnormal | not conforming to rule or system |
abnormaliteit | anomaly | deviation from norm |
abortus | abortion | miscarriage |
Abraham | Abraham | prophet in the Old Testament |
Abram | Abram | Old Testament patriarch |
abrikoos | apricot | fruit |
abrupt | abruptly | in an abrupt manner |
absint | absinthe | liquor |
absoluut | absolute | loosed from any limitation or condition |
absoluut nulpunt | absolute zero | coldest possible temperature |
absorberen | absorb | to include so that it no longer has separate existence (1) |
absorberend | absorbent | absorbing |
abstractheid | abstractness | the quality of being abstract |
absurd | absurd | contrary to reason or propriety |
abt | abbe | abbot |
abt | abbot | superior or head of an abbey or monastery |
academie | academy | learned society |
academielid | academician | member of an academy |
academisch | academic | belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato |
acceleratie | acceleration | act, state |
accentueren | accentuate | to pronounce with an accent |
acceptabel | acceptable | capable, worthy or sure of being accepted |
acceptabele | acceptable | capable, worthy or sure of being accepted |
accepteren | accept | to receive with consent |
acclamatie | acclamation | applause |
acclimatisatie | acclimatization | the act of acclimatizing |
acclimatiseren | acclimatize | to get used to a new climate |
accordeon | accordion | A small, portable, keyed wind instrument |
accusatief | accusative case | grammatical case |
acetaat | acetate | salt or ester of acetic acid |
acetyleen | acetylene | acetylene |
Achab | Ahab | biblical king of Israel |
Achaz | Ahaz | biblical king of Judah |
Achilles | Achilles | Greek mythical hero |
achillespees | Achilles' tendon | strong tendon in the calf of the leg |
acht | eight | eight-cardinal number |
achtbaan | rollercoaster | amusement ride |
achtentwintig | twenty-eight | number |
achtenveertig | forty-eight | cardinal number |
achtenvijftig | fifty-eight | cardinal number |
achtenzestig | sixty-eight | cardinal number |
achter | behind | at the back of |
achteraan | behind | at the back of |
achtergeplaatst voorzetsel | postposition | (grammar) words that come after the noun |
achterhaald | outmoded | obsolete |
achternaam | surname | name that indicates family |
achterom kijken | look back | to look behind oneself |
Achterste | posterior | buttocks |
achterste | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
achterste | rear | being behind, or in the hindmost part |
achteruit | backward | of the direction towards the back |
achtervoegsel | suffix | letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning |
achtervolgen | pursue | to follow urgently |
achtervolging | chase | action of the verb "to chase" |
achterwerk | posterior | buttocks |
achterwerk | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
achterzetsel | postposition | (grammar) words that come after the noun |
achthoek | octagon | polygon with eight sides and eight angles |
-achtig | -ish | appended to words |
-achtig | -ly | used to form adjectives from nouns |
achting | respect | admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit |
achtste | eighth | ordinal form of the number eight |
achttien | eighteen | cardinal number |
achttiende | eighteenth | the ordinal form of the number eighteen |
acrocyanose | acrocyanosis | acrocyanosis |
acrofobie | acrophobia | fear of heights |
acroniem | acronym | word formed by initial letters |
actie | action | something done so as to accomplish a purpose |
actief | active | having the quality or power of acting |
actief | activity | The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force |
activiteit | activity | The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force |
actrice | actress | female actor |
Adam | Adam | first man in the Bible and Qur’an |
Adam en Eva | Adam and Eve | the first man and woman (according to Genesis) |
adel | nobility | noble or privileged social class |
adelaar | eagle | Any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae |
Adelger | Elgar | male given name |
Adelheid | Adelaide | female given name |
Adelmar | critical rationalism | male given name |
Adelwijn | Alwin | male given name meaning "noble friend" |
ademen | breathe | to draw air in and out |
ademhalen | breathe | to draw air in and out |
ademhaling | breath | act or process of breathing |
ademhaling | respiration | breathing |
Aden | Aden | seaport of Yemen |
adequaat | adequate | equal to some requirement |
ader | vein | blood vessel |
adjectivisch | adjective | functioning as an adjective |
Adolf | Adolph | male given name |
adopteren | adopt | To take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen |
adres | address | direction for letters |
Adriaan | Adrian | male given name |
Adriatische Zee | Adriatic Sea | sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice |
advertentie | advertisement | commercial solicitation |
advies | advice | opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel. |
advocaat | attorney | lawyer |
advocaat | barrister | A lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts |
advocaat | advocate | person who argues the case of another |
advocate | barrister | A lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts |
advocate | advocate | person who argues the case of another |
advokaat | eggnog | an alcoholic beverage |
aeroob | aerobic | Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen |
af en toe | now and then | (idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally |
afbeelding | figure | drawing |
afbeelding | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
afbraak | demolition | the action of demolishing or destroying, in particular of buildings or other structures |
afbreekteken | hyphen | symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split |
afdingen | haggle | argue about prices |
afdrukken | to copy something on a surface, especially by machine | |
afdwalen | digress | to deviate |
affix | affix | that which is affixed |
afgaan | go off | explode |
afgekort | abbreviated | shortened |
afgelegen | remote | at a distance |
afgelegen | extreme | of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost |
afgeleide | derivative | something derived |
afgeroomde melk | skimmed milk | milk with removed cream |
afgeroomde melk | skim milk | milk with removed cream |
afgesloten | closed | not open (1) |
afgestudeerde | graduate | from a university |
afgezaagd | hackneyed | repeated too often |
afgezonderd | separate | apart from; not connected to |
afgezonderd | reclusive | preferring privacy |
afgezonderde | separate | apart from; not connected to |
Afghaan | Afghan | person from Afghanistan |
Afghaanse | Afghan | person from Afghanistan |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan | country |
afgod | idol | representation of anything revered |
afgrijselijk | atrocious | evil, cruel |
afgrijselijk | ghastly | horrifyingly shocking |
afgrond | abyss | a bottomless or unfathomed depth |
afgrond | chasm | gap |
afgunst | envy | envy |
afhankelijk | dependent | relying upon; depending upon |
afkeer | abhorrence | extreme aversion |
afkoelen | cool off | to reduce in temperature, activity or temper |
afkomst | race | a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage |
afkorten | abbreviate | to make shorter |
afkorting | abbreviation | shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase |
afkraken | belittle | to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is |
afleiden | derive | obtain (something) from something else |
afluisteren | eavesdrop | To hear a conversation one is not intended to hear |
afname | decline | downward movement, fall |
afname | abatement | the act of abating or the state of being abated |
afpersing | extortion | the practice of extorting money or other property |
afraden | dissuade | convince not to try or do |
Afrika | Africa | continent south of Europe |
Afrikaans | African | of, or pertaining to Africa |
Afrikaans | Afrikaans | language |
Afrikaanse | African | of, or pertaining to Africa |
afschaffen | abolish | to do away with something |
afschaffen | abrogate | to annul by an authoritative act |
afscheiden | secrete | physiology: of organs, to produce and emit |
afscheiden | excrete | to discharge from the system |
afschrikken | daunt | to discourage |
afschrikwekkend | dour | stern, harsh and forbidding |
afschuw | abomination | the feeling of extreme disgust |
afschuwelijk | ghastly | horrifyingly shocking |
afslag | abatement | the act of abating or the state of being abated |
afslijting | encroachment | entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon |
afsluiting | closure | event signifying an ending |
afstand | distance | amount of space between two points |
afstand | abdication | the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder |
afstand doen | abdicate | to surrender or relinquish |
afstandsbediening | remote control | A device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away |
afstraffen | punish | To cause to suffer for crime or misconduct |
aftreding | resignation | act of resigning |
aftrekken | subtract | to remove or reduce |
aftrekking | subtraction | process |
afval | junk | rubbish, waste |
afval | ordure | excrement, dung |
afvallige | renegade | outlaw or rebel |
afvalligheid | apostasy | renunciation of set of beliefs |
afvalproduct | by-product | secondary product |
afvoer | drain | A conduit for liquids |
afwachten | wait | delay until some event |
afwachting | expectation | act or state of expecting |
afwassen | wash up | clean utensils, dishes, etc. |
afweren | ward off | to parry, or turn aside |
afweren | repel | to put off |
afwezig | absent | being away from a place |
afwezigheid | absence | state of being absent |
afwijken | deviation | act of deviating |
afwijkend | deviant | of or pertaining to a deviation |
afwijking | anomaly | deviation from norm |
afwisselend | alternating | such that it alternates |
afzetten | amputate | To surgically remove a body part |
afzetting | deposit | sediment or rock different from the surrounding material |
afzijdig | neuter | archaic: neither the one thing nor the other |
afzondering | privacy | state of being private |
afzonderlijk | separate | apart from; not connected to |
afzweren | abjure | to renounce upon oath |
Agatha | Agatha | female given name |
agentschap | bureau | office |
Aglaïa | Aglaia | female given name |
Agnes | Agnes | female given name |
agoeti | agouti | a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs |
agonie | anguish | extreme pain |
agressie | aggression | The act of initiating hostilities or invasion |
agressief | aggressive | tending or disposed to aggress |
ahoi | ahoy | used to hail a ship, etc |
aids | AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
Aischylos | Aeschylus | Greek tragedian |
ajuin | onion | a monocotyledonous plant of genus Allium allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice. |
akkoord | chord | combination of three or more pitches |
akoestiek | acoustics | quality of a space for doing music |
akoestisch | acoustical | of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics |
akoestisch | acoustic | pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds |
akoestische | acoustical | of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics |
akoestische | acoustic | pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds |
al | already | prior to some time |
al | all | every individual of the given class |
al- | pan- | a combining form meaning "all" |
Al Qaida | al-Qaeda | The global network of militant Islamic extremists. |
Alain | Alan | male given name |
Alanus | Alan | male given name |
Alaska | Alaska | US state |
Alban | Alban | male given name |
Albanees | Albanian | Of or pertaining to Albania |
Albanese | Albanian | Of or pertaining to Albania |
Albanië | Albania | country in south-eastern Europe |
albatros | albatross | seabird |
Albert | Albert | male given name |
Albin | Albin | male given name |
albino | albino | congenitally lacking melanin |
alchemist | alchemist | one who practices alchemy |
alchoholisme | alcoholism | chronic disease |
alcoholicus | alcoholic | a person addicted to alcohol |
alcoholische drank | alcohol | intoxicating beverage |
alcoholist | alcoholic | a person addicted to alcohol |
alcoholiste | alcoholic | a person addicted to alcohol |
aldaar | thither | to that place |
aldus | thus | as a result |
Alexander | Alexander | male given name |
Alexander de Grote | Alexander the Great | the king of Macedonia |
Alexius | Alexius | male given name |
alfabet | ABC | alphabet |
alfabet | alphabet | an ordered set of letters used in a language |
alfabetisch | alphabetical | in the order of the letters of the alphabet |
Alfons | Alfonso | male given name |
alg | alga | any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms |
algebra | algebra | system for computation using letters or other symbols |
algemeen | general | not specific or particular |
algemene verkiezingen | general election | an election held at regular intervals |
Algerije | Algeria | country |
Algerijn | Algerian | from Algeria |
Algerijnse | Algerian | from Algeria |
algoritme | algorithm | well-defined procedure |
alhier | hither | to here |
alhoewel | albeit | Despite its being; although |
alhoewel | although | in spite of |
alibi | alibi | criminal legal defense |
alimentatie | alimony | a court-enforced allowance |
alimentatiegeld | alimony | a court-enforced allowance |
alinea | paragraph | passage in text |
Allah | Allah | God's name in Islam |
alle | all | every individual of the given class |
alle wegen leiden naar Rome | there's more than one way to skin a cat | a problem generally has more than one solution |
alle wegen leiden naar Rome | all roads lead to Rome | different paths to the same goal |
allebei | both | each of two; one and the other |
allebeide | both | each of two; one and the other |
alledaags | everyday | appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions |
alleenstaand | unattached | not married |
alles | everything | all the things |
alleseter | omnivore | animal eating both plants and meat |
alletwee | both | each of two; one and the other |
alligator | alligator | A large amphibious reptile with sharp teeth and very strong jaws |
allochtoon | foreign | from a different country |
allusie | allusion | Indirect reference; a hint |
almacht | omnipotence | unlimited power |
almachtig | omnipotent | having unlimited power, force or authority |
almachtig | almighty | unlimited in might |
almachtige | omnipotent | having unlimited power, force or authority |
alomtegenwoordig | ubiquitous | being everywhere |
alomtegenwoordig | omnipresent | being everywhere |
alpaca | alpaca | sheeplike animal of the Andes |
Alpen | Alps | a mountain range in Western Europe |
alpenkauw | alpine chough | alpine chough |
als | as | to such an extent or degree |
als | if | supposing that |
Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen | when the cat's away the mice will play | in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances |
Als je het over de duivel hebt, dan zie je zijn staart | speak of the devil | expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive |
als zodanig | qua | in the capacity of |
alsjeblieft | here you are | said when you hand something over |
alstublieft | here you are | said when you hand something over |
altaar | altar | flat-topped structure used for religious rites |
altijd | ever | Always |
altijd | always | at all times |
altijddurend | everlasting | Lasting or enduring forever |
aluminium | aluminum | element |
aluminium | aluminium | A silvery metal |
alvleesklier | pancreas | gland near the stomach |
alweer | again | having already happened before |
alwetend | omniscient | having total knowledge |
alzheimer | Alzheimer's disease | mental disorder from brain tissue changes |
amandel | almond | nut |
amarant | amaranth | herb |
Amazone-mierklauwier | Amazonian antshrike | Thamnophilus amazonicus |
ambassade | embassy | organization representing a foreign state |
ambassadeur | ambassador | minister |
amber | ambergris | fatty substance |
ambigu | ambiguous | open to multiple interpretations |
ambitieus | ambitious | possessing, or controlled by, ambition |
ambivalente | ambivalent | experiencing or expressing opposing feelings |
ambivalentie | ambivalence | coexistence of opposing attitudes |
ambulance | ambulance | emergency vehicle |
americium | americium | chemical element with atomic number 95 |
Amerika | America | Continents of America |
Amerikaans Samoa | American Samoa | US overseas territory in Oceania |
Amerikaanse torenvalk | sparrow hawk | Falco sparverius |
amethyst | amethyst | gem |
amfetamine | amphetamine | amphetamine |
amfibie | amphibian | vertebrate |
aminozuur | amino acid | amino acid |
amnestie | amnesty | forgetfulness |
amoebe | amoeba | a genus of unicellular protozoa |
Amoer | Amur | the river between the Far East Russia and China |
amorf | amorphous | lacking a definite form or clear shape |
amper | scarcely | in a scarce manner |
amputeren | amputate | To surgically remove a body part |
amylase | amylase | enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch |
An | Ann | female given name |
anaconda | anaconda | any of various large nonvenomous snake of the genus Eunectes |
anafora | anaphora | repetition of a phrase used for emphasis |
anagram | anagram | word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase |
analist | analyst | person who analyzes |
analiste | analyst | person who analyzes |
analoge | analogue | being represented by a continuously variable physical quantity |
analoge | analogous | having analogy; corresponding to something else |
analogie | analogy | similar example as explanation |
analoog | analogous | having analogy; corresponding to something else |
analoog | analogue | being represented by a continuously variable physical quantity |
analyse | parse | act of parsing |
analyse | analysis | process of dismantling or separating into constituents in order to study |
ananas | pineapple | plant |
anarchie | anarchy | absence of any form of political authority or government |
anarchist | anarchist | believer in anarchism |
ander | other | not the one |
anders | else | word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to |
anders | different | not the same |
andersom | the other way around | same but with things reversed |
Andes | Andes | mountain range in South America |
Andorra | Andorra | country |
androïde | android | robot with human form |
anemie | anemia | medical condition with decreased oxygen transport |
anemoon | anemone | any plant of genus anemone |
Anglicaans | Anglican | relating to one of several churches |
anijs | anise | plant and spice |
anime | anime | Animated works that originated in Japan |
anisotropie | anisotropy | the property of being directionally dependent |
anker | anchor | tool to hook a vessel into sea bottom |
Anna | Ann | female given name |
Anne | Ann | female given name |
Anneke | Ann | female given name |
annuleren | rescind | repeal, annul, or declare void |
annuleren | repeal | To cancel |
anomalie | anomaly | deviation from norm |
anomie | anomie | alienation or social instability |
anopia | anopia | medical condition |
anopie | anopia | medical condition |
anopsia | anopia | medical condition |
anopsie | anopia | medical condition |
Antarctica | Antarctica | southernmost continent |
Antarctisch | Antarctic | Pertaining to Antarctica |
antiek | antique | old; out of date |
antiek | ancient | very old |
Antigua en Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | Country |
antilichaam | antibody | protein that binds to a specific antigen |
antilope | antelope | any of several African mammals of the family Bovidae |
anti-semitisme | anti-Semitism | Prejudice or hostility against Jews |
antithese | antithesis | proposition that is opposite to other proposition |
antoniem | antonym | word which has the opposite meaning |
antwoord | response | an answer or reply |
antwoord | answer | response |
anus | anus | lower opening of the digestive tract |
apart | aloof | at or from a distance |
apathie | apathy | lack of emotion or motivation |
apathisch | apathetic | void of feeling |
apenstaartje | at sign | the symbol @ |
apin | monkey | primate |
apin | ape | animal |
apocrief | apocryphal | of doubtful authenticity |
apotheek | pharmacy | a place where prescription drugs are dispensed |
apotheker | apothecary | a person |
apparaat | apparatus | a complex machine or instrument |
appartement | apartment | domicile occupying part of a building |
appel | apple | fruit |
appelaar | apple tree | any cultivar of the Malus domestica tree |
appelboom | apple tree | any cultivar of the Malus domestica tree |
appelsienenboom | orange | tree |
appendix | appendix | text added to the end of a book or an article |
applaudisseren | applaud | to express approval by clapping |
april | April | fourth month of the Gregorian calendar |
aquaduct | aqueduct | an artificial channel conveying water |
aquatisch | aquatic | relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water |
aquatische | aquatic | relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water |
aquifer | aquifer | an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel |
Arabisch | Arabic | of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour |
Arabisch | Arab | of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations |
Arabische | Arabic | of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour |
Aragonees | Aragonese | from Aragon |
arbeider | laborer | One who uses body strength instead of intellectual power to earn a wage, usually hourly |
arbeider | worker | person |
arbeidskracht | worker | person |
Arcadië | Arcadia | A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese |
archaic | codpiece | part of male dress to cover genitals |
archaic | able | healthy |
archaïsch | archaic | old-fashioned or antiquated |
archaïsche | archaic | old-fashioned or antiquated |
archeologie | archaeology | scientific study of past remains |
archief | archive | place for storing earlier material |
architect | architect | a designer of buildings |
architectuur | architecture | art and science of designing buildings and other structures |
Arctische Oceaan | Arctic Ocean | the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole |
are | are | unit of area |
arend | eagle | Any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae |
Argentijn | Argentinian | person from Argentina |
Argentijnse | Argentinian | person from Argentina |
Argentinië | Argentina | Translations |
argon | argon | a chemical element |
aristocraat | aristocrat | one of the aristocracy |
aritmetica | arithmetic | mathematics of numbers, etc. |
arm | arm | limb |
arm | poor | with no possessions or money |
Armeens | Armenian | of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet |
Armeense | Armenian | of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet |
Armenië | Armenia | country |
armoede | poverty | quality or state of being poor |
armworstelaar | arm-wrestler | someone who arm-wrestles |
aromatisch | aromatic | fragrant or spicy |
arriveren | arrive | to reach |
arrogant | arrogant | having excessive pride |
arrogantie | arrogance | act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner |
arseen | arsenic | element |
arsenicum | arsenic | element |
artefact | artifact | man-made object |
artificieel | artificial | man-made |
artikel | item | distinct physical object |
artikel | article | story, report, or opinion piece |
artisjok | artichoke | Cynara scolymus |
arts | doctor | physician |
Aruba | Aruba | autonomous territory of the Netherlands in the Caribbean |
as | ash | solid remains of a fire |
as | axis | geometry: imaginary line |
As majeur | A-flat major | A-flat major |
as van het kwaad | axis of evil | countries disliked by American neoconservatives |
asbak | ashtray | receptacle for ashes |
asiel | asylum | place of safety |
asperge | asparagus | asparagus plant |
aspirine | aspirin | analgesic drug |
asse | ash | solid remains of a fire |
Assepoester | Cinderella | fairy tale |
assertief | assertive | boldly self-assured |
assistent | assistant | person who assists |
assisteren | assist | help |
associatie | connotation | suggested or implied meaning |
astaat | astatine | the chemical element |
asteroïde | asteroid | astronomy |
astronaut | astronaut | member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose |
astronomisch | astronomical | of or relating to astronomy |
astronoom | astronomer | one who studies astronomy |
asymptoot | asymptote | a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely |
atelier | workshop | a small room where things are manufactured, or light industrial work is done |
atheïsme | atheism | Absence of belief in the existence of god or gods. |
Athene | Athens | capital city of Greece |
Athene | Athena | Greek goddess |
Atlantisch | Atlantic | the Atlantic Ocean |
Atlantische Oceaan | Atlantic Ocean | the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east |
atlas | atlas | bound collection of maps |
Atlas | Atlas | Greek mythology |
atleet | athlete | A person who actively participates in physical sports, possibly highly skilled in sports |
atmosfeer | atmosphere | gases surrounding the Earth |
atol | atoll | island |
atonaliteit | atonality | a style of music |
atoombom | atomic bomb | nuclear weapon |
atoombom | atom bomb | atomic bomb |
atoomkern | atomic nucleus | nucleus of an atom |
attest | certificate | a document containing a certified statement |
attitude | attitude | disposition or state of mind<!--To be redefined, IMHO. --Dan Polansky--> |
au | ouch | expression of one's own physical pain |
aubergine | aubergine | fruit of the plant |
auerhoen | capercaillie | bird |
auerhoen | grouse | any of various game birds of the family Tetraonidae |
augurk | pickle | cucumber preserved in brine or vinegar syrup |
augustus | August | eighth month of the Gregorian calendar |
Augustus | Augustus | Roman emperor |
aurora borealis | northern lights | the aurora of the northern hemisphere |
Australië | Australia | Commonwealth of Australia |
Australiër | Australian | a person from Australia or of Australian descent |
Australische | Australian | a person from Australia or of Australian descent |
auteur | author | originator or creator of a work |
auteur | writer | person who writes; an author |
auteursrecht | copyright | right to publish |
autisme | autism | abnormal self-absorption |
auto | car | automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver |
autobus | bus | vehicle |
autokraat | autocrat | ruler with absolute power |
automatisch | automatically | In an automatic manner |
automatisch | automatic | capable of operating without external control |
automatisering | automation | converting the controlling of a machine to an automatic system |
autonomie | autonomy | Self-government |
autonoom | autonomous | self-governing |
autopsie | autopsy | a dissection performed on a cadaver |
autosnelweg | highway | main public thoroughfare |
autostrade | highway | main public thoroughfare |
avocado | avocado | fruit |
avond | evening | time of day |
avondeten | dinner | main meal of the day |
avondmaaltijd | dinner | main meal of the day |
avontuur | adventure | that which happens without design |
avontuurlijk | adventurous | Inclined to adventure |
ayatollah | ayatollah | a religious leader |
Ayyavazhi | Ayyavazhi | religion |
Azerbeidzjan | Azerbaijan | country in Eastern Europe |
Aziaat | Asian | person from Asia |
Azië | Asia | the continent of Asia |
azijn | vinegar | condiment |
Azische | Asian | person from Asia |
baan | road | strip of land made suitable for travel |
baan | orbit | path of one object around another |
baar | ingot | a solid block of more or less pure metal |
baar | cash | money in the form of notes/bills and coins |
baar | bar | solid object with uniform cross-section |
baar | stretcher | simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person |
baar | gurney | a stretcher having wheeled legs |
-baar | -ible | able to be |
baard | beard | facial hair |
baarmoeder | womb | organ in mammals |
baars | perch | fish of the genus Perca |
babyoppas | babysitter | baby or child caretaker |
backgammon | backgammon | board game |
backslash | backslash | punctuation mark |
bacon | bacon | cut of meat |
bacterie | bacterium | single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles |
bad | bath | tub |
badkamer | bathroom | a room containing a bath where one can bathe |
badkuip | bathtub | a large container for holding water in which a person may bathe |
badkuip | bath | tub |
badpak | swimsuit | tight-fitting garment worn for swimming |
bah | ugh | to express disgust |
Bahama's | Bahamas | country in the Caribbean |
Bahrein | Bahrain | Country in the Middle East |
bait | carcass | dead animal |
bajonet | bayonet | weapon |
bakenvuur | beacon | signal fire |
bakker | baker | person who bakes and sells bread, etc |
bakkerij | bakery | a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold |
Bakoe | Baku | the capital of Azerbaijan |
baksteen | brick | hardened block used for building |
balalaika | balalaika | russian instrument |
Bali | Bali | name of island |
balk | beam | large piece of timber or iron |
balkon | balcony | structure extending from a building |
ballast | ballast | heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel |
balletje | pellet | Usually a small, compressed, symmetrical and hard chunk of matter |
ballingschap | exile | the state of being banished from one's home or country |
ballon | light bulb | evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light |
balpen | ballpoint pen | pen |
balsemen | embalm | To treat a corpse in order to prevent decomposition |
baluster | banister | the handrail on the side of a staircase |
bamboe | bamboo | plant |
ban | charm | something with magic power |
banaan | banana | fruit |
banana | let's go | imperative |
band | tyre | wheel covering |
band | band | strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together |
band | tire | rubber covering on a wheel |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh | country |
banier | banner | flag |
banjo | banjo | a musical instrument |
bank | bank | institution |
bank | sofa | upholstered seat |
bankier | banker | crossbow-like military engine for hurling large missiles |
bankroet | bankruptcy | inability to pay creditors |
banshee | banshee | in Irish folklore, a female spirit |
barbaars | barbarian | uncivilized |
Barbados | Barbados | country in the Caribbean |
barbecue | barbecue | cooking instrument |
barbeel | barbel | fish |
baren | give birth | produce new life |
baret | beret | type of cap |
barkruk | stool | a seat |
barnsteen | amber | fossil resin |
baron | baron | male ruler of a barony |
barones | baroness | female ruler of a barony |
barrevoets | barefoot | wearing nothing on the feet |
barrière | barrier | structure that bars passage |
basilicum | basil | plant |
basiliekruid | basil | plant |
basis | base | foundation |
basis | basis | starting point for an argument |
basisschool | elementary school | school for children |
Baskenland | Basque Country | geographical region in Spain and France |
basketbal | basketball | the sport |
Baskisch | Basque | language |
bassin | basin | bowl for washing, often affixed to a wall |
bast | bark | exterior covering of a tree |
bastaard | bastard | person born to unmarried parents |
Bataaf | Betawi | Indonesian ethnic group |
Batavi | Betawi | Indonesian ethnic group |
Batman | Batman | Fictional superhero |
batterij | battery | device producing electricity |
batterij | cell | component of an electrical battery |
baviaan | baboon | primate |
bazielkruid | basil | plant |
BBP | GDP | gross domestic product |
beagle | beagle | dog |
beat | beat | rhythm |
bebaard | bearded | having a beard |
bechamelsaus | béchamel sauce | white sauce made with butter, flour and milk |
bed | bed | a piece of furniture to sleep on |
bedankt | thanks | used to express appreciation or gratitude |
bedankt | thank you | an expression of gratitude |
bedding | channel | physical confine of a river or slough |
bedekken | overlap | to extend over and partly cover something |
bedelaar | beggar | person who begs |
bedelen | beg | to request the help of someone, ask for money |
bedenken | consider | think about seriously |
bedevaart | pilgrimage | religious journey, or one to a sacred place |
bediende | employee | individual who provides labor to a company or another person |
bediende | servant | |
bediscussiëren | discuss | to converse or debate concerning a particular topic |
bedoeling | purpose | target |
bedrag | amount | total or sum of items |
bedreigd | endangered | in danger, at risk |
bedreigen | threaten | To make a threat against someone; to use threats |
bedreven | skilful | possessing skill, skilled |
bedreven | skillful | possessing skill |
bedrieglijk | fallacious | Characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken |
bedrieglijk | deceptive | likely or attempting to deceive |
bedrijf | company | in legal context, a corporation |
bedrijf | corporation | company |
bedroefd | sad | sad |
bedroeven | grieve | to cause sorrow |
bedwants | bedbug | small nocturnal insects |
beëindigen | terminate | to finish |
beëindiging | ending | termination or conclusion |
beëindiging | closure | event signifying an ending |
beek | brook | a small stream |
beeld | image | graphical representation |
beeldhouwen | sculpture | Art of sculpting |
beeldhouwer | sculptor | a person who sculpts |
beeltenis | image | graphical representation |
been | leg | limb |
been | bone | material |
beenhouwer | butcher | a person who prepares and sells meat |
beenmerg | bone marrow | bone marrow |
beer | bear | large mammal of family Ursidae |
beest | beast | non-human animal |
beest | animal | organism |
beetje | tad | a little bit |
begin | from scratch | from the beginning |
beginnen | begin | To start, to initiate or take the first step into something. |
beginner | beginner | someone who just recently started |
beginner | noob | newbie |
begraafplaats | cemetery | a place where the dead are buried; a graveyard or memorial park |
begraven | bury | to ritualistically inter a corpse in a grave or tomb |
begrepen | understood | comprehended |
begrijpen | understand | to be aware of the meaning of |
begrip | concept | Something understood and retained in the mind |
begroting | deficit | for a state, the fact of spending more than its revenues |
beha | bra | brassiere |
behaagelijk | pleasant | giving pleasure; pleasing in manner |
behagen | please | to make happy or satisfy |
behalve | but | except |
behang | wallpaper | decorative paper for walls |
behangpapier | wallpaper | decorative paper for walls |
behangselpapier | wallpaper | decorative paper for walls |
behartigen | look after | to watch, to protect |
beheer | management | administration; the process or practice of managing |
beheerder | administrator | one who administers affairs |
beheerst | restrained | held back, limited, kept in check or under control |
behoefte | need | something needed |
behulpzaam | helpful | furnishing help; giving aid; useful |
beide | both | each of two; one and the other |
beide | neither | not one of two; not either |
beige | beige | colour |
beitel | chisel | tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal |
bek | beak | structure projecting from a bird's face |
bekend | familiar | known to one |
bekend | abreast | informed |
bekendheid | acquaintance | being acquainted |
bekendmaken | denounce | To make known in a formal manner |
bekentenis | confession | open admittance of having done something |
beker | mug | large cup |
bekering | conversion | the act of having converted something or someone |
bekleden | drape | to cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery |
beklemtonen | accentuate | to pronounce with an accent |
beknopt | concise | brief and precise |
bekrachtigen | ratify | give formal consent to |
bekritiseren | criticise | to evaluate |
bekritiseren | criticize | to evaluate |
bekronen | crown | reward of victory or a mark of honor |
bekwaam | competent | Skilled |
bekwaamheid | skill | capacity to do something well |
belachelijk | ridiculous | foolish |
belang | importance | quality or condition of being important or worthy of note |
belangrijk | important | having relevant and crucial value |
belangrijkheid | importance | quality or condition of being important or worthy of note |
belangstelling | concern | that which affects one's welfare or happiness |
belastering | defamation | act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication |
belasting | tax | tax |
belasting | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
belastinginner | tax collector | one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes |
beleefd | polite | Well-mannered |
beleg | siege | military blockade of settlement |
belegeren | beleaguer | to besiege; to surround with troops |
belegering | siege | military blockade of settlement |
beleid | policy | plan or course of action |
belezen | well-read | well informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively |
belezen | erudite | scholarly, learned |
Belg | Belgian | person |
België | Belgium | country in Europe |
Belgische | Belgian | person |
belichaming | epitome | embodiment or encapsulation of |
Belize | Belize | country |
beloega | beluga | A cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas |
belofte | promise | vow |
beloning | reward | something of value given in return for an act |
bemanning | crew | group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment |
bemind | beloved | loved |
bemoeial | busybody | someone who interferes with others |
ben | am | form of the verb be |
benaderen | approximation | act of approximating |
bende | gang | a company of persons |
beneden | down | from a high to a low position, downwards |
benedenwaarts | downwards | towards a lower place |
bengel | rascal | someone who is naughty |
bengel | urchin | mischievous child |
Benin | Benin | country |
benzine | petrol | motor fuel |
benzine | gasoline | motor fuel |
benzinepomp | gas station | a place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car |
benzinestation | gas station | a place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car |
beoefenaar | practitioner | person who practices |
beoordelen | criticize | to evaluate |
beoordelen | criticise | to evaluate |
Beotië | Boeotia | a district in east central Central Greece |
bepalen | define | to determine |
bepaling | adjunct | appendage |
beperken | abridge | to make shorter (1) |
beperking | restriction | The act of restricting, or the state of being restricted |
bepleiten | plead | To present an argument |
bereid | willing | ready to do something that is not a matter of course |
bereikbaar | achievable | capable of being achieved |
bereiken | arrive | to reach |
berekenen | calculate | (transitive) to determine value |
berenjong | bear cub | young bear |
berenwelp | bear cub | young bear |
berg | mount | mountain |
berg | mountain | large mass of earth and rock |
bergleeuw | cougar | Puma concolor |
berin | she-bear | a female bear |
berin | bear | large mammal of family Ursidae |
berk | birch | tree |
Berlijn | Berlin | capital city of Germany |
beroemdheid | celebrity | A famous person |
beroep | profession | occupation |
beroep | métier | activity that is pursued as a trade or profession; a calling |
beroeps | professional | A person who belongs to a profession |
beroeren | touch | make physical contact with |
berooid | poor | with no possessions or money |
berouw | contrite | Sincerely penitent |
berouwen | regret | feel sorry about some past thing |
berserker | berserk | a crazed Norse warrior who fought in a frenzy |
Bert | Bert | male given name |
berucht | notorious | known widely and infamously |
beruchte | notorious | known widely and infamously |
berusting | defeatism | acceptance of defeat without struggle |
beryllium | beryllium | chemical element |
bes | berry | A small fruit |
beschaamd | abashed | embarrassed |
beschamen | abash | to make ashamed, to embarrass |
beschaving | civilization | an advanced state of society |
bescheiden | modestly | in a modest manner |
beschermen | protect | to keep safe |
beschermengel | guardian angel | spirit |
beschermer | protector | someone who protects or guards |
beschermheer | protector | someone who protects or guards |
beschikbaarheid | availability | the quality of being available |
beschouwen | deem | to evaluate according to one's beliefs |
beschrijven | describe | to represent in words |
beschrijving | description | synopsis |
beschuit | rusk | light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven |
beschuldigen | accuse | to attribute blame to someone |
beschuldigend | accusative | producing accusations; accusatory |
beschuldigend | accusatory | pertaining to, or containing, an accusation |
besef | awareness | the state of consciousness |
besluiten | conclude | to end |
besmettelijk | contagious | of a disease, easily transmitted to others |
bespreking | discussion | Conversation or debate concerning a particular topic |
bestaan | consist | to be composed (of) |
bestaan | existence | the state of being, existing, or occurring |
bestaan | exist | to be |
bestaand | existent | existing; having life or being, current; occurring now |
bestaande | existent | existing; having life or being, current; occurring now |
bestanddeel | ingredient | one of the parts of a whole |
bestandsextensie | file extension | string of characters |
bestek | cutlery | eating and serving utensils |
bestendig | permanent | without end |
bestraffen | punish | To cause to suffer for crime or misconduct |
bestrijder | fighter | person who fights |
bestrooien | strew | to distribute small particles |
besturingssysteem | operating system | software which controls computer |
bestuur | reign | The exercise of sovereign power |
bestuur | management | administration; the process or practice of managing |
betalen | overpay | To pay too much |
betalen | pay | to give money in exchange for goods or services |
betaling | payment | the act of paying |
Betawi | Betawi | Indonesian ethnic group |
betekenen | mean | convey, signify, indicate |
betekenis | meaning | symbolic value of something |
betekenis | insert | extent to which something matters |
beter | better | comparative of the adjectives good or well |
beter één vogel in de hand dan tien in de lucht | a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush | small but certain advantage is preferable |
beter maken | improve | to make something better |
betovering | charm | something with magic power |
betreft | re | regarding |
betrekkingen | intercourse | communication, conversation |
betreuren | regret | feel sorry about some past thing |
betrokkenheid | involvement | the act of involving or state of being involved |
betrouwbaar | assiduous | hard-working, diligent |
betrouwbaarheid | trustworthiness | the personal state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable |
betrouwbaarheid | reliability | quality of being reliable |
betweter | know-it-all | someone who acts as though he/she knows everything |
betwijfelen | doubt | to lack confidence in something |
betwistbaar | arguable | open to argument |
beuk | beech | tree of Fagus family |
beurs | stock exchange | building and the associated organization |
bevallen | please | to make happy or satisfy |
bevallig | fair | pretty or attractive |
bevallig | comely | pleasing or attractive to the eye |
bevatten | comprise | be made up of |
bevatten | contain | to hold inside |
bevelen | command | order |
beven | tremble | to shake |
bever | beaver | aquatic mammal |
bevestigen | endorse | support |
bevoegd | competent | Skilled |
bevoegdheid | authority | power to enforce rules or give orders |
bevolken | populate | to live in |
bevooroordelen | prejudice | adverse judgement formed beforehand |
bevorderen | promote | to raise someone to a more important, responsible or better paid job or rank |
bevrijden | liberate | to free |
bewaker | guardian | guard or watcher |
bewaker | guard | Person who protects something |
bewaren | forfend | incursion |
beweegbaar | movable | capable of being moved |
beweeglijk | mobile | Capable of being moved |
bewegen | move | to change place or posture; to go |
bewegend | moving | that moves or move |
beweging | motion | state of progression from one place to another |
beweging | movement | physical motion |
beweren | purport | convey |
bewerking | edit | a change to the text of a document |
bewijs | proof | any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth |
bewolkt | cloudy | covered with or characterised by clouds |
bewonderaar | admirer | one who admires |
bewonderaarster | admirer | one who admires |
bewondering | admiration | adoration; appreciation |
bewoner | inhabitant | Someone or thing who lives in a place |
bewust | deliberately | intentionally |
bewusteloos | numb | without the power of sensation |
bewusteloos | unconscious | not conscious |
bewustzijn | awareness | the state of consciousness |
bewustzijn | consciousness | awareness |
bezem | broom | fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping |
bezig | busy | doing a great deal |
bezigheid | occupation | activity or task with which one occupies oneself |
bezit | possession | ownership |
bezitster | owner | one who owns |
bezitten | own | have rightful possession of |
bezitter | owner | one who owns |
bezoeken | visit | to go and meet or see |
bezopen | drunk | intoxicated after drinking alcohol |
bezorgdheid | anxiety | concern |
bezwering | charm | something with magic power |
bezwijmen | swoon | to faint |
bh | bra | brassiere |
Bhutan | Bhutan | Himalayan country |
bidden | pray | to petition a higher being |
bief | beef | meat |
biefstuk | steak | slice of beef |
biefstuk | beef | meat |
biels | beam | large piece of timber or iron |
bier | beer | alcoholic drink made of malt |
bieslook | chive | plant |
biet | beet | the root plant Beta vulgaris |
big | piglet | young pig |
biggetje | piglet | young pig |
bij | by | <!--DefA-->Near, or next to |
bij | bee | insect |
bij | at | in or very near a particular place |
bijbel | Bible | Christian holy book |
bijbels | biblical | of, or relating to, the Bible |
bijbrengen | instill | To cause a quality to become part of someone's nature |
bijdrage | contribution | something given or offered that adds to a larger whole |
bijdragen | conduce | contribute |
bijeenkomst | congregation | A large gathering of people |
bijeenkomst | meeting | gathering for a purpose |
bijenwas | beeswax | wax secreted by bees |
bijgeloof | superstition | a set of beliefs that future events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way |
bijgelovig | superstitious | susceptible to superstitions |
bijgevolg | consequently | as a result or consequence |
bijl | axe | tool |
bijna | nearly | almost, but not quite |
bijnaam | nickname | familiar, invented given name |
bijproduct | by-product | secondary product |
bijregeling | adjustment | small change |
bijstaan | assist | help |
bijstand | aid | help; succor; assistance; relief |
bijten | bite | to cut off a piece by clamping the teeth |
bijvoeglijk | adjectival | of or relating to or functioning as an adjective |
bijvoeglijk | adjective | functioning as an adjective |
bijvoet | wormwood | Artemisia absinthium |
bijvoorbeeld | for example | as an example |
bijwerking | update | action of making something up to date |
bijwoord | adverb | lexical category |
bijwoordelijk | adverbial | of or related to an adverb |
bijzin | subordinate clause | a clause that cannot stand alone |
bijzonder | outstanding | standing out from others |
bijzonderheid | singularity | peculiar |
bil | buttock | each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body |
biljard | quadrillion | a thousand trillion, 10<sup>15</sup> |
biljoen | trillion | a million million, 10<sup>12</sup> |
billenkoek | spanking | lesbianism |
binnengaan | enter | to go into (a room, etc.) |
binnenin | within | spatial enclosure |
binnenkort | soon | within a short time |
binnenland | hinterland | land immediately next to a coast |
binnenschrokken | pig out | eat voraciously or ravenously |
binnenstad | downtown | either the lower, or the business center of a city or town |
binnenstebuiten | inside out | with the inside turned to be on the outside |
binomiale nomenclatuur | binomial nomenclature | The scientific system of naming each species of organism with a Latinized name in two parts |
biochemie | biochemistry | the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism |
biologie | biology | science of living matter |
biologisch | biological | of biology |
biologische | biological | of biology |
bioscoop | movie | motion picture |
biotoop | biotope | geographical area |
Birma | Burma | Southeast Asian country |
biscuit | biscuit | cookie |
bismut | bismuth | chemical element |
bisschop | bishop | church official |
bisschoppelijk | episcopal | related to a bishop |
bit | bit | metal in horse's mouth |
bitter | bitter | having an acrid taste |
bitterkers | garden cress | the leafy plant |
bitterkoekje | macaroon | A soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough |
bizar | freaky | unusual |
bizon | American bison | mammal |
bizon | bison | A wild ox, Bison bonasus |
blaar | blister | bubble on the skin |
blaas | bladder | to treat with bleach |
blaasinstrument | wind instrument | type of musical instrument |
blad | leaf | part of a plant |
blad | blade | sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil |
bladeren | leaf through | to turn the pages of (a book) rapidly reading short sections at random |
bladgroente | greens | leaves of certain edible green plants |
bladzijde | page | one side of a leaf of a book |
Blaffende honden bijten niet | barking dogs seldom bite | people who make big threats never usually carry them out |
blauw | blue | blue-colored |
blauwbol | cornflower | species of aster |
blauwe | blue | blue-colored |
blauwe | bruise | medical: mark on the skin |
blauwe zeedistel | sea holly | medical department |
blauwig | bluish | somewhat blue in colour/color |
blazen | blow | produce an air current <!--1--> |
bleek | bleak | without color |
bleek | pale | light in color |
bleekwater | bleach | chemical |
blij | glad | pleased, happy, satisfied |
blij | happy | enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous |
blijken | emerging | Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising |
blijven | stay | To remain in a particular place |
blijven bij | insist | to hold up a claim emphatically |
bliksem | lightning | flash of light. |
blimp | blimp | airship |
blindedarmontsteking | appendicitis | inflamation of the vermiform appendix |
blindheid | blindness | condition of being blind |
bloed | blood | vital liquid flowing in animal bodies |
bloedbad | bloodshed | The shedding or spilling of blood; slaughter |
bloeddorstig | bloodthirsty | eager to resort to violence |
bloeddorstige | bloodthirsty | eager to resort to violence |
bloeden | bleed | lose blood through an injured blood vessel |
bloederig | bloody | covered in blood |
bloederige | bloody | covered in blood |
bloedgroep | blood type | blood classification |
bloedheet | sweltering | hot and humid |
bloeding | bleeding | The flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel |
bloeding | haemorrhage | heavy loss of blood |
bloedvergieten | bloodshed | The shedding or spilling of blood; slaughter |
bloedverwant | relative | someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption |
bloedverwantschap | consanguinity | a blood relationship |
bloedworst | blood sausage | a cooked sausage out of meat, blood and various other ingredients |
bloedzuiger | leech | blood-sucking annelid |
bloeien | flourish | to thrive or grow well |
bloem | flower | reproductive structure in angiosperms |
bloemblaadje | petal | one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower |
bloemkroon | corolla | whorl of a flower |
bloemlezing | anthology | collection of literary works |
bloempot | flowerpot | a container in which plants are grown |
bloes | blouse | an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt |
bloesem | blossom | flowers on trees |
blok | block | a cuboid piece |
blok | bar | solid object with uniform cross-section |
blokkade | blockade | the isolation of something |
blondine | blond | fair skinned/haired person |
bloot | naked | not wearing any clothes |
bloot | bare | naked, uncovered |
bloot | nude | without clothing or other covering |
blootleggen | expose | to uncover, make visible, bring to daylight, introduce to |
blootsvoets | barefoot | wearing nothing on the feet |
blouse | blouse | an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt |
blut | broke | lacking money; bankrupt |
Boakarest | Bucharest | The capital of Romania |
bobijn | bobbin | spool around which wire is coiled |
bocht | curve | gentle bend |
bocht | bight | bend |
bod | offer | proposal |
bodem | ground | The surface of the Earth |
Boedapest | Budapest | the capital city of Hungary |
boeddhistisch | Buddhist | of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism |
boeddhistische | Buddhist | of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism |
boei | buoy | nautical: a moored float |
boeien | shackles | paired wrist or ankle restraints |
boeiend | absorbing | engrossing |
boek | book | collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material |
boekenkast | bookshelf | shelf for storing books |
boekhandel | bookshop | shop that sells books |
boekhouden | accountancy | the profession of accounting |
boekhouding | accounting | development and maintenance of system for recording and analyzing financial transactions |
boekvink | chaffinch | bird |
boekwinkel | bookshop | shop that sells books |
boemerang | boomerang | flat curved airfoil |
boer | burp | a belch |
boer | hick | country yokel or hillbilly |
Boer | Boer | South African of Dutch descent |
boer | belch | expel gas from the stomach through the mouth |
boer | farmer | person who works the land or who keeps livestock |
boerderij | farm | a place where agricultural activities take place |
boeren | belch | expel gas from the stomach through the mouth |
boerenkinkel | hick | country yokel or hillbilly |
boerenlul | hick | country yokel or hillbilly |
boerenpummel | hick | country yokel or hillbilly |
boerin | farmer | person who works the land or who keeps livestock |
boerka | burka | a garment that covers the whole body |
boezem | bosom | chest, breast |
bof | mumps | contagious disease |
Bohemen | Bohemia | The region of the Czech Republic |
bok | goat | animal |
Bokmål | Bokmål | language |
boksen | boxing | the sport of boxing |
bol | ball | solid or hollow sphere |
bol | sphere | spherical object |
bol | cornflower | species of aster |
bolbliksem | ball lightning | a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air |
Bolivia | Bolivia | country in South America |
Boliviaan | Bolivian | Bolivian person |
Boliviaanse | Bolivian | Bolivian person |
Bolivië | Bolivia | country in South America |
bolvormig | spherical | shaped like a sphere |
bom | bomb | a device filled with explosives |
bomauto | car bomb | automobile made a bomb |
bombarde | bombard | medieval primitive cannon |
bomma | granny | colloquial: grandmother |
bompa | granddaddy | grandfather |
bompa | grandfather | grandfather (from either side) |
bompa | gramps | grandfather |
bont | fur | hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick |
bont en blauw | black and blue | covered in bruises |
bonus | bonus | something extra that is good |
boodschap | message | a concept conveyed by symbology |
boodschappen | groceries | commodities sold by a grocer or in a grocery |
boodschappenmandje | shopping basket | basket for groceries and merchandise |
boodschapper | messenger | one who brings messages |
boog | bow | weapon used for shooting arrows |
boog | arc | curve |
boogschieten | archery | the practice |
boogschutter | archer | one who shoots and arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow |
Boogschutter | Sagittarius | constellation |
boom | pole | long and slender object |
boom | tree | large woody plant (noun) |
boon | bean | seed |
boor | boron | chemical element |
boord | collar | part of clothing around throat |
boos | angry | displaying anger |
boos | malicious | Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite |
boosheid | anger | A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something |
boot | boat | water craft |
bord | dish | vessel for holding/serving food |
bord | plate | a serving dish |
bordeel | brothel | house of prostitution |
bordspel | board game | games played on a board |
borduren | embroider | to stitch a decorative design on fabric with needle and thread |
boren | bore | to make a hole |
borium | boron | chemical element |
borst | breast | female organ |
borstbeen | breastbone | the central narrow bone in the front of the chest |
borstel | brush | an implement with handle |
borstvoeding geven | breastfeed | feed a baby milk via the breasts |
bos | woods | collection of trees |
bos | forest | dense collection of trees |
bos | bouquet | bunch of flowers |
bosbes | bilberry | type of blueberry from the cowberry family |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Country on the Balkan peninsula |
bosuil | tawny owl | Strix aluco |
bot | flounder | a variety of flatfish |
bot | callous | emotinally hardened |
bot | boot | shoe that covers part of the leg |
bot | dull | Lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp |
bot | blunt | Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument |
botanicus | botanist | a person engaged in botany |
boter | butter | soft foodstuff made from milk |
boterham | sandwich | snack |
boterhamzakje | baggie | a small bag |
botermelk | buttermilk | traditional buttermilk |
botsen | collide | to impact directly, especially if violent |
botsing | collision | instance of colliding |
Botswana | Botswana | Republic of Botswana |
bouillon | broth | water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled |
bouquet | bouquet | bunch of flowers |
Bourgondië | Burgundy | region |
bouw | building | act or process of building |
bouwde | built | simple past of build |
bouwde herop | rebuilt | Past tense of rebuild |
bouwden herop | rebuilt | Past tense of rebuild |
bouwen | building | act or process of building |
bouwen | build | (transitive) to form by combining materials or parts |
bouwer | builder | a person who builds or constructs things |
boven | above | in or to a higher place |
bovenal | above all | of prime importance |
bovendien | moreover | in addition to what has been said |
bovenkant | top | uppermost part |
bovenvermeld | above-mentioned | Mentioned or named before; aforesaid |
boze | angry | displaying anger |
braamstruik | blackberry | shrub |
brandalarm | fire alarm | device which warns people of a possible fire |
brandbaar | flammable | capable of burning |
brandmerk | brand | mark made by burning |
brandmuur | firewall | fireproof barrier |
brandpunt | focus | in optics |
brandstichter | arsonist | one who has committed the act of arson, or illegally setting fire to property |
brandstichting | arson | crime of setting a fire |
brandstof | fuel | flammable substance |
brandweer | fire department | fire department |
brandweerauto | fire engine | fire truck |
brandweerman | firefighter | a person who puts out fires |
brandweerman | fireman | fireman |
brandweerwagen | fire engine | fire truck |
brandwond | burn | a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals |
Brazilië | Brasil | country in South America |
Brazilië | Brazil | Portuguese-speaking country in South America |
breed | broad | wide in extent or scope |
breed | cummerbund | sash |
breedte | breadth | width |
breekijzer | crowbar | iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart |
breekwater | breakwater | construction in or around a harbour |
brei | goo | sticky or gummy semi-solid or liquid substance |
breide | knitted | simple past of knit |
breiden | knitted | simple past of knit |
brein | brain | organ |
breken | break | intransitive: end up in two or more pieces that cannot easily be reassembled |
Bretagne | Brittany | region of North West France |
Bretoen | Breton | the people |
Bretoense | Breton | the people |
brievenbesteller | postman | a person who delivers the post |
brievenbesteller | mailman | post office employee |
brigantijn | brig | two-masted vessel |
brik | brig | two-masted vessel |
bril | pair of specs | a pair of lenses set in a frame |
bril | pair of spectacles | a pair of lenses set in a frame |
bril | pair of eyeglasses | a pair of lenses set in a frame |
bril | pair of glasses | a pair of lenses set in a frame |
Brit | British | citizens or inhabitants of Britain |
Brits Columbia | British Columbia | Province in western Canada |
Britse | British | citizens or inhabitants of Britain |
broche | brooch | jewellery with pin |
broeden | breed | to sexually produce offspring |
broeder | sibling | brother or sister |
broeder | brother | male sibling |
broedsel | brood | what comes out of an egg |
broek | pants | garment covering the body from the waist downwards |
broek | trousers | an article of clothing that covers the part of the body between the waist and the ankles |
broer | sibling | brother or sister |
broer | brother | male sibling |
broncode | source code | human-readable instructions in a programming language |
brons | bronze | alloy |
brood | loaf | block of bread |
brood | bread | baked dough made from cereals |
broodrooster | toaster | device for toasting bread |
broom | bromine | nonmetallic chemical element |
broos | fragile | easily broken or destroyed |
bros | brittle | Inflexible, able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure; not tough or tenacious; weak. |
brouwen | brew | to prepare liquor |
brouwer | brewer | someone who brews |
brug | bridge | construction or natural feature that spans a divide |
Brugge | Bruges | city in Belgium |
bruid | bride | woman who is going to marry or has just been married |
bruidegom | groom | man about to be married |
bruidegom | bridegroom | man about to be married |
bruikbaarheid | usefulness | quality of being useful |
bruiloft | wedding | marriage ceremony |
bruin | brown | colour |
bruine rat | rat | rodent |
bruinvis | porpoise | cetacean |
bruinwerker | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
Brunei | Brunei | A country in Southeast Asia |
Brussel | Brussels | capital of Belgium |
brutaal | impudent | Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced |
brutaal | insolent | insulting in manner or words |
bruto nationaal product | gross domestic product | gross domestic product |
bruusk | abruptly | in an abrupt manner |
bruusk | brusque | rudely abrupt, unfriendly |
buffel | buffalo | Old World mammals |
bugel | flugelhorn | brass instrument |
bui | shower | fall of light rain |
buigen | bend | to shape into a curve |
buigen | flex | to bend something |
buigzaam | compliant | willing to comply |
buik | belly | abdomen |
buikspeekselklier | pancreas | gland near the stomach |
buis | tube | a pipe |
buis | nozzle | short tube |
buis | pipe | hollow tube |
buis van Eustachius | Eustachian tube | tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear |
buit | prize | something captured |
buiten | boondock | rural area |
buitenechtelijk | extramarital | taking place outside marriage |
buitengewoon | extraordinary | not ordinary |
buitenkant | periphery | outside boundary, parts or surface |
buitenlander | foreigner | person in a foreign land |
buitenlands | foreign | from a different country |
buitenlandse | foreigner | person in a foreign land |
buitenlandse schuld | foreign debt | the amount of money that a country has to pay to another country |
buizerd | buzzard | Genus Buteo |
Bulgaars | Bulgarian | relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language |
Bulgaarse | Bulgarian | relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language |
Bulgarije | Bulgaria | country |
bullshit | bullshit | deceitful statements, etc |
bult | dimple | Small depression or indentation in generic surface |
bundel | bundle | group of objects held together by wrapping or tying |
bunker | bunker | hardened shelter |
burcht | castle | fortified building |
bureau | office | building or room |
bureau | bureau | office |
buren | neighbour | a person living on adjacent or nearby land |
burgemeester | mayor | leader of a city |
burger | civilian | a person who is not an active or previous member, contributor, or physical supporter of a military armed force |
burgerlijke bouwkunde | civil engineering | technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones |
burgeroorlog | civil war | A type of war fought between members of a single nation or similar political entity. |
burggraaf | viscount | a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl |
Burundi | Burundi | A country in Eastern Africa |
bus | bus | vehicle |
bus | omnibus | vehicle |
buschauffeur | bus driver | driver of a bus |
buste | bust | sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders |
bustenhouder | bra | brassiere |
buur | neighbour | a person living on adjacent or nearby land |
buur- | neighboring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
buur- | neighbouring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
buurman | neighbour | a person living on adjacent or nearby land |
buurt | hood | Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects |
buurvrouw | neighbour | a person living on adjacent or nearby land |
buzzwoord | buzzword | A word drawn from or imitative of technical jargon, and often rendered meaningless and fashionable through abuse by non-technical persons in a seeming show of familiarity with the subject |
cactus | cactus | member of the Cactaceae |
cake | cake | a sweet dessert |
calculator | calculator | electronic device that performs mathematical calculations |
Californië | California | state of the United States of America |
Cambodja | Cambodia | country in Southeast Asia |
campus | campus | grounds or property of a school, etc |
Canada | Canada | Country in North America |
Canadees | Canadian | person from Canada |
Canarische Eilanden | Canary Islands | an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa |
canon | canon | generally accepted principle |
Capitool | capitol | the building in Washington, D.C., where the Congress of the United States meets |
Capitool | Capitol | the building in Washington, D.C., where the Congress of the United States meets |
carbonpapier | carbon paper | sheet of paper used to make carbon copies |
carbonzuur | carboxylic acid | organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group |
cardioloog | cardiologist | physician |
carnivoor | carnivore | meat-eating animal |
carrière | career | one's calling in life; a person's occupation |
cash | cash | money in the form of notes/bills and coins |
castagnetten | castanets | a percussion instrument |
Castilliaans | Castilian | Language |
castraat | eunuch | a castrated human male |
castratie | castration | act of removing the testicles |
Catalaan | Catalan | person from Catalonia |
Catalaanse | Catalan | person from Catalonia |
Catalonië | Catalonia | autonomous community in Spain |
categorie | category | group |
cavia | guinea pig | rodent |
ceder | cedar | tree |
cedille | cedilla | to deprive a person of their property |
ceintuur | belt | band worn around the waist |
ceintuur | cummerbund | sash |
celleer | cytology | biology: the study of cells |
cement | cement | a powdered substance |
cenotaaf | cenotaph | monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere |
censuur | censorship | use of state or group power to control freedom of expression |
cent | cent | subunit of currency in US and elsewhere |
centimeter | centimetre | one-hundredth of a metre |
centraal | central | being in the centre |
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | Central African Republic | country in Central Africa |
ceremonie | ceremony | ritual with religious significance |
cerumen | earwax | waxy substance secreted by the ear |
cervix | cervix | neck |
cesium | caesium | a metallic chemical element |
Ceylon | Ceylon | old name for Sri Lanka |
chador | chador | a loose robe worn by Muslim women |
chanoeka | Hanukkah | the Jewish festival |
chaos | chaos | state of disorder |
Charel | Charles | given name |
Cheddar | Cheddar cheese | cheese |
cheers | cheers | toast when drinking |
cheeta | cheetah | Acinonyx jubatus |
chemie | chemistry | branch of natural science |
chemisch | chemical | relating to chemistry |
chemisch element | chemical element | any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction |
cheque | check | a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity |
Chili | Chile | country in South America |
Chiliarend | Chilean eagle | the Black-chested buzzard eagle, Geranoaetus melanoleucus |
Chiliflamingo | Chilean flamingo | a species of flamingo, Phoenicopterus chilensis |
China | China | Country in east Asia |
Chinees | Chinese | the language |
Chinees | it's all Greek to me | I don’t understand any of this |
Chinese Muur | Great Wall of China | Chinese fortification |
chocolade | chocolate | food made from ground roasted cocoa beans |
cholera | cholera | infectious disease |
christen | Christian | member of the Christian religion |
Christendom | Christianity | monotheistic religion |
Christoffel | Christopher | a male given name |
Christus | Christ | the messiah who was named Jesus |
Chroesjtsjov | Khrushchev | the leader of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964 |
chromosomaal | chromosomal | of, or relating to chromosomes |
chromosoom | chromosome | structure in the cell nucleus |
cicade | cicada | any of several insects of the order Hemiptera |
cilinderkop | cylinder head | Part of an internal combustion engine |
cipres | cypress | an evergreen coniferous tree |
circumfix | circumfix | affix with both a pre- and sufixing part |
cirkel | circle | two-dimensional outline geometric figure |
cirrus | cirrus | cloud |
citaat | quotation | fragment of a human expression |
citer | zither | musical instrument |
citroen | lemon | citrus fruit |
clan | clan | group having common ancestor |
classificatie | classification | act of forming into classes |
claustrofobie | claustrophobia | fear of closed, tight places |
cliché | platitude | often-quoted saying |
cocaïne | cocaine | the drug |
codenaam | code name | name used to clandestinely identify something |
collega | coworker | somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate |
collega | colleague | fellow member of a profession |
Colombië | Colombia | country in South America |
coma | coma | Deep sleep |
combinatie | composition | combining of different parts to make a whole |
comité | committee | group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose |
Comitologie | comitology | art of resolving issues by committees |
Commando | Simon says | children's game |
commercieel | commercial | of or pertaining to commerce |
communicatie | communication | concept of information exchange |
communisme | communism | philosophy |
communistisch | communist | of or relating to communism |
communistische | communist | of or relating to communism |
commutatief | abelian | math: of a group |
Comoren | Comoros | country in Eastern Africa |
compleet | completely | totally |
complement | complement | to complete |
compliment | compliment | expression of praise, congratulation or encouragement |
componist | composer | one who composes; an author; specifically, an author of a piece of music |
compost | compost | decayed remains of organic matter |
compromis | compromise | settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions |
computer | computer | A programmable device |
computervertaling | machine translation | Machine translation |
computervirus | computer virus | a program |
computerwetenschap | computer science | study of computers and their architecture |
computerwetenschappen | computer science | study of computers and their architecture |
concluderen | conclude | to end |
conclusie | conclusion | end, final part |
concreet | concrete | particular, perceivable, real |
concurent | rival | competitor against the same objective |
concurrentie | competition | action of competing |
condensator | capacitor | electronic component |
conflict | strife | violent conflict |
conflict | conflict | clash or disagreement |
confrontatie | confrontation | The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face |
congregatie | congregation | A large gathering of people |
congres | congress | legislative body |
connectie | connection | act of connecting |
connector | connector | mating pair of devices |
Constantijn | Constantine | male given name |
Constantinopel | Constantinople | Constantinople |
constateren | ascertain | To find out; to discover or establish |
constellatie | constellation | collection of stars |
constructivisme | constructivism | movement in modern art |
consul | consul | official |
consument | consumer | person purchasing goods |
consumeren | consume | to use |
consumptie | consumption | the act of consuming something |
contact | contact | an act of touching physically |
continent | continent | large contiguous landmass |
continu | continuous | without break, cessation, or interruption in time |
controlecijfer | checksum | digit or character |
conversatie | talk | conversation |
converseren | converse | to engage in conversation |
Cookeilanden | Cook Islands | self-governing country in Oceania |
coördinaat | coordinate | mathematics or cartography |
Cornelis | Cornelius | male given name |
Cornisch | Cornish | language |
corpulent | fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
correct | correctly | in a correct manner |
correctie | correction | act of correcting |
Corsica | Corsica | island in the Mediterranean |
Corsicaan | Corsican | person |
Corsicaanse | Corsican | person |
Corsicanen | Corsican | person |
cosinus | cosine | trigonometric function |
courgette | courgette | a small marrow (UK)/squash (US) |
courgette | zucchini | kind of vegetable |
couvert | cutlery | eating and serving utensils |
coyote | coyote | canine |
creatie | creation | invention etc. |
creativiteit | creativity | quality or ability to create or invent something |
creatuur | creature | A creature |
creool | Creole | member of this ethnic group |
crimineel | criminal | being against the law |
criterium | criterion | standard for comparison and judgment |
crunchy | granola | breakfast and snack food |
cryptografie | cryptography | discipline concerned with communication security |
Cuba | Cuba | country and largest island in Caribbean |
Cubaan | Cuban | a person from Cuba |
Cubaanse | Cuban | a person from Cuba |
cultiveren | manure | to cultivate by manual labor |
cultureel | cultural | pertaining to culture |
culturele rijkdom | cultural wealth | the collection of arts that help to define the culture of a region |
cultuur | culture | arts, customs and habits |
cultuurschok | culture shock | state of anxious confusion |
cumulatief | cumulative | incorporating all data up to the present |
curaçao | curaçao | liqueur |
currykleurig | curry | cooked with curry |
cursief | italic | having a slant to the right |
cursiveren | italicize | to put into italics |
curve | curve | gentle bend |
cyaan | cyanogen | poisonous gas |
Cycladen | Cyclades | island chain |
cycloon | cyclone | rotating system of winds |
cyclus | cycle | complete rotation |
cyrillisch | Cyrillic | A script or alphabet |
cytologie | cytology | biology: the study of cells |
d.w.z. | i.e. | that is |
daad | act | deed |
daad | deed | action |
daar | there | in or at that place |
daarentegen | on the other hand | from another point of view |
daarentegen | however | nevertheless |
daarheen | thither | to that place |
daarmee uit | that's that | there is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter! |
daarom | therefore | for that or this reason, referring to something previously stated; for that |
daarop | thereupon | following that |
daarvandaan | thence | from there |
dada | Dada | cultural movement |
dadel | date | fruit of the date palm |
dadelpalm | date palm | Phoenix dactylifera |
dag | goodbye | farewell |
dag | day | period of 24 hours |
dag | bye | short for goodbye |
dag | hello | greeting |
dag- en nachtevening | equinox | the intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator |
dagblad | newspaper | publication |
dagboek | diary | daily log of experiences |
dagdroom | daydream | A spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts |
dagelijks | daily | that occurs every day |
dagelijkse | daily | that occurs every day |
dagen | dawn | to begin to brighten with daylight |
daglicht | daylight | light from the sun |
dagvaarding | subpoena | writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony |
dak | roof | the cover at the top of a building |
dakpan | tile | mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces |
dal | valley | elongated depression between hills or mountains |
Dalmatisch | Dalmatian | relating to or people from Dalmatia |
dam | dam | structure placed across a flowing body of water |
dames en heren | ladies and gentlemen | used to address an audience |
Daniël | Daniel | book of the Bible |
dank je | thanks | used to express appreciation or gratitude |
dank je | thank you | an expression of gratitude |
dank u | thanks | used to express appreciation or gratitude |
dank u | thank you | an expression of gratitude |
dankbaarheid | gratitude | state of being grateful |
dankjewel | thank you | an expression of gratitude |
dans | dance | movements to music |
danser | dancer | person who dances |
dar | drone | male bee |
darm | intestine | alimentary canal or a subdivision thereof |
darmstadtium | darmstadtium | transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110 |
Darwin-nandoe | Darwin's rhea | Pterocnemia pennata |
das | scarf | long garment worn around the neck |
das | necktie | strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front |
das | badger | animal |
dat | that | connecting clauses |
datief | dative case | grammatical case |
dauw | dew | moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc |
dauwpunt | dew point | temperature |
de | sneer | raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn |
de | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
de | worthwhile | good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on |
de | repaid | past tense of repay |
de | the | Article |
de | outsold | Past tense of outsell |
de appel valt niet ver van de boom | the apple doesn't fall far from the tree | a child is similar to its parents |
de borst geven | breastfeed | feed a baby milk via the breasts |
De clown | clown | performance artist working in a circus |
de Krim | Crimea | republic |
de onze | ours | that which belongs to us |
de pijp aan Maarten geven | kick the bucket | to die |
de spijker op de kop slaan | hit the nail on the head | identify something exactly |
de zijne | its | possessive of it |
debiteur | debtor | a person or firm that owes money |
decaan | dean | senior official in college or university |
decaliter | decaliter | ten liters |
december | December | twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar |
decimaalstelsel | decimal | number system |
decoderen | decrypt | to convert to plain text |
décolleté | cleavage | separation between breasts |
decoratie | decoration | act of adorning |
decrypteren | decrypt | to convert to plain text |
deeg | dough | mix of flour and water |
deegwaren | pasta | pieces of dough made from wheat and water |
deel | share | part of something |
deel | portion | allocated amount |
deel | part | |
deelname | participation | act of participating |
deelnemen | participate | to join in, to take part, to involve oneself |
deelnemen | partake | to take part in an activity |
deelneming | participation | act of participating |
deels | partially | in part |
deeltal | numerator | in a fraction |
deelverzameling | subset | mathematics: of a set |
deelwoord | participle | verb form |
Deen | Dane | person from Denmark or of Danish descent |
Deense | Dane | person from Denmark or of Danish descent |
dees | dork | vulgar, slang: penis |
defaitisme | defeatism | acceptance of defeat without struggle |
definitief | definitely | without question and beyond doubt |
degelijk | roundly | utterly |
degen | epee | A fencing sword |
deïsme | deism | The belief in the existence of God by or through reason |
dekbed | duvet | bedding |
deken | blanket | cloth |
deken | dean | senior official in college or university |
Dekhengst | stud | male animal kept for breeding |
deksel | cover | lid |
dekstier | stud | male animal kept for breeding |
Delfi | Delphi | city |
delfstof | mineral | in geology |
deling | division | act or process of dividing anything |
delven | delve | to dig in the ground |
delven | dig | to move hard-packed earth out of the way |
demagogie | demagogy | demagogism |
demagogisch | demagogic | of or pertaining to demagogy or a demagogue |
demagoog | demagogue | an orator exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience |
demonstratie | demonstration | act |
demonstratie | demo | a brief demonstration or visual explanation |
demonstreren | demonstrate | to display the method of using an object |
demoon | demon | evil spirit |
den | outsold | Past tense of outsell |
den | repaid | past tense of repay |
Den Haag | The Hague | Dutch city |
Denemarken | Denmark | country in Western Europe |
denk | guess | prediction about the outcome of something |
denkbaar | thinkable | able to be thought or imagined; conceivable; feasible |
denkbeeldig | imaginary | existing in imagination |
denken | think | communicate to oneself in one’s mind |
denker | thinker | intellectual |
denkvermogen | mind | ability for rational thought |
derde | third | the ordinal form of the cardinal number three |
derde naamval | dative case | grammatical case |
derde persoon | third person | the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement |
derivaat | derivative | something derived |
dermatoloog | dermatologist | one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology. |
dertien | thirteen | the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen |
dertiende | thirteenth | 13th |
dertig | thirty | cardinal number |
derwisj | Dervish | a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity |
desbetreffend | said | mentioned earlier |
desbetreffende | said | mentioned earlier |
desondanks | nevertheless | in spite of what preceded |
dessert | dessert | sweet confection served as the last course of a meal |
destructief | destructive | causing destruction; damaging |
destructieve | destructive | causing destruction; damaging |
detailhandel | retail | sale of goods directly to the consumer |
detecteerbaar | detectable | That which can be detected |
detective | sleuth | detective |
deugdelijk | adequate | equal to some requirement |
deugdzaamheid | virtue | excellence in morals |
deur | door | portal of entry into a building or room |
Deuteronomium | Deuteronomy | book of the Bible |
dezelfde | very | exactly the same; identical |
diabolisch | devilish | resembling or characteristic of a devil |
diagonaal | diagonal | geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices |
dialoog | dialogue | conversation or other discourse between individuals |
diarree | diarrhea | medical condition |
dicht | closed | not open (1) |
dichtbij | nigh | near, close by |
dichter | poet | person who writes poems |
dichtheid | density | physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume |
dichtklappen | shut | to close |
dictator | dictator | totalitarian leader of a dictatorship |
didgeridoo | didgeridoo | Australian musical instrument |
die | that | connecting clauses |
die van ons | ours | that which belongs to us |
Diederik | Derek | given name |
dieet | diet | food a person or animal consumes |
dief | thief | one who carries out theft |
diefstal | theft | act of stealing property |
dienblad | plate | a serving dish |
dienst | favor | a deed in which help is voluntarily provided |
dienstplichtige | conscript | Compulsorily enrolled |
diepgaand | thorough | detailed |
dieprood | crimson | colour |
diepte | depth | vertical distance below a surface |
diepvriezen | deep-freeze | to freeze at very low temperatures |
dier | animal | organism |
dierentuin | zoo | park where live animals are exhibited |
dievegge | thief | one who carries out theft |
diftong | diphthong | a complex vowel sound |
digamma | digamma | letter of the Old Greek alphabet |
dij | thigh | upper leg |
dijk | dike | barrier of stone or earth |
dik | fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
dik | thick | relatively great in extent from one surface to another |
dikhoornschaap | bighorn sheep | a North American wild sheep |
dikke | thick | relatively great in extent from one surface to another |
dikkop | tadpole | toad or frog larva |
dikkopje | tadpole | toad or frog larva |
diklijvig | obese | Extremely overweight |
diklijvige | obese | Extremely overweight |
dikwijls | often | Frequently, many times |
dilemma | dilemma | circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives |
dille | dill | herb |
ding | thing | a separate entity or concept |
dinosaurus | dinosaur | extinct reptile |
dinsdag | Tuesday | day of the week |
diploma | diploma | certificate |
diplomaat | diplomat | person who is accredited to represent a government |
diplomatieke betrekkingen | diplomatic relations | diplomatic intercouse |
direct | immediately | in an immediate manner |
direct | immediate | without delay |
direct | directly | in a direct manner |
directe vlucht | direct flight | a flight without changing aircraft |
dirigent | conductor | person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble |
Dirk | Derek | given name |
discrepantie | discrepancy | inconsistency |
discretiseren | discretize | convert continuous space into discrete space |
discussiëren | discuss | to converse or debate concerning a particular topic |
dissertatie | dissertation | formal exposition of a subject |
dissociatie | dissociation | act of dissociating |
distel | thistle | plant |
distilleren | distil | subject a substance to distillation |
distilleren | distill | to subject a substance to distillation |
Divehi | Dhivehi | an Indo-Aryan language |
diwaterstofcarbonaat | carbonic acid | A weak unstable acid, H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> |
Djibouti | Djibouti | Republic of Djibouti |
DNZ | DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
docent | teacher | a person who teaches |
docente | teacher | a person who teaches |
dochter | daughter | female child |
documentair | documentary | sounded with vibration of the vocal cords |
dode | dead | Dead |
dodelijk | lethal | deadly |
doden | slay | to kill, murder |
dodenmis | requiem | a mass or other ceremony to honor and remember a dead person |
doder | killer | a person who kills |
dodo | dodo | Raphus cucullatus |
doei | bye | short for goodbye |
doei | goodbye | farewell |
doek | clout | cloth |
doek | linen | material |
doek | cloth | woven fabric |
doel | purpose | target |
doelman | goalkeeper | player that protects a goal |
doeltreffendheid | efficacy | ability to produce effect |
doelwachter | goalkeeper | player that protects a goal |
doelwachtster | goalkeeper | player that protects a goal |
doema | duma | a Russian national parliament |
doen | suggest | make one suppose |
doen alsof | pretend | to act as though something is different from what it is |
dogma | dogma | an authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion |
dokter | doctor | physician |
dokter | physician | medical doctor |
dolfijn | dolphin | aquatic mammal |
dolk | dagger | a stabbing weapon |
dollekoeienziekte | bovine spongiform encephalopathy | bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
dom | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
domein | domain | geographic area |
dominantie | dominance | state of being dominant; of prime importance; supremacy |
Dominica | Dominica | Commonwealth of Dominica |
Dominicaanse Republiek | Dominican Republic | country in the Caribbean |
domme | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
Don | Don | Don river |
Donar | Thor | thunder god |
Donau | Danube | river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea |
donder | thunder | the sound caused by the discharge of atmospheric electrical charge |
donderdag | Thursday | day between Wednesday and Friday |
donker | dark | having an absolute or relative lack of light |
dood | dead | Dead |
dood | death | cessation of life |
doodgaan | die | to stop living |
doodsangst | anguish | extreme pain |
doodskist | coffin | oblong closed box for the dead |
doodsstrijd | anguish | extreme pain |
doodstraf | capital punishment | punishment by death |
doodstraf | death sentence | sentence |
doodvonnis | death sentence | sentence |
doof | deaf | not hearing |
dooien | thaw | to melt, dissolve, or become fluid |
dooier | egg yolk | central part of an egg |
dooier | yolk | yellow of egg |
doolhof | labyrinth | maze |
doopnaam | Christian name | first name at Christian baptism |
door en door | through and through | entirely |
doorbrengen | spend | to consume, to use, to exhaust |
doordringen | penetrate | manage to get through |
doorgaan | proceed | go forward |
doorgaan | continue | transitive: proceed |
doorgang | aisle | aisle |
doorhebben | figure out | To deduce; to come to understand. |
Doornroosje | Sleeping Beauty | fairy tale |
doorslagpapier | carbon paper | sheet of paper used to make carbon copies |
doorslikken | swallow | to cause pass from the mouth into the stomach |
doortocht | transit | The act of passing over, across, or through something |
doorzoeken | search | look throughout (a place) for something |
doos | box | rectangular container |
dooverkopen | resell | To sell again |
doping | doping | use of drugs to improve athletic performance |
Dorische | Doric | Greek dialect |
dorp | village | a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town |
dorpel | sill | base of a window |
dorst | thirst | dryness |
dorstig | thirsty | needing to drink |
dove | deaf | not hearing |
doven- | Deaf | relating to the culture of deaf signers |
download | download | file transfer to the local computer |
dozijn | dozen | twelve |
dozijnen | dozen | twelve |
draad | thread | long, thin and flexible form of material |
draad | wire | thin thread of metal |
draad | string | long, thin structure |
draagbaar | stretcher | simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person |
draagbaar | gurney | a stretcher having wheeled legs |
draagbaar | litter | platform designed to carry a person or a load |
draagbaar | portable | able to be carried |
draaglijk | endurable | able to be endured; tolerable; bearable |
draaibank | lathe | machine tool used to shape a piece of material |
draaien | turn | move around an axis through itself |
draaierig | dizzy | having a sensation of turning around |
draaipunt | fulcrum | the pivot about which a lever turns |
draak | dragon | mythical creature |
drachtig | pregnant | carrying an unborn child |
dragen | fruition | condition of bearing fruit |
dragen | carry | to transport by lifting |
dragen | wear | to have on (clothes) |
drager | carrier | person or object that carries someone or something else |
drank | beverage | a drink |
drank | booze | any alcoholic beverage |
drankje | beverage | a drink |
dreigend | imminent | about to happen, occur, or take place very soon |
drempel | threshold | bottom-most part of a doorway |
drie | three | cardinal number three |
drieëntwintig | twenty-three | twenty-three |
drieënvijftig | fifty-three | cardinal number |
drieënzestig | sixty-three | cardinal number |
driehoek | triangle | polygon |
driehoeksverhouding | love triangle | situation in which two people vie for the love of a third |
drieluik | triptych | A picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges |
driemaal | thrice | three times |
driepoot | tripod | a three-legged stand or mount |
driest | audacious | showing willingness to take bold risks |
drietal | leash | long cord for dogs |
driftkikker | hothead | one who angers easily or goes in search of arguments or fights |
drijfzand | quicksand | wet sand that things readily sink in, often found near rivers or coasts |
drinkbaar | drinkable | safe to drink |
drinken | drink | consume liquid through the mouth |
droevig | sad | sad |
droevig | melancholy | Affected with sadness or depression |
droge | dry | free from liquid or moisture |
droger | dryer | electric appliance for drying clothes |
drol | turd | a piece of excrement |
dromedaris | dromedary | Camelus dromedarius, the single-humped camel |
dronkaard | drunkard | person who is habitually drunk |
dronken | drunk | intoxicated after drinking alcohol |
dronken | fucked-up | drunken |
dronken | intoxicated | Stupefied by alcohol |
droog | dry | free from liquid or moisture |
droog | austere | grim, stern, strict |
droom | dream | Imaginary events seen while sleeping |
druif | grape | fruit |
druk | pressure | force to area in physics |
druk | distress | (cause of) discomfort |
drukbaar | printable | worthy or capable of being printed |
drukken | to copy something on a surface, especially by machine | |
drukker | printer | one who makes prints |
drukte | hoo-ha | a fuss, commotion, uproar |
drum | drum | instrument |
drummer | drummer | one who plays the drums |
druppel | drop | small mass of liquid |
druppen | drizzle | to rain lightly |
dubbelganger | doppelganger | ghostly double of a living person |
dubbelpunt | colon | punctuation mark |
dubbelzinnig | ambiguous | open to multiple interpretations |
duidelijk | clearly | in a clear manner |
duif | pigeon | bird |
duif | dove | bird |
duiken | dive | to swim under water |
duiker | culvert | channel for draining water |
duiksport | scuba diving | underwater swimming |
duim | thumb | digit |
duim | inch | a unit of length equal to one-twelfth of a foot and equivalent to exactly 2.54 centimetres |
duimnagel | thumbnail | fingernail on the thumb |
duimspijker | thumbtack | nail-like tack |
duister | dark | having an absolute or relative lack of light |
duister | obscure | dark, faint or indistinct |
duisternis | darkness | state of being dark |
Duitse | German | German person |
Duitse herdershond | German shepherd | medium sized breed of dog |
Duitser | German | German person |
Duitsland | Germany | Germany |
duivel | devil | a creature of hell |
duivels | devilish | resembling or characteristic of a devil |
duizelig | dizzy | having a sensation of turning around |
duizend | thousand | cardinal number 1000 |
duizendpoot | jack of all trades | one competent in many endeavors |
duizendpoot | centipede | A segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda |
dun | lanky | tall, slim |
dun | slim | slender |
dunne | slim | slender |
duo | couple | two partners |
duo | duo | twosome, especially musicians |
durven | dare | to have courage |
dus | hence | as a result, therefore |
dut | kip | informal: nap |
duur | expensive | having a high price, cost |
duurte | dearth | period when food is rare |
duwbak | barge | flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters |
duwen | push | transitive: apply a force to (an object) so that it moves away |
duwtje | boost | push from behind |
duwtje in de rug | boost | push from behind |
dwaalde rond | dwelled | simple past of dwell |
dwaalden rond | dwelled | simple past of dwell |
dwaas | fool | person with poor judgement or little intelligence |
dweil | floorcloth | cloth for cleaning floors |
dwerg | midget | person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10" |
dwingen | coerce | to use force, threat, or intimidation in attempt to compel one to act against his will |
dynamisch | dynamic | not steady; in motion |
dynamische | dynamic | not steady; in motion |
dysfunctioneel | dysfunctional | Functioning incorrectly or abnormally |
dysfunctionele | dysfunctional | Functioning incorrectly or abnormally |
eb | ebb | low tide |
ebbe | ebb | low tide |
ebben | ebony | wood |
ebbenhout | ebony | wood |
ecclesiologie | ecclesiology | branch of theology |
echo | echo | a reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer |
echt | TRUE | concurring with a given set of facts |
echte | TRUE | concurring with a given set of facts |
echte korenbloem | cornflower | species of aster |
echter | though | however |
echter | however | nevertheless |
echtgenoot | husband | male partner in marriage |
echtgenote | wife | married woman |
eclectisch | eclectic | Selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles |
ecologie | ecology | branch of biology |
econometrie | econometrics | branch of economics |
economie | economics | study |
econoom | economist | expert in economics |
ecosysteem | ecosystem | system of an ecological community and its environment |
Ecuadoriaan | Ecuadorian | person from Ecuador |
Ecuadoriaanse | Ecuadorian | person from Ecuador |
eczeem | eczema | acute or chronic inflammation of the skin |
edelgas | noble gas | elements of group 0 of the periodic table |
edelhert | red deer | Cervus elaphus |
edelsteen | gem | precious stone |
editie | edition | literary work |
eed | oath | solemn pledge |
eekhoorn | squirrel | Rodent |
eekhoorntje | squirrel | Rodent |
eelt | callus | hardened part of the skin |
een | an | indefinite article |
een | one | first number |
een | break wind | fart |
één | one | first number |
een druppel in de oceaan | a drop in the bucket | an effort or action having very little influence, especially as compared to a huge problem |
een eed afleggen | swear | to take an oath |
eén en al oor zijn | be all ears | To laugh or giggle in a somewhat subdued manner |
een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken | don't look a gift horse in the mouth | a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely |
een hele tijd | while | a certain duration of time, a period of time |
een keer | once | one and only one time |
eend | duck | aquatic bird of the family Anatidae |
eendenlever | foie gras | The fattened liver of geese or ducks |
eenduidig | univocal | having only one possible meaning |
eenentachtigst | eighty-first | ordinal number 81st |
eenentachtigste | eighty-first | ordinal number 81st |
eenentwintig | twenty-one | cardinal number |
eenentwintigste | twenty-first | the ordinal form of the number twenty-one |
eenenvijftig | fifty-one | cardinal number |
eenenzestig | sixty-one | cardinal number |
eenheid | unit | standard measure of a quantity |
eenheid | unity | the state of being one or undivided |
eenhoorn | unicorn | mythical beast |
eenlettergrepig | monosyllabic | consisting of one syllable |
eenmaal | once | one and only one time |
eenmaal per week | weekly | once every week |
eenmaken | unify | cause to become one |
eens | once | one and only one time |
eenvoudig | simple | uncomplicated |
eenvoudig | plain | ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation |
eenzaamheid | solitude | state of being alone |
eer | honor | objectification of praiseworthiness, respect |
eer | honour | objectification of praiseworthiness, respect |
eerbewijsontvankelijkheid | honorificabilitudinitatibus | being able to receive honours |
eerbied | respect | admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit |
eergisteren | day before yesterday | day before yesterday - translation entry |
eergisteren | ereyesterday | on the day before yesterday |
eerlijk | honest | scrupulous with regard to telling the truth |
eerlijk | frank | bluntly honest |
eerlijkheid | honesty | quality of being honest |
eerst | first | numeral first |
eerste | prime | first in time, order, or sequence |
eerste | fore | former; occurring earlier |
eerste | first | numeral first |
eerste minister | prime minister | in a Westminster-style democracy, the chief member of the cabinet and head of the government |
eerste naamval | nominative case | case used to indicate the subject |
eerste persoon | first person | the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement |
Eerste Wereldoorlog | World War I | war |
eerzuchtig | ambitious | possessing, or controlled by, ambition |
eetbaar | edible | Something that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption |
eetkamer | dining room | room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten |
eetlepel | tablespoon | a large spoon, used for eating food |
eetstokje | chopstick | single eating utensil |
eeuw | century | 100 years |
eeuwig | eternal | lasting forever |
eeuwige | perdition | eternal damnation |
eeuwigheid | eternity | infinite time |
efficiënt | effective | having the power to produce an effect or effects |
eg | harrow | device |
Egeïsche Zee | Aegean Sea | sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea |
egel | hedgehog | animal |
egge | harrow | device |
Egypte | Egypt | Country |
Egyptisch | Egyptian | of, from, or pertaining to Egypt or Egyptians |
Egyptische piramiden | Egyptian pyramid | pyramidal tomb of ancient Egypt |
egyptologie | egyptology | the study of ancient Egypt |
eidereend | eider | duck of genus Somateria |
eidooier | yolk | yellow of egg |
eidooier | egg yolk | central part of an egg |
eierplant | aubergine | fruit of the plant |
eierschaal | eggshell | object |
eiervrucht | aubergine | fruit of the plant |
eigeel | egg yolk | central part of an egg |
eigeel | yolk | yellow of egg |
eigenaar | owner | one who owns |
eigenares | owner | one who owns |
eigendom | property | something owned |
eigennaam | proper noun | The name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity |
eigenschap | feature | important or main item |
eigenvector | eigenvector | vector not rotated by linear transformation |
eigenwaarde | eigenvalue | specific value related to a matrix |
eigenwijs | maverick | showing independence |
eik | oak | tree |
eikel | glans penis | conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis |
eikel | dickhead | (slang) glans penis |
eikel | glans | vascular body which forms the apex of the penis and the extremity of the clitoris |
eikenboom | oak | tree |
eiland | island | area of land surrounded by water |
eind | distance | amount of space between two points |
einde | conclusion | end, final part |
eindstreep | finish | end |
eiser | plaintiff | party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant |
eiwit | protein | one of three major classes of food |
eiwit | egg white | albumen |
eland | elk | moose - Alces alces |
eland | moose | largest member of the deer family (Alces alces) |
elasticiteitsmodulus | Young's modulus | coefficient of elasticity of a solid |
elders | elsewhere | in or at some other place |
elegant | elegant | exhibiting elegance |
elektriciteit | electricity | form of energy |
elektron | electron | the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms |
elektronenbuis | vacuum tube | electrical device |
elektronisch | electronic | pertaining to electrons |
elf | banshee | in Irish folklore, a female spirit |
elf | eleven | the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve |
elfde | eleventh | ordinal form of eleven |
elitair | elite | Of high birth or social position |
elitaire | elite | Of high birth or social position |
elke | each | every |
elkeen | everyone | every person |
elleboog | elbow | joint between upper arm and forearm |
elliptisch | elliptical | in shape reminding of an ellipse, oval |
els | awl | a pointed instrument |
els | alder | any tree or shrub of the genus Alnus |
emfatisch | emphatic | characterized by emphasis |
emissie | emission | something that is emitted, especially the exhaust from a car |
emmer | pail | vessel |
emmer | bucket | container |
en | plus | arithmetic: increased by |
en | and | Used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera |
en zo voorts | etc. | abbreviation of “et cetera”; and the rest; and so forth |
enantiomeer | enantiomer | one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers |
encefalopathie | encephalopathy | condition affecting the brain |
encyclopedie | encyclopaedia | reference book |
encyclopedie | encyclopedia | comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topic |
endosymbiontenhypothese | endosymbiotic theory | the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts |
energie | energy | impetus behind activity |
eng | scary | causing, or able to cause, fright |
eng | pokey | cramped |
engel des doods | angel of death | a personification of death |
engelachtig | angelic | belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel |
Engeland | England | England |
Engels | English | of or pertaining to the English language |
Engelse | Englishwoman | a female native inhabitant of England |
Engelssprekende | anglophone | One who speaks English. |
enig | sole | Only |
enig kind | only child | a person who has no siblings |
enkel | ankle | joint between foot and leg |
enkeling | individual | person considered alone |
enorm | vast | very large or wide (literally or figuratively) |
enorm | humongous | extremely large |
enorm | enormous | extremely large |
ent | graft | small shoot or scion |
en-teken | ampersand | the symbol & |
enthousiasme | enthusiasm | feeling of excited, lively interest |
enthousiast | enthusiastic | with zealous fervor; excited, motivated |
envelop | envelope | wrapper for mailing |
enveloppe | envelope | wrapper for mailing |
enz. | et cetera | and so on |
enz. | etc. | abbreviation of “et cetera”; and the rest; and so forth |
enzovoort | et cetera | and so on |
enzovoorts | et cetera | and so on |
epenthesis | epenthesis | the insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word |
epicentrum | epicentre | point above earthquake |
epidemie | epidemic | widespread disease |
epifyse | pineal gland | A small endocrine gland |
Epirus | Epirus | region; historical kingdom |
eponiem | eponym | name of a person that has given rise to the name of something |
epos | epic | extended narrative poem |
epsilon | epsilon | name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet |
epsilon | ε | epsilon |
equator | equator | circle around the earth |
Equatoriaal-Guinea | Equatorial Guinea | country in Western Africa |
er was eens | once upon a time | traditional beginning of stories |
erepenning | medal | stamped metal disc |
erf | yard | land around a house |
erfenis | heritage | property |
erfgenaam | heir | Someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another |
ergens anders | elsewhere | in or at some other place |
ergeren | annoy | to disturb or irritate |
Erik | Eric | male given name |
Eritrea | Eritrea | country in Eastern Africa |
ernst | seriousness | state of being serious |
Ernst | Ernest | given name |
erop staan | insist | to hold up a claim emphatically |
erts | ore | rock that contains enough material to be process into oure material |
erudiet | erudite | scholarly, learned |
erudtie | erudition | profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship |
ervan | its | possessive of it |
es-groot | E flat major | Major scale of E flat |
esp | aspen | tree of genus Populus |
essentieel | vital | Relating to, or characteristic of life |
Est | Estonian | person |
Ester | Esther | book of the Bible |
Estland | Estonia | country |
Estlander | Estonian | person |
Estlandse | Estonian | person |
etalage | shop window | large window at the front of a shop |
etc. | etc. | abbreviation of “et cetera”; and the rest; and so forth |
eten | eat | consume |
eten | dinner | main meal of the day |
eten | food | any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life |
eter | eater | one who eats |
ethiek | ethics | study of principles governing right and wrong conduct |
Ethiopië | Ethiopia | country in Eastern Africa |
etiket | label | ticket |
etiket | tag | small label |
etmaal | nychthemeron | one day and one night |
etmaal | day | period of 24 hours |
etnische zuivering | ethnic cleansing | ethnic cleansing |
Etruskisch | Etruscan | Of or pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria, a pre-Roman civilization in Italy |
etsnaald | stylus | a sharp stick |
et-teken | ampersand | the symbol & |
etter | pus | fluid found in regions of infection |
etterbuil | abscess | cavity filled with pus |
etui | pencil case | object purposed to contain different tools like pencil, rubber, liquid paper, etc |
etymologie | etymology | study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words |
etymologisch | etymological | of or relating to etymology |
eukaryoten | eukaryote | any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus |
eunuch | eunuch | a castrated human male |
euro | euro | currency unit of the European Monetary Union |
Europa | Europe | continent |
Europees | European | related to Europe or the European Union |
Europese | bison | A wild ox, Bison bonasus |
Europese eland | elk | moose - Alces alces |
Europese Unie | European Union | The European Union |
Eurovisie | Eurovision | television network |
euthanasie | euthanasia | practice of killing a human being or animal |
evangelie | Matthew | gospel of Matthew |
evenaar | equator | circle around the earth |
eveneens | also | in addition; besides; as well; further; too |
eveneens | too | Likewise |
evenement | event | occurrence of social or personal importance |
eventueel | eventually | in the end |
evenwicht | equilibrium | condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced |
evenwijdig | parallel | of two or more (straight) lines, (flat) surfaces etc: equally distant from one another at all points |
evenwijdige | parallel | of two or more (straight) lines, (flat) surfaces etc: equally distant from one another at all points |
everzwijn | wild boar | Sus scrofa |
everzwijn | boar | wild boar |
evolutie | evolution | general: a gradual process of development |
Ewe | Ewe | ethnic group |
exact | exact | precisely agreeing |
exact | accurate | exact or careful conformity to truth |
examen | examination | formal test |
excentrisch | eccentric | Not at or in the centre |
excommunicatie | excommunication | act of excommunicating or ejecting; |
excursie | tour | journey |
excuseer | excuse me | request to repeat |
excuseren | excuse | forgive, pardon |
executeren | execute | to kill as punishment |
exemplaar | item | distinct physical object |
exhibitionisme | exhibitionism | urge to exhibit oneself |
Exodus | Exodus | departure of Hebrew slaves |
experiment | experiment | test under controlled conditions |
expres | on purpose | purposefully, with intention |
expressweg | expressway | US: divided highway |
extrapolatie | extrapolation | calculation of an estimate |
extravagant | flamboyant | Showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc. |
extremen | extremes | things that exhibit absolute difference |
ezel | donkey | ruminant mammal |
ezel | ass | animal |
ezel | easel | upright frame for displaying or supporting something |
Ezra | Ezra | book of the Bible |
f | protagonist | The main character |
f | iris | plant |
f | credit card | plastic card, with a magnetic strip |
fabriek | factory | manufacturing place |
façade | façade | of a building |
factuur | invoice | bill |
faeces | faeces | digested waste material discharged from the bowels |
faeces | feces | digested waste material discharged from the bowels |
Faeröer | Faroe Islands | group of islands between Scotland and Iceland |
fagocytose | phagocytosis | the by which a cell internalises foreign bodies |
fagot | bassoon | musical instrument in the woodwind family |
failliet | bankruptcy | inability to pay creditors |
fakir | faqir | a religious mendicant |
fakkel | torch | stick with flame at one end |
falanx | phalanx | ancient Greek military unit |
faling | bankruptcy | inability to pay creditors |
Falklandeilanden | Falkland Islands | overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic |
familie | family | father, mother and their sons and daughters |
familielid | relative | someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption |
familienaam | surname | name that indicates family |
fanfare | fanfare | a flourish of trumpets or horns |
fantastisch | wonderful | tending to excite wonder or admiration |
fantoom | ghost | spirit appearing after death |
farandole | farandole | a lively chain dance |
farao | pharaoh | supreme ruler of ancient Egypt |
fascisme | fascism | extreme-right totalitarian political regime |
fase modulatie | phase modulation | form of modulation |
fataal | fatal | proceeding from fate |
fatale | fatal | proceeding from fate |
faux ami | faux ami | false friend |
favoriet | favorite | preferred |
fax | fax | document transmitted by telephone |
fazant | pheasant | bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food |
FBI | FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
februari | February | second month of the Gregorian calendar |
fee | banshee | in Irish folklore, a female spirit |
fee | fairy | mythical being |
feest | party | social gathering |
feest | do | function, celebration, party |
feit | fact | an honest observation |
feliciteren | congratulate | to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for |
feminism | feminism | the social theory or political movement |
feniks | phoenix | mythological bird |
fenotype | phenotype | appearance of organism |
fermate | fermata | holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it |
fictief | fictitious | invented |
fiets | bike | bicycle |
fiets | bicycle | vehicle |
figuratively | noggin | small mug, cup or ladle |
figuur | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
figuurzaag | jigsaw | A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade |
Fiji | Fiji | Republic of the Fiji Islands |
fijn | pleasant | giving pleasure; pleasing in manner |
fijn | nice | easy to like |
fijne | nice | easy to like |
file | traffic jam | situation when all road traffic is stationary or very slow |
Filipijnen | Philippines | Republic of Philippines |
film | cinema | a film |
film | video | television show, movie |
film | movie | motion picture |
filosofie | philosophy | academic discipline |
filter | filter | device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance |
Fin | Finn | Person from Finland |
finale | final | followed by "one": the ending, the last |
financieel | financial | related to finances |
financiële | financial | related to finances |
finish | finish | end |
Finland | Finland | Finland |
Fins | Finnish | Finnish (adjective) |
Finse | Finn | Person from Finland |
firma | company | in legal context, a corporation |
flamenco | flamenco | a Spanish dance |
flanel | flannel | soft cloth material |
flat | apartment | domicile occupying part of a building |
flauw | insipid | utterly lacking in intelligence or depth; foolish |
flauwekul | nonsense | meaningless words |
flauwvallen | swoon | to faint |
Flemish | dissertation | formal exposition of a subject |
Flemish | microwave | wave |
Flemish, colloquial | zonk | unfavorable card or token |
fles | bottle | container used for holding liquids |
flessenopener | bottle opener | device to open bottle |
flitskost | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
flitspuit | atomizer | instrument for reducing a liquid to spray |
floreren | flourish | to thrive or grow well |
fluit | flute | woodwind instrument |
fluiten | whistle | to produce a whistling sound |
fobie | phobia | irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety |
focus | focus | in optics |
foetor ex ore | halitosis | condition of having foul-smelling breath |
foetus | fetus | fetus |
foie gras | foie gras | The fattened liver of geese or ducks |
fokdier | stud | male animal kept for breeding |
fokhengst | stud | male animal kept for breeding |
fokstier | stud | male animal kept for breeding |
folie | foil | thin sheet of metal |
foneem | phoneme | indivisible unit of sound |
fonetiek | phonetics | study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols |
forel | trout | fish |
forensisch | forensic | relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law |
formule | formula | in mathematics |
formuleren | formulate | To reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression |
fort | castle | fortified building |
fortuin | fortune | destiny or fate |
fossiele brandstof | fossil fuel | fuel |
foto | photo | photograph |
foto | photograph | picture |
fotoapparaat | camera | still pictures |
fotograaf | photographer | one who takes photographs |
fotokopie | photocopy | A copy made using a photocopier |
fotokopiëren | xerox | make photocopies |
fotosynthese | photosynthesis | biological process |
fototoestel | camera | still pictures |
fout | failure | state of condition opposite success |
fout | wrong | incorrect |
fout | FALSE | untrue, not factual, wrong |
fout | err | make a mistake |
framboos | raspberry | the plant Rubus idaeus |
frambozenstruik | raspberry | the plant Rubus idaeus |
Francis | Francis | male given name |
Franciscus | Francis | male given name |
Frankrijk | France | country |
Frans | French | language |
Frans | Francis | male given name |
Frans Guyana | French Guiana | Department of French Guiana |
Fransman | Frenchman | man of French birth or nationality |
fraude | fraud | an act of deception |
frequentie | frequency | rate of occurrence of anything |
fret | ferret | the mammal Mustela putorius furo |
Fries | West Frisian | language spoken in Friesland |
Fries | Frisian | the Frisian language group |
frieten | french fries | deep fried strips of potato |
frigo | refrigerator | appliance that refrigerates food |
fris | cold | having a low temperature |
fris | cool | having a slightly low temperature |
frisdrank | soft drink | sweet carbonated beverage |
frisse | cold | having a low temperature |
frivool | frivolous | silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner |
fruit | fruit | part of plant |
fruitboom | fruit tree | a tree that bears a crop of edible fruit on a regular basis |
fuif | do | function, celebration, party |
functie | function | what something does or is used for |
functionaliteit | functionality | The ability to perform a task or function |
functionerend | functional | in good working order |
fundamentalisme | fundamentalism | religion |
fust | keg | round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom |
fysica | physics | branch of science |
fysiologie | physiology | branch of biology |
gaan | let's go | imperative |
gaan | elope | run away with a paramour |
gaan | go | |
gaan | going to | will (future tense) |
gaan met die banaan! | let's go | imperative |
gaan zitten | sit down | to assume a sitting position from a standing position |
gaatje | dimple | Small depression or indentation in generic surface |
Gabon | Gabon | Gabonese Republic |
Gagaoezië | Gagauzia | Autonomous region |
gal | gall | bile |
galblaas | gall bladder | pear-shaped organ that stores bile |
galg | gallows | wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging |
galgenhumor | gallows humor | comedy that makes light of death or other very serious matters |
Galicisch | Galician | pertaining to Galicia or Galician |
Galicische | Galician | pertaining to Galicia or Galician |
Gallië | Gaul | region |
galvanisering | galvanization | the process of galvanizing |
Gambia | Gambia | The Republic of The Gambia |
gamma | gamma | the name of the third letter of the Greek alphabet |
gander | gander | a male goose |
Ganesh | Ganesha | Ganesha |
gang | hall | A corridor or a hallway. |
gang | lane | passageway |
gang | corridor | narrow hall or passage |
gans | goose | a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae |
gansje | gosling | young goose |
ganzenjong | gosling | young goose |
ganzenlever | foie gras | The fattened liver of geese or ducks |
ganzerik | gander | a male goose |
gapen | yawn | open the mouth and take a deep breath |
garderobe defect | wardrobe malfunction | (euphemism) an accidental instance of indecent exposure |
garen | thread | long, thin and flexible form of material |
garen | yarn | fiber strand for knitting or weaving |
garnaal | shrimp | decapod crustacean |
gas | gas | state of matter |
gaskamer | gas chamber | a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas |
gast | guest | recipient of hospitality |
gast | guy | man |
gasthuis | hospital | building |
gastritis | gastritis | inflammation of the lining of the stomach |
gastvrij | hospitable | cordial and generous towards guests |
gastvrijheid | hospitality | act or service |
gat | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
gatlikker | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
gauw | quickly | rapidly, fast |
gauwdief | pickpocket | one who steals from the pocket of a passerby |
gazelle | gazelle | antelope |
ge | you | subject pronoun: the person being addressed |
geacclimatiseerd dier | domesticated animal | animal that has become tame as a result of being kept and bred by human beings |
gebaar | gesture | motion of the limbs or body |
gebak | cake | a sweet dessert |
gebalk | bray | the cry of a donkey |
gebergte | mountain range | line of mountains <!-- example: Pyrenees --> |
gebeuren | occur | present itself |
gebeuren | locale | place where something happens |
gebeuren | happen | to occur |
gebeuren | episode | something that took place |
gebeurtenis | event | occurrence of social or personal importance |
gebeurtenis | post hoc | after the fact |
gebeurtenis | occasion | happening |
Gebeurtenis | incident | event or occurrence |
gebied | tract | an area |
gebied | region | any considerable and connected part of a space or surface |
gebiedende wijs | imperative | verbal mood |
geblokt | checkered | divided into squares |
geboorte | birth | process of childbearing |
geboorteakte | birth certificate | official document certifying the details of a person's birth |
geboren | born | given birth to |
gebrek | lack | deficiency, need |
gebroken | broken | bent to the point of coming apart |
gebruik | use | act of using |
gebruik | manipulation | practice of manipulating |
gebruiken | custom | Frequent repetition of the same act |
gebruikersvriendelijk | user-friendly | designed to be easy to use |
gebruikersvriendelijkheid | user-friendliness | the quality of being user-friendly |
gebruiksvriendelijk | user-friendly | designed to be easy to use |
gebruiksvriendelijkheid | user-friendliness | the quality of being user-friendly |
gebruinde kleur | tan | colour |
gedachte | idea | that which comes to mind |
gedachte | opinion | subjective thought |
gedachte | thought | an idea |
gedeeltelijk | partially | in part |
gedegen | in-depth | thorough |
gedempt | mute | silent, not making a sound |
gedenken | remember | to recall one's memory |
gedicht | poem | literary piece written in verse |
geding | litigation | conduct of a lawsuit |
geduld | patience | quality of being patient |
Geduld is een schone zaak | patience is a virtue | it is better to be patient than impatient |
geduldig | patient | not losing one's temper while waiting |
geduldige | patient | not losing one's temper while waiting |
gedurende | during | for all of a given time interval |
geef mij | give me | strong preference |
geeft u mij | give me | strong preference |
geel | yellow | having yellow as its colour |
geelkoper | brass | alloy of copper and zinc |
Geeloogpinguïn | yellow-eyed penguin | Penguin |
geelzucht | jaundice | morbid condition |
geen | no | not any |
geen | neither | not one of two; not either |
geen bal | it's all Greek to me | I don’t understand any of this |
geen probleem | no problem | it does not pose a problem |
geërgerd | upset | angry, distressed, unhappy |
geest | ghost | spirit appearing after death |
geest | spirit | the soul of a person or other living being |
geest | mind | ability for rational thought |
geestdrift | enthusiasm | feeling of excited, lively interest |
geestelijk | mental | relating to the mind |
geeuwen | yawn | open the mouth and take a deep breath |
gefeliciteard met oen'n verjoardag | happy birthday | good wishes for birthday |
gefeliciteerd | congratulations | expressing approbation |
gefeliciteerd | lucky you | expressing approbation |
gefluister | whisper | the act of speaking in a quiet voice |
gehaast | slapdash | done hastily |
geheel | altogether | Without exception; wholly; completely |
geheel getal | integer | integer |
geheelonthouder | teetotaller | person who completely abstains from alcohol. |
geheelonthoudster | teetotaller | person who completely abstains from alcohol. |
geheim | secret | being or kept hidden. |
geheimschrift | cryptography | discipline concerned with communication security |
gehemelte | palate | roof of the mouth |
gehoorgang | ear canal | tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum |
gehoorzaamheid | obedience | quality of being obedient |
gehoorzamen | obey | To do as ordered |
gehuil | howl | The protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf, or other like sound |
geiser | geyser | boiling spring |
geit | doe | female deer |
geit | goat | animal |
geiter | watering can | utensil for watering plants |
gejuich | acclamation | applause |
gek | loon | a crazy person |
gek | crazy | crazy (undifferentitated) |
gekkekoeienziekte | bovine spongiform encephalopathy | bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
geknakt | broken | bent to the point of coming apart |
gekookte ei | boiled egg | boiled egg (generic) |
gekruisigd | crucified | that has been subject to crucifixion |
gekwetst | hurt | wounded, injured |
gel | lube | lubricant |
gel | gel | suspension of solid in liquid |
gelaat | face | part of head |
geld | money | means of exchange and measure of value |
geld | cash | money in the form of notes/bills and coins |
geldstuk | coin | (currency) A piece of currency |
gele bosbraam | cloudberry | fruit |
geleden | ago | time past |
geleed | articulated | Having one or more pivoted joints |
geleerd | erudite | scholarly, learned |
geleerd | learned | Having much knowledge |
gelegenheid | chance | an opportunity or possibility |
geleidelijk | gradual | proceeding by steps or small degrees |
geleidelijk | gradually | in gradual manner |
geliefd | beloved | loved |
geliefkoost | favourite | preferred or liked above all others |
gelijk | alike | having resemblance; similar |
gelijk | uniform | unvarying |
gelijk | equal | the same in all respects |
gelijk | even | flat and level |
gelijke | equal | the same in all respects |
gelijke | even | flat and level |
gelijke stand | tie | tie score |
gelijken | resemble | to be like or similar to something else |
gelijkend | similar | Having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable |
geloof | belief | mental acceptance of a claim as truth |
geloofsovertuiging | religion | system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death |
geloofsovertuiging | creed | that which is believed |
geloven | believe | to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person) |
gelovige | believer | person who believes |
geluid | noise | various sounds, usually unwanted |
geluidskaart | sound card | A computer hardware device used for generating and capturing sounds |
geluidssnelheid | speed of sound | speed at which sound is propogated |
geluk | luck | something that happens to someone by chance |
gelukkig | happy | enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous |
gelukkig | lucky | of people, having good fortune |
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar | Happy New Year | Happy New Year |
gelukt | successful | resulting in success |
gelukwensen | congratulate | to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for |
gelukzaligheid | joy | feeling of happiness |
gelul | bullshit | deceitful statements, etc |
gemak | facility | ease in learning or doing something |
gemakkelijkheid | easiness | the quality of being easy; simplicity |
gemakvoedsel | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
gematigd | moderate | not excessive |
gember | ginger | plant |
gemberbier | ginger beer | drink flavoured/flavored with ginger |
gemeen | cruel | to form a complex with another substance |
gemeen | common | mutual |
gemeenplaats | cliché | overused phrase or expression |
gemeente | municipality | A district with a government that typically encloses no other governed distrcits |
gemeente | town | |
gemeentehuis | town hall | a building that houses the local government offices of a town |
gemeenzaam | colloquial | of oral communication language |
gemelijk | sullen | having a brooding ill temper |
gemene | cruel | to form a complex with another substance |
gemene | common | mutual |
gemiddelde | average | arithmetic mean |
gemoedelijk | jovial | merry, cheerful |
gemoedstoestand | mood | mental state |
gems | chamois | goat |
gen | gene | unit of heredity |
genaaid | sewn | past participle of sew |
genaamd | named | having a name |
genadeloos | merciless | showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless |
genadeloosheid | mercilessness | the property of being merciless |
generatie | generation | fixme=the act of generating or begetting |
genereus | generous | Willing to give and share unsparingly |
Genesis | Genesis | the book of the Bible |
genie | genius | someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill |
genitaliën | genitalia | genitals or sex organs |
genitief | genitive case | noun case used to express some relationship such as possession or origin |
genitief | genitive | of or pertaining to the case of possession |
genocide | genocide | systematic killing of substantial numbers of people |
genoeg | suffice | be enough, sufficient, adequate |
genoeg | alas | exclamation of sorrow, etc. |
genoeg | enough | sufficient |
genoegen | pleasure | a state of being pleased |
genoom | genome | complete genetic information of an organism |
genotype | genotype | combination of alleles determining a specific trait of an individual |
Gent | Ghent | capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium |
gent | gander | a male goose |
genus | gender | grammar: division of nouns and pronouns |
geografie | geography | study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth |
Geografisch informatiesysteem | geographic information system | an electronic system |
geologe | geologist | person skilled at geology |
geoloog | geologist | person skilled at geology |
geometrie | geometry | branch of mathematics |
George | George | male given name |
Georgië | Georgia | country |
Georgisch | Georgian | language of the country Georgia |
geraamte | skeleton | system that provides support to an organism |
gerechtelijk | forensic | relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law |
gerechts- | forensic | relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law |
gerechtshof | court of law | court presided over by a judge |
gereed | ready | Prepared for immediate action or use |
gereedschap | tool | mechanical device intended to make a task easier |
gereedschap | implement | a tool |
geregistreerd handelsmerk | registered trademark | officially registered trademark |
geringschatting | floccinaucinihilipilification | act or habit of describing or regarding something as worthless |
gerookte haring | red herring | smoke-cured herring |
gerst | barley | strong cereal of the genus Hordeum, or its grains |
gerucht | rumor | countable: piece of information |
gerucht | rumour | countable: piece of information |
gerundium | gerund | verb form functioning as a verbal noun |
geruststellend | comforting | giving comfort |
geruststellende | comforting | giving comfort |
gescheiden | separate | apart from; not connected to |
geschenk | gift | Something given to another voluntarily, without charge |
geschiedenis | history | aggregate of past events |
geschiedkundig | historical | pertaining to history |
geschikt | proper | fit, suitable |
geschikt | appropriate | obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person |
geschikte | appropriate | obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person |
geschil | conflict | clash or disagreement |
geschil | strife | violent conflict |
geschokt | upset | angry, distressed, unhappy |
geschoold | skilful | possessing skill, skilled |
geschrift | writing | written letters or symbols that express some meaning |
Geschubde inktzwam | lawyer's wig | Coprinus comatus |
geslaagd | successful | resulting in success |
geslacht | genus | rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species |
geslacht | gender | grammar: division of nouns and pronouns |
geslachtsgemeenschap | sex | Act of sexual intercourse |
geslachtsgemeenschap | sexual intercourse | sexual interaction |
gesloten | closed | not open (1) |
gesloten | closemouthed | reticent, secretive or uncommunicative |
gesp | buckle | a clasp for fastening |
gesprek | conversation | talking |
gesprek | talk | conversation |
gestolen | stolen | past participle of to steal |
gestorven | dead | Dead |
gestreept | striped | having stripes, decorated or marked with bands differing in color |
gestrooid | strewn | Past participle of to strew |
getal | numeral | word or symbol representing a number |
getaltheorie | number theory | branch of pure mathematics |
getijde | tide | periodic change of sea level |
getikte | loon | a crazy person |
getrouw | faithful | loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause |
getrouwd | married | In a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband |
getrouwheid | allegiance | loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler |
getto | ghetto | the district in a city where Jews were compelled to confine themselves |
getuigenis | testimony | statement in court |
getuigenis | witness | attestation of a fact or event |
geur | smell | sensation |
geur | scent | fixme=Translation table header lacks gloss |
geurig | aromatic | fragrant or spicy |
gevaar | danger | exposure to liable harm |
gevaarlijk | perilous | Dangerous, full of peril |
gevangene | captive | a person who has been captured |
gevangenis | prison | place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes |
gevecht | struggle | strife, effort |
gevel | façade | of a building |
geven | give | transfer the possession of something to someone else |
gevoelig | feeling | emotionally sensitive |
gevolg | consequence | that which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause |
gevolg | retinue | group of servants |
gevorderd | advanced | at or close to state of the art |
gevorderdheid | advancement | state of being advanced |
gevormd | well-formed | syntactically correct |
gewaad | dress | garment |
gewaarwording | perception | conscious understanding of something |
gewapend | armed | Equipped, esp. with a weapon |
gewapend beton | reinforced concrete | building material |
gewas | vegetable | any plant |
gewas | crop | plant grown for food |
gewauwel | gibberish | unintelligible speech or writing |
geweer | rifle | firearm with a rifled barrel |
gewei | antler | bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk |
geweldig | tremendous | extremely large (in amount, extent, degree etc.) or great; enormous; extraordinary |
geweten | conscience | moral sense |
gewetenloos | unconscionable | not conscionable |
geweven | woven | past participle of to weave |
gewicht | load | Burden |
gewicht | weight | force due to gravity |
gewone | common | mutual |
gewone es | common ash | Fraxinus excelsior |
gewoon | just | only, simply, merely |
gewoon | ordinary | normal, routine |
gewoon | common | mutual |
gewoon | usual | that which most commonly occurs |
gewoonte | wont | habitual way of doing things |
gewoonte | habit | an action done on a regular basis |
gewricht | knuckle | joint of the finger |
gezamenlijk | joint | done by two or more people or organisations working together |
gezegde | predicate | grammar |
gezegde | adage | old saying |
gezegde | saying | proverb or maxim |
gezegde | proverb | phrase expressing a basic truth |
gezellig | cozy | affording comfort and warmth |
gezellig | cosy | affording comfort and warmth |
gezellige | cozy | affording comfort and warmth |
gezellige | cosy | affording comfort and warmth |
gezelschapsdier | companion animal | pet |
gezet | fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
gezicht | face | part of head |
gezichtsvermogen | sight | ability to see |
gezichtsvermogen | vision | sight |
gezin | family | father, mother and their sons and daughters |
gezondheid | cheers | toast when drinking |
gezondheidszorg | health care | prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses |
gezouten | salted | adjective |
gezwind | quickly | rapidly, fast |
gezwollen | turgid | distended beyond natural state |
Ghana | Ghana | The Republic of Ghana |
gids | directory | list of names, addresses etc. |
giechelen | giggle | laugh |
gierigaard | cheapskate | someone who avoids spending money |
gierigaard | miser | skinflint or scrooge |
gierst | millet | any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food |
gif | venom | poison |
gif | poison | substance harmful to a living organism |
gift | endowment | something with which a person or thing is endowed |
giftig | toxic | having a harmful chemical nature |
giftige paddestoel | toadstool | an inedible or poisonous mushroom |
gifzwam | toadstool | an inedible or poisonous mushroom |
gigantisch | enormous | extremely large |
gigantisch | gigantic | very large |
gigantisch | humongous | extremely large |
gij | thou | singular informal form of "you" |
gij | you | subject pronoun: the person being addressed |
gijzeling | kidnapping | the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom |
gilde | guild | association of tradespeople |
ginder | there | in or at that place |
ginds | there | in or at that place |
gips | cast | supportive and immobilising device |
giraf | giraffe | Mammal |
gissing | conjecture | An unproven statement; guess |
gissing | guess | prediction about the outcome of something |
gist | yeast | fungus |
gisteren | yesterday | day before today |
giswerk | conjecture | An unproven statement; guess |
gitaar | guitar | instrument |
glad | slippery | of a surface |
glans | sheen | splendor; radiance; shininess |
glas | glass | substance |
glasvezel | optical fibre | fibre used for transmitting light |
glasvezel | fibreglass | glass extruded into fibers |
glaucoom | glaucoma | eye disease |
glazenmaker | glazier | craftsman who works with glass, fitting windows, etc |
gletsjer | glacier | a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill |
glibberig | slippery | of a surface |
glimlach | smile | a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice |
glittering | sheen | splendor; radiance; shininess |
gloednieuw | brand new | utterly new |
gloednieuwe | brand new | utterly new |
gloeilamp | light bulb | evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light |
glorie | glory | great beauty or splendour |
glossarium | glossary | list of words with their definitions |
glottisslag | glottal stop | plosive sound articulated with the glottis |
gluren | peek | To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep |
gneis | gneiss | common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock |
gnoe | gnu | large antelope |
gobelin | Gobelin | a mainly French and Flemish type of tapestry |
God | God | single god of monotheism |
god | god | deity |
Godfried | Godfrey | male given name |
Godin | Goddess | single goddess of monotheism |
godsdienst | religion | system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death |
goed | correctly | in a correct manner |
goed | proper | fit, suitable |
goed | decorous | behaving properly |
goed | well-formed | syntactically correct |
goed ingelicht | abreast | informed |
goedaardig | benign | kind, gentle, mild |
goede dag | hello | greeting |
goedemorgen | good morning | when seeing someone for the first time in the morning |
goedenacht | good night | a farewell |
goedendag | good day | greeting between sunrise and sunset |
goederen | goods | that which is produced, traded, bought or sold |
goedkeuren | endorse | support |
goedkeuring | OK | endorsement; approval |
goeie genade | oh my God | excitement or shock |
gok | gamble | a risk undertaken with a potential gain |
gok | guess | prediction about the outcome of something |
gokte | betted | simple past of bet |
golf | golf | ball game |
Golf van Mexico | Gulf of Mexico | gulf between USA and Mexico |
golfbreker | breakwater | construction in or around a harbour |
golflengte | wavelength | the length of a single cycle of a wave |
Gollem | Gollum | finctional character |
gom | eraser | something used to erase markings |
gong | gong | percussion instrument |
gooien | throw | To cause an object to move rapidly through the air |
gooien | launch | throw, hurl, let fly |
gordel | belt | band worn around the waist |
gordeldier | armadillo | burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates |
gorgelen | gargle | clean one's mouth |
gorilla | gorilla | ape |
Goris | George | male given name |
goud | gold | element |
Gouden gids | directory | list of names, addresses etc. |
goudvis | goldfish | fish |
gozer | guy | man |
graad | degree | in geometry: unit of angle |
graag | willingly | of one’s own free will |
graden celsius | degree Celsius | a metric unit of temperature |
gradenboog | protractor | a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles |
grafeem | grapheme | fundamental unit of a writing system |
grafentheorie | graph theory | study of networks of nodes and vertices |
grafiek | graph | mathematical diagram |
grafisch | graphic | drawn, pictorial |
gram | gram | unit of mass |
grammatica | grammar | rules for speaking and writing a language |
gramschap | wrath | great anger |
granaatappel | grenade | a pomegranate |
grand écart | split | acrobatic feat |
grap | prank | practical joke or mischievous trick |
grap | joke | amusing story |
grappig | comic | being funny |
grappig | funny | amusing; comical |
gras | grass | ground cover plant |
gratis | gratis | free, without charge |
Graubünden | Grisons | a canton of Switzerland (its French name) |
grauwe gans | greylag goose | Anser anser |
graven | dig | to move hard-packed earth out of the way |
grens | bound | border of territory |
grenzeloos | boundless | without bounds, unbounded |
grenzen | abut | to border on |
greppel | ditch | trench |
Griek | Greek | inhabitant, etc., of Greece |
Griekenland | Greece | Country in Southeastern Europe |
Griekse | Greek | inhabitant, etc., of Greece |
griep | influenza | an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs |
griep | flu | influenza |
griet | girl | young female |
grietje | girl | young female |
griezelig | creepy | producing a fearful sensation |
griffel | stylus | a sharp stick |
grijpen | grab | to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something) |
grijpen | seize | grab |
grijpen | grasp | to grip |
grijpen | apprehension | seizure |
grijpend | absorbing | engrossing |
grijs | grey | colour |
grijze | grey | colour |
gril | whim | fanciful impulse |
gritselen | rake | use a rake on |
grizzlybeer | grizzly bear | A North American subspecies, Ursus arctos horribilis, of the brown bear |
groei | growth | increase in size |
groen | green | having green as its colour |
groen licht | OK | endorsement; approval |
groene specht | woodpecker | bird |
groene specht | green woodpecker | bird |
groenhoutbreuk | greenstick fracture | a partial fracture of a long bone |
Groenland | Greenland | A self-governing island that is a territory of Denmark |
groenteboer | greengrocer | person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit |
groenten | greens | leaves of certain edible green plants |
groep | group | number of things or persons being in some relation to each other |
grof | crass | coarse; crude; not refined or sensible |
grof | rude | bad-mannered |
grof | contumely | rude language or behaviour |
grol | joke | amusing story |
grom | growl | deep threatening sound |
grom | grunt | A short, snorting sound, often to show disapproval, or used as a reply when one is reluctant to speak |
grond | ground | The surface of the Earth |
grond | soil | mixture of sand and organic material |
grondgebied | territory | large tract of land |
grondig | thorough | detailed |
grondwater | ground water | Water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers |
groot | big | of a great size |
groot | large | of greater size |
grootgrondbezitter | landowner | a person who owns land |
groothandel | wholesale | sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants |
grootheidswaanzin | megalomania | a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence |
groothertogdom | Grand Duchy | a dominion or nation ruled by an grand duke or grand duchess |
grootmoeder | grandmother | mother of someone’s parent |
grootmoeder | paternal grandmother | one's father's mother |
grootmoeder | maternal grandmother | one's father's father |
grootmoedig | magnanimous | noble and generous in spirit |
grootouder | grandparent | parent of one's parent |
grootvader | grandfather | grandfather (from either side) |
grootvader | maternal grandfather | one's mother's father |
grot | cave | large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground |
grote bonte specht | great spotted woodpecker | Bird |
Grote Canadese gans | Canada goose | Branta canadensis |
Grote Oceaan | Pacific Ocean | the world's largest body of water |
grote witte haai | great white shark | Carcharodon carcharias |
grout | grout | ground malt |
gsm | cell phone | portable, wireless telephone capable of changing antenna connections during travel |
GSM | mobile phone | A portable telephone |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe | overseas department of France |
guano | guano | dung |
Guinee | Guinea | Republic of Guinea |
Guinee-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau | Republic of Guinea-Bissau |
guinees biggetje | guinea pig | rodent |
gul | generous | Willing to give and share unsparingly |
gulden | gilder | Dutch coin |
gulzigheid | greed | selfish desire for more than is needed |
gunstig | beneficial | helpful or good to something or someone |
Gustaaf | Gustav | given name |
Gutsen | gush | sudden rapid outflow |
Guyana | Guyana | country |
ha | haw | an imitation of laughter |
haai | shark | scaleless cartilaginous fish |
haak | hook | rod bent into a curved shape |
haaks | perpendicular | at or forming a right angle to |
haalbaar | achievable | capable of being achieved |
haalbaar | feasible | Doable, possible |
haalbare | achievable | capable of being achieved |
haalde door | struck | delete |
haalden door | struck | delete |
haan | rooster | male domestic fowl |
haantje | cockerel | young male chicken |
haar | her | belonging to |
haar | hair | a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head |
haarborstel | brush | an implement with handle |
haard | hearth | Floor of fireplace |
haarknippen | barber | to cut the hair |
haarnetje | hairnet | net designed to keep hair up |
haas | hare | hare |
haasten | hasten | to move in a quick fashion |
haastig | hasty | acting in haste; being too hurried or quick |
haastkost | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
haat | hatred | strong aversion |
Habakuk | Habakkuk | book of the Bible |
hagedis | lizard | Reptile |
hagel | hail | balls of ice |
Haïti | Haiti | A country in the Caribbean |
hakbijl | axe | tool |
hakenkruis | swastika | a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle |
hakkebord | dulcimer | musical instrument |
hal | corridor | narrow hall or passage |
hal | hall | A corridor or a hallway. |
halen | get | obtain |
half twee | half past | half past the hour |
halfbroeder | half brother | a male sibling |
halfbroer | half brother | a male sibling |
halfgeleider | semiconductor | substance with electrical properties |
halfgod | demigod | a half-god or hero |
halfjaarlijks | semiannual | half-yearly |
halfjaarlijkse | semiannual | half-yearly |
halfzus | half sister | maternal half sister |
halfzuster | half sister | maternal half sister |
hallo | hello | greeting |
hallo | hi | friendly, informal greeting |
halo | halo | atmospheric phenomenon |
halogeen | halogen | any element of group 7 |
hals | neck | the part of body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals |
halsboord | collar | part of clothing around throat |
halveren | halve | to reduce to half of original |
hamburger | hamburger | sandwich |
hamer | hammer | tool |
hamster | hamster | small, short-tailed European rodent |
hand | hand | part of the body |
handbal | handball | sport |
handboeien | handcuffs | metal rings for fastening wrists |
handdoek | towel | cloth used for wiping |
handel | trade | exchange |
handeling | action | something done so as to accomplish a purpose |
handeling | act | deed |
handelsmerk | trademark | identification of a company's product |
handelstekort | trade deficit | where countries imports are more than it's exports |
handgreep | handle | part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved |
handhaven | persevere | To persist steadfastly |
handhaven | maintain | to keep up |
handig | handy | easy to use |
handlanger | accomplice | a cooperator |
handleiding | manual | booklet that instructs |
handschoen | glove | item of clothing |
handstand | handstand | a movement or position in which a person is upside down |
handtas | purse | small bag for carrying money |
handtekening | signature | person’s autograph name |
handvat | handle | part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved |
handvest | handfast | contract |
hangend | hanging | suspended |
hangende | hanging | suspended |
hangslot | padlock | type of lock |
Hans | John | male given name- the standard or most popular form |
hap | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
haram | haram | Not lawful according to Islam |
hard | callous | emotinally hardened |
hard | loud | of a sound |
hard | harden | become hard |
hard | hard | resistant to pressure |
harde | loud | of a sound |
hardgekookt | hard-boiled | of an egg |
hardnekkig | stubborn | refusing to move or change one's opinion |
harig | hairy | of a person |
haring | herring | fish |
haringhaai | porbeagle | Lamna nasus |
harken | rake | use a rake on |
harmonica | accordion | A small, portable, keyed wind instrument |
harmonieus | harmonious | showing accord |
harmonisch | harmonic | pertaining to harmony |
harp | harp | musical instrument |
harpoen | harpoon | spearlike weapon |
hars | pitch | sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees |
hart | heart | an organ |
hartaanval | heart attack | acute myocardial infarction |
hartelijk | friendly | warm, approachable |
hartkamer | ventricle | one of two lower chambers of the heart |
hartsvanger | cutlass | a short sword with a curved blade |
Haskell | Haskell | language |
hassium | hassium | chemical element with atomic number 108 |
haten | hate | to hate |
hausse | boom | period of prosperity |
haven | haven | harbour |
haven | port | dock or harbour |
haver | oat | a widely cultivated cereal grass |
havermout | oatmeal | meal |
havervlokken | oatmeal | meal |
havik | hawk | predatory bird |
havik | goshawk | bird of prey |
hazelnoot | hazel | nut |
hè | eh | used as a tag question |
hebben | have | to possess |
hebzucht | greed | selfish desire for more than is needed |
hebzuchtig | greedy | a structure carrying water |
hechting | suture | seam |
hectisch | hectic | very busy with activity and confusion |
heemst | marshmallow | plant |
heen en weer | to and fro | back and forth |
heer | man | adult male human |
heer | gentleman | man of breeding |
heer | sir | A man of a higher rank or position |
Heer | Lord | God |
heerlijk | wonderful | tending to excite wonder or admiration |
heerlijk | delicious | pleasing to taste |
heerschap | reign | The exercise of sovereign power |
heet | hot | having a high temperature |
heffen | heft | to lift |
heft | handle | part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved |
hegemonie | hegemony | domination, influence, or authority over another |
hei | moor | region with poor, marshy soil, peat, and heath |
-heid | -ity | Used to form nouns from adjectives. |
-heid | -ness | appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of ...", "the quality of ...", or "the measure of ..." |
heilbot | halibut | fish of genus Hippoglossus |
Heilige Geest | Holy Spirit | one of the three parts of the Holy Trinity |
heiligen | hallow | holy person |
hekelen | taunt | to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding |
heks | witch | person who uses magic |
heksadecimale talstelsel | hexadecimal | number system with base 16 |
heksenmeester | warlock | male magic-user |
hekserij | witchcraft | the practice of witches |
hekwerk | railing | fence or barrier |
hel | hell | where sinners go |
helaas | alas | exclamation of sorrow, etc. |
held | hero | person of great bravery |
helder | bright | Visually dazzling, luminous, radiant |
heldin | heroine | female hero |
heldin | hero | person of great bravery |
helemaal | from scratch | from the beginning |
helemaal niet | not at all | not |
helikopter | helicopter | aircraft |
Hellenisme | Hellenistic civilization | Civilsation |
hellenistisch | Hellenistic | of or relating to a period of Greek history |
helling | slope | area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward |
helling | ramp | inclined surface that connects two levels; incline |
helm | helmet | protective head covering |
helmkwartel | Gambel's quail | Gambel's quail |
helrood | crimson | colour |
hem | him | him |
hemd | shirt | article of clothing |
hemel | heaven | sky |
hemel | sky | atmosphere above a point |
Hemelvaart | ascension | the act of ascending |
hemisfeer | hemisphere | half-sphere |
hen | chicken | bird |
hen | hen | female bird |
hendel | lever | rigid thing turning about an axis, used for transmitting and modifying force and motion |
Hendrik | Henry | given name |
Hendrika | Henrietta | feminine form of Henry |
hengsel | handle | part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved |
hengst | stallion | uncastrated male horse |
hengstveulen | colt | horse |
Henk | Henry | given name |
henna | henna | dye |
hennep | hemp | hemp |
her- | re- | re- |
herberg | inn | a lodging |
herbivoor | herbivore | plant-eating animal |
herdenkingsplaats | memorial | structure |
herder | shepherd | a person who tends sheep |
Herdershond | herding dog | herding dog |
herdoen | redo | to do again |
heremietkreeft | hermit crab | crab |
heren | men | plural of man (male) |
herformuleren | reformulate | to formulate again |
herfst | autumn | season |
herhaaldelijk | repeatedly | done several times |
herhalen | repeat | do again |
herinneren | remember | to recall one's memory |
herkennen | recognize | to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter |
herkenning | recognition | the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized |
hermafrodiet | hermaphrodite | individual or organism having both male and female gonads |
hermelijn | ermine | Mustela erminea |
heroïne | heroin | powerful and addictive drug |
heropbouwen | rebuild | to build again |
heropleving | revival | to be checked |
herrie | hoo-ha | a fuss, commotion, uproar |
herrijzen | resurrect | To raise from dead |
herrijzenis | resurrection | the act of arising from the dead |
hersenen | brain | organ |
hersens | brain | organ |
hersenstam | brain stem | part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum |
herstellen | mend | To repair |
hert | deer | the animal |
hertkever | stag-beetle | a large black beetle with a pair of strong mandibles |
hertog | duke | male ruler of a duchy |
hertrouwen | remarry | To marry a second or subsequent time |
hervatten | resume | start something again that has been stopped or paused |
herwaarderen | revalue | to value again, give a new value to |
herziening | revision | Act of revising |
het | from scratch | from the beginning |
het | the | Article |
het | it | subject — inanimate thing |
het gras is altijd groener aan de overkant | the grass is always greener on the other side | desirability of other's circumstances |
het kwartje is gevallen | the penny drops | understanding is reached, one comprehends |
het loodje leggen | kick the bucket | to die |
Het omzetten | transliterate | To represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script |
het onze | ours | that which belongs to us |
heterogeen | heterogeneous | for all definitions: |
heterogene | heterogeneous | for all definitions: |
hetzelfde | very | exactly the same; identical |
hetzelfde | alike | having resemblance; similar |
heup | hip | joint |
heuvel | hill | elevated location |
hevig lijden | anguish | extreme pain |
hiel | heel | (anatomy) part of the foot |
hier | here | this place |
hierbij | hereby | formal phrase |
hierheen | hither | to here |
hierop | subsequently | subsequently |
hij | it | subject — inanimate thing |
hij | he | personal pronoun "he" |
hijacken | hijack | to seize control of a vehicle |
hijsen | heft | to lift |
hijzelf | himself | male person |
hik | hiccup | spasm of the diaphragm |
hinderen | hinder | to delay or impede movement |
Hindi | Hindi | language |
hing | hung | past tense of "to hang" |
hingen | hung | past tense of "to hang" |
historisch | historical | pertaining to history |
hitte | heat | physics: thermal energy |
hobbit | hobbit | fictional small humanoid creature |
hobby | hobby | activity done for enjoyment in spare time |
hobo | oboe | a soprano and melody wind instrument |
hoe | how | to what degree |
hoe dan ook | anyway | Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement |
hoe duur is het | how much is it | what is the price |
hoe gaat het | what's up | (informal) How are you? |
Hoe heet jij | what's your name | what's your name? |
Hoe heet jij | what is your name | what is your name? |
Hoe heet u | what's your name | what's your name? |
Hoe heet u | what is your name | what is your name? |
Hoe laat is het? | What time is it? | what is the time of day? |
hoed | hat | head covering |
hoef | hoof | foot of an animal: |
hoefijzer | horseshoe | metallic shoe of a horse |
hoek | angle | <!--NGeomFigure-->geometrical figure |
hoelahoep | hula hoop | Toy in the form of a large hoop |
hoepel | hula hoop | Toy in the form of a large hoop |
hoer | hōra | A prostitute |
hoer | whore | A prostitute |
hoeveel | how many | what number |
hoeveel kost het | how much is it | what is the price |
hoeveelheid | amount | total or sum of items |
hoeveelheid | number | abstract entity |
hoewel | although | in spite of |
hoffelijkheid | courtesy | polite behavior |
hoger onderwijs | higher education | Translations |
hoi | hi | friendly, informal greeting |
hoi | hello | greeting |
hol | concave | curved inward |
hol | hollow | having an empty space inside |
hol | cave | large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground |
Holbewoner | troglodyte | member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves |
holebi | queer | |
Holenmens | troglodyte | member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves |
Hollands | Dutch | of the Netherlands, people, or language |
holocaust | holocaust | sacrifice to a god |
homeopathie | homeopathy | system of treating diseases with very small amounts |
hommel | bumblebee | species of bee |
homo | queer | |
homoniem | homonym | word with the same sound or spelling but different meaning |
homoseksualiteit | homosexuality | sexual orientation |
homoseksueel | homosexual | sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex |
homoseksueel | queer | |
hond | dog | animal |
hondenhok | doghouse | dog's house |
honderd | hundred | cardinal number 100 |
honderdeen | one hundred and one | one hundred plus one |
honderdeneen | one hundred and one | one hundred plus one |
hondsdolheid | rabies | viral disease |
hondstong | Torbay sole | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus |
Honduras | Honduras | A country in Central America |
Hongaars | Hungarian | Hungarian |
Hongaarse | Hungarian | Hungarian |
Hongarije | Hungary | the country |
honger | hunger | need for food |
hongersnood | dearth | period when food is rare |
hongersnood | famine | extreme shortage of food in a region |
honing | honey | sweet substance produced by bees |
honingbij | bee | insect |
honkbal | baseball | ballgame |
hoofd | head | part of the body |
hoofddoek | headscarf | a more or less square piece of material worn over the head by women |
hoofdgebouw | main building | most important building of a group of buildings (e.g. in a school/university) |
hoofdstad | capital | city designated as such |
hoofdstraat | highway | main public thoroughfare |
hoofdstuk | chapter | section in a book |
hoofdweg | boulevard | broad, landscaped thoroughfare |
hoofdweg | highway | main public thoroughfare |
hoog | high | elevated |
hoogconjunctuur | boom | period of prosperity |
Hooglied | Song of Solomon | book of the Bible |
hoogste leider | Supreme Leader | Translations |
hoogte | altitude | height measured from sea |
hoogtemeter | altimeter | an apparatus for measuring altitude |
hoogtepunt | acme | the highest point |
hoogtevrees | acrophobia | fear of heights |
hoogwaardigheidsbekleder | dignitary | Important or influential person |
hoogwaardigheidsbekleedster | dignitary | Important or influential person |
hooi | hay | grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder |
hooivork | pitchfork | farm tool with tines |
hooiwagen | harvestman | arachnid |
hoon | contumely | rude language or behaviour |
hoop | hope | belief that something hoped for can happen |
hoorn | horn | growth on the heads of certain animals |
hoornaar | hornet | a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown and yellow striped body |
hoornig | horny | hard or bony |
hopelijk | hopefully | it is hoped that |
hopeloos | despondent | in low spirits from loss of hope or courage |
horen | belong | have its proper place |
horen | hear | To perceive with the ear |
horizon | horizon | horizon |
horloge | watch | portable or wearable timepiece |
horloge | wristwatch | a watch that is worn on a strap or band fastened around the wrist |
horologe | horologist | a person who makes or repairs clocks |
horoloog | horologist | a person who makes or repairs clocks |
hospitaal | hospital | building |
hot | giddyup | directed at a horse |
houden | hold | to grasp |
houden van | like | enjoy |
houdoe | goodbye | farewell |
hout | wood | substance |
houtblazer | woodwind instrument | musical instrument |
houten | wooden | made of wood |
houten lepel | wooden spoon | spoon made from wood, used for stirring sauces |
houtskool | charcoal | heated matter |
hovercraft | hovercraft | a vehicle supported on a cushion of air |
hu | giddyup | directed at a horse |
hubris | hubris | Excessive pride of arrogance |
hufter | yokel | An unsophisticated person |
huid | skin | outer covering of living tissue of a person |
huid | pelt | The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it |
huidig | present | pertaining to the current time |
huidige | present | pertaining to the current time |
huig | uvula | appendage that hangs from the palate |
huilbaby | crybaby | baby |
huilen | cry | intransitive: to weep |
huis | home | house or structure in which someone lives |
huis | house | abode |
huisadres | postal address | the address to which mail is delivered |
huisarrest | house arrest | the situation where a person is confined, by the authorities, to his or her residence |
huisbaas | landlord | person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo |
huishoudhulp | servant | |
huishoudstoestel | appliance | a device in its own right |
huiskamer | living room | room in a private house |
huiskat | cat | domestic species |
huismuis | house mouse | mouse of the species Mus musculus |
huistaak | homework | work that is done at home |
huisvrouw | housewife | female head of household |
huisvuil | garbage | any leftover waste or scraps |
huiswerk | homework | work that is done at home |
hulp | aid | help; succor; assistance; relief |
hulp | assistance | Aid; help; the act or result of assisting |
hulp | servant | |
hulp | help | action given to provide assistance |
hulpmiddel | tool | mechanical device intended to make a task easier |
hulpmiddel | implement | a tool |
hulpwerkwoord | auxiliary verb | a helping verb |
humeur | mood | mental state |
humeurig | irascible | prone to anger |
hun | their | |
huppelen | skip | To move by hopping on alternate feet |
huur | rent | payment made by a tenant |
huwbaar | nubile | marriageable |
hyena | hyena | animal |
hymne | hymn | a song of praise or worship |
hyperbool | hyperbola | geometric curve |
hyperbool | hyperbole | Rhetorical device |
hypergeometrische verdeling | hypergeometric distribution | probability distribution |
Hypnos | Hypnos | Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep |
hypochonder | hypochondriac | affected by hypochondria |
hypocriet | hypocritical | characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite |
hypocrisie | hypocrisy | Claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess |
hypokorisme | hypocorism | hypocorism |
hyponiem | hyponym | more specific word |
hypotheek | mortgage | special form of secured loan |
hypothetisch | moot | Subject to discussion |
hysterectomie | hysterectomy | surgical removal of the uterus or part thereof |
icoon | icon | image |
ICT | IT | information technology |
idee | thought | an idea |
idee | idea | that which comes to mind |
identiek | identical | exactly equivalent to |
identiek | equal | the same in all respects |
identieke | equal | the same in all respects |
identieke | identical | exactly equivalent to |
ideologie | ideology | doctrine, body of ideas |
idiomatisch | colloquial | of oral communication language |
idioom | idiom | phrase that cannot be understood from its component words |
idioot | moron | a person of borderline intelligence |
idioot | eejit | idiot |
idioot | simpleton | simple person lacking common sense |
Ido | Ido | artificial language reformed from Esperanto |
ieder voor zich | every man for himself | forget about comradeship; save yourselves! |
iedereen | everyone | every person |
-ief | -ive | adjectival suffix |
iemand | somebody | some unspecified person |
iemand | someone | some person |
iemands | one's | belonging to |
iep | elm | tree of genus Ulmus |
Ier | Irishman | A man from Ireland |
Ierland | Ireland | Ireland |
Iers | Irish | the language |
iets | dependency | something dependent or subordinate to something else |
iets | something | unspecified object |
-ieve | -ive | adjectival suffix |
-ig | -ly | used to form adjectives from nouns |
-ig | -ish | appended to words |
ignorant | ignorant | characterized by ignorance |
ignorantie | ignorance | The condition of being uninformed or uneducated. |
ijdel | vain | overly proud of one's appearance |
ijdelheid | vanity | excessive pride |
ijs | ice | frozen water |
ijs | ice cream | dessert |
ijsbeer | polar bear | Ursus maritimus |
ijsberg | iceberg | huge mass of floating ice |
ijsbreker | icebreaker | ship designed to break through ice |
ijskast | refrigerator | appliance that refrigerates food |
IJsland | Iceland | country in Europe |
IJsland | Iceland | country in Europe |
IJslander | Icelander | person from Iceland |
IJslands | Icelandic | language |
ijsvogel | kingfisher | any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines |
ijverig | diligent | performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard |
ik | I | Personal pronoun |
ik ben | I'm | I am |
Ik ben verliefd op je | I'm in love with you | declaration of romantic feeling |
Ik ben verliefd op jou | I'm in love with you | declaration of romantic feeling |
ik heet | my name is | a way to identify oneself |
Ik hou van je | I love you | affirmation of affection or deep caring |
Ik hou van jou | I love you | affirmation of affection or deep caring |
ik ook | me too | I agree |
ik weet het niet | I don't know | "I don't know" |
ik zie u graag | I love you | affirmation of affection or deep caring |
ikzelf | myself | that being which is oneself |
illegaal | unlawful | prohibited |
illusie | illusion | anything that seems to be something that it is not |
illustratie | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
imaginair getal | imaginary number | number of the form ai |
imbeciel | imbecile | person with limited mental capacity |
imitatie | sham | fake, imitation |
immobiliën | real estate | property that cannot easily be moved |
imperialisme | imperialism | the policy of extending power, by force |
imposant | impressive | Making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress |
in | RIP | rest in peace |
in | private | not done in the view of others |
in afwachting | pending | # awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation |
in beroep gaan | appeal | To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination of for decision |
in bloei | abloom | (postpositive) in or into bloom; in a blooming state |
in de gaten houden | keep an eye on | To watch and pay attention to |
In de kiem smoren | nip in the bud | (idiom) to prevent at an early stage |
in een notendop | in a nutshell | in summary |
in elk geval | anyway | Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement |
in elkaar zetten | assemble | to put together |
in het andere geval | else | word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to |
in het bijzonder | in particular | especially, individually or specifically |
in het jaar des Heren | anno Domini | in the year of our Lord |
in het jaar des Heren | Anno Domini | in the year of our Lord |
in het vlees | in person | actually present |
in hoger beroep gaan | appeal | To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination of for decision |
in ieder geval | anyhow | in any way |
in kwestie | said | mentioned earlier |
in lichterlaaie | ablaze | On fire |
in oneindigheid | ad infinitum | endlessly |
in plaats van | instead | in the place of |
in tweeën | in twain | in halves |
inbouwen | incorporate | include as a part or ingredient |
inbraak | break-in | the act of entering with the intent to steal |
inbreker | burglar | thief who steals from premises |
inclusief | inclusive | including (almost) everything within its scope |
incontinentie | incontinence | medicine |
indertijd | originally | as it was in the beginning |
index | index | alphabetical list |
India | India | the country |
Indiaas | Indian | Of or pertaining to India |
indien | if | supposing that |
indigo | indigo | colour |
Indisch | Indian | Of or pertaining to India |
Indische Oceaan | Indian Ocean | the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica |
indiscreet | indiscreet | not discreet; wanting in discretion |
individu | individual | person considered alone |
Indonesië | Indonesia | country |
Indonesisch | Indonesian | referring to Indonesia |
Indonesische | Indonesian | referring to Indonesia |
indrukwekkend | impressive | Making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress |
industrie | industry | businesses that produce goods |
inenten | vaccinate | treat with a vaccine |
inertie | inertia | in physics |
infantiel | childish | suitable for a child |
infarct | infarct | area of dead tissue |
infecteren | infect | to bring into contact with a substance that can cause illness |
infinitief | infinitive | uninflected verb form |
infix | infix | morpheme inserted into word |
inflatia | inflation | expansion or increase in size |
informatica | computer science | study of computers and their architecture |
informeel | colloquial | of oral communication language |
ingekort | abbreviated | shortened |
ingenieur | engineer | Person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering |
ingenieurswetenschap | engineering | application of science to the needs of humanity |
ingeving | idea | that which comes to mind |
ingewande | bowel | intestines or gut |
ingewanden | guts | entrails |
ingewanden | intestine | alimentary canal or a subdivision thereof |
ingewikkeld | complicated | difficult or convoluted |
ingrediënt | ingredient | one of the parts of a whole |
inhoud | content | that which is contained |
inhoud | index | alphabetical list |
inhoud | table of contents | organized list summarizing book of document |
inhouden | contain | to hold inside |
injectie | injection | medicine |
inkomen | perquisite | benefit beyond salary |
inkomen | income | Money one earns by working or capitalising off other people's work |
inkomsten | income | Money one earns by working or capitalising off other people's work |
inkoop | procurement | purchasing department of a company |
inkoopafdeling | procurement | purchasing department of a company |
inkoper | buyer | person who makes purchases |
inkorten | abbreviate | to make shorter |
inkrimping | abatement | the act of abating or the state of being abated |
inkt | ink | coloured fluid used for writing |
inktvis | squid | sea animal |
inkwartieren | billet | to lodge soldiers in a private house |
inlijven | incorporate | include as a part or ingredient |
inpakken | wrap | enclose in fabric, paper, etc |
insect | bug | an insect of the order Hemiptera |
insecteneter | insectivore | insect eating animal |
insectivoor | insectivore | insect eating animal |
Insha'Allah | inshallah | God willing |
inspannen | exert | to put in vigorous action |
inspanning | effort | the amount of work involved in achieving something |
installatie | installment | act of installing; installation |
installeren | install | set something up for use |
instance | fluff | light fur etc |
instelling | attitude | disposition or state of mind<!--To be redefined, IMHO. --Dan Polansky--> |
instemming | consent | voluntary agreement |
instorten | collapse | to fall down suddenly; to cave in |
instorten | flop | to fall heavily, because lacking energy |
instrument | instrument | music device |
instrument | tool | mechanical device intended to make a task easier |
instuderen | study | to acquire knowledge |
integendeel | au contraire | on the contrary |
integendeel | on the contrary | opposite |
integraal | integral | notion in mathematics |
integratie | integration | act or process of making whole or entire |
intelligent | intelligent | of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright |
intelligentie | intelligence | capacity of mind |
interdisciplinair | interdisciplinary | action of closing a computer |
interessant | interesting | arousing or holding the attention of |
interesse | interest | great attention and concern from someone |
Interlingua | Interlingua | interlanguage based on Romance languages |
internationaal | international | between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations |
internationale | international | between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations |
Internetprotocol | Internet Protocol | one of the computer networking protocols |
intimideren | browbeat | to bully in an intimidating way |
intrekken | revoke | To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing |
intrige | plot | course of a story |
intrigeren | intrigue | plan |
intrigerend | intriguing | causing a desire to know more |
intrinsiek | intrinsic | inherent |
intussen | meanwhile | during the time |
inunderen | inundate | To cover with large amounts of water |
invaller | replacement | substitute |
invloedrijk | influential | with great influence |
invoer | entry | act of entering |
invoer | input | something fed into a process |
invriezen | deep-freeze | to freeze at very low temperatures |
invullen | placeholder | that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later |
inwonertal | population | |
inzakken | flop | to fall heavily, because lacking energy |
inzien | realize | become aware of |
Ionische Zee | Ionian Sea | European sea |
Irak | Iraq | country |
Iran | Iran | country in the Middle East |
Iranier | Iranian | person from Iran or of Iranian descent |
Irene | Irene | female given name |
irrationeel | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
irrationele | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
is | it's | it is |
is | is | Is |
-isch | -ic | Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic |
islam | Islam | religion |
islamitisch | Islamic | Adjectival form of Islam |
islamitische | Islamic | Adjectival form of Islam |
Ismaël | Ishmael | eldest son of Abraham |
isolationisme | isolationism | A national (or group) policy of non-interaction with other nations (or groups) |
Israël | Israel | the nation |
Istanboel | Istanbul | the largest city and formal capital of Turkey |
Istro-Roemeens | Istro-Romanian | language |
Italiaans | Italian | pertaining to Italy |
Italiaanse | Italian | pertaining to Italy |
Italië | Italy | European country |
-iteit | -ity | Used to form nouns from adjectives. |
ivoor | ivory | material |
Ivoorkust | Ivory Coast | Côte d'Ivoire, country in Africa |
Izaak | Isaac | son of Abraham and Sarah |
Izaäk | Isaac | son of Abraham and Sarah |
ja | yes | word used to indicate agreement or acceptance |
ja | yeah | yes |
jaar | year | time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution of the Sun |
jaargetijde | season | quarter of a year |
jaarlijks | annual | happening once a year |
jaarlijkse | annual | happening once a year |
jacht | chase | action of the verb "to chase" |
jachtgeweer | shotgun | A gun |
jachthond | hound | a dog |
jachtluipaard | cheetah | Acinonyx jubatus |
jade | jade | gem |
jagen | hunt | to chase down prey |
jager | hunter | person who hunts game |
jaguar | jaguar | Panthera onca |
jak | yak | ox-like mammal |
Jakob | Jacob | one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca |
jaloers | jealous | bitterly or enviously competitive |
jaloers | envious | feeling or exhibiting envy |
jam | yam | edible root of Dioscorea vine |
Jamaica | Jamaica | country in the Caribbean |
jammer | alas | exclamation of sorrow, etc. |
Jan | John | male given name- the standard or most popular form |
Jantje | John | male given name- the standard or most popular form |
januari | January | first month of the Gregorian calendar |
jan-van-gent | booby | bird |
Japan | Japan | A Far East country in Asia |
Japans | Japanese | of or relating to Japan |
Japanse | Japanese | of or relating to Japan |
jas | paletot | A loose outer jacket, overcoat |
jas | coat | outer garment covering the upper torso and arms |
jatten | steal | to illegally take possession of |
Javaans | Javanese | language |
Javel | bleach | chemical |
jawel | yeah | yes |
je | your | belonging to you (singular; one owner) |
je | you | subject pronoun: the person being addressed |
-je | -ling | Diminutive |
je bent wat je eet | you are what you eat | proverb |
Jehovah's Getuigen | Jehovah's Witnesses | denomination |
Jemen | Yemen | Republic of Yemen |
Jeremia | Jeremiah | book of the Bible |
Jerevan | Yerevan | the capital of Armenia |
Jeruzalem | Jerusalem | city |
Jesaja | Isaiah | book of the Bible |
jeugdig | young | in the early part of life or growth |
jeuk | itch | a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch |
Jezus | Jesus | the Christian Messiah |
Jezus Christus | Jesus Christ | Jesus of Nazareth |
jicht | gout | arthritic disease |
Jiddisch | Yiddish | of or pertaining to the Yiddish language |
Jiddisj | Yiddish | of or pertaining to the Yiddish language |
jij | you | subject pronoun: the person being addressed |
jij | thou | singular informal form of "you" |
job | job | task |
jodenbuurt | ghetto | the district in a city where Jews were compelled to confine themselves |
jodendom | Judaism | world religion |
jodenhaat | anti-Semitism | Prejudice or hostility against Jews |
jodenvervolging | Holocaust | the mass murder of Jews and other groups by the Nazi regime during World War II |
jodin | Jewess | female Jew |
jodium | iodine | element |
Joegoslavië | Yugoslavia | Former country in the Balkans |
Joegoslavisch | Yugoslavian | of or relating to Yugoslavia |
Johan | John | male given name- the standard or most popular form |
Johannes | John | male given name- the standard or most popular form |
Johannes de Doper | John the Baptist | biblical prophet |
johannesbroodboom | carob | tree |
Jona | Jonah | given name |
Jonas | Jonah | given name |
jong | young | in the early part of life or growth |
jongeleren | juggle | manipulate objects artistically |
jongen | boy | a young male |
jood | iodine | element |
jood | Jew | person of the Jewish faith |
Jordanië | Jordan | country |
Joris | George | male given name |
jouw | your | belonging to you (singular; one owner) |
joviaal | jovial | merry, cheerful |
judo | judo | Japanese martial art |
jufrouw | virgin | person who has never had sexual intercourse |
juist | correctly | in a correct manner |
juist | proper | fit, suitable |
juk | yoke | wooden bar |
jukbeen | cheekbone | bone |
juli | July | seventh month of the Gregorian calendar |
juni | June | sixth month of the Gregorian calendar |
Jupiter | Jupiter | planet |
Jurgen | George | male given name |
jurk | dress | garment |
Jurriaan | George | male given name |
jus | gravy | sauce |
Justin | Justin | male given name |
juweel | jewel | gemstone |
juwelier | jeweller | person who works with precious stones |
kaaiman | caiman | alligator relative |
kaal | balding | becoming bald |
kaal | bald | having no hair |
kaal | unadorned | Having no additional decoration |
kaap | cape | headland |
Kaap de Goede Hoop | Cape of Good Hope | a cape in southwestern South Africa |
Kaapse elandantilope | common eland | antelope |
Kaapverdië | Cape Verde | country in Western Africa |
kaars | candle | a light source |
kaart | map | visual representation of an area |
kaas | cheese | dairy product |
kaasjeskruid | mallow | a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae |
kabeljauw | cod | marine fish of the family Gadidae |
kachel | stove | heater |
kade | wharf | man-made landing place jutting out to water |
kade | quay | structure for loading and unloading vessels |
kader | cadre | frame or framework |
kadi | qadi | judge in Islam |
kaf | chaff | inedible parts of grain plant |
kafferbuffel | buffalo | Old World mammals |
kak | shit | solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel |
kaki | khaki | colour |
kakkerlak | cockroach | insect |
kakofonie | cacophony | mix of discordant sounds; dissonance |
kalen | balding | becoming bald |
kalender | calendar | system by which time is divided |
kalender | calender | machine |
kalendermachine | calender | machine |
kalf | calf | young cow or bull |
Kálii | Kali | goddess |
kalium | potassium | the chemical element |
kalkoen | turkey | country |
kalksteen | limestone | abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments |
kalm | relaxed | having an easy-going mood |
kalm | calm | unworried, free from anger and anxiety |
kalmte | calmness | the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence |
kam | comb | toothed implement for grooming the hair |
kameel | camel | beast of burden |
kameleon | chameleon | reptile |
kamer | room | |
Kameroen | Cameroon | country in Central Africa |
kamille | camomile | plant |
kamper | fighter | person who fights |
kampioen | champion | someone who has been winner in a contest |
kampioenschap | championship | competition to determine a champion |
kan | jug | large serving vessel |
kanaal | canal | waterway used for transportation of vessels |
kanaal | channel | physical confine of a river or slough |
Kanaaleilanden | Channel Islands | group of islands in the English Channel |
kandidaat | candidate | Person running in an election |
kandidate | candidate | Person running in an election |
kaneelboom | cinnamon | Cinnamomum verum |
kangoeroe | kangaroo | marsupial |
kanker | cancer | disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation |
kankerjood | kike | Jew |
kankerlijer | motherfucker | generic term of abuse |
kannibaal | cannibal | an organism which eats others of its own species |
kano | canoe | small long and narrow boat |
kanon | gun | (military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity |
kanon | cannon | artillery piece |
kanonnenvoer | fodder | food for animals |
kans | chance | an opportunity or possibility |
kans | odds | the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening |
kans | opportunity | chance for advancement, progress or profit |
kansel | pulpit | raised platform in church |
kant | lace | fabric |
kantlijn | margin | edge of the paper that remains blank |
Kantonees | Cantonese | person from Canton |
Kantonese | Cantonese | person from Canton |
kantoor | bureau | office |
kantoor | office | building or room |
kapen | hijack | to seize control of a vehicle |
kaphout | timber | trees considered as a source of wood |
kapitalisme | capitalism | socio-economic system based on private property rights |
kapitalistisch | capitalist | in support of capitalism |
kapitalistische | capitalist | in support of capitalism |
kapmes | machete | a sword-like tool |
kapseizen | capsize | (intransitive) to overturn |
kapsel | haircut | act of cutting of hair |
karaat | carat | weight |
karabijn | rifle | firearm with a rifled barrel |
Karachi | Karachi | the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan |
karakter | letter | letter of the alphabet |
karakter | character | being in a story |
karamel | caramel | confection |
karavanserai | caravanserai | an inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest |
karbouw | buffalo | Old World mammals |
kardinalitet | cardinality | in set theory |
Karel | Charles | given name |
Karelië | Karelia | Region |
Karelisch | Karelian | the language |
karkas | carcass | dead animal |
karmijnrood | crimson | colour |
karnemelk | buttermilk | traditional buttermilk |
karnen | churn | agitate rapidly |
kartel | cartel | group of businesses that collude to fix prices |
karton | cardboard | material resembling heavy paper |
kas | greenhouse | Building in which plants are grown faster than outside |
Kasjoebisch | Kashubian | Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland |
kassei | cobblestone | a rounded stone |
kastanje | chestnut | nut of the chestnut tree |
kastanjeboom | chestnut tree | A tree that bears chestnuts |
kaste | caste | hereditary social class |
kasteel | castle | fortified building |
kat | cat | domestic species |
katachtig | feline | of or pertaining to cat |
katapult | slingshot | Y-shaped stick |
kater | tom | male cat |
kater | hangover | illness caused by heavy drinking |
kater | cat | domestic species |
kathedraal | cathedral | the principal church of a bishop's diocese which contains an episcopal throne |
katheter | catheter | small tube inserted into a body cavity |
Katjoesja | Katyusha | rocket launcher |
katoen | cotton | plant |
katoenplant | cotton | plant |
katoenvezels | cotton wool | raw fibers of cotton |
katrol | pulley | one of simple machines |
Kaukasus | Caucasus | geographic region |
kauw | jackdaw | Corvus monedula |
kauwen | masticate | to chew |
kauwgom | chewing gum | a sweetened flavoured preparation of chicle, made for chewing |
kaviaar | caviar | roe of the sturgeon |
Kazachstan | Kazakhstan | country in Central Asia |
Kazak | Kazakh | person |
keel | throat | front part of the neck |
keeper | goalkeeper | player that protects a goal |
keer | times | multiplied by |
keer | twice | two times |
keisteen | cobblestone | a rounded stone |
kelder | basement | floor below ground level |
kelk | calyx | the sepals of a flower |
kelk | chalice | large cup |
kelner | waiter | A server in a restaurant or similar |
Kelt | Celt | person of Celtic origin |
kemphaan | ruff | a bird |
Kenia | Kenya | country in Eastern Africa |
kennel | kennel | shelter for a dog |
kenner | connoisseur | A specialist whose opinion is valued. |
Kenya | Kenya | country in Eastern Africa |
keper | twill | a weaving pattern |
kerel | guy | man |
kerel | dude | slang: man |
kerk | church | a house of worship |
kerkgebruik | rite | ritual |
kerkhof | cemetery | a place where the dead are buried; a graveyard or memorial park |
kerkvorst | prelate | a clergyman of high rank and authority |
kerosine | kerosene | fuel oil |
kers | cherry | fruit |
kerstavond | Christmas Eve | evening before Christmas Day |
kerstboom | Christmas tree | a tree used during the Christmas holiday season |
Kerstman | Santa Claus | Santa Claus |
Kerstmis | Christmas | Christian holiday |
kerststol | stollen | a traditional German cake eaten at Christmas time |
kerststronk | stollen | a traditional German cake eaten at Christmas time |
ketel | cauldron | large bowl-shaped pot |
keten | chain | a series of interconnected rings or links |
ketjap | soy | soy sauce |
ketsen | bounce | change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle |
ketter | heretic | Someone who believes contrary to the fundamental tenets of a religion they claim to belong to |
ketting | chain | a series of interconnected rings or links |
kettingzaag | chainsaw | saw with a power driven chain |
keuken | kitchen | room |
Keulen | Cologne | city in Germany |
keuze | choice | option or decision |
keuzemogelijkeheid | choice | option or decision |
kever | beetle | insect |
Khmer | Khmer | the national language of Cambodia |
kidnappen | kidnap | to seize and detain a person unlawfully |
kidnappen | abduct | to take away |
kiekendief | chicken hawk | hawk species |
kiel | keel | beam along the underside of a ship’s hull |
kiem | germ | mass of cells |
kies | molar | back tooth |
kieuw | gill | fish organ |
Kiëv | Kiev | Ukrainian city |
kiezen | choose | to elect |
kijk | look | to try to see |
kijken | look | to try to see |
kijker | eye | organ |
kikker | frog | amphibian |
kikkervisje | tadpole | toad or frog larva |
kikvors | frog | amphibian |
kilogram | kilogram | unit of mass equal to 1000 grams |
kilometer | kilometer | unit of measure |
kilometer | kilometre | unit of measure |
kin | chin | bottom of a face |
kind | child | one’s son or daughter |
kinderachtig | childish | suitable for a child |
kindermishandeling | child abuse | mistreatment of a child |
kinderoppas | babysitter | baby or child caretaker |
kinderspel | child's play | something particularly simple or easy |
kinderwagen | stroller | seat on wheels |
kinderwagen | baby carriage | stroller or cart that is designed for moving a baby |
kinematica | kinematics | the branch of mechanics concerned with objects in motion |
kinetisch | kinetic | relating to motion |
kink | kink | tight curl, twist, or bend |
kip | chicken | bird |
kippensoep | chicken soup | soup as a placebo |
kippenvel | goose bumps | raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear |
Kirgizië | Kyrgyzstan | Country in Central Asia |
Kirgiziër | Kyrgyz | person |
Kirgizische | Kyrgyz | person |
Kirgizstan | Kyrgyzstan | Country in Central Asia |
Kiribati | Kiribati | Republic of Kiribati |
kist | chest | strong box |
kittelaar | clitoris | elongated erectile organ |
kiwi | kiwi fruit | fruit |
kiwi | kiwi | bird |
klaarkomen | orgasm | the peak of sexual pleasure |
Klaartje | Clara | female given name |
kladblok | ledger | A book for keeping notes |
klam | dank | dark, damp and humid |
klampte | clung | simple past |
klankbekken | cymbal | a concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck |
klant | customer | one who purchases or receives a product or service |
klant | buyer | person who makes purchases |
klap | bang | A sudden percussive noise |
klaproos | poppy | plant |
Klara | Clara | female given name |
klarinet | clarinet | woodwind musical instrument |
klauw | claw | curved horny nail |
klauw | clutch | A device to interrupt power transmission |
klauwhamer | claw hammer | hammer with 2 prongs |
klavecimbel | harpsichord | musical instrument |
klaver | clover | plant in genus Trifolium |
klaveren | clubs | one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣ |
klavier | keyboard | set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc. |
kledij | clothing | clothes |
kleding | clothing | clothes |
kledingstuk | garment | single item of clothing |
kleed | cloth | woven fabric |
kleed | dress | garment |
kleermaker | tailor | person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession |
klei | clay | mineral substance |
klein | diminutive | very small |
klein | little | small |
klein | small | not large |
klein | tiny | very small |
klein | wee | small, little |
kleindochter | granddaughter | daughter of someone’s child |
kleine zwaan | Bewick's swan | Bewick's swan |
kleinigheid | detail | something small enough to escape casual notice |
kleinkind | grandchild | child of someone’s child |
kleinzoon | grandson | son of someone's child |
klemtoon | accent | a stronger articulation |
kleren | clothes | apparel |
klets | slap | A blow |
kleur | Template:color-colour (noun) | spectral composition of visible light |
kleurenblindheid | color blindness | condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired |
kleurloos | colourless | having no colour |
kleurrijk | colorful | possessing prominent and varied colors |
kleurrijk | colourful | possessing prominent and varied colours |
kleuterschool | kindergarten | educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6 |
kliek | clique | small, exclusive group |
klif | cliff | a (near) vertical rock face |
klimatologie | climatology | science |
klimmen | climb | to ascend, to go up |
klimmer | climber | person who climbs |
klinknagel | rivet | a cylindrical mechanical fastener |
klip | cliff | a (near) vertical rock face |
klit | burdock | any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium |
klok | clock | instrument to measure or keep track of time |
klomp | clog | a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel |
kloof | chasm | gap |
kloof | gorge | deep passage |
kloofbijl | maul | heavy, long-handled hammer |
klooster | monastery | place of residence for members of a religious community |
kloppen | knock | an abrupt rapping sound |
kloppen | make sense | be coherent |
kloppen | throb | To pound or beat rapidly or violently |
klopper | beater | a kitchen implement for mixing |
knaap | knave | A boy; especially, a boy servant |
knaap | boy | a young male |
knagen | gnaw | to bite something persistently |
knal | bang | A sudden percussive noise |
knalpot | muffler | part of exhaust pipe |
knecht | servant | |
knielen | kneel | to stoop down and rest on the knee |
knijpen | pinch | squeeze a small amount of skin |
knip | fillip | the act of releasing the index finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap |
knippen | barber | to cut the hair |
knippen | shear | to cut |
knoflook | garlic | plant |
knolraap | turnip | white root of Brassica rapa |
knop | bud | newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded |
Knossos | Knossos | an archaeological site |
knuffelen | hug | affectionate embrace |
knuppel | cudgel | a short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon |
knuppel | club | weapon |
knus | cozy | affording comfort and warmth |
knus | cosy | affording comfort and warmth |
knusse | cozy | affording comfort and warmth |
knusse | cosy | affording comfort and warmth |
koalabeer | koala | a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear |
koalabeertje | koala | a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear |
kobalt | cobalt | element |
kobold | goblin | mythical humanoid |
koe | cow | female domesticated ox or other bovine |
koekje | cookie | flat cake |
koekje | biscuit | cookie |
koekoek | cuckoo | the bird |
koel | cold | having a low temperature |
koel | cool | having a slightly low temperature |
koele | cold | having a low temperature |
koelkast | refrigerator | appliance that refrigerates food |
koen | audacious | showing willingness to take bold risks |
Koenraad | Conrad | given name |
koepel | cupola | architecture: dome-shaped ornamental structure |
Koerdisch | Kurdish | language of Kurdistan |
Koerdistan | Kurdistan | a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds |
koets | coach | wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power |
koevoet | crowbar | iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart |
Koeweit | Kuwait | country in the Middle East and capital city |
koffer | portmanteau | case |
koffie | coffee | beverage |
koffiepoeder | instant coffee | beverage |
kogel | bullet | projectile |
kogelvis | pufferfish | fish of the family Tetraodontidae |
kogelvrij | bulletproof | capable of withstanding a bullet |
Koinè | Koine | common Greek language |
kok | cook | a person who prepares food for a living |
koker | quiver | arrow container |
kokkin | cook | a person who prepares food for a living |
kokoskoekje | macaroon | A soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough |
kokosnoot | coconut | fruit of coco palm |
kol | witch | person who uses magic |
kolonel | colonel | commissioned office in the armed services |
kolonie | colony | region or governmental unit |
komeet | comet | a celestial body, generally with a tail |
komen | come | To move from further away to nearer to |
komisch | comic | being funny |
komkommerplant | cucumber | plant |
komma | comma | Punctuation |
komodovaraan | Komodo dragon | large monitor lizard |
kompas | compass | navigational compass |
komst | arrival | act of arriving or something that has arrived |
Kongo | Congo | country with Brazzaville as capital |
Kongo-Brazzaville | Congo | country with Brazzaville as capital |
konijn | rabbit | mammal |
koning | king | a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation |
Koningen | Kings | book of the Bible |
koningin | queen | female monarch |
koningshagedis | basilisk | snake-like dragon type |
koningskruid | basil | plant |
koninklijk | royal | kingly |
koninkrijk | kingdom | extremely; exceedingly</text |
kont | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
kontgat | asshole | anus |
kontlikker | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
kookboek | cookbook | book of cooking recipes |
kool | cabbage | plant |
koolhydraat | carbohydrate | organic compounds; sugar, starch or cellulose |
koolmees | great tit | Bird |
koolmijnwerker | collier | person |
koolraap | swede | yellow root of Brassica napus |
koolstof | carbon | chemical element |
koolstofdatering | carbon dating | radiocarbon dating |
koolwaterstof | hydrocarbon | compound of carbon and hydrogen |
koolzuur | carbonic acid | A weak unstable acid, H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> |
koopman | merchant | person who traffics in commodities |
koor | choir | singing group |
koord | cord | length of twisted strands |
koorts | fever | higher than normal body temperature |
koosnaam | hypocorism | hypocorism |
koosnaampje | hypocorism | hypocorism |
kop | head | part of the body |
kop of munt | heads or tails | heads or tails |
kopen | buy | to obtain for money |
Kopenhagen | Copenhagen | capital of Denmark |
koper | buyer | person who makes purchases |
koper | copper | chemical element |
kopieerapparaat | copier | machine |
koppel | duo | twosome, especially musicians |
koppel | torque | a rotational or twisting force |
koppel | couple | two partners |
koppeling | interface | The point of interconnection between two entities |
koppeling | clutch | A device to interrupt power transmission |
koppelteken | dash | typographic symbol |
koppelteken | hyphen | symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split |
koppelwerkwoord | copula | grammar: linking kind of word |
kopra | copra | dried kernel of coconut |
koraal | coral | substance |
koran | Qur'an | A copy of the Qur'an |
Koreaans | Korean | relating to the Korean Peninsula |
Koreaanse | Korean | relating to the Korean Peninsula |
korenbloem | cornflower | species of aster |
korf | basket | container |
korhoen | black grouse | a large, black bird |
kornet | cornet | musical instrument |
korrel | grain of salt | with common sense and skepticism |
korst | scab | incrustation over a wound |
korst | crust | solid, hard surface layer |
kort | brief | of short duration or distance |
korte inhoud | abstract | an abrigement or summary |
korting | abatement | the act of abating or the state of being abated |
korting | discount | reduction in price |
kortsluiting | short circuit | an unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit |
Kosovo | Kosovo | country in the Balkans and the region of Serbia |
kostbaar | precious | of high value or worth |
kostenloos | gratis | free, without charge |
kostwinner | breadwinner | primary income-earner in a household |
koud | cold | having a low temperature |
koude | cold | having a low temperature |
koude oorlog | cold war | a period of hostile relations |
Koude Oorlog | Cold War | a period of history from 1945-1991 |
kous | stocking | garnment (for translations of "sock", see sock) |
kraag | collar | part of clothing around throat |
kraai | crow | any bird of the genus Corvus |
kraak | octopus | mollusc |
kraakbeen | gristle | cartilage |
kraakpand | squat | occupied building |
kraamvloed | lochia | post-partum vaginal discharge |
kraan | faucet | plumbing fitting |
kraan | tap | device to dispense liquid |
kraanvogel | whooping crane | Grus americana |
kraanvogel | crane | bird |
krab | crab | crustacean |
krabben | scratch | To rub a surface with a sharp object |
kracht | power | physical force or strength |
kracht | strength | quality of being strong |
kracht | force | anything that is able to make a big changes in person or thing |
krachtig | strong | capable of producing great physical force |
krankzinnigheid | insanity | state of being insane |
krant | newspaper | publication |
krantenpapier | newsprint | inexpensive paper used in newspapers |
krassen | scratch | To rub a surface with a sharp object |
kreeft | lobster | crustacean |
krekel | cricket | insect |
kreng | carcass | dead animal |
krent | currant | small dried grape |
krentenboompje | serviceberry | plant |
Kretenzisch | Cretan | relating to Crete |
Kretenzische | Cretan | relating to Crete |
kreukel | crease | mark made by folding |
kriebelen | tickle | touch in a manner that causes itching and laughing |
kriek | cherry | fruit |
krijg | war | conflict involving organized use of arms |
krijgen | conceive | to develop an idea |
krijgen | receive | get |
krijger | warrior | person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare |
krijgsgevangene | prisoner of war | soldier or combatant captured by the enemy |
krijgsmacht | armed forces | the military forces of a nation |
krijt | chaulk | a soft, white, powdery limestone |
krijt | chalk | a soft, white, powdery limestone |
krijtgesteente | chalk | a soft, white, powdery limestone |
krik | jack | device for raising and supporting a heavy object |
Krimland | Crimea | republic |
kristal | crystal | array of atoms |
Kristof | Christopher | a male given name |
Kristoffel | Christopher | a male given name |
kritisch | critical | inclined to find fault |
kritische massa | critical mass | amount of fissile material needed to a nuclear chain reaction |
kritiseren | criticize | to evaluate |
kritiseren | criticise | to evaluate |
Kroatië | Croatia | Country in Europe |
Kroatisch | Croatian | of or pertaining to Croatia |
Kroatische | Croatian | of or pertaining to Croatia |
kroeg | pub | public house |
krokodil | crocodile | reptile |
krokodillentranen | crocodile tears | display of tears that was forced or is false |
krokus | crocus | plant of genus Crocus |
kromming | curve | gentle bend |
kronen | crown | reward of victory or a mark of honor |
kroniek | chronicle | a written account |
kroon | corolla | whorl of a flower |
kroonblad | petal | one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower |
kroonluchter | chandelier | a branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling |
kroonprins | crown prince | next king |
kroot | beet | the root plant Beta vulgaris |
kruid | spice | plant matter used to season or flavour food |
kruidenier | grocery | shop or store that sells groceries |
kruidig | aromatic | fragrant or spicy |
kruidnagel | clove | spice |
kruik | hot water bottle | a flexible bottle for heat therapy |
kruimel | crumb | small piece of biscuit, cake, etc |
kruip | creep | movement of something that creeps |
kruipbraam | cloudberry | fruit |
kruiper | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
kruis | cross | geometrical figure |
kruis | crucifix | object |
kruisbeeld | crucifix | object |
kruisboog | crossbow | mechanised weapon based on the bow |
kruisigen | crucify | to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix |
kruisiging | crucifixion | execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross |
kruising | crossroads | intersection |
kruispunt | crossroads | intersection |
kruistocht | crusade | grand concerted effort |
kruisvaarder | crusader | person engaged in a crusade |
kruiswoordpuzzel | crossword | a word puzzle |
kruiswoordraadsel | crossword | a word puzzle |
kruk | stool | a seat |
krypton | krypton | a chemical element |
kryptoniet | kryptonite | kryptonite |
kubiek | cubic | in the name of units of volume |
kubieke centimeter | cubic centimeter | a unit of volume |
kubieke centimeter | cubic centimetre | a unit of volume |
kubisme | cubism | An artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes |
kubus | cube | geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces |
kuchen | hack | to cough noisily |
kuchen | cough | push air from the lungs |
kuil | pit | a hole |
kuiper | cooper | craftsman |
kukeleku | cock-a-doodle-doo | the cry of the rooster |
kunstenaar | artist | person who creates art |
kunstenares | artist | person who creates art |
kunstmaan | satellite | object orbiting a celestial object |
kunstmatig | artificial | man-made |
kunstmatige intelligentie | artificial intelligence | intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity |
kunstrijden | figure skating | sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on ice |
kunstschaatsen | figure skating | sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on ice |
kunstschilder | painter | artist |
kunststof | plastic | a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material |
kunstzinnig | artistic | having creative skill |
kurkentrekker | corkscrew | implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork |
kussen | cushion | soft material in cloth bag |
kussen | pillow | soft cushion used to support the head in bed |
kussen | kiss | to touch with the lips |
kust | coast | shoreline |
kust | shore | the land on or near a waterline |
kustlijn | coast | shoreline |
kut | cunt | genitalia |
kwaad | malicious | Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite |
kwaad | evil | intending to harm |
kwaad | angry | displaying anger |
kwaadaardig | malignant | harmful, malevolent, injurious |
kwaadaardig | malicious | Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite |
kwaadaardig | wicked | evil |
kwaadaardigheid | malice | intention to harm |
kwade | angry | displaying anger |
kwade | evil | intending to harm |
kwadrant | quadrant | section |
kwadratisch | quadratic | of a class of polynomial of the form <math> y = a.x^2 + b.x + c </math> |
kwak | quack | sound made by a duck |
kwal | jellyfish | aquatic being |
kwaliteit | quality | level of excellence |
kwart | quarter | one of four equal parts |
kwartet | quartet | music composition in four parts |
kwast | oddball | eccentric person |
kwast | lemonade | still beverage |
kwelling | torment | pain |
kwetsuur | wound | injury |
kwijlen | dribble | to let saliva drip from the mouth |
kwijlen | slaver | to drool saliva |
kwijt raken | get rid of | to remove |
kwik | mercury | element |
kwikzilver | mercury | element |
Kyoto | Kyoto | a city in Japan |
la | drawer | open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing |
la | la | syllable used in solfège to represent the sixth note of a major scale |
laag | layer | single thickness of some material covering a surface |
laars | boot | shoe that covers part of the leg |
laat | late | near the end of a period of time |
laat maar | never mind | it is not important |
laatste | last | Final |
label | label | ticket |
labiaal | labial | certain consonant |
laboratorium | laboratory | room, building or institution equipped for scientific research |
labyrint | labyrinth | maze |
lach | laugh | expression of mirth peculiar to the human species |
lach | smile | a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice |
lacrosse | lacrosse | the sport |
ladder | ladder | climbing tool |
lade | drawer | open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing |
lading | electric charge | electromagnetic state |
laf | cowardly | showing cowardice |
lafaard | coward | a person who lacks courage |
lager | bearing | mechanical device |
lagere school | elementary school | school for children |
laken | bedsheet | a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen |
laken | sheet | bedsheet |
laken | bed sheet | sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen |
lam | lamb | young sheep |
lama | llama | South Americal mammal of the camel family, Llama glama |
lamantijn | manatee | any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae |
lammetje | lamb | young sheep |
lanceren | launch | throw, hurl, let fly |
land | country | nation state (noun) |
land | land | the part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water |
landbouw | agriculture | the art or science of cultivating the ground |
landbouwer | farmer | person who works the land or who keeps livestock |
landelijk | rustic | country-styled |
landelijk | national | of or having to do with a nation |
landgoed | estate | area on land under single ownership |
landgraaf | landgrave | renderings of Landgraf |
landkaart | map | visual representation of an area |
landloper | tramp | a homeless person |
landmacht | ground forces | all military units operating on the ground |
landverrader | quisling | traitor |
lang leve | long live | prosper |
langgerekt | elongated | extensive in length |
langs | along | by the length; in a line with the length; lengthwise |
langzaam | slow | not quick in motion |
lantaarn | lantern | a case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light |
lanthaan | lanthanum | metallic element |
Laos | Laos | country in Southeast Asia |
Laotiaans | Laotian | person |
Laotiaans | Lao | person |
lap | clout | cloth |
lap | rag | piece of cloth |
lapis lazuli | lapis lazuli | blue stone |
larve | grub | immature insect |
larvestadium | larva | a stage of growth |
laryngoloog | laryngologist | a person who studies or specializes in laryngology |
laser | laser | device producing beam of light |
last | charge | load or burden |
laster | slander | false, malicious statement |
lastig | difficult | hard, not easy |
laten | leave | transfer possession after death |
laten | break wind | fart |
laten | belch | expel gas from the stomach through the mouth |
laten voorbijgaan | forego | To precede. |
later | see ya | goodbye, see you later |
Latijns | Latin | of the language |
Latijnse alfabet | Latin alphabet | the 26-letter alphabet |
Laura | Laura | female given name |
laurier | laurel | An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus |
lauw | lukewarm | temperature |
lava | lava | melted rock |
lavaglas | obsidian | a type of black glass produced by volcanos |
lavendel | lavender | plant |
lawine | avalanche | large sliding mass of snow and ice |
laxeermiddel | laxative | substance with a laxative effect |
led | LED | light-emitting diode |
leder | leather | material produced by tanning animal skin |
leedvermaak | epicaricacy | rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others |
leedvermaak | schadenfreude | malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune |
leeftijd | age | whole duration of a being |
leeg | empty | devoid of content |
leeg | vacant | not occupied |
leegbaar | avoidable | capable of being vacated; liable to be annulled or made invalid; voidable |
leek | layman | someone who is not an ordained cleric |
leem | loam | an earthy mixture of clay and sand |
leende | lent | past tense of lend |
leende uit | lent | past tense of lend |
leenden | lent | past tense of lend |
leenden uit | lent | past tense of lend |
leenwoord | loanword | word taken from another language |
leer | leather | material produced by tanning animal skin |
leerde | learnt | sample past of to learn |
leerde | taught | Simple past |
leerden | learnt | sample past of to learn |
leerden | taught | Simple past |
leerkracht | teacher | a person who teaches |
leerling | pupil | student |
Lees verdomme de handleiding | RTFM | abbreviation of read the fucking manual |
leesbaar | legible | being clear enough to be read, readable, particularly for handwriting |
leesbaarheid | legibility | property that makes legible or easily readable |
leesbaarheid | readability | property of being capable of being read; legibility |
leesteken | punctuation mark | symbol to make the sense of what is written easier to determine |
leeuw | lion | Panthera leo |
leeuwenbek | snapdragon | any plant of the genus Antirrhinum |
leeuwenwelp | lion cub | young lion |
leeuwenwelpje | lion cub | young lion |
leeuwerik | lark | bird |
leeuwin | lioness | female lion |
lef | chutzpah | nearly arrogant courage |
lege verzameling | empty set | the unique set that contains no elements |
legendarisch | legendary | of or pertaining to a legend |
legende | legend | story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events |
leger | army | large, highly organised military force concerned mainly with ground operations |
leggen | lay | to place something down in a position of rest |
legplank | shelf | structure |
lei | slate | rock |
leider | leader | one having authority |
leidster | leader | one having authority |
Leipzig | Leipzig | the largest town in Saxony, Germany |
leisteen | slate | rock |
lekker | delicious | pleasing to taste |
lekker | tasty | having a pleasant or satisfying flavor |
lelietje-van-dalen | lily of the valley | Convallaria majalis |
lelijk | ugly | |
lemming | lemming | lemming |
lendenen | loin | <!--DefA-->part of the body |
lenen | lend | to allow to be used temporarily |
lenen | borrow | receive temporarily |
lengte | length | measurement of distance |
leninisme | Leninism | the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin |
Leo | Leo | male given name |
lepel | spoon | scooped utensil for eating (or serving) |
lepra | leprosy | infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae |
leraar | teacher | a person who teaches |
lerares | teacher | a person who teaches |
leren | learn | to acquire knowledge or ability |
leren | learning | action of the verb |
les | lesson | a section of learning or teaching |
Lesotho | Lesotho | country in Southern Africa |
lessen | quench | satisfy thirst |
Let | Latvian | person |
Letland | Latvia | Republic of Latvia |
Letse | Latvian | person |
letter | letter | letter of the alphabet |
letterlijk | literally | not metaphorically |
letterlijk | literal | exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation |
lettertype | typeface | font family |
letterwoord | acronym | word formed by initial letters |
leugenaar | liar | one who tells lies |
leugenaarster | liar | one who tells lies |
leuk | kind | nice |
leuk | nice | easy to like |
leuk | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
leuke | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
leuke | nice | easy to like |
leukemie | leukemia | cancer of blood forming tissue |
leukemie | leukaemia | leukaemia |
leunde | leaned | simple past of lean |
leunde | leant | past tense of lean |
leunden | leaned | simple past of lean |
leunden | leant | past tense of lean |
leunen | lean | to hang outwards |
leven | life | The state between death and birth |
leven | live | be alive |
levend | alive | having life |
levendig | frisk | lively; brisk; frolicsome |
levendig | lively | full of life |
levendige | frisk | lively; brisk; frolicsome |
levenslange gevangenisstraf | life sentence | sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life |
levensvatbaar | viable | able to live on its own |
lever | liver | organ of the body |
leverancier | supplier | one who supplies, a provider |
levering | delivery | act of conveying something |
lexeem | lexeme | unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma |
lexicografie | lexicography | art or craft of writing dictionaries |
lezen | reading | the process of interpreting written language |
lezen | read | look at and interpret letters or other information |
Libanon | Lebanon | Lebanese Republic |
libel | dragonfly | an insect of the suborder Anisoptera |
Liberia | Liberia | country in Western Africa |
Libië | Libya | country in Northern Africa |
lichaam | division ring | algebraic concept |
lichaam | body | physical structure of a human or animal |
lichamelijk | physical | having to do with the body |
lichamelijke | physical | having to do with the body |
lichtgelovig | gullible | easily deceived or duped, naïve |
lichtgelovige | gullible | easily deceived or duped, naïve |
lichtpeertje | light bulb | evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light |
lichtvervuiling | light pollution | excess artificial light |
lichtzinnig | frivolous | silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner |
lidmaatschap | membership | fact of being a member |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Principality of Liechtenstein |
lied | song | music with words |
liedje | song | music with words |
lief | boyfriend | male partner in a romantic relationship. |
lief | kind | nice |
liefde | love | strong affection |
liefelijk | lovely | inspiring love |
liefkozen | caress | touch or kiss lovingly |
lier | lyre | a stringed musical instrument |
lies | groin | long narrow depression |
liet voorbijgaan | forewent | simple past of "to forego" |
lieten voorbijgaan | forewent | simple past of "to forego" |
lieve hemel | oh my God | excitement or shock |
lieveheersbeestje | ladybug | beetle |
lievelings | favourite | preferred or liked above all others |
lievevrouwebedstro | woodruff | Asperula odorata |
lievevrouwebedstro | sweet woodruff | Asperula odorata |
lift | lift | mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people |
liggen | lie | be in horizontal position |
liggen | be | occupy a place |
lij | lee | side of the ship away from the wind |
lijden | suffer | To undergo hardship |
lijdend voorwerp | accusative case | grammatical case |
lijf | division ring | algebraic concept |
lijfwacht | bodyguard | protectors |
lijk | corpse | dead body |
-lijk | -ly | used to form adjectives from nouns |
lijken | seem | to appear |
lijkwade | shroud | dress for the dead |
lijkwagen | hearse | vehicle for taking dead body to grave |
lijm | glue | sticky adhesive substance |
lijn | line | rope, cord, or string |
lijster | thrush | one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae |
lijzijde | lee | side of the ship away from the wind |
limbo | limbo | place for innocent souls |
Limburgs | Limburgish | the Germanic language |
limbus | limbo | place for innocent souls |
limiet | bound | border of territory |
limonade | soft drink | sweet carbonated beverage |
lineaire algebra | linear algebra | branch of mathematics |
linguïst | linguist | one who studies linguistics |
link | link | connection |
links | left | direction |
linnen | linen | material |
lip | lip | fleshy protrusion framing the mouth |
lippenstift | lipstick | make-up for the lips |
liter | litre | unit of fluid measure |
lithium | lithium | chemical element |
Litouwen | Lithuania | country |
living | living room | room in a private house |
locatief | locative case | grammatical case |
lochia | lochia | post-partum vaginal discharge |
locomotief | locomotive | self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails |
Lodewijk | Louis | male given name |
loempia | spring roll | shredded vegetables wrapped in a pancake |
lofwaardig | praiseworthy | meriting praise |
lofzang | hymn | a song of praise or worship |
logen | lied | Past tense of lie (to say false things) |
logicus | logician | person who studies or teaches logic |
logistiek | logistics | civil planning |
logo | logo | symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity |
lokaas | bait | substance used in catching fish |
lokomotief | locomotive | self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails |
lollig | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
lollige | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
Lombardije | Lombardy | region in northern Italy |
Londen | London | Capital city of Russia |
long | lung | organ that extracts oxygen from the air |
longontsteking | pneumonia | inflammation of the lungs |
lood | lead | chemical element |
loodgieterswerk | plumbing | pipes, etc, of a water/gas/sewage system in a building |
loodrecht | orthogonal | of right angles |
loodrecht | perpendicular | at or forming a right angle to |
loof- | deciduous | of or pertaining to trees that shed their leaves in winter |
loog | lied | Past tense of lie (to say false things) |
loon | wage | money paid to a worker |
loop | course | onward movement |
loopbaan | career | one's calling in life; a person's occupation |
-loos | -less | lacking (suffix) |
loos onderwerp | impersonal subject | pronoun when used as subject |
lopen | walk | move upon two feet |
lopende band | assembly line | system of workers and machinery in a series |
los | severance | act of severing |
los | free | not imprisoned |
losgeld | ransom | money paid for the freeing of a hostage |
losmaken | untie | to loosen, as something interlaced or knotted |
losmaken | relax | to make something loose |
losmaken | loosen | make something less tight; unfasten |
lot | fortune | destiny or fate |
lot | destiny | predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things |
lot | batch | quantity of baked goods made at one time |
loyaliteit | allegiance | loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler |
lozen | jettison | to eject from a boat |
lucht | air | gases making up the atmosphere of a planet |
luchtbel | air bubble | a small pocket of air |
luchtboog | flying buttress | a buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports |
luchtbrug | airlift | the transportation of troops |
luchthaven | airport | a place designated for airplanes |
luchtmacht | air force | branch of the military devoted to air warfare |
luchtschip | dirigible | a self-propelled airship that can be steered |
luchtvaart | aviation | art or science of flying |
luchtvervuiling | air pollution | contamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates |
Lucianus van Samosata | Lucian | sophist of Syrian origin |
luciferdoosjesverzamelaar | phillumenist | matchbox collector |
luciferdoosjesverzamelaarster | phillumenist | matchbox collector |
lui | people | a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons |
lui | lazy | unwilling to work |
luid | loud | of a sound |
luide | loud | of a sound |
luie | lazy | unwilling to work |
luifel | awning | A rooflike cover |
luiheid | sloth | laziness |
luik | shutter | protective panels over windows |
luipaard | leopard | a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus |
luis | louse | insect |
luister | glory | great beauty or splendour |
luisteren | listen | to pay attention |
luistervink | eavesdropper | one who eavesdrops |
luit | lute | stringed instrument |
Lukas | Luke | given name |
lul | dick | penis |
lul | dork | vulgar, slang: penis |
luster | chandelier | a branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling |
lutetium | lutetium | chemical element with atomic number of 71 |
Luxemburg | Luxembourg | country, city, province, district |
LVDH | RTFM | abbreviation of read the fucking manual |
lymfe | lymph | the fluid carried by the lymphatic system |
maag | stomach | organ that stores food |
maagd | virgin | person who has never had sexual intercourse |
maagdenvlies | hymen | membrane which occludes the vagina |
maaidorser | combine harvester | farming machine |
maaien | mow | To cut something down |
maakt niet uit | never mind | it is not important |
maakte ongedaan | undid | simple past of "to undo" |
maakten ongedaan | undid | simple past of "to undo" |
maaltand | molar | back tooth |
maaltijd | meal | food that is prepared and eaten |
maan | moon | the Moon, the satellite of planet Earth |
maan | mane | longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse |
maan | Moon | sole natural satellite of the Earth |
maand | month | period into which a year is divided |
maandag | Monday | day of the week |
maar | rather | preferably |
maar natuurlijk | no problem | it does not pose a problem |
maart | March | third month of the Gregorian calendar |
Maarten | Martin | given name |
maat | buddy | friend or casual acquaintance |
maat | measure | quantity etc. compared to a standard |
maatje | friend | person whose company one enjoys |
maatje | buddy | friend or casual acquaintance |
maatschappij | society | group of people sharing culture |
macaber | macabre | representing or personifying death |
Macedonië | Macedonia | country |
machinevertaling | machine translation | Machine translation |
machinist | engine driver | person |
macho | butch | of a man |
macht | might | personal power |
machteloos | powerless | lacking sufficient power or strength |
machtenverzameling | power set | set of all subsets of a set |
Madagaskar | Madagascar | country in Southern Africa |
Madrid | Madrid | capital of Spain |
magazijn | store | place where items may be kept |
magazijn | magazine | ammunition storehouse |
mager | meager | lean |
magere melk | skim milk | milk with removed cream |
magere melk | skimmed milk | milk with removed cream |
magisch | magical | relating to magic |
magma | magma | magma |
magneet | magnet | piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism |
magnetisch | magnetic | of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism |
magnetiseur | animal magnetism | magnetic fluid or ethereal medium residing in the bodies of animate beings |
Maharashtra | Maharashtra | state in western India |
Maikel | Michael | male given name |
maïs | maize | corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays |
majesteit | Majesty | term of address for royalty and imperiality |
majoor | major | military rank |
makaak | macaque | any monkey of the family Macaca |
maken | produce | make or manufacture |
maken | expose | to uncover, make visible, bring to daylight, introduce to |
maken | make | construct |
maken | deteriorate | make worse |
maken | err | make a mistake |
makreel | mackerel | edible fish |
Maladiven | Maldives | country in South Asia |
Malawi | Malawi | Republic of Malawi |
Malayalam | Malayalam | language |
Maleisië | Malaysia | country in Southeast Asia |
Mali | Mali | A country in Western Africa |
malplaatje | template | a model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object |
Malta | Malta | republic |
maltose | maltose | the disaccharide C<sub>12</sub>H<sub>22</sub>O<sub>11</sub> |
mama | mom | mother (informal, familiar) |
mama | mama | mother |
mama | mum | Informal word for mother |
mammoet | mammoth | elephant-like mammal |
man | husband | male partner in marriage |
man | man | adult male human |
management | management | administration; the process or practice of managing |
mand | hamper | large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles |
mand | basket | container |
mandarijn | mandarin | Chinese Imperial official |
mandarijneend | mandarin duck | bird |
mandarijnenboom | mandarin orange | tree |
Mandarijns | Mandarin | language |
mandje | shopping basket | basket for groceries and merchandise |
manen | exhort | urge |
mangat | manhole | a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations |
mangoboom | mango | tropical fruit tree |
manier | manner | way of performing or effecting; method or style |
manier van spreken | figure of speech | word or phrase |
manieren | custom | Frequent repetition of the same act |
manifestatie | manifestation | to tease mildly |
Manitoba | Manitoba | Province in central Canada |
mannelijk | butch | of a man |
mannelijk | manly | having the characteristics of a man |
mannelijk | masculine | having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate. |
mannen | men | plural of man (male) |
mannequin | model | person |
mannequin | mannequin | A model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes |
mannetje | cock | any male bird |
mannetjesgans | gander | a male goose |
mantel | coat | outer garment covering the upper torso and arms |
Mantsjoe | Manchu | language |
manxkat | Manx | cat |
Maori | Maori | of, from, or pertaining to the Maori |
margarine | margarine | spread |
marge | margin | edge of the paper that remains blank |
Margreet | Margaret | female given name |
Maria | Mary | female given name |
marien | marine | of or pertaining to the sea |
marihuana | marijuana | the drug |
marine | navy | sea force |
marionet | puppet | model of a person or animal |
marionet | marionette | string puppet |
maritiem | marine | of or pertaining to the sea |
Mark | Mark | male given name |
markant | remarkable | worthy of being remarked |
markering | mark | indication for reference or measurement |
marmer | marble | crystalline limestone |
Marokko | Morocco | country |
mars | march | formal, rhythmic way of walking |
Mars | Martian | of Mars |
Mars- | Martian | of Mars |
Marseille | Marseilles | city in France |
marsepein | marzipan | confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white |
Marshallees | Marshallese | language |
Marshalleilanden | Marshall Islands | Republic of the Marshall Islands |
martelgang | anguish | extreme pain |
marter | marten | mammal |
Martijn | Martin | given name |
Martinique | Martinique | Department of Martinique |
Martinus | Martin | given name |
maskeren | camouflage | Camouflage |
massavernietigingswapens | weapons of mass destruction | Plural form of weapon of mass destruction |
mast | mast | support of a sail |
masturbatie | masturbation | manual erotic stimulation of the genitals |
masturberen | wank | intransitive: to masturbate |
masturberen | masturbate | to masturbate |
mat | matte | not reflective of light |
match | match | sporting event |
material | fluff | light fur etc |
materieel | material | related to matter |
materieel | worldly | opposed to spiritual |
materiële | material | related to matter |
matig | moderate | not excessive |
matje | mullet | a hairstyle |
matras | mattress | a pad on which a person can recline and sleep |
matrixen | matrices | Plural of matrix |
matroos | seaman | mariner or sailor |
matroos | sailor | worker on a ship |
Matteüs | Matthew | gospel of Matthew |
Mauretanië | Mauritania | Islamic Republic of Mauritania |
Mauritius | Mauritius | Republic of Mauritius |
maximal | maximal | Largest, greatest, highest, most |
mazzel | see ya | goodbye, see you later |
me | me | direct object of a verb |
mecanicien | mechanic | a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery |
mechanisch | mechanical | related to mechanics; done by machine |
medaille | medal | stamped metal disc |
medaillon | locket | chained ornament |
mede | mead | alcoholic drink |
mededelen | notify | (transitive) To give (someone) notice of (something) |
medeklinker | consonant | sound |
medelijden | compassion | deep awareness of the suffering of another |
medelijden | pity | feeling of sympathy |
medewerker | coworker | somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate |
medewerkster | coworker | somebody with whom one works; a companion or workmate |
media Hoe_heet_jij.ogg | what's your name | what's your name? |
media Hoe_heet_jij.ogg | what is your name | what is your name? |
mediaan | median | statistics: measure of central tendency |
meedoen | participate | to join in, to take part, to involve oneself |
meegeleverd | accessory | having a supplementary function |
meende | meant | simple past |
meenden | meant | simple past |
meer | lake | body of water |
meerderheid | majority | more than half |
meerlettergrepig | sphenoid bone | to patrol |
meermaals | repeatedly | done several times |
meertalig | multilingual | pertaining to multiple languages |
meertaligheid | multilingualism | condition of being able to speak several languages |
meerval | catfish | type of fish |
meervoudig | plural | more than one |
meervoudige | plural | more than one |
mees | chickadee | songbird |
meestal | mostly | for the most part |
meeste | most | majority of |
meet | finish | end |
meetlat | ruler | measuring or drawing device |
meeuw | gull | seabird |
meewerkend voorwerp | dative case | grammatical case |
megalomanie | megalomania | a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence |
Megleno-Roemeens | Megleno-Romanian | language |
mei | May | fifth month of the Gregorian calendar |
meid | servant | |
meid | maid | young female |
meid | girl | young female |
meidje | girl | young female |
meidoorn | hawthorn | type of shrub |
meidoren | hawthorn | type of shrub |
meierij | bailiwick | precincts within a bailiff has jurisdiction |
meiklokje | lily of the valley | Convallaria majalis |
meineed | perjury | The deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath |
meisje | maid | young female |
meisje | girl | young female |
melaatsheid | leprosy | infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae |
melancholisch | melancholy | Affected with sadness or depression |
melasse | molasses | thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar |
melk | milk | the liquid |
melkmeid | milkmaid | a young woman who milked the cows on a farm |
melkmeisje | milkmaid | a young woman who milked the cows on a farm |
Melkweg | Milky Way | galaxy |
melkzuur | lactic acid | 2-hydroxy-propanoic acid (CH<sub>3</sub>.CHOH.CO<sub>2</sub>H) |
melodie | melody | sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase |
meme | meme | unit of cultural information |
Men moet een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken | don't look a gift horse in the mouth | a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely |
meneer | sir | A man of a higher rank or position |
menen | opine | to state as an opinion |
mengen | mix | stir two or more substances together |
mengwoord | portmanteau word | a word formed which combines the meaning of two words |
mening | opinion | subjective thought |
meningsverschil | disagreement | An argument or debate |
mens | Man | genus Homo |
mensaap | ape | animal |
mensdom | humanity | Human beings as a group |
menselijk wezen | human being | a person |
mensen | people | a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons |
mensengeslacht | humanity | Human beings as a group |
mensheid | humanity | Human beings as a group |
menuet | minuet | dance |
mep | slap | A blow |
Mercurius | Mercury | Roman god |
merendeel | majority | more than half |
merg | marrow | substance inside bones |
merkbaar | sensible | perceptible by the mind |
merkwaardig | odd | strange |
merrieveulen | filly | young female horse |
mes | knife | utensil or tool designed for cutting |
mes | razor | knife |
mes | cleaver | a squarish knife used for hacking |
Mesopotamië | Mesopotamia | region between Euphrates and Tigris |
Messias | messiah | ordained to lead the people of Israel |
Messias | Messiah | (Christianity) Jesus |
messing | brass | alloy of copper and zinc |
mest | dung | manure |
mest | fertilizer | a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants |
met | contrite | Sincerely penitent |
met | get along | be together or coexist well, without arguments or trouble |
met | intermittent | stopping and starting at intervals |
met andere woorden | in other words | stated or interpreted another way |
met appelwangen | apple-cheeked | having red cheeks |
met betrekking tot | concerning | Regarding |
met inbegrip van | including | being part of the group or topic just mentioned |
met klem beweren | insist | to hold up a claim emphatically |
met opzet | deliberate | intentional |
met voorbedachte rade | on purpose | purposefully, with intention |
met vriendelijke groeten | best regards | a polite closing of a letter |
metaal | metal | atomic element or material made of such atoms |
metafoor | metaphor | uncountable: figure of speech |
metafysica | metaphysics | branch of philosophy that studies first principles |
metallurgie | metallurgy | science of metals |
meteen | immediately | in an immediate manner |
meter | godmother | A woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner |
meter | meter | counter, measuring instrument |
metgezel | companion | someone with whom one spends time or keeps company |
methaan | methane | the compound CH<sub>4</sub> |
metro | subway | underground railway |
metselaar | mason | one who builds with stone or brick |
metser | mason | one who builds with stone or brick |
meubel | furniture | an item, or items, (usually) in a room |
meubelstuk | furniture | an item, or items, (usually) in a room |
Mevr | Mrs | title before woman's name |
Mexico | Mexico | country |
mezelf | myself | that being which is oneself |
miauw | meow | cry of a cat |
Michaël | Michael | male given name |
Michel | Michael | male given name |
Michelle | Michaela | feminine form of Michael |
Michiel | Michael | male given name |
microgolf | microwave | wave |
Micronesia | Micronesia | country |
microscoop | microscope | an optical instrument |
middag | noon | midday |
middageten | lunch | midday meal |
middel | waist | part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach |
middel | means | that by which something is done |
middeleeuws | medieval | of or relating to the Middle Ages |
middeleeuwse | medieval | of or relating to the Middle Ages |
middellijn | diameter | line |
middelmatig | mediocre | Ordinary: not extraordinary; not special, exceptional, or great; of medium quality |
middelvinger | middle finger | finger between the forefinger and the ring finger |
Midden-Europa | Central Europe | a geographical region in the center of Europe |
middenstander | retailer | retail sales company or salesman |
middernacht | midnight | the middle of the night |
mier | ant | insect |
miezeren | drizzle | to rain lightly |
mij | me | direct object of a verb |
mijden | avoid | to keep away from |
mijmering | reverie | a state of dreaming while awake |
mijn | my | belonging to me |
mijne | mine | that which belongs to me |
mijt | mite | an arachnid |
mijzelf | myself | that being which is oneself |
Milaan | Milan | province |
mild | lenient | tolerant; not strict |
miljard | billion | a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; 10<sup>9</sup>; a milliard |
miljard | milliard | 10^9 |
miljardair | billionaire | wealth exceeding one billion |
miljoen | million | cardinal number |
millennium | millennium | thousand-year period |
milliseconde | millisecond | one one-thousandth of a second |
milt | spleen | organ |
miltvuur | anthrax | disease |
min | minus | mathematics: less |
minachten | scorn | to feel contempt or disdain for something or somebody |
minachtend | scornful | showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous |
minachtende | scornful | showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous |
minachting | contempt | uncountable: a feeling or attitude |
minaret | minaret | mosque tower |
mineraal | mineral | in geology |
mineralogie | mineralogy | the study or science of minerals |
minimal | minimal | The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree |
minnaar | lover | person who loves another person |
minnares | lover | person who loves another person |
Minsk | Minsk | capital of Belarus |
minuscuul | tiny | very small |
minuscuul | small | not large |
minuut | minute | unit of time |
mirakel | miracle | wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers |
mirre | myrrh | dried sap of the myrrha tree |
mis | wrong | incorrect |
mis | mass | religion: Eucharist |
misbruik | abuse | improper usage |
misdaad | iniquity | deviation from right |
misdadig | criminal | being against the law |
mishandelen | maltreat | treat badly |
mishandelen | mistreat | treat someone or something roughly or badly |
misleidend | deceptive | likely or attempting to deceive |
misleiding | deception | Gerund form of to deceive; tricking someone into believing a lie |
mislukken | fail | Not achieve a goal |
misnoegd | disgruntled | unhappy, dissatisfied |
misschien | maybe | perhaps |
misschien | perhaps | maybe |
misselijkheid | nausea | feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit |
missen | miss | to fail to hit |
missie | mission | duty that involves fulfilling a request |
missionaris | missionary | person traveling to spread a religion |
mist | mist | Water or other liquid finely suspended in air |
mistig | misty | With mist; foggy |
misverstaan | mistake | To understand wrongly (1) |
misverstaan | misunderstand | to understand incorrectly, while thinking to have understood correctly |
mitrailleur | machine gun | type of firearm |
mobiel | mobile | Capable of being moved |
mobiele telefoon | mobile phone | A portable telephone |
mobiele telefoon | cell phone | portable, wireless telephone capable of changing antenna connections during travel |
mobieltje | cell phone | portable, wireless telephone capable of changing antenna connections during travel |
mobieltje | mobile phone | A portable telephone |
modaal | modal | of, relating to, or describing the mood of a clause |
modaal werkwoord | modal verb | an auxiliary verb |
modder | mud | soil and water |
mode | fashion | current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons |
model | model | person |
modem | modem | A device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals and vice versa and allows computers to communicate over a phone line |
modern | modern | Pertaining to the current time and style |
moe | tired | in need of rest or sleep |
moed | courage | quality of a confident character |
moedeloos | despondent | in low spirits from loss of hope or courage |
moeder | mother | woman who has, conceives, gives birth to, or raises a child |
Moeder Aarde | Mother Earth | the personification of Earth and its biosphere |
moederneuker | motherfucker | generic term of abuse |
moederszijde | maternal grandmother | one's father's father |
moederszijde | maternal grandfather | one's mother's father |
moedervlek | mole | dark spot on the skin |
moedig | bold | courageous, daring |
moedig | brave | strong in the face of fear |
moeflon | mouflon | sheep |
moefti | mufti | Muslim scholar |
moeilijk | difficult | hard, not easy |
moeite | worthwhile | good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on |
moeiteloos | effortless | without effort |
moeras | marsh | area of low, wet land |
moeras | swamp | type of wetland |
moerbeiboom | mulberry | the tree |
moeten | must | must |
mogelijk | feasible | Doable, possible |
mogelijk | maybe | perhaps |
mogelijk | possible | able but not certain to happen |
mogelijkerwijs | maybe | perhaps |
mogelijkheid | chance | an opportunity or possibility |
mogool | motherfucker | generic term of abuse |
mok | mug | large cup |
Moldavië | Moldova | country |
molen | mill | grinding apparatus or the building housing it |
molenaar | miller | person |
molenwieken | windmill | rotate with a sweeping motion |
mollusk | mollusc | soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca |
mom | disguise | attire to hide/assume an identity |
moment | instant | period of time |
moment | moment | very brief period of time |
momentje | while | a certain duration of time, a period of time |
mompelen | mumble | to speak unintelligibly |
Monaco | Monaco | country in Europe |
monarchie | monarchy | form of government with a hereditary head of state |
mond | mouth | the opening of an animal through which food is ingested |
mondelijk | oral | |
mond-en-klauwzeer | foot-and-mouth disease | foot-and-mouth disease |
mondig | assertive | boldly self-assured |
mongol | moron | a person of borderline intelligence |
Mongolië | Mongolia | Central Asian country |
Mongool | Mongol | person from Mongolia |
Mongools | Mongolian | of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures |
Mongoolse | Mongol | person from Mongolia |
monnik | monk | male member of monastic order |
monniksgier | black vulture | Coragyps atratus |
monotheism | monotheism | The belief in a single god, deity, spirit |
monster | monster | terrifying dangerous creature |
mooi | fair | pretty or attractive |
mooi | beautiful | possessing charm and attractive |
mooi | pretty | pleasant to see |
mooi | kind | nice |
Moor | Moor | A member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people |
moord | assassination | killing or murder for political reasons |
moord | murder | an act of deliberate killing |
moorden | kill | act of killing |
moordenaar | murderer | person who commits murder |
mop | joke | amusing story |
morele paniek | moral panic | mass movement, public outcry |
morfeem | morpheme | smallest linguistic unit |
morfologisch | morphological | relating to morphology |
morgen | tomorrow | On the day after the present day. |
morgen | morning | the part of the day after midnight and before midday |
mormel | cur | mongrel, dog |
mormoon | Mormon | member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Morpheus | Morpheus | Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams |
mortaliteit | mortality | condition of being susceptible to death |
mortuarium | morgue | place for dead people |
mos | moss | plants of the division Bryophyta |
moskee | mosque | a place of worship for muslims |
moslim | Muslim | believer |
mosterd | mustard | plant |
mosterdplant | mustard | plant |
mot | moth | insect similar to a butterfly |
motiveren | motivate | to encourage |
motor | engine | mechanical device |
motorfiets | motorcycle | open-seated motor-powered vehicle with two wheels |
motorrijder | rider | one who rides |
motregenen | drizzle | to rain lightly |
motteren | drizzle | to rain lightly |
moutsuiker | maltose | the disaccharide |
Mozambique | Mozambique | country in Southern Africa |
Mozes | Moses | the biblical patriarch |
Muay Thai | Muay Thai | the martial art/sport |
muesli | granola | breakfast and snack food |
mug | mosquito | small flying insect of the family Culcidae, known for biting and sucking blood |
muildier | mule | offspring of male donkey and female horse |
muis | house mouse | mouse of the species Mus musculus |
muis | mouse | rodent of the genus Mus |
muis stootkussen | mouse pad | mouse pad |
muisstil | quiet as a mouse | very quiet |
mulchen | mulch | to apply mulch |
multiversum | multiverse | hypothetical group of all possible universes |
mummie | mummy | embalmed corpse |
munt | mint | money-producing building or institution |
munt | coin | (currency) A piece of currency |
munteenheid | currency | money or other item used to facilitate transactions |
muntstuk | coin | (currency) A piece of currency |
museum | museum | building or institution |
musicus | musician | a person who plays or sings music |
muskusos | musk ox | an arctic mammal |
muskusrat | muskrat | rodent |
muur | wall | defensive rampart built up of earth, stone etc. |
muurschildering | mural | painting on wall |
muurtegel | tile | mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces |
muziek | music | sound, organized in time in a melodious way |
muziekinstrument | instrument | music device |
muzikaal | musical | of or relating to music |
muzikant | musician | a person who plays or sings music |
muzikante | musician | a person who plays or sings music |
Mw | Mrs | title before woman's name |
Myanmar | Myanmar | Southeast Asian country |
mysterie | mystery | something secret or unexplainable |
mysterie | puzzle | anything difficult to understand or make sense of |
mythe | myth | story |
n.Chr | AD | anno Domini |
na Christus | Anno Domini | in the year of our Lord |
na Christus | anno Domini | in the year of our Lord |
na de | post hoc | after the fact |
naad | suture | seam |
naaien | fuck | to have sexual intercourse |
naaien | sew | (transitive) use a needle |
naaimachine | sewing machine | device |
naakt | nude | without clothing or other covering |
naakt | naked | not wearing any clothes |
naaktslak | slug | gastropod |
naald | needle | implement for sewing etc. |
naam | name | word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing |
naamloos | anonymous | wanting a name |
naamval | elative case | case used to indicate movement out of something |
naar | listen | to pay attention |
naar | up to | against, next to, near, towards |
naar | Matthew | gospel of Matthew |
naar buiten komen | emerging | Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising |
naast | beside | next to |
nabij | nigh | near, close by |
nabootsen | imitate | to follow as a model |
naburig | neighbouring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
naburig | neighboring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
naburige | neighboring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
naburige | neighbouring | Situated or living nearby or adjacent to |
nacht | nocturnal | primarily active during the night |
nacht | night | period between sunset and sunrise |
nachtegaal | nightingale | bird |
nachtelijk | nocturnal | primarily active during the night |
nachtkastje | nightstand | bedside table |
nachtmerrie | nightmare | a very bad or scary dream |
nadeel | con | disadvantage of something |
naderbij | nigh | near, close by |
naderen | accede | obsolete: to approach |
nadien | post hoc | after the fact |
nadruk | emphasis | special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important |
nadrukkelijk | emphatic | characterized by emphasis |
naft | gasoline | motor fuel |
nagel | nail | on fingers and toes |
nagemaakt | phoney | Fraudulent; fake |
nagemaakt | shoddy | exhibiting poor quality |
nagerecht | dessert | sweet confection served as the last course of a meal |
naïef | gullible | easily deceived or duped, naïve |
naïeve | gullible | easily deceived or duped, naïve |
najaar | autumn | season |
nakomeling | descendant | one who is the progeny of someone |
nalatigheid | laches | legal doctrine |
nalatigheid | negligence | failure to exercise a standard of care (law) |
nam | took | simple past of to take |
nam deel | partook | simple past of partake |
namaak | counterfeit | intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine |
namen | took | simple past of to take |
namen deel | partook | simple past of partake |
Namibië | Namibia | Republic of Namibia |
narcis | daffodil | flower |
nat | wet | of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid |
natie | nation | group of people sharing aspects of language, culture and/or ethnicity |
nationaal | national | of or having to do with a nation |
nationaliteit | nationality | citizenship |
natrium | sodium | a reactive metal |
nattig | moist | wet |
natuur | nature | essential characteristics |
natuurkunde | physics | branch of science |
natuurlijk | natural | relating to nature |
natuurlijk | naturally | in a natural manner |
natuurlijk | of course | naturally |
nauwelijks | barely | By a small margin |
nauwelijks | scarcely | in a scarce manner |
nauwkeurig | precise | exact |
navel | navel | remnant of umbilical cord |
NAVO | NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
navolging | imitation | act of imitating |
NB | postscriptum | written afterwards |
NB | post scriptum | after the writing |
nederigheid | humility | characteristic of being humble |
Nederland | Holland | the Netherlands |
Nederland | Netherlands | country in northwestern Europe |
Nederlander | Netherlander | someone from the Netherlands |
Nederlands | Dutch | of the Netherlands, people, or language |
Nederlandse Antillen | Netherlands Antilles | autonomous territory |
Nedersaksisch | Low Saxon | language or language group |
nederzetting | town | |
neef | cousin | son or daughter of a person’s uncle or aunt |
neef | nephew | fraternal or sororal nephew |
neerbuigend | condescending | Assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude |
neergang | downfall | precipitous decline in fortune; a rapid deterioration, as in status or wealth |
neerploffen | flop | to fall heavily, because lacking energy |
neerschrijven | write down | to set something down in writing |
neerslag | rainfall | amount of rain that falls on a single occasion |
neerzetten | set | to put something down |
neerzetting | deposit | sediment or rock different from the surrounding material |
neerzijgen | flop | to fall heavily, because lacking energy |
negatief | negative | not positive |
negen | nine | cardinal number |
negende | ninth | ordinal form of nine |
negenentwintig | twenty-nine | cardinal number |
negenenveertig | forty-nine | cardinal number |
negenenvijftig | fifty-nine | cardinal number |
negentiende | nineteenth | the ordinal form of the number nineteen |
neger | nigger | negro person |
negeren | ignore | to deliberately pay no attention to |
negge | nag | small horse |
Nehemia | Nehemiah | book of the Bible |
neiging | penchant | taste, liking, or inclination (for) |
neiging | tendency | likelihood of behaving in a particular way |
neiging | predilection | tendency towards |
nek | cervix | neck |
nemen | get | obtain |
neologisme | neologism | recently coined word |
nep | sham | fake, imitation |
nep | counterfeit | intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine |
Nepal | Nepal | Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal |
Nepalese | Nepalese | pertaining to Nepal |
nepotisme | nepotism | favoring of relatives or personal friends |
nerd | nerd | A person, often very studious, with poor social skills |
nergens | nowhere | in no place |
nergens anders | nowhere else | in not other place |
nerveus | jumpy | nervous and excited |
nerveuze | jumpy | nervous and excited |
nest | brat | a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child |
net | decorous | behaving properly |
net | net | used for catching fish |
netelig | tricky | hard to deal with |
netelige | tricky | hard to deal with |
neuken | fuck | to have sexual intercourse |
neus | nose | The organ of the face used to smell things |
neus | sneer | raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn |
neus | kike | Jew |
neusgat | nostril | either of the two orifices located on the nose |
neushoorn | rhinoceros | herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s) |
neutraal | neutral | Not taking sides in a conflict such as war |
neutron | neutron | subatomic particle |
neutronenbom | neutron bomb | atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons |
nevel | mist | Water or other liquid finely suspended in air |
nevenproduct | by-product | secondary product |
New York | New York City | large city in the USA |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | A country in Central America |
Nice | Nice | city in France |
nicht | niece | fraternal or sororal niece |
nicht | cousin | son or daughter of a person’s uncle or aunt |
nichtje | niece | fraternal or sororal niece |
Nicolaas | Nicholas | male given name |
niemand | nobody | not any person; the logical negation of somebody |
niemand | no one | not one person |
niemand | none | not any person; no one, nobody |
nier | kidney | an organ in the body |
niet | disallow | to refuse to allow |
niet | not | negates meaning of verb |
niet een | none | not any person; no one, nobody |
niet van toepassing | n/a | not applicable |
nietapparaat | stapler | device which binds together paper |
niet-bestaand | nonexistent | not existent |
nietig | void | Having lost all legal validity |
nietig | small | not large |
nietmachine | stapler | device which binds together paper |
niets | nothing | not any thing |
niettemin | nonetheless | nevertheless; however |
niettemin | nevertheless | in spite of what preceded |
nieuw | fresh | New or clean (1) |
nieuw | new | recently made or created |
nieuw | novel | new, original, especially in an interesting way |
Nieuw-Caledonië | New Caledonia | overseas territory of France |
nieuwigheid | novelty | the state of being new |
nieuws | news | new information of interest |
nieuwsblad | newspaper | publication |
nieuwsgierig | curious | inquisitive |
nieuwsgierigheid | curiosity | inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore |
Nieuw-Zeeland | New Zealand | country in Oceania |
Nieuw-Zuid-Wales | New South Wales | one state of Australia |
niezen | sneeze | sneezing reflex |
Niger | Niger | country |
Nigeria | Nigeria | in Western Africa |
nijd | envy | envy |
nijdig | envious | feeling or exhibiting envy |
nijlpaard | hippopotamus | large African mammal |
Nijman, Nyman | Newman | surname meaning "new man" |
nijverheid | industry | businesses that produce goods |
nikkel | nickel | element |
nikker | nigger | negro person |
niks | nothing | not any thing |
ninja | ninja | person trained in stealth, espionage, assassination and ninjutsu |
nirwana | nirvana | cessation of suffering |
februari | February | second month of the Gregorian calendar |
groep | group | number of things or persons being in some relation to each other |
nloef | phew | Used to show relief, fatigue, surprise, or disgust |
nlovereenstemming | accordance | agreement; harmony; conformity |
staf | staff | long, straight stick |
wijnrank | grapevine | the plant on which grapes grow |
wijnstok | grapevine | the plant on which grapes grow |
Noach | Noah | biblical character |
noch | nor | nor |
nodig | necessary | needed, required |
nodig | mandatory | obligatory |
Noë | Noah | biblical character |
nog | yet | yet |
nog niet | not yet | expected to happened but has not for the moment |
nogmaals | again | having already happened before |
nominalized | coo | murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon |
nominatief | nominative | giving a name, naming; designating |
nominatief | nominative case | case used to indicate the subject |
non | nun | member of a religious community of women |
nonkel | maternal uncle | brother of one's mother |
nonkel | uncle | brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent |
nonkel | paternal uncle | brother of one's father |
nonsens | nonsense | meaningless words |
nood | dependence | state of being dependent |
noodzakelijk | necessary | needed, required |
nooit | never | at no time |
Noord-Amerika | North America | continent |
Noordelijke IJszee | Arctic Ocean | the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole |
noorden | north | compass point |
noorderlicht | northern lights | the aurora of the northern hemisphere |
Noord-Korea | North Korea | Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
noordoosten | northeast | compass point |
noordpool | north pole | northernmost point on celestial bodies |
Noordwestelijke Territoria | Northwest Territories | Territory in northern Canada |
noordwesten | northwest | compass point |
Noordzee | North Sea | an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean betwwen Britain, Scandinavia and Germanym, the Neatherlands, Belgium and France |
Noors | Norwegian | language of Norway |
Noorwegen | Norway | Scandinavian country |
noot | nut | seed |
noot | tone | specific pitch, quality and duration; a note |
Norfolkeiland | Norfolk Island | Territory of Norfolk Island |
nors | morose | Sullen, gloomy; showing a brooding ill humour |
nors | sullen | having a brooding ill temper |
nota bene | postscript | addendum to a letter |
nota bene | postscriptum | written afterwards |
nota bene | post scriptum | after the writing |
notebook | laptop | computing: a laptop computer |
november | November | eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar |
Nox | Nyx | the primordial goddess of night |
nr | No. | symbol standing for number |
nr | no. | symbol standing for number |
nr. | no. | symbol standing for number |
nr. | No. | symbol standing for number |
nu | now | At this time |
nu en dan | now and then | (idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally |
nudisme | nudism | the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity |
nul | zero | cardinal number before one, denoting nothing |
nul | from scratch | from the beginning |
Numeri | Numbers | fourth book of the Bible |
nummer | song | music with words |
nummer | numeral | word or symbol representing a number |
nuntius | nuncio | title used for Catholic clerics |
nut | purpose | target |
nutteloos | useless | without use |
nutteloze | useless | without use |
nuttig | useful | having a practical or beneficial use |
Nynorsk | Nynorsk | one of the two major Norwegian languages (dialects) |
o nee | Oh no | exclamation of alarm or concern |
oase | oasis | well surrounded by vegetation in a desert |
obees | obese | Extremely overweight |
obelisk | obelisk | A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point |
o-benen | bowleg | leg that curves outward from the knee |
ober | waiter | A server in a restaurant or similar |
object | object | thing |
objectief | objective | relating to a material object |
objectief | candid | impartial and free from prejudice |
objectieve | objective | relating to a material object |
observeren | observe | to notice |
obsidiaan | obsidian | a type of black glass produced by volcanos |
obstakel | obstacle | something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress |
Occitaans | Occitan | the Romance language |
occlusief | plosive | consonant |
oceaan | ocean | one of the five large bodies of water |
Oceanië | Oceania | a geographical region composed of many islands |
ocelot | ocelot | feline carnivore |
och | aah | expressing amazement or surprise |
ochtend | morning | the part of the day after midnight and before midday |
Ockhams scheermes | Occam's razor | both principles |
Odessa | Odessa | Ukrainian city |
Odyssee | Odyssey | epic poem describing the journey of Odysseus |
oef | phew | Used to show relief, fatigue, surprise, or disgust |
Oefening baart kunst | practice makes perfect | if you practice something enough, you will eventually master it |
Oeganda | Uganda | Republic of Uganda |
oehoe | eagle owl | large owl of Bubo |
Oekraïne | Ukraine | Eastern European country |
Oergermaans | Proto-Germanic | hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language |
Oerslavisch | Common Slavonic | Old Slavonic language |
Oerslavisch | Proto-Slavic | Proto-Slavic |
oerwoud | jungle | large, undeveloped, humid forest |
Oezbeek | Uzbek | a person |
Oezbekistan | Uzbekistan | Republic of Uzbekistan |
of | whether | if (in indirect questions) |
of | or | |
offeren | sacrifice | to offer as a gift to a deity |
officieel | official | relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant |
ogen groter dan je maag hebben | have eyes bigger than one's stomach | take more food than one can eat |
ogenblik | moment | very brief period of time |
ogenblik | instant | period of time |
Oh, mijn God | oh my God | excitement or shock |
Ojibwa | Ojibwe | language |
Ojibwe | Ojibwe | language |
oké | OK | endorsement; approval |
oker | ochre | colour |
okerkleur | ochre | colour |
okkazie | secondhand | not new; previously owned and used by another |
oksel | armpit | cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder |
oktober | October | tenth month of the Gregorian calendar |
olie | oil | liquid fat |
oliebron | oil well | hole drilled into the earth from which petroleum is pumped |
olielamp | lamp | oil device producing light |
olifant | elephant | mammal |
oligarchie | oligarchy | Government by only a few |
olijf | olive | fruit |
olijfboom | olive tree | tree that produces olives |
olm | elm | tree of genus Ulmus |
Oltenië | Oltenia | Oltenia |
om | about | around |
om | in order to | as a means of achieving the specified aim |
om de hete brei dansen | beat around the bush | to treat a topic but omit its main points |
oma | paternal grandmother | one's father's mother |
oma | grandmother | mother of someone’s parent |
oma | granny | colloquial: grandmother |
oma | maternal grandmother | one's father's father |
oma | grandma | grandmother (informal) |
Oman | Oman | Country in the Middle East |
omarmen | embrace | to hug (a person) |
ombudsman | ombudsman | official who investigates complaints |
omelet | omelette | dish made with beaten eggs |
omgangsvormen | manners | etiquette |
omgeving | environment | area around something |
omgeving | grounds | area of land |
omheinen | enclose | surround, fence in |
omheining | fence | barrier |
omheining | pen | enclosed area for animals |
omhoog | up | away from earth’s centre |
omleiding | detour | a diversion or deviation from one's original route |
omnipresent | omnipresent | being everywhere |
omnivoor | omnivore | animal eating both plants and meat |
omschrijven | describe | to represent in words |
omschrijvend | periphrastic | expressed in more words than are necessary |
omstreden | controversial | arousing controversy |
omtrek | perimeter | sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object |
omvang | amplitude | magnitude |
omvangrijk | big | of a great size |
omvatten | encompass | surround |
omvatten | comprise | be made up of |
omverwerpen | subvert | overthrow |
omweg | detour | a diversion or deviation from one's original route |
omwisselen | transpose | reverse or change the order of two |
omzet | revenue | net gain before subtracting the loss |
omzet | turnover | rate of change or replacement |
omzetbelasting | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
onaangesproken | untapped | not tapped |
onaf | unfinished | not finished |
onafgemaakt | unfinished | not finished |
onafhankelijk | independent | not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free |
onafhankelijkheid | independence | state or quality of being independent |
onafwendbaar | inevitable | impossible to avoid or prevent |
onbaatzuchtig | unselfish | not selfish; selfless; generous; altruistic |
onbeantwoorde liefde | unrequited love | love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is desired |
onbedoeld | unintentional | not intended or deliberate; inadvertent; unwitting |
onbedoelde | unintentional | not intended or deliberate; inadvertent; unwitting |
onbeduidend | slight | insignificant |
onbegrenst | boundless | without bounds, unbounded |
onbekend | unknown | not known |
onbekommerd | carefree | worry free, light hearted, etc. |
onbelangrijk | unimportant | not important or noteworthy |
onbelangrijk | minor | of little importance |
onbemand | unmanned | not operated by a person or a crew |
onbenoemd | anonymous | wanting a name |
onbepaalde wijs | infinitive | uninflected verb form |
onbezonnen | precipitously | abruptly |
onbezonnen | frivolous | silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner |
ondanks | in spite of | despite |
ondenkbaar | unthinkable | incapable of being believed; incredible |
onder- | sub- | under, beneath |
onderarm | forearm | part of the arm |
onderbouwen | corroborate | To confirm, strengthen or support with additional evidence |
onderbreken | interrupt | to disturb or halt an ongoing process or action |
onderbrengen | subsume | to place under another as belonging to it |
onderbuik | abdomen | belly |
onderdak | shelter | a refuge or other protection |
onderdanig | submissive | Meekly obedient or passive |
onderdeel | component | smaller, self-contained part of larger entity |
onderdompelen | immerse | To put under the surface of a liquid |
onderdrukken | oppress | To keep down by force |
onderdrukken | suppress | to hold in place, to keep low |
onderdrukking | oppression | act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed |
ondergaan | undergo | to experience |
ondergeschikte | minion | loyal servant of another more powerful being |
ondergronds | underground | below the ground |
onderhandelen | negotiate | confer to reach an agreement (intransitive) |
onderhandeling | negotiation | process of achieving agreement |
onderkledingstuk | undergarment | any garment worn underneath others |
onderliggend | underlying | lying underneath |
ondernam | undertook | past tense of undertake |
ondernamen | undertook | past tense of undertake |
ondernemen | undertake | To start an enterprise |
ondernemend | adventurous | Inclined to adventure |
ondernemer | entrepreneur | person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk |
onderneming | enterprise | Company, business, organization, or endeavor |
ondernomen | undertaken | past participle of undertake |
onderschatten | underestimate | to make too low an estimate |
onderscheiden | differentiate | to be the distinction |
onderschikkend voegwoord | subordinating conjunction | a word establishing the nature of a subordinate clause |
onderschrijven | underwrite | to assume financial responsibility for something |
ondersteunen | uphold | to support |
ondersteunen | endorse | support |
onderwaterzwemmen | dive | to swim under water |
onderweg | en route | on the way |
onderwerp | subject | in grammar |
onderwerp | topic | subject; theme |
onderwijzer | teacher | a person who teaches |
onderwijzeres | teacher | a person who teaches |
onderwijzing | teaching | something taught |
ondeugend | impish | mischievous |
ondoorschijnend | opaque | hindering light to pass through |
ondoorzichtig | opaque | hindering light to pass through |
ondrinkbaar | undrinkable | not drinkable |
onecht | phoney | Fraudulent; fake |
oneerbiedig | flippant | lacking respect |
oneindig | infinite | boundless, endless |
oneirologe | oneirologist | one who is skilled, professes or practices of what relates with dreams |
oneiroloog | oneirologist | one who is skilled, professes or practices of what relates with dreams |
ongebruikelijk | unusual | unlike what is expected; differing in some way from the norm |
ongedaan maken | undo | to reverse |
ongehuwd | unattached | not married |
ongekleed | naked | not wearing any clothes |
ongeldig | void | Having lost all legal validity |
ongeldig | invalid | not valid |
ongelijk | different | not the same |
ongelijkheid | inequality | An unfair, not equal, state |
ongelofelijk | unbelievable | incredible |
ongelofelijk | incredible | too implausible to be credible |
ongeluk | accident | befalling, mishap, casualty |
ongerust | worried | thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen |
ongerustheid | anxiety | concern |
ongeschreven | unwritten | implicit or understood but not formally articulated |
ongetwijfeld | indubitably | Undoubtedly; unquestionably |
ongeval | accident | befalling, mishap, casualty |
ongewenst | undesirable | objectionable or not likely to please |
ongewoon | unusual | unlike what is expected; differing in some way from the norm |
ongezuurde broodje | bagel | toroidal bread roll |
onheilspellend | disastrous | foreboding disaster; ill-omened |
onheilspellende | disastrous | foreboding disaster; ill-omened |
onherstelbaar | irreparable | that is unable to be repaired |
onhistorisch | unhistorical | not historic |
onjuist | wrong | incorrect |
onklaar | disabled | Made incapable of use or action |
onkruid | weed | unwanted plant |
onlangs | recently | in the recent past |
onleesbaar | illegible | not clear enough to be read |
onleesbaar | unreadable | that cannot be read or is not easy to read |
onleesbare | unreadable | that cannot be read or is not easy to read |
onmiddellijk | immediate | without delay |
onmiddellijk | immediately | in an immediate manner |
onmiskenbaar | unmistakable | unique, such that it cannot be mistaken for something else |
onmogelijk | impossible | not possible |
onnodig | unnecessary | not necessary |
onnodig | unneeded | not needed, not |
onnozel | gormless | lacking intelligence |
onontkoombaar | unavoidable | impossible to avoid |
onoplettendheid | carelessness | lacking care |
onoprecht | deceptive | likely or attempting to deceive |
onopvallend | inconspicuous | not prominent or easily noticeable |
onovergankelijk | intransitive | of a verb, not taking a direct object |
onoverwinnelijke | invincible | that which cannot be defeated |
onpartijdig | neuter | archaic: neither the one thing nor the other |
onredelijk | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
onredelijke | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
onregelmatig | irregular | nonstandard |
onrein | unclean | dirty, soiled or foul |
ons | our | belonging to us |
ons | ounce | 28.3495 g |
ons | us | objective case of "we" |
onschuld | innocence | absence of responsibility for a crime |
onsterfelijk | immortal | not susceptible to death |
onsterfelijke | immortal | not susceptible to death |
onszelf | ourselves | |
Ontariomeer | Ontario | Lake between Ontario province and New York State |
ontbener | boner | who bones |
ontberingen | deprivation | state of being deprived |
ontbijt | breakfast | first meal of the day |
ontbinden | decompose | to separate |
ontbinden | disband | to break up or cause to cease to exist |
ontbinden | unbind | take bindings off |
ontbond | unbound | simple past of "to unbind" |
ontbonden | unbound | simple past of "to unbind" |
ontbossing | deforestation | process of destroying a forest |
ontcijferen | figure out | To deduce; to come to understand. |
ontcijferen | decipher | to decode or decrypt a code or cipher |
ontcijferen | decrypt | to convert to plain text |
ontdaan | upset | angry, distressed, unhappy |
ontelbaar | uncountable | too many to be counted |
onterechte | false punishment | unauthorized disciplinary action |
ontevreden | disgruntled | unhappy, dissatisfied |
ontevredenheid | dissatisfaction | unhappiness or discontent |
ontfutselen | finagle | (transitive) to obtain or achieve by indirect, usually deceitful methods |
onthoofden | behead | to remove the head |
onthoofding | beheading | an instance of beheading |
onthouden | keep in mind | to remember |
onthouding | abstention | the act of abstaining |
onthouding | abstinence | the act or practice of abstaining |
onthullen | reveal | to uncover |
ontkennen | repudiate | to reject the truth of, deny |
ontleding | analysis | process of dismantling or separating into constituents in order to study |
ontleding | parse | act of parsing |
ontlenen | borrow | receive temporarily |
ontmoedigen | discourage | To take away or reduce the courage of |
ontologie | ontology | study of being |
ontslag nemen | resign | quit a job or position |
ontsleutelen | decrypt | to convert to plain text |
ontsnappen | flee | to run away; to escape |
ontsnappen | escape | to get free |
ontspanning | recreation | activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates |
ontspringen | spring | start to exist |
ontspruiten | spring | start to exist |
ontstaan | spring | start to exist |
ontstoken | inflamed | affected by inflammation |
ontvangst | reception | act of receiving |
ontvoeren | abduct | to take away |
ontvoeren | kidnap | to seize and detain a person unlawfully |
ontvolken | depopulate | to reduce the population of a region by disease, war, forced relocation etc. |
ontvreemden | steal | to illegally take possession of |
ontwaakt | awake | conscious |
ontwerp | plan | technical drawing |
ontwerp | design | plan |
ontwijden | desecrate | to profane or violate sacredness |
ontwijken | shun | avoid |
ontwijken | dodge | To avoid by moving out of the way |
ontwikkeling | development | process of developing |
ontzettend | appalling | That appalls/appals or appall/appal |
onuitstaanbaar | unbearable | so unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable |
onvermijdelijk | inevitable | impossible to avoid or prevent |
onvermijdelijk | unavoidable | impossible to avoid |
onverstandig | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
onverstandige | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
onvertaalbaar | untranslatable | Not able to be translated |
onverwacht | unexpected | not expected, anticipated or foreseen |
onverwachts | unexpectedly | in an unexpected manner |
onvoltooid | unfinished | not finished |
onvoltooid deelwoord | present participle | verb form that indicates an ongoing action |
onvoltooid verleden tijd | simple past | the simple past |
onvoorspelbaarheid | unpredictability | The quality of being unpredictable |
onvoorzichtigheid | carelessness | lacking care |
onvriendelijk | unfriendly | not friendly; hostile |
onvruchtbaar | sterile | unable to reproduce |
onvruchtbare | sterile | unable to reproduce |
onwaar | FALSE | untrue, not factual, wrong |
onwaarheid | falsehood | state of being false |
onweer | thunderstorm | storm with thunder and lightning |
onweerlegbaarheid | nonrepudiation | assurance of digital sending or receipt |
onweerstaanbaar | irresistible | not able to be resisted |
onwerkelijk | unreal | fake |
onwetendheid | ignorance | The condition of being uninformed or uneducated. |
onwettig | criminal | being against the law |
onwettig | unlawful | prohibited |
onze | our | belonging to us |
onzelfzuchtig | unselfish | not selfish; selfless; generous; altruistic |
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw | Our Lady | Virgin Mary |
onzichtbaar | invisible | not visible |
onzichtbaar | invisibly | in a way that can not be seen |
onzichtbaarheid | invisibility | the state of being invisible |
onzichtbare | invisible | not visible |
onzin | nonsense | meaningless words |
onzin | bullshit | deceitful statements, etc |
onzinnig | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
onzinnige | irrational | unfounded or nonsensical |
oog | eye | organ |
oog in oog | face to face | in person |
oog om oog, tand om tand | eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth | compensation for an injury |
oog om oog, tand om tand | eye for an eye | compensation for an injury |
oogappel | eyeball | ball of the eye |
oogkas | eye socket | socket of eye |
ooglid | eyelid | (anatomy) A thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye |
ooievaar | stork | large wading bird |
ooievaar | white stork | large wading bird, Ciconia ciconia |
ook | also | in addition; besides; as well; further; too |
ook | too | Likewise |
oom | paternal uncle | brother of one's father |
oom | maternal uncle | brother of one's mother |
oom | uncle | brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent |
oor | ear | organ of hearing |
oorbel | earring | piece of jewelry |
oord | locale | place where something happens |
oorlog | war | conflict involving organized use of arms |
oorlogsverklaring | declaration of war | a formal announcement by an entity that it is in a state of war with another entity |
oorsmeer | earwax | waxy substance secreted by the ear |
oorsuizen | tinnitus | perception of nonexistent noise |
oorzaak | cause | Source or reason of an event or action |
oorzaak | reason | A thought or a consideration |
oostelijk | eastern | related to the east |
oosten | east | compass point |
Oostenrijk | Austria | Austria |
Oostenrijker | Austrian | Austrian person |
Oostenrijkse | Austrian | Austrian person |
oostenwind | East | wind from the east |
Oost-Timor | East Timor | Country in Oceania |
op | at | in or very near a particular place |
op | on | positioned at the upper surface of |
op | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
op | upon | being above and in contact with another |
op de hoogte | abreast | informed |
op een of andere manier | somehow | in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated |
op termijn | in the long run | Eventually |
op uw plaatsen | on your marks | Interjection used to start a race, followed by get set, go |
op voorhand | beforehand | at an earlier time |
op voorhand | in advance | beforehand |
op zich | per se | by itself |
op zich nemen | assumption | the act of assuming, or taking to or upon one's self |
opa | grandfather | grandfather (from either side) |
opa | gramps | grandfather |
opa | granddaddy | grandfather |
opa | grandpa | grandfather (informal) |
opaak | opaque | hindering light to pass through |
opduiken | crop up | to occur |
opeenvolging | succession | following in sequence |
open | open | not closed |
open | frank | bluntly honest |
open haard | fireplace | an open hearth for holding a fire |
Openbaring | Revelation | book of Bible |
openzetten | expand | to change from a smaller form to a larger one |
operatie | surgery | procedure involving major incisions |
operatie | operation | method by which a device performs its function |
operationeel | functional | in good working order |
opereren | operate | |
opgeven | abandon | to give up |
opgeven | forsake | to abandon |
opgeven | renounce | give up |
opgewonden | excited | having great enthusiasm |
ophangen | sling | to throw |
ophef | hoo-ha | a fuss, commotion, uproar |
opheffen | raise | to cause to rise |
ophouden | quit | to stop doing something |
opinie | opinion | subjective thought |
opkijken | look up | to look in an upwards manner |
opleggen | impose | to establish or apply by authority |
oplettend | attentively | in an attentive manner |
oplosmiddel | solvent | liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute |
oplossen | dissolve | to disintegrate by immersing it into a liquid |
oplossing | solution | answer to a problem |
opluchting | relief | removal of stress or discomfort |
opmerkelijk | remarkably | in a remarkable manner |
opmerkelijk | notable | remarkable |
opmerkelijk | remarkable | worthy of being remarked |
opmerking | statement | declaration or remark |
opmerkzaam | perceptive | having or showing keenness of perception, insight, understanding, or intuition |
opnemen | absorb | to include so that it no longer has separate existence (1) |
opnieuw | again | having already happened before |
opnieuw | anew | again |
opnieuw | from scratch | from the beginning |
opoe | granny | colloquial: grandmother |
opossums | opossum | marsupial of the genera Didelphys and Chironectes |
oppas | babysitter | baby or child caretaker |
opperst | supreme | dominant |
opperste | supreme | dominant |
oppervlakte | surface | up-side of a flat object |
opportunist | opportunist | someone who takes advantage of any opportunity |
opportuniste | opportunist | someone who takes advantage of any opportunity |
oprecht | bona fide | done in good faith |
oprisping | burp | a belch |
oproepen | evoke | To cause the manifestation of something (emotion, picture, etc.) in someone's mind or imagination |
oproer | rebellion | armed resistance |
opschrijven | write down | to set something down in writing |
opspringen | jump | propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne |
opstaan | stand up | rise from a sitting position |
opstaan | arise | get up, stand up |
opstaan | arisen | gotten up |
opstand | rebellion | armed resistance |
opstijgen | soar | To fly aloft; to mount upward on wings |
opstoken | stir up | v. to cause (trouble etc) |
opstopping | traffic jam | situation when all road traffic is stationary or very slow |
opsturen | send | make something go somewhere |
optimistisch | optimistically | in an optimistic manner |
optocht | parade | organized procession |
opvallend | remarkable | worthy of being remarked |
opvallend | conspicuous | obvious or easy to notice |
opvatting | concept | Something understood and retained in the mind |
opvliegend | irascible | prone to anger |
opvoeden | upbreed | to rear, or bring up; to nurse |
opvullen | cloy | fill up |
opwaartse kracht | buoyancy | physics: upward force on an immersed body |
opwarming van de aarde | global warming | A sustained increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere sufficient to cause climate change. |
opzettelijk | on purpose | purposefully, with intention |
opzettelijk | deliberate | intentional |
opzettelijk | purposeful | intentional |
opzettelijke | deliberate | intentional |
opzetten | install | set something up for use |
opzoeken | visit | to go and meet or see |
orchidee | orchid | plant |
orgaan | organ | part of an organism |
orgaan- | organic | pertaining to an organ |
organel | organelle | a membrane bound compartment found within cells |
organisator | organizer | person arranging public events |
organisme | organism | living thing |
orgasme | orgasm | the peak of sexual pleasure |
origineel | original | first in a series |
orka | killer whale | A sea mammal, Orcinus orca |
orka | orca | Orcinus orca |
orkaan | hurricane | weather phenomenon |
orthodox | orthodox | Adhering to established religious doctrine or tradition |
orthogonaal | orthogonal | of right angles |
orthoklaas | orthoclase | potassium aluminum silicate |
os | steer | castrated male of cattle |
osmose | osmosis | movement of molecules from a region of high solvent potential to low |
otter | otter | The mammal |
oud | old | of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time |
Oudengels | Anglo-Saxon | Old English |
ouder | parent | person from whom one is descended |
oudheid | antiquity | ancient times |
Oudkerkslavisch | Old Church Slavonic | the first literary and liturgical Slavic language |
Oud-Kerkslavisch | Old Slavonic | Old Church Slavonic |
oudtante | great-aunt | sister of one’s grandparent, aunt of one’s parent |
outlaw | renegade | outlaw or rebel |
ouzo | ouzo | drink |
ovaal | oval | shape like an egg or ellipse |
oven | kiln | oven |
oven | stove | heater |
oven | oven | chamber used for baking or heating |
overbieden | outbid | To bid more than somebody else |
overblijfselen | remains | what is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse |
overblijven | vestigial | pertaining to a vestige |
overbodig | unneeded | not needed, not |
overbodig | redundant | superfluous |
overboord werpen | jettison | to eject from a boat |
overbrengen | transport | change the location of |
overdragen | convey | to carry |
overdrijven | exaggerate | to overstate, to describe more than is fact |
overduidelijk | obvious | easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory |
overeenkomen | get along | be together or coexist well, without arguments or trouble |
overeenkomst | treaty | binding an agreement under international law |
overgang | transition | process of change from one form, state, style or place to another |
overgankelijk werkwoord | transitive verb | a verb that is accompanied by a direct object |
overgeven | vomit | to regurgitate the contents of a stomach |
overhaast | precipitously | abruptly |
overhalen | persuade | convince |
overhandigen | give | transfer the possession of something to someone else |
overhandiger | hander | a conveyor in succession |
overheersing | domination | act of dominating |
overhemd | shirt | article of clothing |
overleden | deceased | no longer alive |
overleden | dead | Dead |
overleven | survive | person: continue to live |
overleven | outlive | to live longer than |
overloper | renegade | outlaw or rebel |
overmaat | plethora | excess, abundance |
overmatig | excessive | too much of something |
overmorgen | overmorrow | on the day after tomorrow |
overnemen | take over | to assume control of something, especially by force; to usurp |
overplaatsen | transfer | to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another |
overschot | surplus | excess, overplus |
overschrijding | encroachment | entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon |
overspel | adultery | sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse |
overspelige | adulterer | one who commits adultery |
oversteekplaats | crosswalk | place where pedestrians can cross a street |
overstroming | flood | overflow of water |
overtollig | superfluous | excess of what is sufficient |
overtuigd | pertinacious | holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose |
overtuigen | persuade | convince |
overtuiging | persuasion | The act of persuading or the state of being persuaded |
oververzadiging | supersaturation | state of a solution |
overvloed | abundance | ample sufficiency |
overvloedig | abound | to be plentiful |
overvloedig | abundant | fully sufficient; plentiful |
overwegen | consider | think about seriously |
overwegen | mull | to work over mentally |
overwinnen | win | transitive: achieve victory in |
overwinnen | overcome | to surmount a physical or an abstract obstacle |
overwinnen | surmount | to get over; to overcome |
overzetten | translate | To change text from one language to another |
oxide | oxide | binary compound of oxygen |
oxydatie | rust | result of oxidation |
P.S. | postscriptum | written afterwards |
P.S. | post scriptum | after the writing |
paal | pole | long and slender object |
paar | duo | twosome, especially musicians |
paar | pair | two similar or identical things |
paar | couple | two partners |
paard | Prince Charming | romantically ideal man |
paard | horse | large hoofed animal |
paardenbloem | dandelion | plant, wild flower (genus Taraxacum) |
paars | purple | colour |
paarsig | purplish | somewhat purple in colour/color |
paasei | Easter egg | A dyed or decorated egg |
Paaseiland | Easter Island | Island in the Pacific |
Paasfeest | Easter | Christian holiday |
pad | path | a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians |
paddenstoel | mushroom | fruiting body of a fungus |
pagina | page | one side of a leaf of a book |
pak | package | something which is packed |
Pakistan | Pakistan | country in South Asia |
pakken | seize | grab |
pakken | get | obtain |
pakpapier | wrapping paper | paper used for wrapping parcels or presents |
Palaïsch | Palaic | Indo-European language |
Palau | Palau | Republic of Palau |
paleis | palace | large residence where aristocrats usually live |
Paleolithicum | Paleolithic | Old Stone Age |
Palermo | Palermo | province |
palindroom | palindrome | a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards |
paling | eel | any fish of the order Anguilliformes |
palingachtigen | eel | any fish of the order Anguilliformes |
palissade | palisade | A wall of wooden stakes |
palmboom | palm | tropical tree |
pamflet | pamphlet | small booklet |
pan | pan | flat vessel used for frying |
pan | tile | mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces |
pan- | pan- | a combining form meaning "all" |
Pañcatantra | Panchatantra | a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose |
panda | panda | Ailuropoda melanoleuca |
pandeïsme | pandeism | combining elements of pantheism and deism |
pandemonium | pandemonium | chaos; tumultuous or lawless violence |
pandjesbaas | pawnbroker | person who makes monetary loans at interest, taking personal property as security |
Pangea | Pangaea | supercontinent prior to Triassic |
pannenkoek | pancake | thin batter cake |
panteramaniet | panther cap | Amanita pantherina |
pantheïsme | pantheism | belief that the universe is divine |
pantser | armour | body protection |
pantser | armor | body protection |
papa | father | male parent |
papegaai | parrot | kind of bird |
papier | paper | material for writing on |
Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Papua New Guinea | country in Oceania |
pappa | dad | father (informal, familiar) |
parabool | parabola | a conic section |
paradigma | paradigm | model or example |
paradox | paradox | |
paragraaf | paragraph | passage in text |
Paraguay | Paraguay | country in South America |
parallelle | parallel | of two or more (straight) lines, (flat) surfaces etc: equally distant from one another at all points |
parallellepipedum | parallelepiped | solid figure |
parallellogram | parallelogram | convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length |
paraplu | umbrella | cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun |
paratyfus | typhoid fever | illness |
pardon | excuse me | request to repeat |
parel | pearl | round shelly concretion from oysters |
parfum | scent | fixme=Translation table header lacks gloss |
parfum | perfume | pleasant smell |
Parijzenaar | Parisian | someone from Paris |
parkiet | parakeet | various species of small parrots |
parlement | parliament | elected political institution |
participeren | participate | to join in, to take part, to involve oneself |
party | party | social gathering |
Pasen | Easter | Christian holiday |
pasgeborene | baby | young human being |
pasgeborene | babe | baby or infant |
pasja | pasha | title |
Pasjtoe | Pashto | official language of Afghanistan |
passage | access | a way or means of approaching |
passant | passer-by | a person who is passing by |
passen | forego | To precede. |
passend | complaisant | compliant |
passer | pair of compasses | tool used to draw circles |
paste aan | fitted | simple past of fit |
pasten aan | fitted | simple past of fit |
pastoor | priest | clergyman |
patat | potato | plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable |
paté | pâté | finely-ground paste of meat, game fish or vegetables |
pateen | patina | receptacle |
pathologie | pathology | the branch of medicine |
patiënt | outpatient | patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight |
patriciër | patrician | member of Roman aristocracy |
patrijs | partridge | any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris |
pauk | timpani | kettledrums |
paus | pope | head of Roman Catholic Church |
pauselijk | papal | related to the pope or papacy |
pausmobiel | Popemobile | any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope |
pauw | peacock | bird |
pauw | peafowl | a pheasant of the genus Pavo or Afropavo |
pedagoog | pedagogue | a teacher |
peen | carrot | orange root vegetable |
peer | pear | fruit |
pees | tendon | A tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment |
pejoratief | pejorative | disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression |
pekel | brine | salt water |
pelikaan | pelican | any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae |
pels | pelt | The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it |
pels | furry | covered with fur |
pels | fur | hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick |
pelzig | furry | covered with fur |
pendelen | commute | to regularly travel |
penis | penis | male sexual organ for copulation and urination |
pennenzak | pencil case | object purposed to contain different tools like pencil, rubber, liquid paper, etc |
penningmeester | treasurer | head of a corporation's treasury department |
pepermolen | pepper mill | a small handheld grinder |
per | per | for each |
per se | per se | by itself |
percent | percent | a part or other object per hundred |
perceptie | perception | conscious understanding of something |
perestrojka | perestroika | reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s |
perfect | perfect | fitting its definition precisely |
perfecte | perfect | fitting its definition precisely |
perfectie | perfection | being perfect |
perforator | perforator | tool that makes holes |
periferie | periphery | outside boundary, parts or surface |
perimeter | perimeter | sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object |
perineum | perineum | anatomical term |
periode | era | time period |
periodiek systeem | periodic table | chart of the chemical elements by atomic number |
perpendiculair | perpendicular | at or forming a right angle to |
Pers | Persian | member of ethnic group |
pers | press | device used to apply pressure |
persagentschap | press agency | organisation |
Persephone | Persephone | Greek goddess |
personage | personage | A famous or important person |
personage | character | being in a story |
personen | people | a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons |
persoon | person | human being |
persoonlijk | personal | of or pertaining to a particular person |
persoonlijk | in the flesh | with one's own body and presence |
persoonlijk | in person | actually present |
persoonlijkheid | personality | set of qualities that make a person distinct from another |
Peru | Peru | country in South America |
Peruaan | Peruvian | person from Peru |
Peruaanse | Peruvian | person from Peru |
perzikboom | peach | tree |
Perzische Golf | Persian Gulf | gulf between Iran and Arabian peninsula |
pest | pest | plague |
peter | godfather | A man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner |
Peter | Peter | male given name - the standard or most popular form |
peul | pod | seed case |
peuter | toddler | young human child |
Phaistos | Phaistos | ancient Minoan city in southern Crete |
pianist | pianist | piano player |
piano | piano | a keyboard musical instrument |
picoseconde | picosecond | 10<sup>-12</sup> second |
piemel | dick | penis |
pieper | potato | plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable |
pier | worm | animal |
pier | pier | raised platform built from the shore out over water |
pijl | arrow | projectile |
pijlkoker | quiver | arrow container |
pijn | pain | ache or bodily suffering |
pijnboom | pine | tree of the genus Pinus |
pijp | pipe | hollow tube |
pijpbeurt | blowjob | the act of sucking |
pijpen | give a blowjob | to suck |
pijpenstelen regenen | rain cats and dogs | to rain very heavily |
pijpewisser | pipe cleaner | wire which is used to clean small crevices |
pijpleiding | pipeline | a conduit made of pipes used to convey water, gas or petroleum etc |
pik | dick | penis |
pil | pill | A small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally |
piloot | pilot | controller of aircraft |
pin | pin | small needle with no eye |
pincet | tweezers | small pincers, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects |
pindakaas | peanut butter | a spread made from ground peanuts |
pinguïn | penguin | flightless sea bird |
pink | little finger | outermost and smallest finger of the hand |
pion | pawn | chess piece |
pionier | pioneer | one who goes before |
piraat | pirate | one who plunders at sea |
pis | pee | urine |
pis | piss | urine |
pissen | urinate | to pass urine from the body |
pit | pip | seed |
pizza | pizza | baked Italian dish |
pl | station | place where a vehicle may stop |
plaag | pest | plague |
plaatje | image | graphical representation |
plaatje | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
plaats | locale | place where something happens |
plaats | place | location, position |
plaatsigheid | arity | number of arguments |
plaatsigheid | adicity | number of arguments |
plaatsvinden | occur | present itself |
placemat | place mat | protective table mat |
plafond | ceiling | highest portion of room |
plagiaat | plagiarism | copying of someone's ideas |
planeet | planet | each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky |
planetoïde | asteroid | astronomy |
plank | board | piece of wood |
plank | shelf | structure |
plant | vegetable | any plant |
plant | plant | organism capable of photosynthesis |
planteneter | herbivore | plant-eating animal |
plas | pee | urine |
plassen | urinate | to pass urine from the body |
plasser | dick | penis |
plastic | plastic | a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material |
plat | flat | having no variations in altitude |
platitude | cliché | overused phrase or expression |
platteland | boondock | rural area |
platteland | countryside | A rural landscape |
platvis | flatfish | fish |
plechtigheid | ceremony | ritual with religious significance |
pleister | band-aid | adhesive bandage |
pleiten | plead | To present an argument |
pleitte | pled | Past tense of plead |
pleitten | pled | Past tense of plead |
plek | bruise | medical: mark on the skin |
plek | spot | stain |
plexus | plexus | network or interwoven mass |
plezierig | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
plezierig | pleasant | giving pleasure; pleasing in manner |
plezierige | fun | enjoyable, amusing |
plicht | duty | that which one is morally or legally obligated to do |
plicht | requirement | necessity |
ploeg | crew | group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment |
ploeg | plough | device pulled through the ground in order to break it upon into furrows for planting |
ploeg | plow | device pulled through the ground in order to break it upon into furrows for planting |
plooi | crease | mark made by folding |
plooien | flex | to bend something |
plots | suddenly | happening quickly and with little or no warning |
plotseling | sudden | happening quickly and with little or no warning |
plotseling | suddenly | happening quickly and with little or no warning |
plotselinge | sudden | happening quickly and with little or no warning |
pluim | feather | element of bird wings |
pluimstrijker | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
pluk de dag | seize the day | enjoy the present |
plunderen | ransack | to loot or pillage |
pneumoconiose | pneumoconiosis | disease of the lungs |
po | chamber pot | a bowl kept in a bedroom to serve as a temporary toilet |
poeder | powder | dust |
poema | puma | mountain lion |
poep | shit | solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel |
poep | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
poep-en-pieshumor | toilet humour | a scatological or vulgar phrase intended to be amusing |
poes | cat | domestic species |
poëtisch | poetic | related to poetry |
poets | polish | substance used to polish |
poetsmiddel | polish | substance used to polish |
poging | essay | an attempt |
poging | attempt | the action of trying at something |
poging | endeavour | sincere attempt |
pol | tussock | tuft or clump of grass or verdure |
Polen | Poland | European country |
poliklinisch | outpatient | patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight |
polis | polis | a city or city-state |
politica | politician | one engaged in politics |
politicoloog | political scientist | political science expert |
politicus | politician | one engaged in politics |
politie | police | police |
politiehond | police dog | trained dog for police work |
politieke gevangene | political prisoner | person |
pollen | pollen | fine granular substance produced in flowers |
pollepel | ladle | deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle |
pols | pulse | regular beat caused by the heart |
polsstokhoogspringer | pole-vaulter | A person who pole-vaults |
polyamorie | polyamory | practices involving relationships with multiple partners |
polyetheen | polyethylene | polyethylene |
polymeer | polymer | molecule consisting of many identical monomers |
polyseem | polysemic | having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings |
pomp | gas station | a place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car |
pomp | pump | device for moving liquid or gas |
pompelmoes | grapefruit | a large, round tart fruit |
pompoen | pumpkin | plant |
pompstation | gas station | a place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car |
pond | pound | unit of mass |
pony | bangs | hair that hangs down over the forehead |
pooier | pimp | prostitution solicitor |
pook | poker | metal rod for poking |
Pools | Polish | of Poland or its language |
Poolse | Polish | of Poland or its language |
poort | gate | door-like structure outside |
poosje | instant | period of time |
poot | foot | |
poot | paw | soft foot of an animal |
pootje | foot | |
pop | doll | a toy in the form of a human |
populier | poplar | any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus |
porie | pore | a tiny opening in the skin |
pornograaf | pornographer | person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography |
pornografie | porno | pornography |
pornografie | pornography | depiction of sexual subject matter |
pornografisch | pornographic | containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity |
porselein | porcelain | hard, white, translucent ceramic |
port | port wine | A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal |
porto | port wine | A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal |
Porto Rico | Puerto Rico | Caribbean Commonwealth |
portret | portrait | painting of a person |
portret | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
Portugal | Portugal | country |
Portugees | Portuguese | of or relating to Portugal |
Portugese | Portuguese | of or relating to Portugal |
positie | position | place, location |
positief | positive | definitely laid down |
postbode | postman | a person who delivers the post |
postbode | mailman | post office employee |
postscriptum | postscript | addendum to a letter |
postscriptum | post scriptum | after the writing |
postscriptum | postscriptum | written afterwards |
postuum | posthumous | taking place after one's death |
postzegel | postage stamp | piece of paper indicating postage has been paid |
pot | dyke | A lesbian |
pot | pot | vessel |
potas | potassium | the chemical element |
potasch | potash | pot ash |
potlood | pencil | graphite writing-instrument |
pottenbakker | potter | One who makes pots and ceramic wares |
potvis | sperm whale | sperm whale |
Praag | Prague | capital of the Czech Republic |
praal | pomp | show of magnificence |
pracht | glory | great beauty or splendour |
pragmatisch | pragmatic | practical |
praktijk | practice | repetition of an activity to improve skill |
praten | prate | to talk much, to chatter |
preambule | preamble | A short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute |
precies | precise | exact |
precies | precisely | in a precise manner |
precies | exact | precisely agreeing |
precies | accurate | exact or careful conformity to truth |
prediker | preacher | one who preaches |
Prediker | Ecclesiastes | book of the Bible |
preekstoel | pulpit | raised platform in church |
prefix | prefix | letters at the beginning of a word |
pregnant | pregnant | carrying an unborn child |
prehistorisch | prehistoric | of relating to the epoch before written record |
prei | leek | vegetable |
prelaat | prelate | a clergyman of high rank and authority |
premier | prime minister | in a Westminster-style democracy, the chief member of the cabinet and head of the government |
prent | picture | representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc |
presentje | gift | Something given to another voluntarily, without charge |
prestatie | feat | An accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult |
prettig | kind | nice |
Prettig kerstfeest | Merry Christmas | good wishes at Christmas time |
priemgetal | prime number | natural number |
priester | priest | clergyman |
priesteres | priestess | woman with religious duties |
prijs | fee | monetary payment charged for professional services |
prijs | price | cost required to gain possession of something |
prijsgeven | abandon | to give up |
prijzenswaardig | praiseworthy | meriting praise |
prik | soft drink | sweet carbonated beverage |
prikkelbaar | irascible | prone to anger |
prikkeldraad | barbed wire | twisted strands of steel wire |
priklimonade | soft drink | sweet carbonated beverage |
primaat | primate | mammal |
principe | precept | rule or principle governing personal conduct |
principe | principle | fundamental assumption |
prins | Prince Charming | romantically ideal man |
printen | to copy something on a surface, especially by machine | |
privaat | private | not done in the view of others |
privé | private | not done in the view of others |
probeersel | attempt | the action of trying at something |
probleem | problem | difficulty |
problematisch | problematic | problematic |
procedure | procedure | method |
procent | percent | a part or other object per hundred |
proces | litigation | conduct of a lawsuit |
proces | case | legal proceeding |
processor | processor | a computer, especially as short for a microprocessor |
producent | producer | in economics |
produceren | produce | make or manufacture |
proef | experiment | test under controlled conditions |
proef | test | challenge, trial |
proeflezen | proofread | to check for errors in spelling and grammar |
proefschrift | dissertation | formal exposition of a subject |
proefwerk | examination | formal test |
prof | don | university professor |
profeet | prophet | one who speaks by divine inspiration |
professor | don | university professor |
programmatuur | software | encoded computer instructions |
project | project | planned endeavo(u)r |
proletariërs aller landen, verenigt U | workers of the world, unite | workers of the world, unite |
promille | permille | per thousand |
prominent | outstanding | standing out from others |
promotie maken | promote | to raise someone to a more important, responsible or better paid job or rank |
promoveren | promote | to raise someone to a more important, responsible or better paid job or rank |
pronken | show off | to exhibit, demonstrate sth for its own sake |
proper | clean | not dirty |
propje | pellet | Usually a small, compressed, symmetrical and hard chunk of matter |
prostitutie | prostitution | having sex for profit |
proteïne | protein | one of three major classes of food |
protestbandje | armband | A band worn around the arm |
protesteren | protest | to make a strong objection |
prothese | prosthesis | artificial replacement for a body part |
proton | proton | positively charged nucleon |
pruim | plum | the fruit |
prut | cheers | toast when drinking |
Psalmen | Psalms | book of the Bible |
pseudoniem | pseudonym | fictious name |
psyche | mind | ability for rational thought |
psychiater | psychiatrist | doctor specializing in psychiatry |
psycholoog | psychologist | expert in the field of psychology |
psychotherapeut | psychotherapist | who practices psychotherapy |
publiek | audience | a group of people seeing a performance |
publiek | public | pertaining to the affairs or official affairs of all people |
puist | pimple | inflamed spot on the surface of the skin |
puitaal | eelpout | fish of the family Zoarcidae |
pukkel | pimple | inflamed spot on the surface of the skin |
punt | dot | small spot or mark |
punt | full stop | The punctuation mark “.” |
punt | point | location or place |
punt uit | period | and nothing else |
puntenslijper | pencil sharpener | a device used to sharpen pencils |
purper | purple | colour |
purulent | pussy | containing pus |
pus | pus | fluid found in regions of infection |
put | pit | a hole |
PVBA | Ltd | Abbreviation for Public Limited Liability Corporation |
pyjama | pyjamas | clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in |
pyramide | pyramid | ancient construction |
Pyreneeën | Pyrenees | the mountain range separating Spain from France |
pyroclastische stroom | pyroclastic flow | pyroclastic flow |
Pythagoras | Pythagoras | Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher |
Qatar | Qatar | a country in the Middle East |
qua | qua | in the capacity of |
quaternion | quaternion | Mathematical sense |
Quebec | Quebec | province |
Quechua | Quechua | language |
Quenyaans | Quenya | constructed language |
quiz | quiz | competition in the answering of questions |
quotiënt | quotient | number resulting from division |
R.I.P. | RIP | rest in peace |
raad | council | committee that leads or governs |
raad | advice | opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel. |
raadsel | puzzle | anything difficult to understand or make sense of |
raadselachtigheid | mysteriousness | the quality of being mysterious |
raaf | raven | bird |
raaklijn | tangent | in geometry |
raam | window | opening for light and air |
raap | turnip | white root of Brassica rapa |
raar | strange | not normal |
raar | odd | strange |
Rachel | Rachel | younger daughter of Laban |
racist | racist | advocate of racism |
Rad van Fortuin | Wheel of Fortune | television game show |
raden | guess | prediction about the outcome of something |
radijs | radish | plant |
radon | radon | chemical element |
raison d'être | raison d'être | Reason for existence |
rakelen | rake | use a rake on |
raken | touch | make physical contact with |
raken | hit | To give a blow |
rakker | rascal | someone who is naughty |
Ram | Aries | constellation |
ram | ram | male sheep |
ramadan | Ramadan | holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar |
ramp | disaster | unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc. |
rancune | rancor | the deepest malignity or spite |
rancune | rancour | the deepest malignity or spite |
rancuneus | vindictive | having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge |
rand | border | the outer edge of something |
ransel | satchel | bag or case with a shoulder strap |
rap | quick | moving with speed |
rapier | rapier | slender straight sharply pointed sword |
rapport | report card | grades |
rapport | report | information describing events |
rapportkaart | report card | grades |
rare | strange | not normal |
ras | race | a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage |
raster | grid | rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size |
ratelpopulier | aspen | tree of genus Populus |
ratelslang | rattlesnake | poisonous snake |
rationaal getal | rational number | quotient of integers |
rationeel | rational | agreeable to reason |
rationele | rational | agreeable to reason |
rauw | raw | uncooked |
rauwe | raw | uncooked |
ravijn | ravine | a deep narrow valley |
ravijn | abyss | a bottomless or unfathomed depth |
reactie | reaction | action in response to an event |
reageerbuis | test tube | glass tube |
realiseerbaar | realizable | capable of being realized or achieved |
Rebekka | Rebekah | sister of Laban and wife to Isaac |
rebel | rebel | person who resists an established authority |
rebellie | rebellion | armed resistance |
recapitulatie | recapitulation | the brief recitement of the major points |
recentelijk | recently | in the recent past |
recept | recipe | instructions for making or preparing food dishes |
rechercheur | detective | police officer who looks for evidence |
recht | straight | Not crooked or bent |
recht | right | straight |
rechtbank | court of law | court presided over by a judge |
rechte | straight | Not crooked or bent |
rechte haak | square bracket | symbol [ or ] |
rechter | judge | public judicial official |
rechterlijke macht | judiciary | the judicial branch of government |
Rechters | Judges | book of the Bible |
rechthoek | rectangle | quadrilateral |
rechthoekig | rectangular | having a shape like a rectangle |
rechthoekige | rectangular | having a shape like a rectangle |
rechtsgeleerdheid | jurisprudence | the philosophy, science and study of law and decisions |
rechtszaak | litigation | conduct of a lawsuit |
rechtszaak | case | legal proceeding |
rechtszaak | lawsuit | a case where a court is needed to resolve differences |
recidivist | reoffender | repeat offender |
recidiviste | reoffender | repeat offender |
reclame | advertisement | commercial solicitation |
recreatie | recreation | activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates |
rectaal | rectal | Of -, via - or related to the rectum |
recycleren | recycle | to break down and reuse component materials |
rede | anchorage | place for anchoring |
redekunde | rhetoric | art of using language for persuasion |
redelijk | rational | agreeable to reason |
redelijke | rational | agreeable to reason |
reden | cause | Source or reason of an event or action |
reden | purpose | target |
redenering | reasoning | action of the verb 'to reason' |
redetwisten | argue | debate |
ree | roe deer | small deer species, Capreolus capreolus |
ree | anchorage | place for anchoring |
reeds | already | prior to some time |
reeks | series | a number of things that follow on one after the other |
reeks conclusie | series finale | the final episode of a television series |
reet | asshole | anus |
reet | bum | informal: buttocks or anus |
regel | precept | rule or principle governing personal conduct |
regel | rule | regulation |
regelbaar | variable | able to vary |
regeling | regulation | law or administrative rule |
regelmatig | regular | with constant frequency |
regelmatige | regular | with constant frequency |
regelrecht | downright | really; actually; quite; thoroughly; utterly |
regen | rain | condensed water from a cloud |
regenbui | shower | fall of light rain |
regenscherm | umbrella | cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun |
regenworm | earthworm | worm (animal) |
regenwoud | rainforest | a forest in a climate with high annual rainfall and no dry season |
regering | government | government |
regio | region | any considerable and connected part of a space or surface |
regionale uitsluiting | regional lockout | prevents the playing of imported media on a domestically marketed device |
reiger | heron | bird |
reis | voyage | long journey; especially by ship |
reis | journey | trip, a voyage |
reis | tour | journey |
reizen | travel | to be on a journey |
reiziger | voyager | a person who voyages |
rek | shelf | structure |
rek | rack | series of shelves |
rekel | rascal | someone who is naughty |
rekenen op | rely | To rely on |
rekening | invoice | bill |
rekening houden | take into account | to consider or regard; to include |
rekening houden met | keep in mind | to remember |
rekenkunde | arithmetic | mathematics of numbers, etc. |
rekenmachine | calculator | electronic device that performs mathematical calculations |
rekentoesel | calculator | electronic device that performs mathematical calculations |
relatie | link | connection |
relatief | relatively | proportionally |
relevant | relevant | Directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic |
religie | religion | system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death |
ren | pen | enclosed area for animals |
Renate | Renata | female given name |
rendier | reindeer | an Arctic and Subarctic-dwelling deer |
renegaat | renegade | outlaw or rebel |
repareren | mend | To repair |
repertorium | directory | list of names, addresses etc. |
representatief | representative | typical |
reptiel | reptile | a cold-blooded vertebrate |
republiek | republic | a type of state |
Republiek Macedonië | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | Republic of Macedonia |
reputatie | repute | reputation, especially a good reputation |
requiem | requiem | a mass or other ceremony to honor and remember a dead person |
respect | respect | admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit |
respectvol | respectful | characterized by respect |
restaurant | restaurant | an eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables |
retorica | rhetoric | art of using language for persuasion |
reuk | odour | Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume |
reuk | smell | sensation |
reus | giant | mythical human |
reusachtig | huge | very large |
reuzel | lard | fat from the abdomen of a pig |
reuzenwolf | dire wolf | extinct canine |
Reverend | Reverend | an honorary title added to the names of Christian clergy |
revolutie | revolution | political upheaval |
rib | rib | curved bones |
ribbenkast | rib cage | part of skeleton |
Richteren | Judges | book of the Bible |
ridder | knight | warrior, especially of the Middle Ages |
riem | oar | implement used to row a boat |
riem | belt | band worn around the waist |
riem | strop | strap |
riet | cane | slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo |
rietstok | cane | slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo |
rif | reef | rocks at or near surface of the water |
rij | row | line of objects |
rij | queue | line of people |
rijden | ride | in a vehicle |
rijk | rich | having wealth |
rijk | realm | sphere or influence |
rijkdom | affluence | a large amount of wealth |
rijkelijk voorhanden | abundant | fully sufficient; plentiful |
rijksdaalder | rix-dollar | A rix-dollar |
rijm | frost | cover of minute ice crystals |
Rijn | Rhine | river that flows through Europe |
rijp | frost | cover of minute ice crystals |
rijpen | ripen | to grow ripe |
rijst | rice | <!--DefNOryza_sativa-->plants |
rijzen | dawn | to begin to brighten with daylight |
rilling | shudder | A shivering tremor |
ringvinger | ring finger | finger between the middle finger and little finger |
riool | sewer | pipe or system of pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage |
rioolrat | rat | rodent |
ritme | beat | rhythm |
ritmisch | rhythmic | relating to rhythm |
ritselen | finagle | (transitive) to obtain or achieve by indirect, usually deceitful methods |
ritus | rite | ritual |
rivaal | rival | competitor against the same objective |
riviergrondel | gudgeon | Gobio gobio |
rivierkreeft | crayfish | freshwater crustacean resembling lobster |
robot | robot | mechanical or virtual, artificial agent |
roddelaar | gossip | person |
roddelaarster | gossip | person |
Rode Khmer | Khmer Rouge | Cambodian communist guerrilla force |
rode wijn | red wine | red coloured wine |
Rode Zee | Red Sea | sea between Africa and Arabia |
Rodinië | Rodinia | ancient world supercontinent |
roede | verge | rod or staff of office |
roek | rook | bird |
roekeloos | reckless | careless or heedless; headstrong or rash |
Roemeens | Romanian | of or relating to Romania, its people, or language |
Roemeense | Romanian | of or relating to Romania, its people, or language |
Roemenië | Romania | South-Eastern European country |
roepnaam | given name | name chosen for a child by its parents |
roerdomp | bittern | bird of the family Ardeidae |
roest | rust | result of oxidation |
roet | soot | Fine black or dull brown particles of amorphous carbon and tar, produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil etc |
ROGGBIV | Roy G. Biv | mnemonic |
rogge | rye | grass or its grains as food |
rok | skirt | clothing |
rokade | castling | move in chess |
rollen | roll | to cause to revolve |
rolstoel | wheelchair | a chair mounted on large wheels for the transportation or use of a sick or disabled person |
roltrap | escalator | mechanical device |
romancier | novelist | author of novels |
romanisatie | romanisation | Putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet |
romanisatie | romanization | Putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet |
romanschrijver | novelist | author of novels |
Rome | Rome | province |
Rome is niet op één dag gebouwd, Keulen en Aken zijn niet op één dag gebouwd | Rome wasn't built in a day | it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive |
Romein | Roman | a native or resident of Rome |
Romeinse | Roman | a native or resident of Rome |
Romeinse cijfers | Roman numerals | system of numerals |
Romeo | Romeo | character in Romeo and Juliet |
rommel | junk | rubbish, waste |
rommelmarkt | flea market | an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios |
rond | about | around |
rond | round | circular or cylindrical |
rond de pot draaien | beat around the bush | to treat a topic but omit its main points |
rondborstig | busty | having large breasts |
rondhangen | loiter | to stand about idly |
rondreizen | peregrinate | to travel from place to place |
rondtrekken | peregrinate | to travel from place to place |
röntgenstraal | X-ray | short wavelength electromagnetic radiation |
rood | red | having red as its colour |
rood worden | redden | To become red |
roodachtig | reddish | resembling the colour red |
roodborstje | robin | Erithacus rubecula |
roodborstje | redbreast | Erithacus rubecula |
roodharig | redheaded | having red hair |
roodverschuiving | redshift | change in wavelength |
rook | smoke | particles and vapour given off by burning material |
room | cream | oily part of milk |
roomijs | ice cream | dessert |
roos | rose | shrub |
roos | pink | flower |
ros | horse | large hoofed animal |
rosse grutto | bar-tailed godwit | bar-tailed godwit |
rot | rotten | decayed, gone bad |
rots | rock | natural mineral aggregate |
rotsblok | boulder | a large piece of stone that can theoretically be moved if enough force is applied |
rotsduif | rock dove | rock pigeon |
rouw | sorrow | unhappiness |
rouw | mourning | an act of mourning |
rouwbandje | armband | A band worn around the arm |
rouwen | mourn | express sadness for, grieve over |
rover | robber | one who robs or steals |
rozemarijn | rosemary | Rosmarinus officianalis |
rozenstruik | rose | shrub |
rozijn | raisin | raisin |
rug | back | the rear of body |
ruggengraat | backbone | set of bones which connected make up the spine and spinal column |
ruggengraat | spine | backbone |
ruggenmerg | spinal cord | thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue |
rugvin | dorsal fin | fin on a marine animal's back |
rugzak | rucksack | a bag carried on the back |
rugzak | backpack | worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking |
ruig | rugged | broken into sharp points |
ruig | rough | not smooth |
ruiker | bouquet | bunch of flowers |
ruil | barter | an equal exchange |
ruilhandel | barter | an equal exchange |
ruimte | space | intervening contents of a volume |
ruimte | room | |
ruimteschip | spaceship | vehicle that flies through space |
ruimtesonde | space probe | unmanned space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth orbit |
ruimtevaarder | astronaut | member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose |
ruimteveer | space shuttle | vehicle capable of travelling repeated btw Earth and outer space |
ruin | gelding | castrated male horse |
ruïne | ruin | construction withered by time |
ruit | pane | individual sheet of glass |
ruit | rhombus | A parallelogram having all sides of equal length |
ruit | window | opening for light and air |
ruiten | diamonds | one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦ |
ruiter | rider | one who rides |
rukken | jerk off | To masturbate |
rukken | wank | intransitive: to masturbate |
rukker | wanker | person who wanks |
rundvee | cattle | domesticated bovine animals |
rundvlees | beef | meat |
rups | caterpillar | larva of a butterfly |
Rusland | Russia | country in Asia and Europe |
Russisch | Russian | the Russian language |
Russische Federatie | Russian Federation | Russia |
rust | peace | tranquility, quiet, harmony |
rust | RIP | rest in peace |
rustig | quiet | The prepositional case |
rustig | relaxed | having an easy-going mood |
rustig | tranquilly | in a tranquil manner |
rutiel | rutile | the most frequent of the three polymorphs of titanium dioxide |
ruw | crass | coarse; crude; not refined or sensible |
ruw | rough | not smooth |
ruwe olie | crude oil | crude oil |
ruzie | quarrel | verbal dispute or heated argument |
Rwanda | Rwanda | Rwandese Republic |
's morgens | a.m. | before noon |
's ochtends | a.m. | before noon |
sabbat | Sabbath | Biblical seventh day |
sabel | sabre | light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point |
saffier | sapphire | gem |
sago | sago | a powdered starch obtained from certain palms used as a food thickener |
Saint Kitts en Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis | A country in the Caribbean |
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | country in the Caribbean |
salade | salad | a food made primarily of a mixture of raw ingredients, typically vegetables |
salaris | salary | fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis |
salaris | wage | money paid to a worker |
saldo | amount | total or sum of items |
Salomonseilanden | Solomon Islands | A country in Melanesia |
samenkomst | junction | the act of joining |
samensmelten | coalesce | to join into a single mass |
samenvatten | recapitulate | to summarize or repeat in concise form |
samenvatting | abstract | an abrigement or summary |
samenvloeiing | junction | the act of joining |
samenwerken | collaborate | to work together on a piece of work |
samenzwering | conspiracy | act of working in secret to obtain some goal |
samoerai | samurai | feudal Japanese soldier |
Samos | Samos | an island belonging to the Sporades and a city |
Samson | Samson | Israelite judge |
Samuel | Samuel | book of the Bible |
sandaal | sandal | type of footwear |
sandwich | sandwich | snack |
Sanskriet | Sanskrit | language |
santé | cheers | toast when drinking |
Sao Tomé en Principe | São Tomé and Príncipe | Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe |
Saoedi-Arabië | Saudi Arabia | country in the Middle East |
sap | juice | liquid from a plant |
sap | sap | juice of plant |
sappig | juicy | containing juice |
sarcofaag | sarcophagus | coffin |
Sardinië | Sardinia | island of Italy |
sarkastisch | sarcastic | Containing sarcasm |
satanisch | devilish | resembling or characteristic of a devil |
satanisme | Satanism | devil worship |
satelliet | satellite | object orbiting a celestial object |
Saudi-Arabië | Saudi Arabia | country in the Middle East |
saus | sauce | liquid condiment |
saus | gravy | sauce |
Savooien | Savoy | a historical region of western Europe |
saxofoon | saxophone | a musical instrument of the woodwind family |
schaakbord | chessboard | square board used in the game of chess |
schaakmat | checkmate | said when making the conclusive move in chess |
schaakspel | chess | two-player board game |
schaal | bowl | container |
schaal | scale | ordered numerical sequence |
schaaldier | crustacean | arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea |
schaamhaar | pubic hair | collectively |
schaamte | shame | uncomfortable or painful feeling |
schaap | sheep | animal |
schaapherder | shepherd | a person who tends sheep |
schaar | scissors | tool used for cutting |
schade | damage | abstract measure of something not being intact; harm |
schadelijk | detrimental | causing damage or harm |
schadelijk | pernicious | causing death or injury |
schaduw | shadow | dark image projected onto a surface |
schaduw | shade | darkness where light is blocked |
schakelaar | switch | device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow |
schaken | chess | two-player board game |
schap | shelf | structure |
-schap | -ship | noun suffix indicating the state of being something |
schapen | sheep | animal |
scharlaken | scarlet | colour |
scharnier | hinge | device for the pivoting of a door |
schat | treasure | collection of valuable things |
schatten | approximation | act of approximating |
schatting | estimate | rough calculation or guess |
schede | sheath | scabbard |
schede | vagina | anatomical sense |
scheef | skew | neither perpendicular nor parallel |
scheefte | skewness | property of being skew |
scheen | shin | front part of the leg below the knee |
scheenbeen | shinbone | tibia |
scheenbeen | tibia | bone of the leg |
scheepsbeschuit | rusk | light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven |
scheermes | razor | knife |
scheerriem | strop | strap |
scheet | fart | an emission of flatulent gases |
scheet | break wind | fart |
scheiding | division | act or process of dividing anything |
scheiding | dissociation | act of dissociating |
scheiding | severance | act of severing |
scheidsrechter | referee | sport: umpire, judge, the supervisor of a game |
scheikunde | chemistry | branch of natural science |
scheikundig element | chemical element | any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction |
schelmenstreek | knavery | the (mis)behaviour of a knave |
schelp | shell | hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates |
schelvis | haddock | marine fish |
schema | plan | technical drawing |
schemering | nightfall | the close of the day; the coming of night |
schemering | dusk | a period of time occurring at the end of the day during which the sun sets |
schemering | twilight | light before rising, and after the setting, of the sun |
schenden | violate | to break or fail to act by rules |
schenking | donation | a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause |
scheppen | create | to make |
schepper | creator | one who creates |
schepsel | creature | A creature |
scheren | barber | to cut the hair |
scheren | shave | to remove hair |
schermen | fencing | sport |
schermutseling | skirmish | brief battle between small groups |
scherp | sharp | able to cut easily |
scherp | jittery | nervy |
scherpe | sharp | able to cut easily |
scherpen | sharpen | to make sharp |
scherper | pencil sharpener | a device used to sharpen pencils |
scherpheid | sharpness | cutting ability of an edge |
scheuren | tear | rend |
schiereiland | peninsula | a piece of land projecting into water |
schieten | shoot | to fire a shot |
schietgraag | trigger-happy | having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly |
schietlood | plummet | lead on a line |
schijf | disc | a thin, flat, circular plate |
schijf | disk | a thin, flat, circular plate |
schijnen | seem | to appear |
schijnen | shine | to emit light |
schijnheilig | hypocritical | characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite |
schijt | shit | solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel |
schijthuis | shithouse | outhouse |
schijt-voor-hersenen | shit-for-brains | Very stupid |
schild | shield | armor |
schilder | painter | artist |
schildwacht gebeurtenis | sentinel event | unusual event in a medical setting which results in death or serious physical injury |
schillen | peel | to remove skin |
schip | ship | large water vessel |
schip | boat | water craft |
schisma | schism | split, division, separation, discord |
schizofrenie | schizophrenia | illness |
schoen | boot | shoe that covers part of the leg |
schoen | shoe | protective covering for the foot |
schol | cheers | toast when drinking |
schommelstoel | rocking chair | chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked |
Schone Slaapster | Sleeping Beauty | fairy tale |
school | school | an institution dedicated to teaching and learning |
schoolslag | breaststroke | swimming stroke |
schoon | clean | not dirty |
schoonbroer | brother-in-law | the brother of one's husband |
schoondochter | daughter-in-law | wife of someone's son |
schoonheid | beauty | quality of pleasing appearance |
schoonmoeder | mother-in-law | spouse’s mother |
schoonvader | father-in-law | One's spouse's father |
schoonzoon | son-in-law | son-in-law |
schoonzus | sister-in-law | wife's sister |
schoonzuster | sister-in-law | wife's sister |
schoorsteen | smokestack | a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out |
schoorsteen | chimney | vertical tube or hollow column; a flue |
schop | spade | a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging |
schop | shovel | tool for moving portions of material |
schoppen | spades | The suit of playing cards |
schoppen | kick | strike with or raise the foot or leg |
schor | hoarse | Afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice |
schorpioen | Scorpio | constellation |
schorpioen | Scorpius | constellation |
schorpioen | scorpion | scorpion |
schors | bark | exterior covering of a tree |
schort | apron | clothing |
Schot | Scotsman | a man from Scotland |
Schotland | Scotland | country in northwest Europe to the north of England |
Schots-Gaelisch | Scottish Gaelic | The Gaelic language of Scotland |
schouder | shoulder | joint between arm and torso |
schouderblad | shoulder blade | bone |
schouw | chimney | vertical tube or hollow column; a flue |
schreeuw | scream | loud exclamation |
schreeuw | shout | a loud burst of voice |
schrijfmachine | typewriter | machine used to print text by pressing keys |
schrijfsel | writing | written letters or symbols that express some meaning |
schrijfster | author | originator or creator of a work |
schrijfster | writer | person who writes; an author |
schrijfstift | stylus | a sharp stick |
schrijlings | astride | with one’s legs on either side |
schrijn | shrine | a place that is holy |
schrijven | write | to form letters, etc. |
schrijver | author | originator or creator of a work |
schrijver | writer | person who writes; an author |
schrikkeljaar | leap year | 366-day year in the Gregorian calendar |
schroef | screw | fastener |
schroevendraaier | screwdriver | tool |
schrokken | pig out | eat voraciously or ravenously |
schuchter | timid | lacking in courage or confidence |
schudden | concuss | person who is visually similar to another; a double |
schuif | drawer | open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing |
schuifster | slipper | a person who slips, has slipped, or is currently slipping |
schuilen | lurk | to hang out or wait around a location |
schuim | lather | foam of soap and water |
schuim | froth | foam |
schuim | foam | foam |
schuiven | slide | to cause to move in contact with a surface |
schuiver | slipper | a person who slips, has slipped, or is currently slipping |
schuld | blame | state of having caused a bad event |
schuld | guilt | responsibility for wrongdoing |
schuldig | reprehensible | blameworthy |
schup | spade | a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging |
schuren | abrade | (transitive) to rub or wear off; to waste or wear away by friction |
schurkenstaat | rogue state | state or nation acting outside of the accepted national or international norms and policies |
schuurziekte | scrapie | A degenerative prion disease |
scrabble | Scrabble | board game with interlocking words |
scriptie | treatise | systematic discourse on some subject |
scrotum | scrotum | the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles |
secretaresse | secretary | person keeping records and handling clerical work |
secundair | secondary | succeeding first |
sedert | since | from (time) |
Seeland | Zealand | Danish island |
Sefanja | Zephaniah | book of the Bible |
segment | segment | length of some object |
seizoen | season | quarter of a year |
seks | sex | Act of sexual intercourse |
seksuologie | sexology | The study of sex and sexuality |
selder | celery | herb |
selderie | celery | herb |
selderij | celery | herb |
selenaat | selenate | any salt or ester of selenic acid |
semafoor | semaphore | visual signaling system |
semla | semla | pastry |
Senegal | Senegal | Republic of Senegal |
september | September | ninth month of the Gregorian calendar |
sequoia | sequoia | tree |
sergeant | sergeant | highest rank of noncommissioned officer |
serie | series | a number of things that follow on one after the other |
serieus | serious | without humor or expression of happiness |
sering | lilac | shrub |
serpent | snake | legless reptile |
servet | napkin | serviette |
Servië en Montenegro | Serbia and Montenegro | former country on the Balkan Peninsula |
Serviër | Serbian | |
Servische | Serbian | |
Servokroatisch | Serbo-Croatian | all three senses |
sessie | session | period devoted to a particular activity |
sexspeeltje | sex toy | marital aid |
sexuele betrekkingen | sexual intercourse | sexual interaction |
sexy | sexy | having sexual appeal |
Seychellen | Seychelles | country in East Africa |
sfeer | realm | sphere or influence |
Sfinx | Sphinx | large monument in Egypt |
's-Gravenhage | The Hague | Dutch city |
sharia | Shari'a | Islamic religious law |
sheik | sheik | leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe |
shirt | shirt | article of clothing |
siamees | Siamese cat | mammal |
siberisch | Siberian | from, of or pertaining to Siberia |
Siciliaans | Sicilian | relating to Sicily or its inhabitants |
sieren | adorn | Make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate |
sieren | decorate | to furnish with decorations |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | Republic of Sierra Leone |
sigaret | cigarette | cigarette |
sijlfiguur | figure of speech | word or phrase |
silage | silage | fodder stored in a silo |
Silezië | Silesia | region |
Silezisch | Silesian | Slavic language |
silt | silt | fine earth deposited by water |
simpel | simple | uncomplicated |
simpele | simpleton | simple person lacking common sense |
sinaasappelboom | orange | tree |
sinds | since | from (time) |
Singapore | Singapore | Republic of Singapore |
Sinterklaas | Santa Claus | Santa Claus |
Sint-Helena | Saint Helena | United Kingdom overseas territory in the Atlantic Ocean |
Sint-Nicolaas | Santa Claus | Santa Claus |
sinus | sine | trigonometric function |
sirene | siren | nymph of Greek mythology |
sissende kakkerlak | cockroach | insect |
sjaal | headscarf | a more or less square piece of material worn over the head by women |
sjabloon | template | a model or pattern used for making multiple copies of a single object |
Sjanghai | Shanghai | city in China |
sjerp | sash | decorative length of cloth |
Sjors | George | male given name |
skeeler | rollerblade | roller skate |
skeeler | in-line skate | A rollerblade |
skelet | skeleton | system that provides support to an organism |
ski | ski | one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow |
skiër | skier | someone who practices skiing |
skiester | skier | someone who practices skiing |
sla | lettuce | an edible plant, Lactuca sativa |
Slaaf | Slav | person of Slavic origins |
slaaf | slave | person owned by another |
slaap | sleep | state of reduced consciousness |
slaap | temple | region of skull |
slaap zacht | sweet dreams | sweet dreams |
slaapliedje | lullaby | a soothing song to lull children to sleep |
slaapzak | sleeping bag | padded or insulated bag |
slachtafval | offal | rejected parts of an animal |
slachterij | slaughterhouse | An abattoir, a place where animals are slaughtered |
slachthuis | abattoir | public slaughterhouse |
slachting | bloodshed | The shedding or spilling of blood; slaughter |
slagader | artery | efferent vassels from the heart |
slager | butcher | a person who prepares and sells meat |
slaginstrument | percussion instrument | type of instrument |
slagroom | whipped cream | thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating |
slagtand | tusk | pointed tooth |
slagveld | battlefield | field of a land battle |
slagzin | slogan | phrase associated with a product, used in advertising |
slak | slag | the impurities which result and are separated out when melting a metal or refining it from its ore |
slak | slug | gastropod |
slang | snake | legless reptile |
slang | adder | snake |
slang | serpent | a snake |
slank | slender | thin |
slank | slim | slender |
slanke | slim | slender |
slap | flabby | yielding to the touch |
slap | weak | lacking in force or ability |
slap | floppy | limp, not hard, firm or rigid; flexible |
slapeloosheid | insomnia | sleeping disorder |
slaper | sleeper | someone who sleeps |
Slavische | Slav | person of Slavic origins |
slecht | bad | not good |
slechts | just | only, simply, merely |
slechtvalk | peregrine falcon | Falco peregrinus |
slee | sleigh | vehicle on runners |
slepen | slide | to cause to move in contact with a surface |
slepen | drag | to pull along a surface |
sleutel | key | device designed to open and close a lock |
sleutelbeen | clavicle | bone |
sleutelbeen | collarbone | the bone joining the shoulder and the breastbone |
sleutelhanger | keychain | chain |
sleutelwoord | keyword | word used as a key to a code |
slijk | mud | soil and water |
slijm | mucus | slippery secretion |
slijmvlies | mucous membrane | membrane which secretes mucus |
slijpen | sharpen | to make sharp |
slijper | pencil sharpener | a device used to sharpen pencils |
slikken | swallow | to cause pass from the mouth into the stomach |
slingeren | sling | to throw |
slip | slip | act of slipping |
slipje | panties | short underpants for women or girls |
slipper | slipper | a person who slips, has slipped, or is currently slipping |
slipster | slipper | a person who slips, has slipped, or is currently slipping |
sloffen | trudge | to walk wearily with heavy, slow steps |
slokdarm | oesophagus | the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach |
sloom | slow | not quick in motion |
sloop | demolition | the action of demolishing or destroying, in particular of buildings or other structures |
sloot | ditch | trench |
slopen | destroy | to damage beyond use or repair |
slot | castle | fortified building |
slot | latch | fastening for a door |
slot | lock | something used for fastening |
Slovaaks | Slovak | of Slovakia or its language |
Slovakije | Slovakia | Slovak Republic |
Sloveens | Slovenian | Slovenian |
Sloveens | Slovene | adjective |
Sloveense | Slovene | adjective |
Sloveense | Slovenian | Slovenian |
Slovenië | Slovenia | country in Europe |
Slowaaks | Slovak | of Slovakia or its language |
Slowakije | Slovakia | Slovak Republic |
sluimering | slumber | a very light state of sleep<!--DefA--> |
sluipen | pussyfoot | move silently |
sluiten | shut | to close |
sluiting | closure | event signifying an ending |
sluw | cunning | sly |
smaad | slander | false, malicious statement |
smachten | yearn | to have a strong desire |
smakelijk | delicious | pleasing to taste |
smaragdgroen | emerald | rich green colour |
smaragdgroene | emerald | rich green colour |
smart | sorrow | unhappiness |
Sméagol | Gollum | finctional character |
smeden | forgery | the act of forging metal into shape |
smederij | forgery | the act of forging metal into shape |
smeet | flung | past tense of to fling |
smelten | melt | to change from a solid to a liquid |
smeltoven | forge | furnace or hearth |
smeren | smear | to spread (a substance) |
smerig | dirty | covered with or containing dirt |
smeten | flung | past tense of to fling |
smid | smith | craftsperson who works metal |
smid | blacksmith | iron forger |
smidsvuur | forge | furnace or hearth |
smijten | launch | throw, hurl, let fly |
smijten | throw | To cause an object to move rapidly through the air |
smog | smog | urban air pollution |
smokkelaar | smuggler | One who smuggles things |
smurf | smurf | fictional character |
snaarinstrument | string instrument | musical instrument that produced sound by strings |
snappen | understand | to be aware of the meaning of |
snavel | beak | structure projecting from a bird's face |
sneeuw | snow | precipitation |
sneeuwbal | snowball | ball of snow |
sneeuwluipaard | snow leopard | a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia |
sneeuwpanter | snow leopard | a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia |
sneeuwploeg | snowplow | vehicle |
sneeuwruimer | snowplow | vehicle |
sneeuwstorm | snowstorm | bad weather involving blowing winds and snow |
sneeuwvlok | snowflake | crystal |
Sneeuwwitje | Snow White | character from Snow White (Schneewittchen) |
snel | quickly | rapidly, fast |
snel | quick | moving with speed |
snel | rapid | Rapid |
snel | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
snel vermenigvuldigen | proliferate | to increase in number |
snelheid | speed | rapidity |
snelheid van het licht | lightspeed | the speed of light |
snelle | rapid | Rapid |
snelvoedsel | fast food | type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly |
snelweg | expressway | US: divided highway |
snijden | dice | to cut into small cubes |
snijden | whittle | cut or shape wood with a knife |
snijden | cut | having been cut |
snijding | section | cutting |
snik | sob | a cry with a short, sudden expulsion of breath |
snoep | candy | piece of candy |
snor | mustache | growth of facial hair between the nose and the upper lip |
snor | moustache | hair on upper lip |
snuit | snout | The long, projecting nose, mouth and jaw of a beast, as of pigs |
SOA | STD | sexually transmitted disease |
socialistisch | socialist | of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism |
socialistische | socialist | of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism |
Soedan | Sudan | Republic of Sudan |
soep | soup | dish |
soeplepel | tablespoon | a large spoon, used for eating food |
soera | sura | chapter of the Qur'an |
soevereiniteit | sovereignty | of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations. |
sofa | couch | furniture for seating |
Sofia | Sofia | the capital city of Bulgaria |
software | software | encoded computer instructions |
Sogdianië | Sogdiana | an ancient Persian-speaking civilization |
sok | sock | covering for the foot |
soldaat | soldier | member of an army |
solide | solid | In the state of being a solid |
solide | sturdy | of firm build |
som | sum | quantity obtained by addition or aggregation |
Somalië | Somalia | country in Eastern Africa |
Somalisch | Somali | a language |
soms | sometimes | on certain occasions, but not always |
sonnet | sonnet | sonnet, a type of poem |
Sont | Sound | strait that separates Zealand from Scania |
Soort zoekt soort | birds of a feather flock together | People of similar character, etc. tend to associate |
sop | lather | foam of soap and water |
sorbet | sorbet | frozen fruit juice |
sovjet | soviet | council |
spaakbeen | radius | bone |
Spaans | Castilian | Language |
Spaans | Spanish | of, from, or pertaining to Spain |
Spaanse | Spaniard | somebody from Spain |
spaarlamp | fluorescent lamp | a gas-discharge lamp |
spaarpot | piggy bank | a small container to store small saved coins in |
spaarvarken | piggy bank | a small container to store small saved coins in |
spagaat | split | acrobatic feat |
spaghetti | spaghetti | pasta |
spalk | cast | supportive and immobilising device |
Spanjaard | Spaniard | somebody from Spain |
Spanje | Spain | country in Europe |
spanning | stress | force |
spar | fir | A conifer of the genus Abies |
spar | spruce | tree from the genus Picea |
specerij | spice | plant matter used to season or flavour food |
specht | woodpecker | bird |
speciaal | special | distinguished by a unique or unusual quality |
specialiteit | speciality | That in which one specialises |
specialiteit | specialty | That in which one specializes |
specie | mortar | mixture of lime or cement, sand and water |
speculant | speculator | one who speculates; as in investing |
speeksel | saliva | liquid secreted into the mouth |
speelgoed | toy | something to play with |
spel | game | pursuit or activity for entertainment |
spel | play | playful activity |
spelling | orthography | study of correct spelling |
spelt | spelt | a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta |
spenen | wean | to cease to depend on the mother for nourishment |
spermacel | sperm | cell |
speurder | detective | police officer who looks for evidence |
spie | wedge | One of the simple machines |
spiegel | Template:mirror/Translations | smooth reflecting surface |
spier | muscle | contractile tissue |
spier- | muscular | of or related to muscles |
spietsen | impale | to pierce with a pale |
Spijkerbroek | jeans | trousers |
spijsvertering | digestion | process in gastrointestinal tract |
spijten | regret | feel sorry about some past thing |
spiksplinternieuw | brand new | utterly new |
spiksplinternieuwe | brand new | utterly new |
spin | spider | arthropod |
spinazie | spinach | a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea |
spinnenweb | spider web | silken web |
spion | spy | person who secretly watches |
spionage | espionage | act of learning secret information through clandestine means |
spionne | spy | person who secretly watches |
spiraal | spiral | geometry |
spitsmuis | shrew | animal |
spitten | fork over | turn over soil with a gardening fork |
spleet | slit | narrow cut or opening; a slot |
spleet | crevice | narrow crack in rock or ice |
splijten | shed | To part or divide |
splinter | filing | particle that has been removed by a file or similar implement; a shaving |
split | split | acrobatic feat |
splitsing | bifurcation | division into two branches |
spoedig | quickly | rapidly, fast |
spoedig | soon | within a short time |
spoedig | speedy | characterized by rapid or swift motion |
spons | sponge | marine invertebrate with a porous skeleton |
spontaan | spontaneously | in a spontaneous manner |
spook | ghost | spirit appearing after death |
spoor | scent | fixme=Translation table header lacks gloss |
spoor | spur | A rigid implement, often roughly y-shaped, that is fixed to one's heel for purpose of prodding a horse |
spoor | spore | reproductive particle |
spoorweg | railroad | transportation system |
sporadisch | sporadic | rare and scattered in occurence |
spot | contumely | rude language or behaviour |
spottend | flippant | lacking respect |
spraak | language | system of communication using words or symbols |
spraak | speech | vocal communication |
spraakkunst | grammar | rules for speaking and writing a language |
spraakzaam | closemouthed | reticent, secretive or uncommunicative |
spreekt u Engels | subtitle | small and narrow street |
spreektaal | colloquial | of oral communication language |
spreekwijze | figure of speech | word or phrase |
spreekwoord | figure of speech | word or phrase |
spreekwoord | saying | proverb or maxim |
spreekwoord | proverb | phrase expressing a basic truth |
spreeuw | starling | bird |
spreiden | spread | to put one’s legs apart |
spreken | speak | |
spreker | speaker | one who speaks |
Spreuken | Proverbs | book of the Bible |
springen | leap | to jump from one location to another |
springen | jump | propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne |
sprinkhaan | grasshopper | an insect of the order Orthoptera |
sprookje | fairy tale | a folktale |
sprot | sprat | Any of various small marine fish in the family Clupeidae |
spruit | Brussels sprout | vegetable |
spruiten | Brussels sprout | vegetable |
spuitje | injection | medicine |
Sranan | Sranan | the Sranantongo English-based creole of Suriname |
Sranan Tongo | Sranan | the Sranantongo English-based creole of Suriname |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | a country in South Asia |
staaf | ingot | a solid block of more or less pure metal |
staaf | bar | solid object with uniform cross-section |
staak | stake | piece of wood |
staakt-het-vuren | armistice | ceasefire, a truce. |
staakt-het-vuren | ceasefire | in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose |
staal | steel | metal alloy |
staan | stand | to be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position |
staan | be | occupy a place |
staan voor | stand for | to mean, symbolize or represent |
staande houden | uphold | to support |
staart | tail | tail of animal |
staat | shape | status or condition |
staat | state | any sovereign polity |
staat | nation | group of people sharing aspects of language, culture and/or ethnicity |
staatsburgerschap | nationality | citizenship |
stad | town | |
stad | city | of a city; belonging to a city |
stadhuis | city hall | the building that houses a city government |
stadion | stadium | Greek measure of length |
stadium | stage | phase |
stads | city | of a city; belonging to a city |
staf | verge | rod or staff of office |
stal | stole | simple past of to steal |
stal | stable | building for animals with hoofs |
stalen | stole | simple past of to steal |
stalinisme | Stalinism | Communist philosophy espoused by Josef Stalin |
staljongen | hostler | person at an inn who looks after horses |
stam | trunk | tree trunk |
stam | stem | botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant |
stam | tribe | group of people |
stam | clan | group having common ancestor |
stam | tree trunk | the main structural member of a tree |
stam | phylum | (biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class |
stamcel | stem cell | primal undifferentiated cell |
stampen | stomp | trample heavily on something or someone |
stampen | kick | strike with or raise the foot or leg |
stand | score | number of points earned |
standaard | standard | level of quality |
standbeeld | statue | three-dimension work of art |
standpunt | standpoint | point of view |
stang | bar | solid object with uniform cross-section |
stank | smell | sensation |
stanza | stanza | a unit of a poem |
stapel | crowd | group of things |
staren | gaze | To stare intently or earnestly |
statief | tripod | a three-legged stand or mount |
statistiek | statistics | mathematical science |
status | status | a person’s position or standing relative to that of others |
status | shape | status or condition |
-ste | -est | superlative of adjectives and adverbs |
steak | steak | slice of beef |
stedelijk | urban | of the city; characteristic of city life |
steekpenning | bribe | inducement to dishonesty |
steel | stem | botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant |
steel | stalk | the longish piece that supports the seed-carrying parts of a plant |
steen | rock | natural mineral aggregate |
steen | nugget | small chunk or clump |
steen | stone | substance |
steen der wijzen | philosopher's stone | philosopher's stone |
steenbok | ibex | type of wild mountain goat |
steengroeve | quarry | site for mining stone |
Steentijd | Stone Age | prehistoric period |
steenuil | little owl | species of owl |
steenvrucht | stone fruit | fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit |
steganografie | steganography | steganography |
steil | abrupt | broken off or very steep |
stelen | steal | to illegally take possession of |
stelkunde | algebra | system for computation using letters or other symbols |
stelling | scaffolding | system of tubes or poles used to support people and material |
stelling | scaffold | structure made of scaffolding, for workers to stand on while working on a building |
stelt | stilt | walking pole |
stem | vote | a formalised choice |
stembusgang | vote | a formalised choice |
stemming | mood | mental state |
stengel | stem | botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant |
stengel | stalk | the longish piece that supports the seed-carrying parts of a plant |
ster | star | luminous celestial body |
sterfelijk | mortal | one that is not susceptible to death |
sterfelijke | mortal | one that is not susceptible to death |
sterfelijkheid | mortality | condition of being susceptible to death |
steriel | sterile | unable to reproduce |
steriele | sterile | unable to reproduce |
sterk | strong | capable of producing great physical force |
sterke drank | alcohol | intoxicating beverage |
sterkte | strength | quality of being strong |
sterrenbeeld | constellation | collection of stars |
sterrenkers | garden cress | the leafy plant |
sterrenkundige | astronomer | one who studies astronomy |
sterrenstelsel | galaxy | collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc |
sterretje | asterisk | symbol used to highlight words or sentences |
sterven | die | to stop living |
steun | buttress | brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it |
steur | sturgeon | fish of genus Acipenser |
stevig | sturdy | of firm build |
stichter | founder | One who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author |
stief- | step- | A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative |
stiefdochter | step- | A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative |
stiefmoeder | step- | A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative |
stiefvader | step- | A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative |
stiefzoon | step- | A prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative |
stiel | craft | skilled practice |
stier | bull | adult male animal |
stierenvechten | bullfighting | a sport popular in Spain and Mexico |
stierenvechter | matador | bullfighter |
stijf | rigid | stiff |
stijgbeugel | stirrup | foot-rest |
stijgen | ascend | to go up, to fly, to soar |
stijl | style | manner of doing things |
stijve | rigid | stiff |
stikstof | nitrogen | chemical element |
stil | quiet | The prepositional case |
stil | still | not moving |
stil | mute | silent, not making a sound |
Stille Oceaan | Pacific Ocean | the world's largest body of water |
stilleven | still life | work of art |
stilstand | standstill | complete immobility |
stimuleren | stimulate | to encourage into action |
stinken | stink | have a strong bad smell |
stiptheid | punctuality | state of being punctual |
stock | stock | store of goods for sale |
stoel | chair | furniture |
stoep | pavement | footpath |
stof | dust | fine, dry particles |
stofglanzer | calender | machine |
stofwisseling | metabolism | complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells |
stofzuiger | vacuum cleaner | vacuum cleaner |
stom | inane | lacking sense or meaning |
stom | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
stom | dumb | unable to speak |
stomme | stupid | lacking in intelligence |
stomme terminal | dumb terminal | computer terminal consisting of a monitor and keyboard |
stomp | blunt | Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument |
stomp | stub | something cut short, blunted, or stunted |
stomp | dull | Lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp |
stonde | hour | time period of sixty minutes |
stoommachine | steam engine | machine |
stoppen | quit | to stop doing something |
stoppen | darn | stitch with thread |
storen | disturb | confuse or irritate |
stormloop | stampede | any sudden flight or dispersion |
stormram | battering ram | heavy object |
stormvogeltje | storm petrel | any of several small seabirds, of the family Hydrobatidae |
stortbui | pour | a stream, or something like a stream; a flood |
stotteren | stutter | to speak with spasmodic repetition |
stout | naughty | Bad; tending to misbehave or act badly |
straal | jet | spray |
straal | ray | beam of light or radiation |
straat | road | strip of land made suitable for travel |
straat | street | A paved part of road, usually in a village or a town |
straf | false punishment | unauthorized disciplinary action |
straf | penalty | legal sentence |
strafbaar | illegal | Contrary to or forbidden by law |
straffen | punish | To cause to suffer for crime or misconduct |
strafrecht | criminal law | area of law |
stralend | brilliant | shining brightly |
strand | beach | sandy shore |
strateeg | strategist | one who devises strategies |
strategie | ploy | strategy, tactic |
strategisch | strategic | of or pertaining to strategy |
streek | region | any considerable and connected part of a space or surface |
streek | prank | practical joke or mischievous trick |
streepje | dash | typographic symbol |
strekken | stretch | lengthen by pulling |
strekking | purpose | target |
streng | austere | grim, stern, strict |
stress | distress | (cause of) discomfort |
streven | strive | to try |
strijd | struggle | strife, effort |
strijd | conflict | clash or disagreement |
strijd | strife | violent conflict |
strijden | fight | to contend in physical conflict |
strijder | fighter | person who fights |
strijken | ironing | act of pressing clothes with an iron |
strijkplank | ironing board | a long board on which one can iron |
stroming | current | part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction |
stront | shit | solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel |
strooien | strew | to distribute small particles |
stroom | current | part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction |
stroom | stream | small river |
stroomsterkte | electric current | measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge |
strop | noose | an adjustable loop or rope |
stropdas | necktie | strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front |
stroper | marauder | Someone who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder |
strottenhoofd | larynx | the organ |
struikrover | highwayman | a person who robbed travellers on roads |
struisvogel | ostrich | large flightless bird |
student | student | person who studies an academic subject |
studente | student | person who studies an academic subject |
studeren | study | to acquire knowledge |
studiebeurs | scholarship | study allowance |
studietoelage | tuition | a sum of money paid for instruction |
stuifmeel | pollen | fine granular substance produced in flowers |
stuiteren | bounce | change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle |
stuk | item | distinct physical object |
stuk | piece | part of something |
sturen | send | make something go somewhere |
stuurboord | starboard | right hand side of a vessel |
stuurwiel | steering wheel | wheel-shaped control |
sub- | sub- | under, beneath |
substantie | substance | matter |
substantief | noun | gramatical category |
subtiliteit | subtleness | property of being subtle |
succes | good luck | wish of fortune |
succesvol | successful | resulting in success |
Sudan | Sudan | Republic of Sudan |
suffix | suffix | letters or sounds added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning |
suiker | sugar | sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink |
suikerriet | sugar cane | species of grass whose sap is a source of sugar |
suikerspin | candy floss | sweet |
suikerspin | cotton candy | melted sugar |
sultanshoen | purple swamphen | Porphyrio porphyrio |
superieur | superior | higher in rank or quality |
surealisme | surrealism | artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy |
surfplank | surfboard | a shaped waterproof plank used to surf on waves |
Surinaams | Sranan | the Sranantongo English-based creole of Suriname |
Suriname | Suriname | country |
Svalbard en Jan Mayen | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | two distinct dependencies of Norway |
Swahili | Swahili | language |
Swaziland | Swaziland | Kingdom of Swaziland |
syllogisme | syllogism | inference from premises |
symbool | symbol | character or glyph |
symfonie | symphony | piece of orchestral music |
sympathiek | nice | easy to like |
sympathieke | nice | easy to like |
symptoom | symptom | indicators and characteristics of the presence of something else |
synchroniseren | synchronize | cause two events to have coordinated timing |
syndroom | syndrome | recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours |
syndroom van Guillain-Barré | Guillain-Barré syndrome | Disease of the nervous system |
synecdoche | synecdoche | certain type of metaphor |
synoniem | synonym | word with same meaning as another |
synoniemenwoordenboek | thesaurus | book of synonyms |
Syrië | Syria | country in the Middle East |
t.t.z. | viz. | abbreviation for namely |
taak | job | task |
taal | contumely | rude language or behaviour |
taal | language | system of communication using words or symbols |
taaleigen | idiom | phrase that cannot be understood from its component words |
taalkundige | linguist | one who studies linguistics |
taart | cake | a sweet dessert |
taart | pie | type of pastry |
tabaksplant | tobacco | any plant of the genus Nicotiana |
tachtigste | eightieth | The person or thing in the eightieth position |
tadelrob | harp seal | a species of seal |
tadzjieks | Tajik | person |
Tadzjikistan | Tajikistan | Republic of Tajikistan |
taelkunde | linguistics | scientific study of language |
tafel | table | item of furniture |
tafelvoetbal | foosball | table soccer |
tafelzilver | silverware | (US) knives, forks and spoons |
taifoen | typhoon | hurricane in the Pacific |
Taiwan | Taiwan | East Asian country |
Taiwanees | Taiwanese | person from Taiwan |
tak | stick | |
tak | branch | woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing |
takelwagen | tow truck | truck for towing |
takje | stick | |
taling | teal | duck |
talloos | innumerable | not capable of being counted |
taloor | dish | vessel for holding/serving food |
tam | tame | not wild |
tamarinde | tamarind | tropical tree |
Tamil | Tamil | of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language |
tamme kastanje | chestnut | nut of the chestnut tree |
tamme kastanjeboom | Spanish chestnut | tree |
tand | tooth | biological tooth |
tandarts | dentist | specialized medical doctor |
tandenborstel | toothbrush | brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue |
tandenborstel | brush | an implement with handle |
tandenfee | tooth fairy | a figure of modern myth |
tandheelkunde | dentistry | operations performed on teeth by dentists |
tandpasta | toothpaste | paste for cleaning the teeth |
tandvlees | gum | flesh around teeth |
tandwiel | gear wheel | wheel with a toothed rim |
tang | tongs | an instrument |
tankstation | gas station | a place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car |
tantaal | tantalum | A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73. |
tantalium | tantalum | A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73. |
tante | aunt | a parent’s sister or sister-in-law |
tante | maternal aunt | the sister of one's mother |
tante | paternal aunt | the sister of one's father |
Tanzania | Tanzania | United Republic of Tanzania |
tapijt | carpet | A fabric used as a floor covering |
tapir | tapir | Species of large odd-toed ungulates with a long prehensile upper lip. |
tarra | tare | the empty weight of a container |
tarwe | wheat | grain |
tastbaar | palpable | capable of being touched |
Tataars | Tatar | language |
tatoeage | tattoo | an image made in the skin with ink and a needle |
taxi | taxi | vehicle |
Tbilisi | Tbilisi | the capital city of Georgia (the country) |
te | to | infinitive-marker |
te huur | for rent | being offered for renting |
te koop | for sale | being offered for purchase |
te maken hebben | have to do | to relate; to be relevant |
te veel | too much | a larger amount than is needed |
te voet | on foot | to go by walking |
technicus | technician | occupation |
technieker | technician | occupation |
technisch | technical | pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts |
teddybeer | teddy bear | a stuffed toy bear |
teef | bitch | female canine |
teek | tick | to lift the cock of a firearm |
teelbal | testicle | male sex gland |
teen | digit | finger or toe |
teer | tar | substance |
teevee | TV | abbreviation for television |
tegel | tile | mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces |
tegelijkertijd | simultaneously | occurring at the same time |
tegen | versus | in opposition to |
tegendeel | antonym | word which has the opposite meaning |
tegengestelde | antonym | word which has the opposite meaning |
tegenlijkertijd | simultaneous | at the same time |
tegenovergesteld | opposite | located directly across from |
tegenoverliggend | opposite | located directly across from |
tegenspoed | adversity | state of adverse |
tegenspraak | backtalk | verbal impudence or argument |
tegenstander | rival | competitor against the same objective |
tegenstander | foe | enemy |
tegenstander | adversary | opponent |
tegenwoordig | present | pertaining to the current time |
tegenwoordig deelwoord | present participle | verb form that indicates an ongoing action |
tegenwoordige | present | pertaining to the current time |
tegenwoordigheid | presence | fact or condition of being present |
teken | mark | indication for reference or measurement |
teken | sign | visible indication |
tekenen | draw | to produce a picture |
tekort | deficit | for a state, the fact of spending more than its revenues |
tekst | text | a written passage |
telbaar | countable | capable of being counted |
telbare | countable | capable of being counted |
telefoon | phone | A device for transmitting sound (telephone) |
telefoon | telephone | an electronic device used for two-way talking with other people |
telefoongids | directory | list of names, addresses etc. |
telefoonnummer | telephone number | digits assigned to a telephone |
telegram | telegram | message sent by telegraph |
telencephalon | cerebrum | The upper part of the brain |
telescoop | telescope | optical instrument possessing magnification |
teletekst | teletext | information retrieval system |
teleurstellende | disappointing | that disappoints or disappoint |
teleurstelling | dismay | a sudden loss of courage |
teleurstelling | disappointment | emotion |
televisie | television | medium |
televisie | video | television show, movie |
televisieprogramma | television program | The content of an individual television broadcasting. |
telkens | repeatedly | done several times |
teller | meter | counter, measuring instrument |
telling | count | the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set |
Telugu | Telugu | Dravidian language of India |
temperatuur | temperature | A measure of cold or hot |
tempus | tense | verb forms distinguishing time |
ten einde | in order to | as a means of achieving the specified aim |
ten voordele van | benefit | advantage, help or aid |
Tenach | Tanakh | body of Jewish scripture |
tenietdoen | undo | to reverse |
tennis | tennis | sport played by two or four players with strung racquets |
tennisbaan | tennis court | surface on which tennis is played |
tennisveld | tennis court | surface on which tennis is played |
tenzij | unless | except on a specified condition |
termiet | termite | insect |
termijn | term | limitation, restriction or regulation |
termineren | terminate | to finish |
terrein | terrain | area |
terrein | speciality | That in which one specialises |
terrein | grounds | area of land |
territorium | territory | large tract of land |
terrorisme | terrorism | |
terrorist | terrorist | terrorist |
terugbetalen | repay | to pay back |
teruggaan | go back | (intransitive) To return to a place |
terugkomen | come back | (intransitive) To return to a place |
terugtrekken | withdraw | pull back |
terugtrekken | repeal | To cancel |
terugtrekken | rescind | repeal, annul, or declare void |
terugwinning | recovery | act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost |
terwijl | whereas | but in contrast; whilst on the contrary… |
test | test | challenge, trial |
testikel | testicle | male sex gland |
testosteron | testosterone | steroid hormone |
teugel | rein | strap or rope used to control an animal |
teveel | overpay | To pay too much |
tevens | also | in addition; besides; as well; further; too |
tevergeefs | in vain | without success |
tewerkstellen | employ | to give someone work |
Thailand | Thailand | Country in Southeast Asia |
Thanatos | Thanatos | Thanatos, the god of death |
thee | tea | dried leaves of tea plant |
theeblad | tea leaf | leaf of the tea plant |
theelepeltje | teaspoon | small spoon |
Theems | Thames | river through London |
themapark | theme park | amusement park that has one or more specific central themes |
theofanie | theophany | a visible manifestation of a deity |
theologe | theologian | one who studies theology |
theoloog | theologian | one who studies theology |
theorie | theory | an unproven conjecture |
therapeut | therapist | one who provides therapy |
there is not really a word for this | Welsh | people of wales collectively |
these | thesis | statement supported by arguments |
thesis | dissertation | formal exposition of a subject |
Thetis | Thetis | the mother of Achilles |
Third bridge gitaar | third bridge guitar | instrument |
thuisland | homeland | homeland |
thymus | thymus | ductless gland located behind the breastbone |
Tibetaans | Tibetan | pertaining to Tibet |
tien | ten | the cardinal number occurring after nine and before eleven |
tien geboden | Ten Commandments | Moses' ten commandments |
tien over half twee | twenty to | twenty to two |
tien voor half twee | twenty past | twenty past one |
tiende | tenth | ordinal form of ten |
tiener | teenager | child aged between thirteen and nineteen |
tiental | decade | a series of ten things |
tientallen | dozen | twelve |
tientallig talstelsel | decimal | number system |
tiet | tit | a mammary gland, teat |
tij | tide | periodic change of sea level |
tijd | tense | verb forms distinguishing time |
tijd | time | inevitable passing of events |
tijdelijk | temporary | for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant |
tijdje | while | a certain duration of time, a period of time |
tijdperk | era | time period |
tijdrekening | era | time period |
tijdsduur | duration | amount of time |
tijdsgeest | zeitgeist | the spirit of the age |
tijdstip | moment | very brief period of time |
Timişoara | Timişoara | city in Romania |
timmerman | carpenter | carpentry person |
tin | tin | element |
tiran | tyrant | absolute ruler |
titel | title | prefix or suffix added to a name |
tl-buis | fluorescent lamp | a gas-discharge lamp |
tmesis | tmesis | insertion of one or more words between the components of a compound word |
toch | nevertheless | in spite of what preceded |
tocht | trip | a journey |
tocht | draught | a current of air |
tochtlatten | sideburns | facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin |
toe | closed | not open (1) |
toeëigenen | usurp | to seize power |
toegang | access | a way or means of approaching |
toegangsweg | access | a way or means of approaching |
toegeeflijk | lenient | tolerant; not strict |
toegevoegd | accessory | having a supplementary function |
toegift | encore | brief extra performance after the main performance is complete |
toekomende tijd | future tense | time form of a verb |
toekomst | future | The time ahead |
toelage | tuition | a sum of money paid for instruction |
toelating | permission | authorisation |
toelichting | explanation | the act or process of explaining |
toen | then | at that time |
toename | growth | increase in size |
toerist | tourist | Someone who travels for pleasure |
toeriste | tourist | Someone who travels for pleasure |
toernooi | tournament | series of games |
toeschouwer | spectator | observer |
toespeling | allusion | Indirect reference; a hint |
toestaan | disallow | to refuse to allow |
toestel | appliance | a device in its own right |
toestemming | permission | authorisation |
toestemming | consent | voluntary agreement |
toetje | dessert | sweet confection served as the last course of a meal |
toets | examination | formal test |
toetsenbord | keyboard | set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc. |
toevallig | occasional | limited to certain occasions; not very often |
toevallig | by chance | accidentally or unexpectedly |
toevallig | random | all outcomes being unpredictable |
toevallig | accidentally | unexpectedly, unintentionally |
toevertrouwen | entrust | To trust to the care of |
toevoegen | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
toevoeging | addition | act of adding |
toewijden | devote | to commit oneself for a certain matter |
Togo | Togo | Togolese Republic |
Tokelau-eilanden | Tokelau | Oceanic country |
tolerant | lenient | tolerant; not strict |
tolerantie | tolerance | ability to tolerate |
tolk | interpreter | one who interprets speech in another language |
toneelschrijver | playwright | writer of plays for the theatre |
tonen | exhibit | display or show (something) for others to see |
tonen | show | display |
tong | tongue | organ |
tongen | french kiss | tongue kiss |
tongkus | french kiss | tongue kiss |
tongzoen | french kiss | tongue kiss |
tonijn | tuna | fish |
tonsillitis | tonsillitis | inflammation of the tonsils |
toon | tone | specific pitch, quality and duration; a note |
toorn | ire | great anger |
toorts | torch | stick with flame at one end |
toost | toast | toasted bread |
topje van de ijsberg | tip of the iceberg | only the beginning |
toque | toque | rimless hat |
toren van Babel | Tower of Babel | tower erected at Babel |
torenvalk | common kestrel | small falcon |
tornado | tornado | column of air |
tornooi | tournament | series of games |
torso | torso | body excluding the head and limbs |
tortelduif | turtle dove | bird |
tot | until | |
tot aan | up to | against, next to, near, towards |
tot hiertoe | hitherto | up to this time |
tot ziens | goodbye | farewell |
totaal | total | amount |
totaal | altogether | Without exception; wholly; completely |
touw | rope | thick, strong string |
touw | line | rope, cord, or string |
touw | cord | length of twisted strands |
tovenaar | sorcerer | magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers |
tovenaar | wizard | person skilled with magic |
toverspreuk | spell | magical incantation |
toverstaf | magic wand | stick or staff used to perform magic |
toverstokje | magic wand | stick or staff used to perform magic |
traag | slow | not quick in motion |
traag van begrip | abstruseness | the property of being abstruse |
traagheid | inertia | in physics |
trachee | trachea | thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi |
trachee | windpipe | trachea |
tractor | tractor | a vehicle used in farms |
Traditionele Chinees | Traditional Chinese | Chinese written using traditional characters |
tram | tram | passenger vehicle |
transitief werkwoord | transitive verb | a verb that is accompanied by a direct object |
transmissie | broadcast | a media transmission |
transpiratievocht | sweat | fluid that exits the body through pores |
transporteren | transport | change the location of |
transrealisme | transrealism | fixme=Translation table header lacks gloss |
trap | stairs | contiguous set of steps |
trap | stair | a series of steps |
trapezium | trapezoid | quadrilateral with two sides parallel |
trappen | kick | strike with or raise the foot or leg |
Trees | Teresa | female given name |
treffen | hit | To give a blow |
trefzeker | accurately | exactly, precisely |
trefzeker | accurate | exact or careful conformity to truth |
trein | train | line of connected cars or carriages |
trekkast | fume hood | a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken |
trekken | pull | apply force to (something) so it comes towards one |
treksprinkhaan | locust | type of grasshopper |
trektocht | journey | trip, a voyage |
trema | dieresis | dieresis |
trema | diaeresis | diaeresis |
treuren | mourn | express sadness for, grieve over |
treurig | sad | sad |
triest | sad | sad |
triest | chary | sad, grievous |
triljard | sextillion | a trillion billion, 10<sup>21</sup> |
triljoen | quintillion | a billion billion, 10<sup>18</sup> |
trip | journey | trip, a voyage |
troef | trump | suit that outranks all others |
Troetelbeertjes | Care Bears | Fictional cartoon bears |
trompet | trumpet | brass instrument |
troon | throne | ornate seat |
troon | reign | The exercise of sovereign power |
troonsopvolger | crown prince | next king |
troop | trope | figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used other than in a literal manner |
troostend | comforting | giving comfort |
troostende | comforting | giving comfort |
trots | pride | sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one |
trotskisme | Trotskyism | the political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky |
trottoir | sidewalk | paved footpath |
trouw | allegiance | loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler |
trouwhartigheid | allegiance | loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler |
truc | ploy | strategy, tactic |
trusten | good night | a farewell |
tsaar | tsar | A Slavic emperor |
tsaar | czar | Russian emperor |
tsaar | tzar | A Slavic emporer |
t-shirt | T-shirt | T-shirt |
Tsjaad | Chad | country in central Africa |
Tsjechië | Czechia | country in Europe |
Tsjechisch | Czech | of, from or pertaining to the country, people or the language |
Tsjechische Republiek | Czech Republic | country in Central Europe |
Tsjetsjeens | Chechen | Language |
tsunami | tsunami | large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean |
tuba | tuba | a large brass musical instrument |
tuberculose | tuberculosis | infectious disease |
tuin | garden | decorative piece of land outside with flowers and plants |
tuinbroek | dungarees | heavy denim pants or overalls |
tuinkers | garden cress | the leafy plant |
tulband | turban | man’s head-dress |
tulp | tulip | |
tumor | tumor | oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth |
tumulus | barrow | mound of earth and stones raised over a grave |
Tunesië | Tunisia | Republic of Tunisia |
turen | gaze | To stare intently or earnestly |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan | Central Asian country |
turkoois | turquoise | gemstone |
Turks | Turkish | official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Turks and Caicos Islands | country in the Caribbean |
Turkse | Turk | Turkish nationals |
turner | gymnast | one who performs gymnastics |
tussentijds | interim | transitional |
tussenvoegsel | infix | morpheme inserted into word |
tussenwerpsel | interjection | an exclamation or filled pause in grammar |
tuurlijk | of course | naturally |
tv | TV | abbreviation for television |
twaalf | twelve | number |
twaalfde | twelfth | ordinal form of the number twelve |
twaalfvingerige darm | duodenum | first part of the small intestine |
twee | twice | two times |
twee | two | one plus one |
tweede | second | second (numeral) |
tweede naamval | genitive case | noun case used to express some relationship such as possession or origin |
tweede persoon | second person | the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience |
tweedehands | secondhand | not new; previously owned and used by another |
tweeëntwintig | twenty-two | twenty-two |
tweeënveertig | forty-two | Cardinal number |
tweeënvijftig | fifty-two | cardinal number |
tweeënzestig | sixty-two | cardinal number |
tweegevecht | duel | combat between two persons |
tweejaarlijks | biennial | every two years |
tweeklank | diphthong | a complex vowel sound |
tweeledig | dual | having two components |
tweeling | twin | either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects |
tweemaal | twice | two times |
tweeslachtig | bisexual | botany: having sex organs of both sexes |
tweetalig | bilingual | speaking two languages |
tweetaligheid | bilingualism | condition of being bilingual |
Twi | Twi | language |
twijfel | indubitably | Undoubtedly; unquestionably |
twijfelen | doubt | to lack confidence in something |
twijg | twig | a small thin branch |
twintig | twenty | cardinal number |
twintig over één | twenty past | twenty past one |
twintig voor twee | twenty to | twenty to two |
twintigste | twentieth | ordinal |
tyfoon | typhoon | hurricane in the Pacific |
tyfus | typhus | disease |
typografie | typography | art and technique |
u | you | subject pronoun: the person being addressed |
ufo | UFO | an unidentified flying object |
UFO | unidentified flying object | anything in the air not readily explainable |
Uganda | Uganda | Republic of Uganda |
ui | onion | a monocotyledonous plant of genus Allium allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice. |
uier | udder | part of domestic milk-giving animal that expresses milk |
uil | owl | a bird |
uit | from | with the source or provenance of or at |
uit | out of | From the inside to the outside of |
uit het hoofd leren | learn by heart | to memorize |
uitbreiden | enhance | augment or make something greater |
uitbreiden | extend | to increase in extent |
uitbuiting | exploitation | act |
uitdoven | extinguish | to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench |
uitdragen | disseminate | transitive: to sow and scatter principles, etc. for propagation, like seed |
uitdrukkelijk | expressly | in an expressive or explicit manner |
uitdrukking | expression | particular way of phrasing an idea |
uiteenlopend | various | an eclectic range of |
uiteindelijk | in the long run | Eventually |
uiteindelijk | eventually | in the end |
uiterlijk | guise | way of speaking or acting |
uitermate | extremely | to an extreme degree |
uiterst | utmost | Situated at the most distant limit |
uitersten | extremes | things that exhibit absolute difference |
uitgangspunt | standpoint | point of view |
uitgebreid | extensive | wide |
uitgebreid | extensively | in an extensive manner; having great range; having wide breadth and depth |
uitgesteld | postponed | Done later than originally planned; delayed |
uitgestorven | extinct | extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.) |
uitgeven | spend | to consume, to use, to exhaust |
uitgever | publisher | One who publishes, especially books |
uithollen | excavate | to make a hole in (something); to hollow |
uithongering | starvation | a condition of severe suffering due to a lack of nutrition |
uitkiezen | select | to choose one or more elements from a set |
uitkleden | undress | (intransitive) remove one's clothing |
uitkleden | dismantle | divest |
uitleggen | explain | report |
uitlenen | lend | to allow to be used temporarily |
uitlokken | provoke | to cause to become angry |
uitputting | exhaustion | The point of complete depletion; used up |
uitroepen | proclaim | to excitedly, verbosely and candidly describe |
uitroepen | acclaim | to shout |
uitroepteken | exclamation mark | punctuation for excitement or surprise |
uitsluiten | except | to exclude |
uitsluitend | exclusively | tothe exclusion of anything or anyone else |
uitspraak | pronunciation | standard sound of a word |
uitspraak | verdict | decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest |
uitspraak | phrase | short written or spoken expression |
uitstalraam | shop window | large window at the front of a shop |
uitstekend | fine | of superior quality |
uitstellen | postpone | to delay or put off an event |
uitsterven | extinction | the action of making or becoming extinct |
uitstoot | emission | something that is emitted, especially the exhaust from a car |
Uittocht | Exodus | departure of Hebrew slaves |
uittocht | exodus | sudden departure |
uitvaardigen | prescription | the act of prescribing a rule or law |
uitval | sally | a sortie |
uitverkopen | sell out | sell all of a product |
uitvoerig | periphrastic | expressed in more words than are necessary |
uitvoerig | extensively | in an extensive manner; having great range; having wide breadth and depth |
uitvoering | execution | act of executing or the state of being executed |
uitwerpselen | excrement | animal solid waste |
uitwerpselen | faeces | digested waste material discharged from the bowels |
uitwerpselen | feces | digested waste material discharged from the bowels |
uitwijzen | prove | to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for |
uitzaaiing | metastasis | the transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body |
uitzenden | broadcast | a media transmission |
uitzetten | turn off | switch of appliance or light |
uitzondering | altogether | Without exception; wholly; completely |
Ulrica | Ulrica | female given name |
Ulrika | Ulrica | female given name |
Ulrike | Ulrica | female given name |
Ulrikka | Ulrica | female given name |
ultramarijn | ultramarine | pigment |
-um | -um | Latinate singular grammatical number suffix |
unie | union | join |
Unie van Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | a confederation of Communist states |
uniek | unique | one of a kind |
uniform | uniform | unvarying |
universiteit | university | institution of higher education |
ununhexium | ununhexium | element with atomic number 116 |
ununseptium | ununseptium | element with atomic number 117 |
uraan | uranium | uranium (element) |
Uranus | Uranus | god of the sky and heavens |
urineren | urinate | to pass urine from the body |
USSR | USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
utopie | utopia | utopia |
uur | hour | time period of sixty minutes |
uur | o'clock | indication of time The translations below are of one o’clock |
uurwerk | wristwatch | a watch that is worn on a strap or band fastened around the wrist |
uw | your | belonging to you (singular; one owner) |
v. Chr. | BC | before Christ |
vaak | often | Frequently, many times |
vaandrig | ensign | military officer |
vaardig | skillful | possessing skill |
vaardigheid | ability | quality or state of being able |
vaardigheid | skill | capacity to do something well |
vaars | heifer | cow |
vaartuig | vessel | craft |
vaatwasmachine | dishwasher | machine |
vaatwasser | dishwasher | machine |
vaatwasser | washer | something that washes |
vaccinatie | vaccination | inoculation with a vaccine |
vacht | fur | hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick |
vacuüm | vacuum | region of space that contains no matter |
vadem | fathom | measure of length |
vader | father | male parent |
vaderland | fatherland | fatherland |
vaderland | motherland | the country of one's ancestors |
vaderszijde | paternal grandmother | one's father's mother |
vagebond | tramp | a homeless person |
vagevuur | limbo | place for innocent souls |
vagevuur | purgatory | stage of the afterlife in Catholic theology |
vagina | vagina | anatomical sense |
vak | craft | skilled practice |
vakantieappartement | holiday home | second home |
vakbond | trade union | organization |
vakman | craftsman | male craftsperson |
vale gier | griffon vulture | Gyps fulvus |
Valentinus | Valentine | male given name |
valies | suitcase | large piece of luggage |
valies | portmanteau | case |
valk | kestrel | any small falcon of genus Falco |
valk | falcon | bird of the genus Falco |
valkerij | falconry | Sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey |
vallei | valley | elongated depression between hills or mountains |
vallen | dote | be excessively fond of |
vallen | fall | move to a lower position under the effect of gravity |
vals | FALSE | untrue, not factual, wrong |
vals spelen | cheat | violate rules to gain advantage |
valuta | currency | money or other item used to facilitate transactions |
vampier | vampire | mythological creature |
van | locale | place where something happens |
van | Martian | of Mars |
van | of | belonging to or associated with |
van | neither | not one of two; not either |
van | from | with the source or provenance of or at |
van af zijn | get rid of | to remove |
van buiten leren | learn by heart | to memorize |
van der Waalskracht | van der Waals force | weak attraction |
van een mug een olifant maken | make a mountain out of a molehill | to treat a problem as greater than it is |
van een muis een olifant maken | make a mountain out of a molehill | to treat a problem as greater than it is |
van op afstand | remote | at a distance |
van te voren | in advance | beforehand |
van tijd tot tijd | from time to time | occasionally |
vanaf | from scratch | from the beginning |
vandaag | today | on the current day |
vandaal | vandal | person who damages property |
vandaar | thence | from there |
vandalisme | vandalism | needless damage or destruction of property |
vangen | seize | grab |
vanger | catcher | that which catches |
vanzelfsprekend | axiomatic | evident without proof or argument |
varen | fern | plant |
variabel | variable | able to vary |
varken | pig | mammal of genus Sus |
varkensvlees | pork | meat of a pig. |
vast | solid | In the state of being a solid |
vastgoed | real estate | property that cannot easily be moved |
vasthouden | hold | to grasp |
vastleggen | embed | lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter |
vastmaken | fasten | to attach or connect in a secure manner |
vastpakken | grasp | to grip |
vaststellen | determine | to set the limits of |
vat | keg | round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom |
Vaticaan | Vatican City | State of the Vatican City |
Vaticaanstad | Vatican City | State of the Vatican City |
vazal | vassal | the grantee of a fief |
Vé | Vé | Norse mythological figure |
vechten | fight | to contend in physical conflict |
vechter | fighter | person who fights |
vector | vector | directed quantity (1) |
veder | feather | element of bird wings |
vee | livestock | farm animals |
veehouder | farmer | person who works the land or who keeps livestock |
veel | good luck | wish of fortune |
veel | much | a large amount of |
veel | a lot | very much |
veel | many | an indefinite large number of |
veel geluk | good luck | wish of fortune |
veelhoek | polygon | plane figure bounded by straight edges |
veer | ferry | boat |
veer | feather | element of bird wings |
veerpont | ferry | boat |
veertien | fourteen | cardinal number |
veertiende | fourteenth | ordinal form of the number fourteen |
veertig | forty | the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine |
veevoeder | fodder | food for animals |
veevoer | fodder | food for animals |
vegen | wipe | removing surface substance |
vegetariër | vegetarian | person who or animal that does not eat any animal flesh |
vegetarisme | vegetarianism | practice of following a vegetarian diet |
veilig | safe | not in danger |
veiligheid | security | condition of not being threatened |
veiligheidsgordel | safety belt | a belt hat attaches a person to an immovable object for safety |
veiling | auction | public sales event |
vel | pelt | The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it |
vel | skin | outer covering of living tissue of a person |
veld | veldt | grassland for grazing |
veldmaarschalk | field marshal | miliary rank |
vele | many | an indefinite large number of |
vele handen maken licht werk | many hands make light work | proverb: a large number of people co-operating can perform tasks easily |
velg | hubcap | decorative disk for wheels |
velo | bike | bicycle |
vendetta | vengeance | revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong |
Venetiaans | Venetian | relating to Venice |
venijn | venom | poison |
venkel | fennel | Foeniculum vulgare, the plant |
vennootschap | corporation | company |
venster | window | opening for light and air |
ventilator | ventilator | device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air |
ventrikel | ventricle | one of two lower chambers of the heart |
ver | far | distant from something |
verachten | scorn | to feel contempt or disdain for something or somebody |
verachten | abominate | to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree |
verachten | despise | to regard with contempt or scorn |
verachting | contempt | uncountable: a feeling or attitude |
veraf | remote | at a distance |
verafschuwen | detest | to dislike |
verafschuwen | abominate | to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree |
verafschuwen | abhor | to regard with horror or detestation |
verafschuwen | loathe | to hate, detest, revile |
verandering | change | the process of becoming different |
veranderlijk | dynamic | not steady; in motion |
veranderlijk | invariable | not variable |
veranderlijk | variable | able to vary |
veranderlijke | dynamic | not steady; in motion |
verantwoordelijk | responsible | answerable for an act performed or for its consequences |
verantwoordelijk | accountable | Having accountability |
verantwoordelijkheid | responsibility | the state of being responsible |
verband | bandage | medical binding |
verbeelding | imagination | image-making power of the mind |
verbergen | hide | (transitive) |
verbergen | conceal | to hide something |
verbeteren | improve | to make something better |
verbeteren | ameliorate | to make better |
verbetering | correction | act of correcting |
verbieden | prohibit | to proscribe |
verbieden | forbid | to disallow |
verbieden | proscribe | forbid or prohibit |
verbieden | forfend | incursion |
verbinden | connect | to join two or more pieces |
verbinding | connection | act of connecting |
verbinding | link | connection |
verbindingsstreepje | hyphen | symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split |
verblijf | relent | stop, delay |
verblijven | stay | To remain in a particular place |
verblijven | abide | to dwell |
verbloeming | euphemism | use of a word or phrase to replace another word with one considered less offensive |
verboden | forbidden | not allowed |
verboden | unlawful | prohibited |
verborgen | hidden | Past participle of hide |
verbranding | burn | a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals |
verbranding | combustion | the act or process of burning |
verbrandingsmotor | internal combustion engine | a piston or a rotary heat engine |
verbrodden | spoil | ruin |
verbruik | consumption | the act of consuming something |
verbruiken | consume | to use |
verbruiker | consumer | person purchasing goods |
verbuiging | inflection | change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function |
verdamping | evaporation | process of liquid converting to the gaseous state |
verdediger | defender | someone who defends |
verdediger | advocate | person who argues the case of another |
verdediging | Template:defense-defence-noun | action of protecting from attack |
verdedigster | defender | someone who defends |
verdedigster | advocate | person who argues the case of another |
verdelen | divide | split or separate into two or more parts |
verdeling | division | act or process of dividing anything |
verdergaan | proceed | go forward |
verdienen | deserve | to merit |
verdoemenis | perdition | eternal damnation |
verdoofd | numb | without the power of sensation |
verdoven | deafen | to make deaf |
verdraagzaamheid | tolerance | ability to tolerate |
verdrag | treaty | binding an agreement under international law |
verdragen | tolerate | to allow without interference |
verdrietig | sad | sad |
verduisteren | darken | to make dark by reducing light |
verduistering | eclipse | passage of a planetary object between others |
verdunnen | dilute | to add more of a solvent to a solution; especially to add more water |
verdunner | diluent | diluent |
verdwaald | lost | past tense of "lose" |
verdwijnen | disappear | To vanish |
vereenvoudigen | simplify | To make simpler |
vereenvoudiging | simplification | act of simplifying |
vereiste | requirement | necessity |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | United Kingdom | Kingdom in Europe |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | United Arab Emirates | country in the Middle East |
Verenigde naties | United Nations | international coalition |
Verenigde Staten | United States of America | Country in North America |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika | United States of America | Country in North America |
verenigen | unite | to come or bring together as one |
verenigen | unify | cause to become one |
verergeren | aggravate | To make worse, or more severe |
verf | paint | substance |
verfborstel | brush | an implement with handle |
verfijnd | refined | showing good taste |
verfraaien | embellish | To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate |
verfransing | Frenchification | act of Frenchifying, something Frenchified |
verfrissen | refresh | To renew or revitalize |
verg. | cf. | compare |
vergeetachtig | forgetful | liable to forget |
vergeetachtige | forgetful | liable to forget |
vergeet-me-niet | forget-me-not | plant |
vergeet-mij-niet | forget-me-not | plant |
vergelding | vengeance | revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong |
vergelijking | simile | figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another |
vergelijking | equation | assertion |
vergelijking | comparison | act of comparing or the state of being compared |
vergeten | forget | to lose remembrance of |
vergeven | excuse | forgive, pardon |
vergeven | forgiveness | the action of forgiving |
vergeven | absolve | set free |
vergezocht | far-fetched | not likely |
vergif | poison | substance harmful to a living organism |
vergift | poison | substance harmful to a living organism |
vergroten | enhance | augment or make something greater |
vergroting | lexicologist | Act of making larger |
vergunning | license | legal document giving official permission to do something |
verhaal | story | account of events |
verhaaltje | tale | type of story |
verhandeling | treatise | systematic discourse on some subject |
verhemelte | palate | roof of the mouth |
verheugd | glad | pleased, happy, satisfied |
verhinderen | hinder | to delay or impede movement |
verhinderen | prevent | to keep from happening |
verhoging | fever | higher than normal body temperature |
verhoren | interrogate | to question or quiz |
verhouten | lignify | to become wood |
verhulling | camouflage | Camouflage |
verjaardag | birthday | anniversary |
verjaardagskaart | birthday card | greeting card |
verjaardagskado | birthday present | a present given to someone to celebrate their birthday |
verjagen | repel | to put off |
verjonging | rejuvenation | the process of rendering young again |
verkeer | traffic | pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air |
verkeerd | wrong | incorrect |
verkeerslicht | traffic light | signalling device |
verkenning | reconnaissance | act of gathering information |
verkiezen | choose | to elect |
verkiezen | prefer | to favor |
verkiezing | election | process of choosing a new leader |
verklaren | interpret | To explain or tell the meaning of |
verklaren | explain | report |
verklaring | explanation | the act or process of explaining |
verklaring | statement | declaration or remark |
verkleumd | numb | without the power of sensation |
verkondigen | preach | Give a sermon |
verkondigen | announce | give public notice, or first notice of |
verkoop | sale | exchange of goods or services for currency or credit |
verkoopbaar | saleable | suitable for sale |
verkoopster | seller | Someone who sells (1) |
verkoper | salesperson | inclusive language version of salesman |
verkoper | seller | Someone who sells (1) |
verkort | abbreviated | shortened |
verkorten | abridge | to make shorter (1) |
verkorten | abbreviate | to make shorter |
verkrachting | rape | the act of forcing sexual activity |
verkrijgen | acquire | to get |
verlaten | forlorn | left behind |
verlaten | abandoned | forsaken, deserted |
verlatenheid | abandonment | act of abandoning |
verleden | past | The period of time that has already happened |
verleden deelwoord | past participle | past participle |
verlegenheid | embarrassment | state of discomfort |
verleidelijk | tempting | attractive, appealing, enticing |
verleiding | seduction | act of seducing |
verlichten | lighten | to alleviate |
verlichting | mitigation | relief |
verliefd | in love | of a person or persons: enamored |
verliefd worden | fall in love | To come to have feelings of love |
verliezen | lose | cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability |
verloochenen | disavow | to refuse to own or acknowledge |
verloren | lost | past tense of "lose" |
verloren | forlorn | left behind |
verloskundige | midwife | person who assists women in childbirth |
verlossing | redemption | the act of redeeming or something redeemed |
vermenigvuldiging | multiplication | process<!--Def1--> |
vermindering | abatement | the act of abating or the state of being abated |
vermoedelijk | presumably | able to be sensibly presumed |
vermoeden | suggest | make one suppose |
vermoeid | tired | in need of rest or sleep |
vermogen | ability | quality or state of being able |
vermomming | disguise | attire to hide/assume an identity |
vermoorden | kill | act of killing |
vermoorden | slay | to kill, murder |
vernederen | humiliate | to humiliate |
vernederen | abase | to lower so as to hurt feelings |
vernietigen | destroy | to damage beyond use or repair |
vernietigen | annihilate | to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate |
vernietiging | destruction | The act of destroying |
veronachtzaming | disregard | not paying attention or caring about |
veronderstelling | guess | prediction about the outcome of something |
verontrustend | worrisome | Causing worry; perturbing or vexing |
verontrustende | worrisome | Causing worry; perturbing or vexing |
veroordelen | convict | to find guilty |
veroorzaken | concuss | person who is visually similar to another; a double |
verordening | regulation | law or administrative rule |
veroveren | conquer | to defeat in combat |
verovering | conquest | victory gained through combat; the subjugation of an enemy |
verplicht | mandatory | obligatory |
verplicht | compulsorily | in a manner which is compulsory |
verplicht | compulsory | mandatory |
verprutsen | spoil | ruin |
verraad | betrayal | act of betraying |
verraden | betray | to deliver into the hands of an enemy |
verrassing | surprise | something not expected |
verrekijker | binoculars | hand-held device for looking at a distance. |
verreweg | by far | to a large extent |
verrichten | perform | to do something |
verrijken | enrich | to make someone rich or richer |
verrot | rotten | decayed, gone bad |
vers | fresh | New or clean (1) |
verscheiden | various | an eclectic range of |
verschijnen | appear | To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible |
verschijnen | crop up | to occur |
verschijnsel | symptom | indicators and characteristics of the presence of something else |
verschil | difference | quality of being different |
verschil van mening | disagreement | An argument or debate |
verschillend | different | not the same |
verschrikkelijk | atrocious | evil, cruel |
verschrikkelijk | ghastly | horrifyingly shocking |
versieren | decoration | act of adorning |
verslaafde | addict | person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug |
verslaan | defeat | to overcome in battle or contest |
verslag | report | information describing events |
verslaggever | reporter | journalist |
verslechteren | deteriorate | make worse |
verslinden | devour | to eat greedily |
versmelten | coalesce | to join into a single mass |
versnellen | accelerate | to cause to move faster |
versnelling | acceleration | act, state |
versnellingsmeter | accelerometer | instrument for measuring acceleration |
verspillen | squander | to waste |
verspreiden | scatter | to cause to separate |
verstaan | it's all Greek to me | I don’t understand any of this |
verstaan | understood | comprehended |
verstand | mind | ability for rational thought |
verstandelijk | rational | agreeable to reason |
verstandelijke | rational | agreeable to reason |
versterken | reinforce | to strengthen by addition |
versterken | strengthen | to make strong or stronger |
verstijfd | numb | without the power of sensation |
verstoppen | hide | (transitive) |
verstoppen | conceal | to hide something |
verstopt | hidden | Past participle of hide |
verstoren | disturb | confuse or irritate |
verstrooien | scatter | to cause to separate |
verstuiver | atomizer | instrument for reducing a liquid to spray |
vertaalbaar | translatable | capable of being translated into another language |
vertaalster | translator | someone who translates |
vertalen | translate | To change text from one language to another |
vertaler | translator | someone who translates |
vertaling | translation | act of translating between languages |
vertelde | told | simple past tense |
vertelden | told | simple past tense |
verteller | narrator | in story |
vertelsel | tale | type of story |
vertelster | narrator | in story |
vertering | digestion | process in gastrointestinal tract |
verticaal | vertical | being perpendicular with the surface of the Earth |
verticale | vertical | being perpendicular with the surface of the Earth |
vertolker | interpreter | one who interprets speech in another language |
vertragen | hinder | to delay or impede movement |
vertrek | departure | The act of departing |
vertrek | room | |
vertroosting | consolation | act of consoling |
vertrouwelijk | confidential | meant to be kept secret within a certain circle |
vervaardigen | manufacture | to make things |
vervaardiger | producer | in economics |
verval | decline | downward movement, fall |
vervangen | replace | to substitute |
vervanger | replacement | substitute |
vervanging | replacement | substitute |
verveeld | bored | suffering from boredom |
vervelen | annoy | to disturb or irritate |
verveling | boredom | state of being bored |
vervoeren | transport | change the location of |
vervolg | sequel | a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe |
vervolgen | persecute | To pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict |
vervolgens | subsequently | subsequently |
vervreemden | alienation | the act of alienating |
vervuiler | pollutant | something that pollutes |
vervullen | fulfill | satisfy, carry out |
verwaarloos | negligible | able to be ignored or excluded |
verwaarloosbaar | negligible | able to be ignored or excluded |
verwachting | expectation | act or state of expecting |
verwantschap | relationship | connection or assocation |
verwarren | befuddle | perplex or confuse |
verwarren | confound | to confuse |
verwarring | confusion | lack of clarity or order |
verwelking | wilt | drooping |
verwerpen | reject | refuse to accept |
Verwerven | procure | to procure |
verwerven | acquire | to get |
verwezenlijking | feat | An accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult |
verwijderd | remote | at a distance |
verwijderen | remove | to take away |
verwijdering | removal | The process of moving, or the fact of being removed |
verwijfd | effeminate | of a man, behaving like a woman |
verwijzen | refer | To direct to a source for help or information |
verwisselen | transpose | reverse or change the order of two |
verwoestend | destructive | causing destruction; damaging |
verwoestende | destructive | causing destruction; damaging |
verwonding | wound | injury |
verwonding | injury | Injury |
verwoorden | formulate | To reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression |
verzaken | forsake | to abandon |
verzamelaar | collector | that which collects |
verzameling | group | number of things or persons being in some relation to each other |
verzamelingenleer | set theory | mathematical theory of sets |
verzekeren | ensure | make sure or certain |
verzenden | send | make something go somewhere |
verzetsstrijder | resistor | One who resists, especially a person who fights against an occupying army |
verzoek | request | act of requesting |
verzoek | query | question or inquiry |
verzond | sent | simple past of "to send" |
verzonden | sent | simple past of "to send" |
verzorgen | look after | to watch, to protect |
verzwakken | debilitate | To make feeble; to weaken |
verzwakken | weaken | To make weaker |
verzwijgen | hush up | to keep secret |
vet | fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
vet | grease | animal fat |
vetzuchtig | obese | Extremely overweight |
vetzuchtige | obese | Extremely overweight |
veulen | foal | young horse |
vgl. | cf. | compare |
viaticum | viaticum | Eucharist |
vice versa | vice versa | the other way round |
Victor | Victor | male given name |
videospelletje console | video game console | a dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games |
vier | four | the cardinal number 4 |
vierde | fourth | fourth |
vierde naamval | accusative case | grammatical case |
vieren | celebrate | extol or honour in a solemn manner |
vierentwintig | twenty-four | cardinal number |
vierenvijftig | fifty-four | cardinal number |
vierenzestig | sixty-four | cardinal number |
vierhoek | quadrilateral | polygon having four sides |
vierkant | square | polygon |
vierkante meter | square metre | standard unit of area |
viervoeter | quadruped | a four-footed animal |
vies | dirty | covered with or containing dirt |
vies | squicky | of something that engenders disgust |
Vietnam | Vietnam | country in Southeast Asia |
vijand | rival | competitor against the same objective |
vijand | enemy | someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else |
vijand | foe | enemy |
vijandig | hostile | belonging or appropriate to an enemy |
vijandig | truculently | with aggression |
vijandige rivaliteit | strife | violent conflict |
vijf | five | five (numeral) |
vijf over half twee | twenty-five to | twenty-five minutes to two |
vijf voor half twee | twenty-five past | twenty-five minutes past one |
vijfde | fifth | Ordinal form of the number 5 |
vijfentwintig | twenty-five | twenty-five |
vijfentwintig over één | twenty-five past | twenty-five minutes past one |
vijfentwintig voor twee | twenty-five to | twenty-five minutes to two |
vijfenvijftig | fifty-five | cardinal number |
vijfenzestig | sixty-five | cardinal number |
vijfhoek | pentagon | A polygon with five sides and five angles |
vijfhonderd | five hundred | cardinal number five hundred |
vijfling | quintuplet | one of a group of five babies born from the same mother during the same birth |
vijftien | fifteen | cardinal number |
vijftiende | fifteenth | ordinal form of number fifteen |
vijgenboom | fig | tree or shrub |
vijs | screw | fastener |
vijver | pond | small lake |
Viktor | Victor | male given name |
vilt | felt | cloth made of matted fibres of wool |
viltstift | felt-tip pen | pen that holds ink conveyed to a writing surface by a felt nib |
vin | fin | appendage of a fish |
Vincent | Vincent | male given name |
vinden | find | encounter |
vinger | digital | having to do or performed with a finger |
vinger | digit | finger or toe |
vinger | finger | extremity of the hand |
vingerdier | aye-aye | nocturnal quadruped |
vingerhoed | thimble | a protective cap for the finger |
vingerknip | fillip | the act of releasing the index finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap |
vink | finch | any bird of the family Fringillidae |
vink | chaffinch | bird |
viool | violin | string instrument |
virologie | virology | branch of microbiology that deals with the study of viruses and viral disease |
virtueel | virtual | in effect; not fact |
virtuoos | virtuoso | A person with masterly ability, technique or style |
virus | virus | DNA/RNA causing disease |
vis | fish | vertebrate animal |
visarend | osprey | osprey |
visceus | viscous | having a thick, sticky consistency |
Vishaak | fishhook | barbed hook for fishing |
visie | opinion | subjective thought |
visionair | visionary | having vision or foresight |
visitekaartje | business card | a small card with a person’s name and professional information |
Vissen | Pisces | constellation |
visser | fisher | one that fishes |
vissersboot | fisher | one that fishes |
visum | visa | permit |
vitrine | shop window | large window at the front of a shop |
vivisectie | vivisection | The action of invasive treatment of a living organism for scientific investigation |
Vlaams | Flemish | of or relating to Flanders |
vlag | banner | flag |
vlag | flag | of or pertaining to an admiral, commodore of officer |
vlak | level | the same height at all places |
vlak | even | flat and level |
vlak | plane | Of a surface: Perfectly flat or level. |
vlak | flat | having no variations in altitude |
vlakke | even | flat and level |
vlam | flame | visible part of fire |
vlas | flax | plant |
vlaskleurig | flaxen | material |
vlechten | braid | intertwine |
vleermuis | bat | small flying mammal |
vlees | flesh | body tissue |
vlees | meat | food which comes from muscle |
vleeseter | carnivore | meat-eating animal |
vlegel | rascal | someone who is naughty |
Vlegel | flail | tool |
vleien | butter up | to flatter |
vleier | sycophant | one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person. |
vleierij | -hood | food additive |
vlek | spot | stain |
vlezig | fleshy | of, relating to, or resembling flesh |
vliegdekschip | aircraft carrier | warship for launching aircraft |
vliegen | flight | act of flying |
vliegende schotel | flying saucer | disc-shaped unidentified flying object |
vliegshow | air show | a public display of stunt flying, aerobatics, and historical aircraft |
vliegtuig | aircraft | machine capable of atmospheric flight |
vliegtuig | aeroplane | airplane, a winged aircraft |
vliegtuig | airplane | powered aircraft |
vlier | elderberry | shrub |
vlijtig | diligent | performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard |
vlinder | butterfly | insect |
vlo | flea | parasitic insect |
vloed | flood | overflow of water |
vloedgolf | tidal wave | large and sudden rise and fall in the tide |
vloedgolf | tsunami | large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean |
vloeiend | fluent | able to speak a foreign language accurately and with confidence |
vloek | curse | supernatural detriment |
vloer | floor | lower part of a room |
vloerkleed | carpet | A fabric used as a floor covering |
vloertegel | tile | mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces |
vlooienmarkt | flea market | an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios |
vlot | float | buoyant device used to support something in liquid |
vlot | raft | flat, floating structure |
vlucht | flight | act of flying |
vluchten | flee | to run away; to escape |
vluchten | skedaddle | move or run away quickly |
vlug | quickly | rapidly, fast |
vlug | quick | moving with speed |
VN | United Nations | international coalition |
vochtig | wet | of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid |
vochtig | moist | wet |
vochtig | dank | dark, damp and humid |
vod | clout | cloth |
vod | rag | piece of cloth |
voeden | feed | to give food to eat |
voedsel | food | any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life |
voedselgewas | crop | plant grown for food |
voedselketen | food chain | a feeding relationship between species |
voedselplant | crop | plant grown for food |
voedzaam | nourishing | that provides nourishment |
voelspriet | antenna | Feeler organ on the head of an insect |
voeren | transport | change the location of |
voeren | feed | to give food to eat |
voertuig | vehicle | a conveyance |
voetbal | football | in Britain |
voetbankje | footstool | a low stool |
voetgangersbrug | footbridge | bridge for pedestrians |
voetpad | sidewalk | paved footpath |
vogel | bird | animal |
vogelbekdier | platypus | Ornithorhynchus anatinus |
vogelkunde | ornithology | scientific study of birds |
vogelschrik | scarecrow | an effigy made to scare the birds away |
vogelverschrikker | scarecrow | an effigy made to scare the birds away |
vogelvrije | outlaw | a fugitive from the law |
vol | full | containing the maximum possible amount |
Volapük | Volapük | language |
voldaan | sated | in a state of complete satisfaction |
voldoen | suffice | be enough, sufficient, adequate |
voldoen | satisfy | to meet needs, to fulfill |
voldoend | complaisant | compliant |
voldoende | enough | sufficient |
voldoende | satisfy | to meet needs, to fulfill |
voldoende | adequate | equal to some requirement |
voldongen feit | fait accompli | An established fact |
volgen | follow | to go or come after in physical space |
volgende | next | following in a sequence |
volgende | following | next in sequence or time |
volgens | according to | based on statement |
volgorde | order | arrangement, disposition |
volgzaam | docile | yielding to control |
volharden | persist | continue to exist |
volharding | perseverance | persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence |
volhouden | insist | to hold up a claim emphatically |
volk | people | a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons |
volkerenmoord | genocide | systematic killing of substantial numbers of people |
volkomen | completely | totally |
volledig | completely | totally |
volleybal | volleyball | game |
volslank | fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
volstaan | suffice | be enough, sufficient, adequate |
voltooid deelwoord | past participle | past participle |
voltooien | complete | to finish |
voltooiing | accomplishment | the act of accomplishing |
vonk | spark | particle of glowing matter |
voor | furrow | trench cut in the soil |
voor | before | earlier than in time |
voor altijd | ad infinitum | endlessly |
voor expres | deliberate | intentional |
vooraf | beforehand | at an earlier time |
vooral | above all | of prime importance |
vooral | especially | particularly |
vooravond | eve | day or night before |
voorbeeld | example | something representative of a group |
voorbeeldig | exemplary | good enough to serve as an example to others |
voorbereiden | prepare | to make ready for a specific future purpose |
voorbij | over | ended |
voorbij laten gaan | foregone | past participle of forego |
voorbijganger | passer-by | a person who is passing by |
voorbode | harbinger | that which foretells the coming of something |
voordeel | perquisite | benefit beyond salary |
voordeel | advantage | any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success |
voordeel | benefit | advantage, help or aid |
voordeur | front door | main entrance |
voordoen | occur | present itself |
voordracht | presentation | presenting to an audience |
voorgaand | preceding | foregoing; occuring before or in front of something else |
voorgerecht | starter | first course of a meal |
voorhamer | sledgehammer | kind of hammer |
voorhanden zijn | availability | the quality of being available |
voorhoofd | forehead | part of face above eyebrows |
voorhuid | prepuce | prepuce |
vooringenomenheid | bias | inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality |
voorkant | front | facing side |
voorkeur | predilection | tendency towards |
voorkeur geven | prefer | to favor |
voorkomen | guise | way of speaking or acting |
voorkomen | occur | present itself |
voorkomen | existence | the state of being, existing, or occurring |
voorlaatste | penultimate | the next-to-last in a sequence |
voormalig | former | previous |
voornaam | first name | name chosen by parents |
voornaam | given name | name chosen for a child by its parents |
voornaamst | foremost | first |
voornaamste | principal | primary, main |
voornaamste | prime | first in time, order, or sequence |
voornaamwoord | pronoun | pronoun |
voornamelijk | mainly | chiefly; for the most part |
voornamelijk | above all | of prime importance |
voornamelijk | chiefly | mainly |
voornemen | intention | course intended to follow |
voorraad | stock | store of goods for sale |
voorrang | precedence | the state of preceding in importance or priority |
voorrecht | privilege | A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor |
voorspelde | foretold | simple past of "to foretell" |
voorspelden | foretold | simple past of "to foretell" |
voorspellen | forecast | estimate future conditions |
voorspellen | predict | to state, or make something known in advance |
voorspellen | foretell | to predict the future |
voorspoed | prosperity | prosperity |
voorstel | offer | proposal |
voorstel | proposal | that which is proposed |
voorstellen | introduce | to and make known by formal announcement or recommendation |
voorstellen | propose | to suggest a plan or course of action |
voorstellen | represent | present again or anew |
voorstelling | presentation | presenting to an audience |
voorsteven | prow | fore part of a vessel; bow |
voort | forth | forth |
voortbrengen | engender | bring into existence |
voortdurend | incessant | without pause or stop; not ending |
voortdurend | continuous | without break, cessation, or interruption in time |
voortdurende wijziging | flux | A state of ongoing change |
voortplantingsorganen | genitalia | genitals or sex organs |
voortzetten | continue | transitive: proceed |
vooruitgang | progress | a moving forward |
voorval | occurrence | actual instance where a situation arises |
voorvoegsel | prefix | letters at the beginning of a word |
voorwaarde | premise | proposition antecedently supposed or proved |
voorwenden | pretend | to act as though something is different from what it is |
voorwerp | object | thing |
voorzag | foresaw | simple past of "to foresee" |
voorzagen | foresaw | simple past of "to foresee" |
voorzetsel | preposition | grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by" |
voorzichtig | provident | with care and consideration for the future |
voorzichtig | careful | cautious |
voorzien | foreseen | past participle of foresee |
voorzien | foresee | to anticipate |
voorzijde | front | facing side |
vore | furrow | trench cut in the soil |
vorig | previous | prior |
vork | crotch | area where something forks |
vork | fork | eating utensil with spikes |
vorm | mold | hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance |
vormeloos | amorphous | lacking a definite form or clear shape |
vorst | freeze | period of cold |
vorstendom | principality | region |
vorstperiode | freeze | period of cold |
vos | fox | Vulpes vulpes |
-voudig | -fold | used to make adjectives |
vraag | question | sentence which asks for information |
vraag | request | act of requesting |
vraag | query | question or inquiry |
vraag | demand | desire to purchase goods and Services |
vraagteken | question mark | punctuation |
vrachtwagen | lorry | A motor vehicle |
vragen | ask | request an answer |
vragend | interrogative | asking or denoting a question |
vrede | RIP | rest in peace |
vredig | calm | unworried, free from anger and anxiety |
vreemd | strange | not normal |
vreemd | eerie | weird |
vreemd | odd | strange |
vreemd | whimsical | Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing |
vreemde | stranger | person whom one does not know |
vreemde | strange | not normal |
vreemde taal | foreign language | any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place |
vreemdeling | foreigner | person in a foreign land |
vreemdeling | alien | person etc. outside of the considered territory: |
vreemdelinge | foreigner | person in a foreign land |
vrek | miser | skinflint or scrooge |
vreselijk | atrocious | evil, cruel |
vreselijk | awful | awful |
vreugdevuur | bonfire | large, outdoor controlled fire |
vriend | boyfriend | male partner in a romantic relationship. |
vriend | friend | person whose company one enjoys |
vriendelijk | friendly | warm, approachable |
vriendelijk | kindly | having a kind personality |
vriendelijkheid | friendliness | the quality of being friendly |
vriendin | girlfriend | a female partner in a romantic relationship. |
vriendin | friend | person whose company one enjoys |
vriendinnetje | friend | person whose company one enjoys |
vriendje | friend | person whose company one enjoys |
vriendjespolitiek | nepotism | favoring of relatives or personal friends |
vriendschap | friendship | (uncountable) condition of being friends |
vriespunt | freezing point | temperature |
vriezer | freezer | container or room keeping things frozen |
vrij | free | not imprisoned |
vrijbuiter | freebooter | A pirate, or person who pillages and plunders |
vrijdag | Friday | day of the week |
vrijen | sex | Act of sexual intercourse |
vrijen | make love | To engage in sexual intercourse |
vrijetijdsbesteding | hobby | activity done for enjoyment in spare time |
vrijgesteld | exempt | To release from a liability which others are subject to |
vrijgevig | generous | Willing to give and share unsparingly |
vrijgevigheid | generosity | the trait of being willing to give your money and/or time |
vrijheid | liberty | condition of being free |
vrijheid | freedom | not being imprisoned or enslaved |
vrijheid van meningsuiting | freedom of speech | right to speak without fear of harm |
vrijwillig | voluntary | done, given, or acting of one's own free will |
vroedvrouw | midwife | person who assists women in childbirth |
vrolijk | gay | happy, joyful and lively |
vrolijk | merry | Jolly and full of high-spirits |
Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar | Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! | a traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year |
vrolijkheid | glee | Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast |
vroomheid | piety | reverence and devotion to God |
vrouw | woman | adult female human being |
vrouw | wife | married woman |
vrouwelijk | female | belonging to the sex with larger, fertilizable gametes |
vrouwen | women | Plural of woman |
vrucht | fruition | condition of bearing fruit |
vrucht | fruit | part of plant |
vruchtbaar | fertile | (of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops |
vruchtbaar | prolific | Fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance |
vruchtbaarheid | fertility | the condition, or the degree of being fertile |
VS | United States of America | Country in North America |
VSA | USA | United States of America |
vuil | dirty | covered with or containing dirt |
vuil | trash | thing to be discarded |
vuilnis | trash | thing to be discarded |
vuilnis | rubbish | garbage, junk, refuse, waste |
vuilnisbak | dustbin | container for trash |
vuist | fist | clenched hand |
vuistregel | rule of thumb | a general guideline rather than a strict rule |
vulgar | vaginal flatulence | emission or expulsion of air from the vagina |
Vulgar Latijn | Vulgar Latin | the Latin language as spoken by people |
vulkaan | volcano | mountain containing a magma chamber |
vullen | cloy | fill up |
vullen | fill | to make full |
vuur | fire | chemical reaction |
vuurtoren | lighthouse | building containing a light to warn or guide ships |
vuurzee | conflagration | A large, ferocious, and destructive fire |
Waak | vigil | watch |
Waal | Walloon | the people |
Waalse | Walloon | the people |
waar | where | the place in/at which; the place from which |
waar | goods | that which is produced, traded, bought or sold |
waar kom je vandaan | where are you from | in which country or region were you born or raised |
waar komt u vandaan | where are you from | in which country or region were you born or raised |
waard | worthwhile | good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on |
waarde | meaning | symbolic value of something |
waarde | value added tax | tax levied on added value of an exchange |
waardeloos | worthless | not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential |
waarderen | appreciate | to be grateful for something |
waardevol | valuable | having a great value |
waardoor | whereupon | in consequence of which |
waarheen | whither | to which place |
waarna | whereupon | in consequence of which |
waarneembaar | sensible | perceptible by the mind |
waarneming | observation | act of observing or being observed |
waarneming | perception | conscious understanding of something |
waarom | wherefore | because of which |
waarom | why | for what reason |
waarschijnlijk | probably | in all likelihood |
waarschijnlijkheid | likelihood | probability |
waarschuwen | notify | (transitive) To give (someone) notice of (something) |
waarschuwing | caveat | a warning |
-waarts | -ward | forming adverbs |
waarvan | where | the place in/at which; the place from which |
waarvandaan | where | the place in/at which; the place from which |
waarvandaan | whence | From where; from which place or source |
wablief | excuse me | request to repeat |
wacht | guard | Person who protects something |
wachten | abode | obsolete: act of waiting |
wachten | wait | delay until some event |
wachter | guardian | guard or watcher |
wachtlijst | waiting list | ordered list of people waiting to obtain something |
waf | woof | sound of a dog |
waf | yiff | bark |
wafel | wafer | biscuit |
wafel | waffle | flat pastry |
wagen | wagon | cart |
wagen | waggon | cart |
wagen | car | automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver |
wagenziekte | carsickness | motion sickness due to riding in a vehicle |
Wake | vigil | watch |
wakker | awake | conscious |
wakvlakte | polynya | an area of open water surrounded by sea ice |
Wales | Wales | a constituent nation of the UK |
walgelijk | offensive | causing offense |
walgelijke | offensive | causing offense |
walgen | abhor | to regard with horror or detestation |
walging | abomination | the feeling of extreme disgust |
walm | smoke | particles and vapour given off by burning material |
walnotenboom | walnut | tree |
walvis | whale | large sea mammals |
wandaad | outrage | atrocity |
wandelen | walk | move upon two feet |
wandelstok | walking stick | cane |
wandtapijt | Gobelin | a mainly French and Flemish type of tapestry |
wang | cheek | of face |
wanhopig | desperately | in a desperate manner |
wanneer | when | at what time |
wanorde | disarray | Want of array or regular order |
want | mitten | glove with a separate sheath for the thumb only |
want | for | because |
wapen | coat of arms | a hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon |
wapen | weapon | instrument of attack or defense in combat |
wapenkunde | heraldry | the profession of devising and blazoning arms |
wapenschild | coat of arms | a hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon |
wapenstilstand | armistice | ceasefire, a truce. |
wapenstilstand | truce | a period of time in which no fighting takes place |
warm | warm | having a temperature slightly higher than usual |
warmte | heat | physics: thermal energy |
wartaal | gibberish | unintelligible speech or writing |
was | wax | oily, water-resistant substance |
was | laundry | laundering; washing |
wasbeer | racoon | nocturnal omnivore living in Northern America |
wasbeer | raccoon | nocturnal omnivore living in Northern America |
wasmachine | washer | something that washes |
wasmand | hamper | large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles |
wassen | wash | to clean with water |
wat | re | regarding |
wat | what | interrogative pronoun |
wat betreft | qua | in the capacity of |
wat is er | what's up | (informal) How are you? |
water | water | clear liquid H<sub>2</sub>O |
waterbuffel | buffalo | Old World mammals |
watermeloen | watermelon | plant |
wateropnemend | absorbent | absorbing |
waterpolo | water polo | a water sport |
waterstof | hydrogen | chemical element |
waterstofperoxide | hydrogen peroxide | H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> |
watertoren | water tower | tank of water |
wateruuwerk | water clock | device for measuring time |
waterval | waterfall | flow of water over the edge of a cliff |
waterval | cascade | waterfall |
watervliegtuig | seaplane | an aircraft |
we | we | the speaker/writer and at least one other person |
weddenschap | bet | a wager |
wederkerend | intermittent | stopping and starting at intervals |
wederkerend | reflexive | in grammar |
wederkerend werkwoord | reflexive verb | verb with equivalent subject and direct object |
wederom | again | having already happened before |
wederopstanding | resurrection | the act of arising from the dead |
wederrechtelijk | unlawful | prohibited |
wederzijds | mutual | Having the same relationship, each to each other |
wedstrijd | match | sporting event |
weduwe | widow | a woman whose husband has died |
weefde | wove | simple past of to weave |
weefden | wove | simple past of to weave |
weefsel | tissue | woven fabric |
weegbree | plantain | small plant |
weegschaal | scales | device for weighing goods for sale |
weegschaal | balance | scales |
week | week | period of seven days |
weekdag | weekday | weekday |
weekdier | mollusc | soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca |
weekeinde | weekend | break in the working week |
weekend | weekend | break in the working week |
weer | again | having already happened before |
weer | wether | castrated buck goat |
weerlegging | refutation | an act of refuting |
weerstand | resistance | act of resisting |
weersvoorspelling | weather forecast | prediction of future weather |
weerwolf | werewolf | wolflike human |
weerzinwekkend | offensive | causing offense |
weerzinwekkende | offensive | causing offense |
weg | avenue | broad street |
weg | itinerary | A route or proposed route of a journey |
weg | absent | being away from a place |
weg | road | strip of land made suitable for travel |
weg | way | wide path |
wegblokkade | roadblock | Something that blocks or obstructs a road |
wegeltje | lane | passageway |
wegenkaart | road map | a map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation |
wegens | because of | on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of |
weggooien | throw away | to discard or dispose of something |
weghalen | remove | to take away |
weglaten | leave out | To leave out or to not include |
weglaten | omit | To leave out or exclude |
wegstoppen | hide | (transitive) |
wegversperring | roadblock | Something that blocks or obstructs a road |
wegvluchten | flee | to run away; to escape |
weinig | few | indefinite, usually small nuber |
wekelijks | weekly | once every week |
wekker | alarm clock | type of clock |
welbespraaktheid | eloquence | the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing |
welgesteld | well-to-do | rich |
welingelicht | abreast | informed |
welk | which | what, of those mentioned or implied |
welke | which | what, of those mentioned or implied |
welke ... ook | whatever | no matter which; for any |
welkom | welcome | greeting given upon someone's arrival |
wellicht | maybe | perhaps |
welp | cub | the young of certain animals |
welp | wolf cub | wolf cub |
welp | lion cub | young lion |
welpje | lion cub | young lion |
welterusten | good night | a farewell |
Wenen | Vienna | capital of Austria |
wenkbrauw | eyebrow | hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket |
wennen | accustom | To make familiar by use |
wens | wish | a wish |
wens | will | volition |
wensdenken | wishful thinking | illusion that what you would like is true |
wereld | world | human collective existence |
wereld | realm | sphere or influence |
wereldbol | globe | the planet Earth |
wereldburger | cosmopolite | cosmopolitan person |
wereldwijd | worldwide | affecting every place in the world |
wereldwijde | worldwide | affecting every place in the world |
werf | wharf | man-made landing place jutting out to water |
werkelijk | actual | existing in act or reality |
werkelijk | really | actually |
werkend | functional | in good working order |
werkgever | employer | person or entity which employs others |
werkloos | unemployed | having no job |
werkloosheid | unemployment | joblessness |
werkloze | unemployed | having no job |
werknemer | employee | individual who provides labor to a company or another person |
werktuig | tool | mechanical device intended to make a task easier |
werkwoord | verb | (grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state |
werpen | throw | To cause an object to move rapidly through the air |
werpen | sling | to throw |
werpen | launch | throw, hurl, let fly |
wesp | wasp | insect |
westelijk | western | pertaining to the west |
Westelijke Jordaanoever | West Bank | territory |
Westelijke Sahara | Western Sahara | a territory in northern Africa |
westen | west | compass point |
wet | law | written or understood rule |
weten | know | be certain or sure about (something) |
wetenschap | science | collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method |
wetenschappelijk | scientific | of or having to do with science |
wetenschapper | scientist | one who activities make use of scientific method |
wetgevende macht | legislature | governmental body |
wetteloos | lawless | not restrained by the law |
weven | weave | |
weven | weaving | process of making woven material |
wezel | weasel | Mustela nivalis |
wezel | least weasel | Weasel |
wezen | being | n. living being |
whisky | whiskey | alcoholic drink |
wie | who | who? (interrogative pronoun) |
wie | whose | to whom does something/someone belong? |
wie ook | whoever | whatever person or persons |
wieg | cradle | oscillating bed for a baby |
wiegeliedje | lullaby | a soothing song to lull children to sleep |
wiegewacht | babysitter | baby or child caretaker |
wiel | wheel | a circular device facilitating movement or transportation |
wiens | whose | to whom does something/someone belong? |
wierook | incense | A perfume often used in the rites of various religions |
wig | wedge | One of the simple machines |
wij | we | the speaker/writer and at least one other person |
wijden | devote | to commit oneself for a certain matter |
wijfje | hen | female bird |
wijfjesvos | vixen | female fox |
wijk | hood | Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects |
wijn | wine | alcoholic beverage made from grapes |
wijngaard | vineyard | grape plantation |
wijngaardslak | slug | gastropod |
wijs | sage | wise |
wijs | wise | wise |
wijsgerig | philosophical | of or pertaining to philosophy |
wijsheidstand | wisdom tooth | rearmost molar in humans |
wijsneus | know-it-all | someone who acts as though he/she knows everything |
wijsvinger | forefinger | first finger next to the thumb |
wijze | sage | wise |
wijze van spreken | figure of speech | word or phrase |
wijziging | edit | a change to the text of a document |
wiki | wiki | collaborative website |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia | online encyclopedia |
Wikiwoordenboek | Wiktionary | project |
wil | will | volition |
wild | ferocious | Marked by extreme and violent energy |
wild zwijn | wild boar | Sus scrofa |
wilde eend | mallard | a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos |
wilde kat | wildcat | bobcat |
wilde staking | wildcat | bobcat |
wilg | willow | tree |
willekeurig | whimsical | Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing |
willekeurig | random | all outcomes being unpredictable |
willekeurig | arbitrary | Determined by impulse |
Willem | William | male given name derived from Willahelm<!--DON'T ADD PET FORMS - put them in the translated article--> |
willen | want | desire |
willen zeggen | mean | convey, signify, indicate |
Wim | William | male given name derived from Willahelm<!--DON'T ADD PET FORMS - put them in the translated article--> |
wimper | eyelash | hair growing on the edge of an eyelid |
wind | wind | movement of air |
wind | fart | an emission of flatulent gases |
wind | break wind | fart |
windstoot | squall | to cry or wail loudly |
windstreek | compass point | any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass |
windveren | cirrus | cloud |
winkel | shop | establishment that sells goods |
winkelen | shopping | activity of buying |
winnaar | winner | one who has won or often wins |
winnen | win | transitive: achieve victory in |
winstgevend | profitable | bringing profit |
winter | winter | fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures |
wippen | leap | to jump from one location to another |
wirwar | tangle | tangled twisted mass |
wisent | wisent | The European bison, Bison bonasus |
wiskunde | mathematics | study |
wiskunde | math | short form of mathematics |
wisky | whisky | alcoholic drink |
wissel | alternating | such that it alternates |
wisselstroom | AC | alternating current |
wit | white | bright and colourless |
withals-mierklauwier | collared antshrike | passerine bird |
Wit-Rusland | White Russia | literal name of Belarus |
Wit-Rusland | Belarus | country |
Wit-Russisch | Belarusian | pertaining to Belarus |
Wit-Russische | Belarusian | pertaining to Belarus |
witte | Prince Charming | romantically ideal man |
witte bloedcel | white blood cell | cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response |
Witte gids | directory | list of names, addresses etc. |
Witte Huis | White House | The official residence of the President of the United States of America |
witte wijn | white wine | light coloured wine |
wodka | vodka | clear distilled alcoholic liquor |
woede | ire | great anger |
woede | anger | A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something |
woede | wrath | great anger |
woekerrente | usury | exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates |
woensdag | Wednesday | day of the week |
woerd | drake | male duck |
woest | ferocious | Marked by extreme and violent energy |
woest | truculently | with aggression |
woestenij | waste | desolate place |
woestijn | desert | barren area |
wok | wok | large round pan |
wol | wool | hair of sheep, etc. |
wolf | grey wolf | a large grey wolf |
wolf | wolf | animal |
Wolga | Volga | longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea |
wolkenkrabber | skyscraper | tall building |
wollen | woolen | made of wool |
wolvenwelp | wolf cub | wolf cub |
wonde | wound | injury |
wonder | miracle | wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers |
wonen | abide | to dwell |
woonkamer | living room | room in a private house |
woonplaats | residence | place where one lives |
woord | word | unit of language |
woordafbreking | hyphenation | inclusion and location of hyphens |
woorden | words | plural of "word", a part of a sentence |
woordenboek | dictionary | publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words |
woordenlijst | vocabulary | list of words |
woordsoort | part of speech | the function a word or phrase performs |
woordsplitsing | hyphenation | inclusion and location of hyphens |
woordvoerder | spokesman | one who speaks as the voice of a group of people |
woordvoerster | spokesman | one who speaks as the voice of a group of people |
worden | become | To begin to be |
worden | harden | become hard |
worden | balding | becoming bald |
worm | worm | animal |
worst | sausage | for slicing |
worstelen | wrestling | sport |
wortel | square root | number |
wortel | root | of a plant |
wortel | carrot | orange root vegetable |
wortelstok | rhizome | a horizontal underground stem of some plants |
woud | forest | dense collection of trees |
wraak | revenge | retaliatory action |
wraak | vengeance | revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong |
wrat | wart | type of growth occurring on the skin |
wrede | cruel | to form a complex with another substance |
wreed | cruel | to form a complex with another substance |
wreedheid | atrocity | extremely cruel act |
wrijving | friction | The rubbing of one object or surface against another |
wrok | rancor | the deepest malignity or spite |
wrok | rancour | the deepest malignity or spite |
wrong | wrung | past tense of wring |
wrongen | wrung | past tense of wring |
wuft | frivolous | silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner |
wyvern | wyvern | mythical dragon-like creature |
Xavier | Xavier | male given name |
xenofobie | xenophobia | A pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. |
xenofobisch | xenophobic | suffering from xenophobia |
xylofoon | xylophone | musical instrument |
yam | yam | edible root of Dioscorea vine |
yen | yen | unit of Japanese currency |
yeti | yeti | unidentified animal |
yoghurt | yoghurt | a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process |
Yucatán | Yucatán | a penisula in southeast Mexico |
zaag | saw | tool |
zaagsel | sawdust | dust created by sawing |
zaak | company | in legal context, a corporation |
zabberen | slaver | to drool saliva |
zacht | soft | giving way under pressure |
zachtgekookt | soft-boiled | of an egg |
zadel | saddle | seat on an animal |
Zagreb | Zagreb | capital of Croatia |
zak | sack | large bag for storage and handling |
zak | bag stitched to an item of clothing | |
zakdoek | handkerchief | cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands |
zaken | business | occupation of a person |
zakenleven | business | occupation of a person |
zakenvrouw | businesswoman | woman of business |
zaklamp | flashlight | battery-powered hand-held lightsource |
zakrekenmachine | calculator | electronic device that performs mathematical calculations |
zalig kerstfeest | Merry Christmas | good wishes at Christmas time |
zaligmaking | redemption | the act of redeeming or something redeemed |
zalm | salmon | fish |
zalven | anoint | To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance |
Zambia | Zambia | country in Southern Africa |
zand | sand | finely ground rock |
zanderig | sandy | covered with sand |
zandloper | hourglass | clock |
zandsteen | sandstone | sedimentary rock |
zanger | singer | person who sings |
zangeres | singer | person who sings |
zat | sat | Simple past |
zat | fucked-up | drunken |
zat | intoxicated | Stupefied by alcohol |
zat | drunk | intoxicated after drinking alcohol |
zaten | sat | Simple past |
zaterdag | Saturday | day of the week |
zatlap | drunkard | person who is habitually drunk |
zavel | sand | finely ground rock |
ze | they | third-person plural pronoun |
zeboe | zebu | domesticated ox native to Asia and Africa |
zebra | zebra | African animal |
zebrapad | crosswalk | place where pedestrians can cross a street |
Zebravink | zebra finch | bird |
zedenkunde | ethics | study of principles governing right and wrong conduct |
zee | sea | body of water |
zeedijk | seawall | Coastal defence in the form of an embankment |
zee-eend | scoter | bird |
zeeëgel | sea urchin | any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea |
zeef | sieve | device to separate larger objects |
zeehond | seal | pinniped |
zeekant | coast | shoreline |
zeekoe | manatee | any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae |
zeekreeft | lobster | crustacean |
zeekust | coast | shoreline |
zeel | cord | length of twisted strands |
zeeleeuw | sea lion | member of the Otariidae family |
zeelt | tench | species of freshwater game fish |
zeemacht | navy | sea force |
zeeman | seaman | mariner or sailor |
zeemeermin | mermaid | mythological woman with a fish's tail |
zeemijl | nautical mile | nautical: a unit of measure equal to 1852 meters |
zeep | soap | substance |
zeepaard | sea horse | fish |
zeepbel | soap bubble | a very thin film of soap water that forms a sphere |
zeeschildpad | sea turtle | any turtle that inhabits oceans |
zeester | starfish | various echinoderms |
zeewier | seaweed | marine plants and algae |
zeg maar | in other words | stated or interpreted another way |
zeggingskracht | expressiveness | the quality of being expressive |
zegsman | spokesman | one who speaks as the voice of a group of people |
zeil | sail | a piece of fabric attached to a boat |
zeilboot | sailboat | a boat propelled by sails |
zeilen | sailing | motion across water |
zeis | scythe | farm tool |
zeker | certain | sure, positive, not doubting |
zeker | sure | physically secure and certain, reliable |
zelden | rarely | not occurring at a regular interval |
zelden | seldom | infrequently, rarely |
zeldzaam | rare | very uncommon |
zeldzame | rare | very uncommon |
zelfbeschikking | self-determination | political independence of a people |
zelfbevrediging | masturbation | manual erotic stimulation of the genitals |
zelfde | very | exactly the same; identical |
zelfdoding | suicide | the event |
zelfmoord | suicide | the event |
zelfstandig naamwoord | noun | gramatical category |
zelfstandigheid | independence | state or quality of being independent |
zelkova | zelkova | kind of tree in the elm family |
zemel | bran | outside layer of a grain |
zendeling | missionary | person traveling to spread a religion |
zenden | send | make something go somewhere |
zender | emitter | that which emits |
zenuwachtig | jumpy | nervous and excited |
zenuwachtige | jumpy | nervous and excited |
zenuwinzinking | nervous breakdown | an attack of depression or anxiety |
zes | six | cardinal number |
zesde | sixth | sixth |
zesentachtig | eighty-six | The cardinal number immediately following eighty-five and preceding eighty-seven |
zesentwintig | twenty-six | cardinal number |
zesenvijftig | fifty-six | cardinal number |
zesenzestig | sixty-six | cardinal number |
zesenzeventig | seventy-six | 76 |
zestien | sixteen | cardinal number 16 |
zestiende | sixteenth | the ordinal form of the number sixteen |
zestig | sixty | cardinal number |
zetel | chair | furniture |
zetel | sofa | upholstered seat |
zetje | boost | push from behind |
zetten | put on | to place upon |
zetten | set | to put something down |
zeug | sow | female pig |
zeven | seven | cardinal number |
zevende | seventh | ordinal form of the number seven |
zevenentwintig | twenty-seven | twenty-seven |
zevenenvijftig | fifty-seven | cardinal number |
zevenenzestig | sixty-seven | cardinal number |
zevenhonderd vijftig | seven hundred and fifty | number |
zeventiende | seventeenth | ordinal number |
zeventig | seventy | cardinal number |
zeveren | dribble | to let saliva drip from the mouth |
zich | butt in | join conversation |
zich | meddle | interfere in affairs |
zich | shave | to remove hair |
zich | wry | turn away |
zich | usurp | to seize power |
zich | occur | present itself |
zich aftrekken | wank | intransitive: to masturbate |
zich bewegen | move | to change place or posture; to go |
zich gedragen | behave | to behave |
zich onthouden | abstain | refrain from |
zich vergissen | err | make a mistake |
zich verplaatsen | move | to change place or posture; to go |
zich verslapen | oversleep | to stay sleeping longer than planned |
zich vertonen | emerging | Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising |
zich voordoen | emerging | Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising |
zicht | vision | sight |
zichtbaar | expose | to uncover, make visible, bring to daylight, introduce to |
zichzelf | oneself | The person, previously mentioned |
ziek | sick | in poor health |
ziek | ill | suffering from a disease |
zieke | sick | in poor health |
ziekenfonds | health fund | A not-for-profit or a public health insurance company |
ziekenhuis | hospital | building |
ziekte | disease | an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction |
ziekte | illness | disease |
ziekte van Alzheimer | Alzheimer's disease | mental disorder from brain tissue changes |
ziel | soul | the spirit or essence of a person that is believed to live on after the person’s death |
zien | see | perceive with the eyes |
zien | show | display |
zienswijze | opinion | subjective thought |
zij | they | third-person plural pronoun |
zij | she | person |
zijde | silk | fiber |
zijde | side | bounding straight edge of an object |
zijden | silken | made of silk |
zijdevlinderrups | silkworm | caterpillar |
zijn | abound | to be plentiful |
zijn | his | attributive: belonging to him |
zijn | severance | act of severing |
zijn | suffice | be enough, sufficient, adequate |
zijn | be | occupy a place |
zijn frank is gevallen | the penny drops | understanding is reached, one comprehends |
zilver | silver | metal |
zilver | argent | silver or metal tincture |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | Republic of Zimbabwe |
zin | sentence | grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate |
zingen | sing | to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice |
zink | zinc | Element |
zinken | sink | descend into liquid, etc |
zinloos | inane | lacking sense or meaning |
zinloos | otiose | resulting in no effect |
zinloos | meaningless | lacking meaning, insignificant |
zinsdeel | part of speech | the function a word or phrase performs |
zinspeling | allusion | Indirect reference; a hint |
zintuig | sense | method to gather data |
zinvol | make sense | be coherent |
zinvol | meaningful | having meaning, significant |
zionisme | Zionism | Jewish national liberation movement |
zitkamer | living room | room in a private house |
zitplaats | seat | place in which to sit |
zitten | be | occupy a place |
zo | as | to such an extent or degree |
zo ver als ik weet | as far as one knows | to the best of my understanding |
zoals gewoonlijk | as usual | as is usually the case |
zodat | so | in order that |
zodoende | so | in order that |
zoekmotor | search engine | application that searches for, and retrieves, data based on some criteria |
Zoeloe | Zulu | pertaining to the Zulu people, culture, or language |
zoenen | kiss | to touch with the lips |
zoet | sweet | having a pleasant taste |
zogen | breastfeed | feed a baby milk via the breasts |
zogenaamd | so-called | So named |
zogenaamd | putative | commonly believed or deemed to be the case |
zolder | attic | space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof |
zomer | summer | hottest season |
zon | Sun | star |
zond | sent | simple past of "to send" |
zondaar | sinner | person who has sinned |
zondag | Sunday | day of the week |
zonden | sent | simple past of "to send" |
zonder | indubitably | Undoubtedly; unquestionably |
zonder | altogether | Without exception; wholly; completely |
zonder | delta | not having |
zonder twijfel | definitely | without question and beyond doubt |
zoniet | else | word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to |
zonnebloem | sunflower | flower |
zonnebril | sunglasses | tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun |
zonnestilstand | solstice | point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun |
zonnewende | solstice | point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun |
zonsondergang | sunset | time of day |
zonsopgang | sunrise | time of day |
zonsopgang | sunup | time of day |
zoo | zoo | park where live animals are exhibited |
zoogdier | mammal | animal of the class Mammalia |
zoogmoeder | nurse | woman who takes care of other people's young |
zoölogie | zoology | science that studies the animal kingdom |
zoon | son | a male person in relation to his parents |
zorg | concern | that which affects one's welfare or happiness |
zorg | trouble | problem |
zouden | would | indicating in action or state that is conditional on another |
zout | salt | common substance |
zout | grain of salt | with common sense and skepticism |
zoutzuur | hydrochloric acid | strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride |
zucht | sigh | a deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued, frustrated, or grieved; the act of sighing |
zuid | southern | of the south |
Zuid-Afrika | South Africa | country |
Zuid-Amerika | South America | continent that is the southern part of the Americas |
zuidelijk | southern | of the south |
Zuidelijke IJszee | Southern Ocean | the fourth largest ocean of the Earth, surrounding the Antarctic landmass |
zuiden | south | compass point |
Zuid-Korea | South Korea | country in East Asia |
Zuidoost-Azië | Southeast Asia | a subregion of Asia |
zuidoosten | southeast | compass point |
zuidpool | south pole | the southernmost point on a celestial body |
Zuidpool | South Pole | the southernmost point on Earth |
zuidwesten | southwest | compass point |
zuigeling | infant | very young human being |
zuigeling | baby | young human being |
zuigeling | babe | baby or infant |
zuivel | dairy | place, where milk is processed |
zuiver | feceate | to discharge feces from the digestive tract |
zuivering | refinement | The act, or the result of refining; the removal of impurities, or a purified material |
zullen | shall | indicating the simple future tense |
Zurich | Zürich | city |
zus | sibling | brother or sister |
zus | sister | woman or girl having the same parents |
zuster | sister | woman or girl having the same parents |
zuster | nun | member of a religious community of women |
zuster | sibling | brother or sister |
zuur | acid | sour, sharp, or biting to the taste |
zuur | sour | having an acid, sharp or tangy taste |
zuurkast | fume hood | a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken |
zuurkool | sauerkraut | a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage |
zuurstof | oxygen | chemical element |
zwaan | swan | swan |
zwaar | heavy | having great weight |
zwaar water | hydrogen peroxide | H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> |
zwaard | sword | weapon |
zwaardwalvis | orca | Orcinus orca |
zwaartekracht | gravity | resultant force on Earth's surface |
zwaartekracht | gravitation | fundamental force of attraction |
zwabber | mop | implement for washing floors |
zwager | brother-in-law | the brother of one's husband |
zwak | feeble | deficient in physical strength |
zwak | weak | lacking in force or ability |
zwak | faint | lacking strength |
zwak | fade | tasteless |
zwakkeling | weakling | weak |
zwam | mushroom | fruiting body of a fungus |
zwam | fungus | a category of eukaryotic organism, having cell walls but no chlorophyll |
zwanger | pregnant | carrying an unborn child |
zwangerschap | pregnancy | condition of being pregnant |
zware | heavy | having great weight |
zwart | black | absorbing all light |
zwart gat | black hole | celestial body |
zwarte | black | absorbing all light |
zwarte lijst | blacklist | list or collection of people or entities to be shunned or banned |
zwarte rat | rat | rodent |
Zwarte Zee | Black Sea | an inland sea between southeastern Europe, Caucasus and Asia Minor |
Zwarthemden | blackshirt | Uniformed Italian fascist |
zwavel | sulfur | element |
zwavelzuur | sulphuric acid | H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> |
Zweden | Sweden | Scandinavian country |
Zweeds | Swedish | language |
zweefvliegtuig | glider | aircraft |
zweep | whip | rod |
zweepslag | whiplash | lash of a whip |
zweet | sweat | fluid that exits the body through pores |
zweet | perspiration | process of perspiring |
zwembroek | swimming trunks | a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing |
zwemmen | swimming | human activity of moving oneself through water |
zwemmen | swim | move through water |
zwemmer | swimmer | one who swims |
zweren | swear | to take an oath |
zwerm | swarm | large number of insects |
zwerver | hobo | homeless person |
zwerver | tramp | a homeless person |
zwezerik | thymus | ductless gland located behind the breastbone |
zwichten | yield | to give way |
zwijggeld | hush money | a bribe to maintain secrecy |
zwijgzaam | taciturn | untalkative, silent |
zwijn | pig | mammal of genus Sus |
zwijn | swine | animal |
Zwitserland | Switzerland | sovereign country |
Zwitsers | Swiss | pertaining to Switzerland, its people, or language |
Zwitserse | Swiss | pertaining to Switzerland, its people, or language |