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From michaelbeijer.co.uk


  • rekenmodel


  • computational model (based on empirical values and parameters)
  • calculation model (for arithmetic operations e.g. in accounting or in spreadsheets)

Juridisch-Economisch Lexicon (Aart Van den End)

  • calculation model

Linguee Dictionary, 2020

  • calculation model
  • computational model (‘A computational model is developed to predict the number of air changes and air temperature in a greenhouse under natural ventilation. The core of the model consists of two equations: one for expressing the balance of motive force and the resistance of ventilator opening to the air flow, and one for heat balance. The next step would be to incorporate it as a submodel of greenhouse environment model with crop growth submodel and solar light transmission submodel in a microcomputer for greenhouse ventilation control.’)

Groot Woordenboek Industrie & Techniek (GWIT)

  • (gebaseerd op empirische waarden en parameters) computational model
  • (voor rekenkundige bewerkingen bijv. bij het boekhouden of in spreadsheets) calculation model

Lexicon Financieel Management Nederlands-Engels (J.A.M. Berkien)

  • mathematical model, arithmetical model

Onroerend Goed Lexicon (Aart Van den End)

  • mathematical model, computation model
  • een indicatief rekenmodel = an indicative mathematical model


User50524 (Graham P. Oxtoby)

This actually DOES refer to computational models, i.e. those based upon empirical observations from the past [i.e. by experiment and observation rather than theory alone]. Nothing is calculated at all...it is computed [designed on the basis of computational models]....algorithms etc. The 'slimme rekenmodellen' are those that learn or have been programmed to meet certain conditions, i.e. IF...THEN...ELSE and learn from algorithms or predefined parameters.

A calculation model is something from the field of accounting, as in 'arithmetical model', i.e. one used to perform certain calculations. Computer software is ALWAYS based up 'computational models' [instructions and conditions].


Edited by User50524 on 4/4/2010 2:09 PM

External links

https://dut.proz.com/kudoz/dutch-to-english/aerospace-aviation-space/1245469-rekenmodel.html (computational model)